大同大學 教職員資料 (Information of TTU Faculty & Staff)
基本資料 (Basic Info)
姓名:包蒼龍 (Pao, Tsang-Long) 教授
職務:圖書資訊處 圖資長  
電話:(2)21822928 轉 6561  
學歷 (Education)
美國 喬治亞理工學院 電機及電腦工程研究所 博士 (1988/4 ~ 1993/3)
美國 喬治亞理工學院 電機及電腦工程研究所 碩士 (1987/9 ~ 1990/12)
大同工學院 電機工程學系 學士 (1978/9 ~ 1982/6)
經歷 (Experience)
大同大學 圖書資訊處 圖資長 (2022/8 ~ 今)
大同大學 資訊工程學系 教授 (2009/2 ~ 今)
大同大學 電子計算機中心 主任 (2020/12 ~ 2022/7)
大同大學 電子計算機中心 主任 (2014/8 ~ 2019/7)
大同大學 推廣教育中心 主任 (2014/8 ~ 2017/6)
大同大學 教務處 副教務長 (2014/2 ~ 2017/1)
大同大學 秘書室 主任秘書 (2007/7 ~ 2009/7)
大同大學 資訊工程學系 副教授 (1993/2 ~ 2009/1)
大同大學 資訊工程學系 主任 (2002/8 ~ 2007/6)
大同大學 電子計算機中心 主任 (1999/8 ~ 2005/7)
大同工學院 資訊工程學系 助教 (1984/6 ~ 1986/7)
專長 (Specialty)
資訊安全 Cyber Security
影像處理 Digital Image Processing
數位訊號處理 Digital Signal Processing
數位語音處理 Digital Speech Processing
多媒體技術 Multimedia Technology
網路安全與管理 Network Security and Management
系統安全 System Security
開授課程 (Course)
音訊與視訊壓縮 Audio and Video Compression
數位電子學 Digital Electronics
數位訊號處理 Digital Signal Processing
電子電路學 Electrical and Electronic Circuits
基礎程式設計 Fundamental Program Design
網際網路技術 Internet Technology
多媒體技術 Multimedia Technology
網路安全與滲透測試技術 Network Security and Penetration Testing
作業系統 Operating Systems
安全軟體開發與檢測 Security Software Development and Source Code Analysis
信號與系統 Signals and Systems
系統安全 System Security
系統安全與弱點防護技術 System Security and Vulnerability Protection Techniques
Unix系統管理 Unix System Management
網頁程式設計與安全實務 Web Page Programming and Security
獎勵 (Award)
96學年度優良教師 (大同大學 2008-10-07)
95學年度尚志論文獎佳作 (大同大學 2007-11-12)
94學年度基礎研究案優等 (大同大學 2007-09-26)
94學年度尚志論文獎佳作 (大同大學 2006-11-12)
校務系統開發績效優良 (大同大學 2005-12-01)
93學年度優良教師 (大同大學 2005-10-04)
92學年度優良教師 (大同大學 2004-11-04)
服務 (Service)
1. 圖書資訊處 圖資長 (2022-08-01 ~ 今)
2. 撼音社 指導老師 (2017-08-01 ~ 今)
3. 中華民國大專校院資訊服務協會理事 (2012-01-01 ~ 今)
4. 電資學院教評會教評委員 (2008-08-01 ~ 今)
5. 大同大學校友會常務監事 (2007-03-01 ~ 今)
6. 電子計算機中心主任 (2020-12-01 ~ 2022-07-31)
7. 推廣教育中心主任 (2014-08-01 ~ 2017-06-30)
8. 教務處副教務長 (2014-02-01 ~ 2017-01-31)
9. 文山網球聯誼會理事 (2012-12-01 ~ 2014-12-31)
10. PAAP 2012 Section Chair (2012-12-01 ~ 2012-12-31)
11. TANET 2012 論文審查委員及Section Chair (2012-10-01 ~ 2012-10-31)
12. TANET 2012 籌備委員 (2012-08-01 ~ 2012-10-31)
13. WorldComp 2012 Section Chair (2012-07-01 ~ 2012-07-31)
14. 中華民國大專校院資訊服務協會常務理事 (2009-12-01 ~ 2011-12-31)
15. 電子計算機中心顧問 (2009-09-01 ~ 2010-07-31)
16. 校教評會委員 (2009-08-01 ~ 2013-07-31)
17. 大同大學人事室主任 (2008-07-01 ~ 2009-07-31)
18. 中華民國大專校院資訊服務協會常務理事兼副理事長 (2007-11-01 ~ 2009-12-31)
19. 古亭國小元氣教學課輔老師 (2007-09-01 ~ 2011-06-30)
20. 大同大學主任秘書 (2007-07-01 ~ 2009-07-31)
21. PDPTA'07 Session Chair (2007-06-01 ~ 2007-06-30)
22. TANET 2007 議程委員及會議主持人 (2007-06-01 ~ 2007-10-31)
23. 電資學院教評會教評委員 (2006-08-01 ~ 2007-07-31)
24. PDPTA'06 Session Chair (2006-06-01 ~ 2006-06-30)
25. 中華民國大專校院資訊服務協會理事 (2005-09-01 ~ 2007-11-30)
26. ICS 2004 Local Arrangement Chair (2004-12-01 ~ 2004-12-31)
27. 2003人工智慧、模糊系統及灰色系統聯合研討會大會副主席 (2003-12-01 ~ 2003-12-31)
28. 大同大學資訊工程學系系主任 (2002-08-01 ~ 2007-06-30)
29. 電腦研習社指導老師 (1999-08-01 ~ 2002-07-31)
30. 大同大學電算中心主任 (1999-08-01 ~ 2005-07-31)
專 利 (Patent)
1. Kok-Meng Lee; Robert S. Blenis; Tsang-Long Pao, "REAL-TIME VISION SYSTEM AND CONTROL ALGORITHM FOR A SPHERICAL MOTOR," US Patent, 5,416,392, 1995
1. 提升連續語音情緒辨識率及效能之研究,2014/8/1 ~ 2015/12/31
2. 特定語者異常情緒偵測之語音情緒基線模型及其在雲端服務之應用研究,2012/8/1 ~ 2013/7/31
3. 多線VoIP電話客服系統情緒異常警示機制及發展成雲端服務之可行性分析研究,2011/8/1 ~ 2012/7/31
4. 中文連續語音情緒辨識及其在VoIP客服系統之應用研究,2009/8/1 ~ 2010/7/31
5. 總計畫:利用衛星資料分析與探勘海水鹽度變化以建構災害預警系統-子計畫二:海水鹽度衛星影像之壓縮、特徵抽取與串流技術之研究(3/3),2007/8/1 ~ 2008/7/31
6. 總計畫:利用衛星資料分析與探勘海水鹽度變化以建構災害預警系統-子計畫二:海水鹽度衛星影像之壓縮、特徵抽取與串流技術之研究(2/3),2006/8/1 ~ 2007/7/31
7. 總計畫:利用衛星資料分析與探勘海水鹽度變化以建構災害預警系統-子計畫二:海水鹽度衛星影像之壓縮、特徵抽取與串流技術之研究(1/3),2005/8/1 ~ 2006/7/31
8. 利用情緒空間改進中文語音情緒辨識系統效能之研究,2004/8/1 ~ 2005/7/31
9. 辦公室與居家網路之整合與應用人才之培育(3/3),2003/10/6 ~ 2004/9/30
10. 辦公室與居家網路之整合與應用人才之培育(2/3)共同主持人 ,2002/10/1 ~ 2003/9/30
11. 辦公室與居家網路之整合與應用人才之培育(1/3)共同主持人 ,2001/10/1 ~ 2002/9/30
12. 中文語音情緒辨識及其在聽障電腦輔助語言教學系統上之應用,2001/8/1 ~ 2002/7/31
13. 運用數位濾波器模型計算楔形超音波轉換器陣列之聲壓場,1996/8/1 ~ 1997/7/31
14. 楔型超音波轉換器之數位濾波器模型,1995/8/1 ~ 1996/7/31
1. 大同高中系統與網路維運計畫,2024/8/1 ~ 2025/7/31
2. 提升海底電纜基礎設施事故應變能力之研究,2024/8/1 ~ 2025/7/31
3. 大同高中系統與網路維運計畫,2023/8/1 ~ 2024/7/31
4. 112年度高等教育深耕計畫-資安專章,2023/1/1 ~ 2023/12/31
5. 管理資訊系統維運計畫,2023/1/1 ~ 2023/12/31
6. 大同高中系統與網路維運計畫,2022/8/1 ~ 2023/7/31
7. 管理資訊系統維運計畫,2022/2/1 ~ 2022/12/31
8. 管理資訊系統維運與開發計畫,2021/4/1 ~ 2021/12/31
9. 倉儲營運系統優化計畫,2020/5/1 ~ 2021/5/31
10. 信息交換器系統監控與資安防護,2020/4/1 ~ 2021/5/31
11. 管理資訊系統維運與開發計畫,2020/3/1 ~ 2020/12/31
12. 資安實戰演練中心維運,2019/8/1 ~ 2020/7/31
13. 信息交換器系統監控與資安防護,2019/4/1 ~ 2020/3/31
14. 管理資訊系統維運與開發,2019/2/1 ~ 2019/12/31
15. 資安實戰演練中心維運,2018/8/1 ~ 2019/7/31
16. 管理資訊系統維運與開發,2018/1/1 ~ 2018/12/31
17. 資安實戰演練中心維運,2017/8/1 ~ 2018/7/31
18. 管理資訊系統維運與開發,2017/1/1 ~ 2017/12/31
19. 管理資訊系統維運與開發,2016/1/1 ~ 2016/12/31
20. 管理資訊系統物件化元件開發與整合計畫,2014/1/1 ~ 2015/6/30
21. 教育部顧問室網路通訊人才培育先導型計畫:資通安全學程,2013/2/1 ~ 2014/1/31
22. 管理資訊系統維運與開發,2013/1/1 ~ 2013/12/31
23. 教育部顧問室網路通訊人才培育先導型計畫:資通安全學程,2012/2/1 ~ 2013/1/31
24. 管理資訊系統維運與開發,2012/1/1 ~ 2012/12/31
25. 教育部教學卓越計畫大同大學子計畫A3:數位教學輔助系統推廣計畫,2009/8/1 ~ 2010/12/31
26. 98學年度大專校院校務e化服務計畫,2009/6/1 ~ 2010/5/31
27. 北區區域教學資源中心大同大學子計畫,2008/8/1 ~ 2009/12/31
28. 教育部教學卓越計畫大同大學主軸計畫F:提升教學資源計畫,2008/7/1 ~ 2009/7/31
29. 網路用戶管理及利用Netflow進行網路流量統計與總量管制系統,2007/5/1 ~ 2008/4/30
30. 教育部重要特色領域人才改進計畫,2007/2/1 ~ 2008/1/31
31. 中文連續語音情緒辨識之研究,2006/9/1 ~ 2007/7/15
32. 行動視訊高畫質顯示調適技術,2006/1/1 ~ 2006/12/31
33. 行動視訊高畫質顯示調適技術,2006/1/1 ~ 2006/12/31
34. 應用語音情緒辨識及評分系統之電腦輔助聽障口說情緒表達訓練之研究,2005/9/1 ~ 2006/7/15
35. 網路選課之網頁伺服器群規劃與建置,2003/9/1 ~ 2004/7/15
36. 校園網路用戶自動化管理系統,2002/9/1 ~ 2003/7/15
37. 計算機系統科技教育改進計畫,1994/7/1 ~ 1995/6/30
38. 各種移動失真之PSF的研究,1993/9/1 ~ 1994/10/31
1. 112年度引領中小微型企業數位轉型戰略攻頂計畫-臺灣雲市集雲端方案供應商實地訪視稽核Ⅱ專案,2024/2/5 ~ 2024/11/30
2. 經濟部科研成果價值創造計畫「MobiWebX跨手機與網頁開發的雲端整合開發工具計畫」,2024/1/1 ~ 2024/12/31
3. 112年度引領中小微型企業數位轉型戰略攻頂計畫-臺灣雲市集雲端方案供應商實地訪視稽核專案,2023/2/10 ~ 2023/12/31
期刊論文 (Journal Paper)
1. Qun Zhao, Jin-Long Wang, Tsang-Long Pao, Li-Yu Wang(2019). Modified Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification System for Early Warning of Student Learning. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 48(3), 385-406.
2. Li-Shing Huang, Jui-Yuan Su, Tsang-Long Pao(2019). A Context Aware Smart Classroom Architecture for Smart Campuses. Applied Sciences, 9(9), 1-34. SCIE(SCI)
3. Hsin-Hung Chen, Li-Shing Huang, Jian-Bo Chen, Tsang-Long Pao(2018). Fuzzy Decision Load-balancing Algorithm for Cloud-based Terminal Services. Journal of Internet Technology, 19(3), 689-695. SCIE(SCI)
4. Li-Shing Huang, Tsang-Long Pao, Jian-Bo Chen(2012). Network Service Availability Detecting and Reporting System. Advanced Science Letters, 9(1). SCIE(SCI)
5. Jun-Heng Yeh, Tsang-Long Pao, Ching-Yi Lin, Yao-Weu Tsai, Yu-Te Chen(2011). Segment-based Emotion Recognition from Continuous Mandarin Chinese Speech. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(5). SSCI
6. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Wei-Ru Lai, Albert Chiang, Tsang-Long Pao(2010). An Object Behavior Analysis System Based on Decoded Motion Vectors and Boolean Operations. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), 6(10). SCIE(SCI)
7. Tsang-Long Pao, Wen-Yuan Liao, Yu-Te Chen, Tsan-Nung Wu(2010). Mandarin Audio-Visual Speech Recognition with Effects to the Noise and Emotion. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), 6(2). SCIE(SCI)
8. Jian-Bo Chen, Tsang-Long Pao(2009). Designing the Burst Web Load Balancing Architecture Using Fuzzy Decision. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), 5(6). SCIE(SCI)
9. Jian-Bo Chen, Tsang-Long Pao, Kun-Dah Lee(2009). Effect of Database Server Arrangement to the Performance of Load Balancing Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5574. EI
10. Tsang-Long Pao, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh(2008). Emotion Recognition and Evaluation from Mandarin Speech Signals. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), 4(7). SCIE(SCI)
11. Tsang-Long Pao, Jun-Heng Yeh(2008). Typhoon Locating and Reconstruction from the Infrared Satellite Cloud Image. Journal of Multimedia (JMM), 3(2).
12. Tsang-Long Pao, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh(2008). Comparison of classification methods for detecting emotion from Mandarin speech. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E91-D(4). SCIE(SCI)
13. Tsang-Long Pao, Yun-Maw Cheng, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh(2007). Performance Evaluation of Different Weighting Schemes on KNN-Based Emotion Recognition in Mandarin Speech. International Journal of Information Acquisition, 4(4). EI
14. Charles S Chien, Wan-Chen Wang, Luiz Moutinho, Yun-Maw Cheng, Tsang-Long Pao(2007). Applying Recognition of Emotions in Speech to Extend the Borders of Brand Slogan Research. Portuguese Journal of Management Studies (PJMS), XII(2).
15. Tsang-Long Pao, Jian-Bo Chen(2007). Using UDP Packets to Detect P2P File Sharing. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 7(8).
16. Tsang-Long Pao, Jian-Bo Chen(2007). Cost-effective Web Cluster Mechanism for Burst Traffic. WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 6(4).
17. Tsang-Long Pao, Jian-Bo Chen(2006). Capacity Based Load Balancing Scheme for Fair Request Dispatching. Asian Journal of Information Technology, 5(11).
18. Tsang-Long Pao, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh(2006). Combining Acoustic Features for Improved Mandarin Emotional Speech Recognition. International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, 8(1).
19. Tsang-Long Pao, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh, Wen-Yuan Liao(2005). Detecting Emotions in Mandarin Speech. International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, 10(3).
20. P.J. Benkeser, T.L. Pao, Y.J. Yoon(1991). Ultrasonic Phased Array Controller for Hyperthermia Applications. Ultrasonics, 29. SCIE(SCI)
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
1. 余珮瑄、包蒼龍(2022)。開源高可用負載平衡系統效能評估。TANET 2022(頁 746~751)。R.O.C。
2. 鄭峰正、包蒼龍(2022)。基於DEEPFOREST 的DDOS 攻擊檢測之研究。TANET 2022(頁 1013~1018)。R.O.C。
3. 陳鍾逸、周俊宏、包蒼龍(2019)。結合Netflow與DNS實作異常偵測系統。TANET 2019R.O.C。
4. 曾韋中、包蒼龍(2019)。機房緊急應變中環境參數偵測及關機流程管理之研究。TANET 2019R.O.C。
5. 王忠明、包蒼龍(2019)。伺服器防火牆維運管理之研究。TANET 2019R.O.C。
6. Li-Shing Huang, Hsin-Hung Chen, Jian-Bo Chen, Tsang-Long Pao(2016). An optimal disk allocation in cloud virtual machine deploymen. 2016 International Conference on Advanced Materials for Science and Engineering (ICAMSE). R.O.C.
7. Hung-yi Lee, Ting-yao Hu, How Jing, Yun-Fan Chang, Yu Tsao, Yu-Cheng Kao, Tsang-Long Pao(2013). Ensemble of Machine Learning and Acoustic Segment Model Techniques for Speech Emotion and Autism Spectrum Disorders Recognition. Interspeech 2013. France.
8. Tsang-Long Pao, Chun-Hsiang Wang, Yu-Ji Li(2012). A Study on the Search of Most Discriminative Speech Features in Speaker Dependent Speech Emotion Recognition. Proc. 2012 5th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming. United States of America.
9. Tsang-Long Pao, Ren-Fu Luo, Yu-Ji Li(2012). A Study on the Consistency of Human Perception and Machine Recognition of an Emotional Corpus. IEEE SMC 2012. Republic of Korea.
10. Wen-Yi Huang, Tsang-Long Pao(2012). A Study on the Combination of Emotion Keywords to Improve the Negative Emotion Recognition Accuracy. Proc. 2012 4th International Conference on Data Mining and Intelligent Information Technology Applic. R.O.C.
11. Tsang-Long Pao, Chia-Feng Chang, Ren-Chi Tsao(2012). The Integration of Negative Emotion Detection into a VoIP Call Center System. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. United States of America.
12. Li-Shing Huang, Tsang-Long Pao, Jian-Bo Chen(2011). Network Service Availability Detecting and Reporting System. The First International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation. R.O.C.
13. T. L. Pao, J. H. Yeh, Y. W. Tsai(2010). Recognition and Analysis of Emotion Transition in Mandarin Speech Signal. Proc. IEEE SMC 2010. Turkey.
14. Jun-Heng Yeh, Tsang-Long Pao, Ren-Chi Tsao, Ren-Fu Luo(2010). Analyze Multiple Emotional Expressions in a Sentence. Proceedings Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. Mainland China.
15. Tsang-Long Pao, Wen-Yuan Liao, Tsan-Nung Wu, Ching-Yi Lin(2009). Automatic Visual Feature Extraction for Mandarin Audio-Visual Speech Recognition. 2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2009). United States of America.
16. Jian-Bo Chen, Tsang-Long Pao, Kun-Dah Lee(2009). Effect of Database Server Arrangement to the Performance of Load Balancing Systems. ICA3PP 2009. R.O.C.
17. Jun-Heng Yeh, Tsang-Long Pao, Pai-Chen Yu, Yun-Maw Cheng(2008). Tracking and Visualizing the Changes of Mandarin Emotional Expression. the 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC 2008). Mainland China.
18. Tsang-Long Pao, Yun-Maw Cheng, Jun-Heng Yeh, Yu-Te Chen(2008). Comparison Between Weighted D-KNN and Other Classifiers for Music Emotion Recognition. The Third International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2008). Mainland China.
19. Wan-Chen Wang, Luiz Moutinho, Charles S Chien, Yun-Maw Cheng, Tsang-Long Pao, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh(2008). Applying Recognition of Emotions in Speech to Extend the Impact of Brand Slogan Research. Academy of Maketing Science (AMS). Canada.
20. Jun-Heng Yeh, Tsang-Long Pao, Chen-Yu Pai, Yun-Maw Cheng(2008). Tracking and Visualizing the Changes of Mandarin Emotional Expression. ICIC 2008. Mainland China.
21. Wan-Chen Wang, Luiz Moutinho, Charles S Chien, Yun-Maw Cheng, Tsang-Long Pao, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh(2008). Applying Recognition of Emotions in Speech to Extend the Impact of Brand Slogan Research. Academy of Maketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference 2008. Canada.
22. Yun-Maw Cheng, T. L. Pao, C. S. Chien, W. Yu, Y. T. Chen, J. H. Yeh, L. C. Chen, H. Y. Hsu(2008). Slogans as design implications for future forms of customer-product interaction. In Proceedings of the Measuring Affect in HCI (Workshop), CHI 2008. Italy.
23. Tsang-Long Pao, Wen-Yuan Liao, Charles S Chien, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh, Yun-Maw Cheng(2007). Comparison of Several Classifiers for Emotion Recognition from Noisy Mandarin Speech. Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP). R.O.C.
24. Tsang-Long Pao, Charles S Chien, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh, Yun-Maw Cheng, Wen-Yuan Liao(2007). Combination of Multiple Classifiers for Improving Emotion Recognition in Mandarin Speech. Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP). R.O.C.
25. Tsang-Long Pao, Charles S Chien, Jun-Heng Yeh, Yu-Te Chen, Yun-Maw Cheng(2007). Continuous Tracking of User Emotion in Mandarin Emotional Speech. Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP). R.O.C.
26. Tsang-Long Pao, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh, Yun-Maw Cheng, Yu-Yuan Lin(2007). Feature Combination for Better Differentiating Anger from Neutral in Mandarin Emotional Speech. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction. Portugal.
27. Tsang-Long Pao, Jun-Heng Yeh, Yu-Te Chen, Yun-Maw Cheng, Yu-Yuan Lin(2007). A Comparative Study of Different Weighting Schemes on KNN-Based Emotion Recognition in Mandarin Speech. Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. Mainland China.
28. Tsang-Long Pao, Wen-Yuan Liao, Yu-Te Chen(2007). Audio-Visual Speech Recognition with Weighted KNN-based Classification in Mandarin Database. Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP). R.O.C.
29. Tsang-Long Pao, Jian-Bo Chen(2007). The Effect of Dynamic Content in Load Balacing Web Server Systems. PDPTA07. United States of America.
30. Tsang-Long Pao, Jian-Bo Chen(2006). The Scalability of Heterogeneous Dispatcher-Based Web Server Load Balancing Architecture. Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2006). R.O.C.
31. Yun-Maw Cheng, Yue-Sun Kuo, Jun-Heng Yeh, Yu-Te Chen, Tsang-Long Pao, Charles S Chien(2006). Using Recognition of Emotions in Speech to Better Understand Brand Slogans. The Eighth International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP 2006). Canada.
32. Tsang-Long Pao, Jun-Heng Yeh, Min-Yen Liu, Yung-Chang Hsu(2006). Locating the Typhoon Center from the IR Satellite Cloud Images. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2006). R.O.C.
33. Tsang-Long Pao, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh(2006). Comparison Between Weighted D-KNN and other Classifiers for Mandarin Speech Emotion Recognition. The Eighth IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIP 2006). Hong Kong.
34. Tsang-Long Pao, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh, Pei-Jia Li(2006). Mandarin Emotional Speech Recognition Based on SVM and NN. The 2006 International Conference of Pattern Recognition (ICPR2006). Hong Kong.
35. Tsang-Long Pao, Jun-Heng Yeh, Min-Yen Liu, Yung-Chang Hsu(2006). Extracting Features of Typhoon from the IR Satellite Cloud Images. Proc. EISTA06. United States of America.
36. Tsang-Long Pao, Jian-Bo Chen(2006). Remaining Capacity Based Load Balancing Architecture for Heterogeneous Web Server System. Proc. PDPTA06. United States of America.
37. Tsang-Long Pao, Wen-Yuan Liao(2006). An Audio-Visual Speech Recognition System for Testing New Audio-Visual Databases. Proceedings VISAPP 2006. Portugal.
38. Yun-Maw Cheng, Yue-Sun Kuo, Jun-Heng Yeh, Yu-Te Chen, Tsang-Long Pao, Charles S Chien(2006). Using Recognition of Emotions in Speech to Better Understand Brand Slogan. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP2006), IEEE. Canada.
39. Tsang-Long Pao, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh, Wen-Yuan Liao(2005). Combining Acoustic Features for Improved Emotion Recognition in Mandarin Speech. Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction 2005 (ACII 2005). Mainland China.
40. Wen-Yuan Liao, Tsang-Long Pao(2005). A Motion Feature Approach for Audio Visual Recognition. IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2005 (International MWSCAS 2005). United States of America.
41. Tsang-Long Pao, Wei-Chih Pan, Hsiu-Wen Cheng(2004). Automatic Score Recording System. Int. Computer Symposium. R.O.C.
42. Tsang-Long Pao, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh(2004). Emotion Recognition from Mandarin Speech Signals. ISCSLP 2004, IEEE Proceeding. Hong Kong.
43. Tsang-Long Pao, Po-Wei Wang(2004). NetFlow Based Intrusion Detection System. IEEE ICNSC 2004. R.O.C.
44. Tsang-Long Pao, Yu-Te Chen, Jun-Heng Yeh, Jhih-Jheng Lu(2003). An Exploratory Study on Emotion Recognition in Mandarin Speech. The 1st Chinese Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction. Mainland China.
45. Tsang-Long Pao, Yu-Te Chen(2003). MANDARIN EMOTION RECOGNITION IN SPEECH. IEEE ASRU 2003. United States of America.
46. Tsang-Long Pao, Ray-chin Wu, Yen-Hsing Wu, Jian-Yi Chen(1999). Monitor color calibration based on ICC profile. The seventh Color Imaging Conference. United States of America.
47. Chia-Ming Chang, Tsang-Long Pao(1998). Fast projection consine transform. In Proc. of 1998 IASTED International Conference - Signal & Image Processing. United States of America.
48. Chia-Ming Chang, Tsang-Long Pao(1997). Tomogram reconstruction via direct cosine method. In Proc. IEEE TENCON97 Speech and Image Technologies for Computing and Telecommunications. Australia.
49. Chia-Ming Chang, Tsang-Long Pao(1997). tomogram reconstruction via direct cosine method. In Proc. IEEE TENCON’97—Speech and Image Technologies for Computing and Telecommunications. Australia.
50. T.L. Pao(1996). Hybrid block matching algorithm for motion estimation. Proceedings of SPIE. Canada.
51. Tsang-Long Pao, Chen-Hua Ao, Chia-Ming Chang(1996). An Improved Classified Vector QuantizCtion with DCT for Image Compression. in Proc. ISMIP. R.O.C.
52. Tsang-Long Pao, Chen-Hua Ao, Chia-Ming Chang(1996). An improved classified vector quantization with DCT for image compression. In Proc. International Symposium on Multi-Technology Information Processing (國際多重技術資訊處理會). R.O.C.
53. T. L. Pao, M. D. Kuo(1995). Estimation of the point spread function of a motion-blurred object from autocorrelation. Proceedings of SPIE. United States of America.
54. T.L. Pao, P.J. Benkeser(1992). Digital Processing for Improved Elevation Resolution in the Tapered Phased Array Three Dimensional Imaging System. Proc. IEEE Ultrasonis Symp.. United States of America.
55. T.L. Pao, P.J. Benkeser(1991). Analysis of a Tapered Phased Array Transducer for 3-D Imaging Applications. Proc. IEEE Ultrasonics Symp.. United States of America.