1. | 許正勳、林俊穎、陳雲軒、謝淳雅(2024)。磨耗條件及沃斯回火對含鉬球墨鑄鐵 磨耗性質之影響。鑄造工程學刊,49(3),1-8。
2. | 許正勳、林俊穎、黃美臻(2024)。陰極電弧沉積(TiCrCuAlSi)N多元氮化物 陶瓷硬膜對ADI耐蝕性之影響。鑄造工程學刊,50(2),1-12。
3. | Cheng-Hsun Hsu, Hong-Wei Chen, Chun-Yin Lin, Syue-Hong Hu(2024). Effect of N2/Ar Ratio on Wear Behavior of Multi-Element Nitride Coatings on AISI H13 Tool Steel. Materials, 17(19), 4748. SCIE(SCI)
4. | Cheng-Hsun Hsu, Chun-Yin Lin, Jian-Xun Chen(2023). Wear and Corrosion Performance of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Arc-Coated TiN/CrN Nano-Multilayer Film. Metals, 13(5), 907. SCIE(SCI)
5. | 許正勳、彭家威、方鈞毅、何政澔、林俊穎(2023)。利用陰極電弧沉積TiCrAlN陶瓷硬膜強化 ADI表面特性探討。鑄造工程學刊,49(1),1-10。
6. | 許正勳、林俊穎、鍾立文(2023)。無電鍍鎳介層對延性鑄鐵披覆 PVD-TiWN薄膜耐蝕性之影響。鑄造工程學刊,49(2),1-8。
7. | 許正勳、林俊穎、黃美榛、胡學泓(2023)。Ar/N2流量比對熱作模具鋼沉積多元氮化物陶瓷硬膜耐蝕特性之影響。金屬熱處理,(159),34-41。
8. | Cheng-Hsun Hsu, Chun-Yin Lin, Wei-Shih You(2023). Microstructure and Dry/Wet Tribological Behaviors of 1% Cu-Alloyed Austempered Ductile Iron. Materials, 16(6), 2284. SCIE(SCI)
9. | 許正勳、黃威、林俊穎、鍾立文(2022)。利用氮化鈦鈷鍍膜提升DC53 模具鋼磨耗 及腐蝕性質之研究。金屬熱處理,(155),40-48。
10. | 許正勳、張婷惟、陳念仁、劉洪才(2022)。利用CrN/EN及TiN/EN雙層鍍膜改善球墨鑄鐵之耐蝕性。鑄造科技,(394),24-30。
11. | 林俊穎、何慕柔、陳彥仁、許正勳(2022)。後熱處理對ADI複合鍍膜耐磨耗性之影響。鑄造工程學刊,48(1),15-24。
12. | 許正勳、于凱承、林俊穎(2022)。偏壓值對ADI 披覆CAD-TiAlSiN 硬膜耐磨耗 及耐候性之影響。金屬熱處理,(154),11-19。
13. | 許正勳、李青、簡逢原(2022)。利用Ti-Al-Zr-Cr-N 鍍膜改善SKD11 表面特性之研究。金屬熱處理,(154),46-53。
14. | 鍾立文、林俊穎、陳宏瑋、蔡承杰、許正勳(2022)。ADI電鍍銅與TiAlN電弧鍍膜經後熱處理之腐蝕行為探討。鑄造工程學刊,48(2),1-10。
15. | 陳建勳、林俊穎、陳彥仁、許正勳(2021)。電鍍銅及電弧披覆CrAlSiN鍍膜對ADI耐蝕性之影響。鑄造工程學刊,47(1),pp.11-20。
16. | 許正勳、何慕柔、陳宏瑋、周于修(2021)。AISI 316L不銹鋼陰極電弧沉積ZrTiCuN多層膜之磨耗特性研究。金屬熱處理,(148),23-30。
17. | 蕭偉倫、陳宏瑋、何慕柔、許正勳(2021)。對磨材及CrAlSiN電弧鍍膜對含銅ADI磨耗行為之影響。鑄造工程學刊,47(2),pp.1-8。
18. | 許正勳、林俊穎、陳建勳、蔡承杰(2021)。電鍍銅介層對ADI電弧沉積TiAlN硬質薄耐蝕性之影響。金屬熱處理,(150),pp.55-62。
19. | 許正勳、陳彥仁、陳毅旻(2020)。利用Ti-Si-N 電弧鍍膜改善304 不銹鋼硬度 及耐磨耗之研究。金屬熱處理,146,13-20。
20. | 胡絮語、許正勳(2020)。上沃斯回火時間對含銅ADI腐蝕及磨耗性質之影響。金屬熱處理,145,31-36。
21. | 蔡承杰、游尉詩、許正勳(2020)。沃斯回火處理對含1%Cu球墨鑄鐵硬度及磨耗性質之影響。鑄造工程學刊,46(1),41-50。
22. | 周于修、蔡承杰、許正勳(2020)。調質熱處理對SUS 420J2 不銹鋼磨耗 與腐蝕性質之影響。金屬熱處理,144(1),48-55。
23. | 陳宏瑋、李法延、陳宥融、許正勳、孫浩筠(2019)。利用TiZnN陶瓷硬膜優化SUS430不銹鋼之耐候性及耐磨耗性研究。金屬熱處理,141(2)。
24. | 林俊穎、何慕柔、許正勳、孫浩筠(2019)。含銅延性鑄鐵經沃斯回火與調質回火之 腐蝕及磨耗行為研究。鑄造工程學刊,45(1),13-20。
25. | C.Y. Wu, R.C. Hsiao, C.H. Hsu, T.H. Hsieh, J.Y. Kao, C.Y. Hsu(2019). Microstructure and mechanical performance of (AlCrNbSiTiV)N films coated by reactive magnetron sputte. Bull. Mater. Sci., 42(1). SSCI
26. | T.H. Hsieh, C.H. Hsu, C.Y. Wu, J.Y. Kao, C.Y. Hsu(2018). Effects of deposition parameters on the structure and mechanical properties of high-entropy alloy ni. Current Applied Physics, 18, 512-518. SCIE(SCI)
27. | 孫浩筠、許正勳(2018)。ADI在氯化鈉溶液之腐蝕磨耗行為研究。鑄造工程學刊,44(1)。
28. | Cheng-Hsun Hsu, Chung-Kwei Lin, Wei-Che Huang, Dai-Wei Lai(2018). Effect of (Ti,Al)N Nanostructured Arc-coatings on Wear and Corrosion Properties of 4340 Alloy Steel. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 18(4). SCIE(SCI)
29. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Wei-Che Huang, Yu-Ping Lee, Wei-Yu Ho(2017). Effect of nitrogen atmosphere heat treatment on structure and wear behavior of CrAlSiN nanocomposite film. Surface and Coatings Technology, 320, 230-234. SCIE(SCI)
30. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Wei-Che Huang, Chi-Yu Chang(2017). Improvement on Wear Resistance of 304 Stainless Steel via Cr-C-O Arc-coatings. IEEE-ICASI 2017 - Meen, Prior & Lam (Eds), 2017, 1060-1063. EI
31. | 許正勳、林昱志、葉亞維、劉洪才(2017)。微量銅銀合金對球墨鑄鐵顯微組織及機械性質之影響。鑄造工程學刊,43(1),1-7。
32. | 許正勳、陳毅旻、張紀宇、刘峰(2017)。AISI 304 不銹鋼利用Cr-C-O 電弧 鍍膜改善耐磨耗性之研究。金屬熱處理,132(1),61-70。
33. | 許正勳(2017)。載台轉速對304 不銹鋼披覆TiN/CrN 多層膜沖蝕 及腐蝕性質之影響。金屬熱處理,133,30-40。
34. | 許正勳(2017)。O2/N2 流量比對陰極電弧沉積氮氧化鈦 薄膜耐蝕性之影響。金屬熱處理,135,35-44。SCIE(SCI)
35. | W.C. Huang, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, W.Y. Ho(2017). Cathodic Arc Deposited CrAlSiN Coatings by Pulsed Current Input. GMEE 2017, 2017, 207-211. EI
36. | 許正勳(2016)。氮化鈦鍍膜摻雜微量銅對304不銹鋼磨耗及腐蝕性質之影響。金屬熱處理,131,45-52。
37. | 蔡安妮、許正勳(2016)。沃斯回火與淬火回火對延性鑄鐵磨耗及腐蝕性質之影響。鑄造工程學刊,42(3),1-6。
38. | 謝宗翰、許正勳、許春耀(2016)。利用田口法探討(AlCrNbSiTiV)N高熵合金氮化薄膜最佳濺鍍參數之研究。金屬熱處理,129,14-24。
39. | 許正勳、葉亞維、呂宗耀、劉洪才(2016)。高錳對ADI 硬度及磨耗行為之影響。鑄造工程學刊,42(1),7-14。
40. | T.H. Hsieh, Y.J. Zhu, Z.H. Yu, C.Y. Tang, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, C.Y. Hsu(2016). Mechanical and tribological properties of CrWN nanostructured hard films. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16, 1-6. SCIE(SCI)
41. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, H.T. Liu, W.C. Huang, M.R. Lin(2015). Effect of post heated TiN coating on pitting corrosion of austenitic stainless steel. Journal of Coating Science and Technology, 2(3), 93-99. EI
42. | 許正勳、彭俊豪、唐自標(2015)。冷加工對316L 沃斯田體不銹鋼磨耗及磁特性之影響。金屬熱處理,126,9-15。
43. | 許正勳、張婷惟、陳念仁、劉洪才(2015)。利用CrN/EN及TiN/EN雙層鍍膜改善球墨鑄鐵之耐蝕性。鑄造工程學刊,41(3),27-34。
44. | 許正勳、彭俊豪、洪鈞泰、許春耀、楊進義(2015)。利用Cr-Cu-N 表面鍍膜改善起落架用材耐蝕性之研究。金屬熱處理,125,36-43。
45. | 許正勳、彭俊豪、李鈺萍、張婷惟(2015)。氮氣氛熱處理對CrAlSiN 薄膜結構及磨耗行為之影響。金屬熱處理,124,34-42。
46. | 許正勳、陳毅旻、陳貽宗(2015)。無電鍍鎳介層厚度對ADI披覆氮化鈦鍍膜耐蝕性之影響。台灣鑄造學會104年度論文研討會,論文發表摘要集,2-7。
47. | C.K. Lin, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Y.H. Cheng, K.L. Ou, S.L. Lee(2015). A study on the corrosion and erosion behavior of electroless nickel and TiAlN/ZrN duplex coatings on ductile iron. Applied Surface Science, 324, 13-19. SCIE(SCI)
48. | 許正勳、彭俊豪、劉洪才、房瑛展(2014)。壓縮應變對沃斯回火球墨鑄鐵微結構及沖蝕行為之影響。台灣鑄造學103年度論文發表會論文摘要集,2014,17。
49. | 許正勳、李鈺萍、陳荃豪(2014)。後熱處理對含銅ADI披覆Cu/TiN複合膜 耐蝕性之影響。鑄造工程學刊,40(2),26-34。
50. | 許正勳、洪鈞泰、劉洪才(2014)。高溫淬火前持溫時間對ADI微觀組織 及表面硬度之影響。鑄造工程學刊,40(4),25-30。
51. | 許正勳、房瑛展、陳荃豪(2014)。後熱處理時間對含銅ADI 披覆電鍍銅及氮化鈦 雙層鍍膜結構之影響。金屬熱處理,122,54-62。
52. | 李鈺萍、許正勳、楊憲任、何偉友(2014)。利用金屬/陶瓷多層鍍膜改善4340 低合金鋼硬度及 耐蝕性之研究。金屬熱處理,122,45-53。
53. | 洪鈞泰、許正勳、楊憲任、許春耀(2014)。鎳鉻鉬合金鋼披覆(Ti,Al)N多層膜之沖蝕磨耗行為研究。金屬熱處理,120,47-54。
54. | 許正勳、房瑛展、謝宗翰、歐耿良(2014)。球墨鑄鐵添加Cu/Mo合金元素之抗菌性研究。鑄 造工程學刊,40(1),27-33。
55. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, K.H. Huang, M.R. Lin(2014). Annealing effect on tribological property of arc-deposited TiN film on 316L austenitic stainless steel. Surface and Coatings Technology, 259, 167-171. SCIE(SCI)
56. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Kuan-Ting Lin(2014). Effects of Copper and Austempering on Corrosion Behavior of Ductile Iron in 3.5 Percent Sodium Chloride. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 45, 1517-1523. SCIE(SCI)
57. | Chung-Kwei Lin, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Shu-Chi Kung(2013). Effect of electroless nickel interlayer on wear behavior of CrN/ZrN multilayer films on Cu-alloyed ductile iron. Applied Surface Science, 284, 59-65. SCIE(SCI)
58. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Kuan-Hao Huang, Ya-Huei Lin(2013). Microstructure and wear performance of arc-deposited Ti-N-O coatings on AISI 304 stainless steel. WEAR, 306, 97-102. SCIE(SCI)
59. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Kuan-Hao Huang, Yi-Tsung Chen(2013). Effect of TiN/electroless Ni duplex coatings on surface hardness and erosion behavior of ADI. Advanced Materials Research, 716, 203-208. EI
60. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Kuan-Hao Huang, Yi-Tsung Chen, Wei-Yu Ho(2013). The effect of electroless Ni-P interlayer on corrosion behavior of TiN-coated austempered ductile iron. Thin Solid Films, 529, 34-38. SCIE(SCI)
61. | Wei-Yu Ho, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Zhong-Shen Yang, Li-Wei Shen, Woei-Yun Ho(2013). Oxidation Resistance and Corrosion Resistance of AlTiCrON Multilayered Coatings on AISI M2 Tool Steel. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 284-287, 183-187. EI
62. | S.Z. Yang, C.H. Hsu, H.N. Lee, C.J. Hu, C.Y. Yang(2013). Study on Wear Resistance of AISI 304 Stainless Steel Arc-coated TiN/CrN Multilayer Films. 金屬熱處理, 118 (2013), 44-49.
63. | 楊憲任、許正勳、李函霓、胡家榮、楊建義(2013)。AISI 304 不銹鋼電弧披覆TiN/CrN 多層膜之耐磨耗性研究。金屬熱處理,118,44-49。
64. | 許正勳、陳荃豪、潘怡靜(2013)。含銅ADI披覆(Cr,Zr)N鍍膜與無電鍍鎳之磨耗行為研究。鑄造工程學刊,39(2),19-26。
65. | 陳荃豪、許正勳、潘怡靜(2013)。(Cr,Zr)N電弧鍍膜與無電鍍鎳對含銅ADI冲蝕及腐蝕之影響。金屬熱處理,116,56-63。
66. | 許正勳、楊憲任、許自哲(2013)。添加2%Cr對鎳抗球墨鑄鐵機械及腐蝕性質之影響。鑄 造工程學刊,39(1),16-21。
67. | 李函霓、林雅惠、許正勳、劉洪才、楊建義(2012)。利用不同氧氮流量沉積Ti-O-N複合膜改善304不銹鋼之耐磨耗性。金屬熱處理,114,42-48。
68. | 潘怡靜、龔書齊、許正勳、胡怡萱(2012)。變化CAD-(Cr,Zr)N鍍膜轉速及無電鍍鎳對銅合金化延性鑄鐵摩擦行為之影響。金屬熱處理,112,55-61。
69. | 許正勳、潘怡靜、龔書齊、胡怡萱(2012)。利用不同轉速CAD-(Cr,Zr)N鍍膜及無電鍍鎳改善含銅延性鑄鐵之耐蝕性。鑄造工程學刊,38(2),18-25。
70. | W.Y. Ho, C.H. Tsai, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, W.Y. Ho(2012). Corrosion behavior of CrN/AlSiN nultilayer coatings on AISI 304 stainless steel in aluminum alloy melt. Advanced Materials Research, 415-417, 1938-1941. EI
71. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Kuan-Ting Lin(2011). A study on microstructure and toughness of copper alloyed austempered ductile irons. Materials Science and Engineering A, 528(18), 5706-5712. SCIE(SCI)
72. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, K. L. Chen, K. C. Lu(2011). Effects of low-temperature duplex coatings on abrasive and erosive behavior of ADI. Thin Solid Films, 519, 4855-4859. SCIE(SCI)
73. | W.Y. Ho, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, C.W. Chen, D.Y. Wang(2011). Characteistics of PVD-CrAlSiN films after post-coat heat treatments in nitrogen atmosphere. Applied Surface Science, 257, 3770-3775. SCIE(SCI)
74. | P.L. Sun, C.Y. Su, T.P. Liou, C.H. Hsu, C.K. Lin(2011). Mechanical behavior of TiN/CrN nano-multilayer thin film deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputter process. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509, 3197-3201. SCIE(SCI)
75. | 許正勳、賴岱暐、陳念仁(2011)。ADI經低溫CrN/EN複合鍍膜之沖蝕磨耗行為研究。鑄造工程學刊,37(3),1-6。
76. | 許正勳、黃冠豪、林雅惠、林冠廷(2011)。添加銅對沃斯回火球墨鑄鐵顯微組織及韌性之影響。鑄造工程學刊,37(2),11-16。
77. | 許正勳(2011)。無電鍍鎳與氮化鈦鋁鋯複合鍍膜對延性鑄鐵腐蝕行為之影響。鑄造工程學刊,37(1),1-6。
78. | 林孟儒、賴岱暐、許正勳、歐俊峰(2011)。AISI4340合金鋼電弧披覆Ti-Al-N薄膜之磨耗行為研究。台灣金屬熱處理學會100年度論文發表會摘要集,62。
79. | 許正勳、黃冠豪、林冠廷(2011)。銅鉬元素對ADI沖蝕磨耗行為之影響。台灣鑄造學會100年度論文發表會摘要集,2011,26。
80. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, C.Y. Lee, Z.H. Lin, W.Y. Ho, C.K. Lin(2011). Bias effects on microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of arc-evaporated CrTiAlN nanocomposite films on AISI 304 stainless steel. Thin Solid Films, 519, 4928-4932. SCIE(SCI)
81. | 許正勳、黃冠豪、陳貽宗(2010)。EN介層厚度對ADI披覆CAD-TiN耐沖蝕行為之影響。金屬熱處理,107,48-54。
82. | 許正勳、陳念仁、呂宗耀、李俊穎(2010)。高錳合金化球墨鑄鐵之沃斯回火製程及機械行為研究。鑄造工程學刊,36(2),17-24。
83. | 張紀宇、許正勳、陳世雄、徐富勇(2010)。304不銹鋼利用CO2反應氣體電弧沉積Ti-C-O複合膜之磨耗行為研究。金屬熱處理,105,55-62。
84. | 許正勳、鄭尹華、林冠廷、陳楷霖(2010)。含銅沃斯回火延性鑄鐵之微結構及腐蝕行為研究。鑄造工程學刊,36(1),9-16。
85. | 蘇程裕、傅冠中、許正勳、林中魁、黃財賞、丁士程(2010)。添加WC或Cr3C2提升高速火燄熔射自熔合金塗層耐磨耗性質之研究。金屬熱處理,106,27-32。
86. | 龔書齊、鄭尹華、許正勳、蔡佳吟、楊進義(2010)。延性鑄鐵披覆無電鍍鎳及TiAlZrN硬膜之耐磨耗性研究。台灣金屬熱處理學會2010年度研討會論文摘要集,2010(台南),43。
87. | P.L. Sun, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.H. Liu, C.Y. Su, C.K. Lin(2010). Analysis on microstructure and characteristics of TiAlN/CrN nano-multilayer Films by cathodic arc deposition. Thin Solid Films, 518, 7519-7522. SCIE(SCI)
88. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, M.L. Chen(2010). Corrosion behavior of nickel alloyed and austempered ductile irons in 3.5% sodium chloride. Corrosion Science, 52(9), 2945-2949. SCIE(SCI)
89. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, K.L. Chen, Z.H. Lin, C.Y. Su, C.K. Lin(2010). Bias effects on the tribological behavior of cathodic arc evaporated CrTiAlN coatings on AISI 304 stainless steel. Thin Solid Films, 518, 3825-3829. SCIE(SCI)
90. | W.H. Ho, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, M.H. Tsai, Y.S. Yang, D.Y. Wang(2010). Interlayer effect on characterization of La-Cr-O coatings with post-sputtering annealing treatment. Applied Surface Science, 256, 2705-2710. SCIE(SCI)
91. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, C.Y. Lee, C.C. Lee(2009). Analysis on the corrosion behavior of DC53 tool steel coated by Ti-Al-C-N films via filtered cathodic arc deposition. Thin Solid Films, 517, 5212-5215. SCIE(SCI)
92. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Yu-Dung Chen(2009). A study on the abrasive and erosive wear behavior of arc-deposited Cr-N-O coatings on tool steel. Thin Solid Films, 217, 1655-1661. SCIE(SCI)
93. | 陳世雄、許正勳、林昭宏、施議訓、邱盛乾(2009)。利用陰極電弧沉積(Cr,Ti,Al)N鍍膜改善304不銹鋼磨耗與腐蝕行為之研究。金屬熱處理,101,45-54。
94. | C.H. Hsu, K.L. Chen, C.Y. Lee, K.C. Lu(2009). Effects of low-temperature duplex coatings on corrosion behaviors of austempered ductile iron. Surface and Coatings Technology, 204, 997-1001. SCIE(SCI)
95. | 許正勳、陳貽宗、呂冠健(2009)。無電鍍鎳介層對ADI電弧沉積CrTiAlN磨耗行為之影響。金屬熱處理,103,40-44。
96. | 許正勳、林冠廷(2009)。鎳元素及沃斯回火對延性鑄鐵延脆轉換溫度之影響。鑄造工程學刊,35(3),25-30。
97. | 陳明禮、許正勳、吳建國(2009)。鈷鎳合金化球墨鑄鐵管件之腐蝕行為研究。鑄造工程學刊,35(2),20-27。
98. | 許正勳、陳貽宗、呂冠健(2009)。電弧沉積CrTiAlN及無電鍍鎳表面處理對ADI耐蝕性之影響。鑄造工程學刊,35(1),29-36。
99. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, C.Y. Lee, M.L. Chen, J.K. Wu, C.F. Han(2009). Effects of non-isothermal process on microstructure and mechanical property of austempered ductile iron. NETSU SHORI (Journal of The Japan Society for Heat Treatment), 49, 553-556. EI
100. | 許正勳(2008)。熱機處理對低碳麻田散體不銹鋼晶粒大小及機械性質之影響。金屬熱處理,97,25-32。
101. | 許正勳、李俊穎、韓濟帆(2008)。變溫式沃斯回火製程對延性鑄鐵機械性質之影響。Journal of Taiwan Foundary Society,34(1),1-7。
102. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Chien-Chih Lee, Wei-Yu Ho(2008). Filter effects on the wear and corrosion behaviors of arc deposited (Ti,TiAl)N coatings for application on cold-work tool steel. Thin Solid Films, 516(15), 4826-4832. SCIE(SCI)
103. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Kai-Lin Chen, Jia-Hong Lu(2008). Effects of electroless nickel interlayer on surface properties of CrN arc-coated austempered ductile iron. Surface and Coatings Technology, 203, 868-871. SCIE(SCI)
104. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Y.D. Chen, D.H. Huang(2008). Corrosion Resistance of Tool Steel Arc-Deposited Cr-N-O Double-Layered Coatings in 3.5 NaCl. Corrosion, 64(8), 681-686. SCIE(SCI)
105. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Jang-Kai Lu, Fan-Shiong Chen(2007). Effects of Copper and Malleablizing Time on Mechanical Properties of Austempered Malleable Iron. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 38A, 2419-2427. SCIE(SCI)
106. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, J.S. Wu, W.Lin(2007). Effects of High-P Electroless Nickel on Mechanical and Corrosion Properties of 7075-T6 Al-alloy. Journal of Chinese Corrosion Engineering, 21(2), 167-176.
107. | D-H Huang, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Y-C Lin, C-L Chang, K.W. wong, W.Y. Ho(2007). Thermal Stability Behaviors of Cr(N,O)/CrN Double-layered Coatings by TGA/DTA analysis. Surface and Coatings Technology, 201(15), 6681-6688. SCIE(SCI)
108. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, M.L. Chen, C.J. Hu(2007). Microstructure and mechanical Properties of 4% cobalt and nickel alloyed ductile irons. Materials Science and Engineering A, 444(1-2), 339-346. SCIE(SCI)
109. | 許正勳、呂佳鴻、韓濟帆(2007)。沃斯回火對鎳合金化延性鑄鐵微結構及機械性質之影響。金屬熱處理,92,41-48。
110. | 許正勳、呂佳鴻、韓濟帆(2007)。鈷合金化ADI之微結構及機械性質研究。鑄造工程學刊,33(1),33-41。
111. | 許正勳、黃東浩、陳宇東(2006)。以CAD法沉積CrN/Cr(N,O)複合膜之沖蝕行為研究。金屬熱處理,89,36-43。SCIE(SCI)
112. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, J.K. Lu, M.L. Chen(2006). Study on characteristics of ADI Coated DLC/TiN/TiAlN coatings by cathodic arc evaporation. Solid State Phenomena, 118, 257-264. SCIE(SCI)
113. | T.P. Tang, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, K.L. Wu, C.C. Hsu(2006). Study on erosion wear of ductile cast iron pipes produced by centrifugal cast. Journal of Taiwan Foundry Society, 32(3), 1-7.
114. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, D.H. Huang, W.Y. Ho, L.T. Huang, C.L. Chang(2006). Characteristics and performance of Cr2O3/CrN double-layered coatings deposited by cathodic arc plasma deposition. Materials Science and Engineering A, 429(1), 212-218. SCIE(SCI)
115. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, C.F. Han, M.L. Chen, F.Y. Tsai(2006). Effects of cobalt addition on microstructure and hardness of DI/ADI. Journal of Taiwan Foundry Society, 32(2), 19-27.
116. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, J.K. Lu, R.J. Tsai(2006). Characteristics of duplex surface coatings on austempered ductile iron substrates. Surface and Coatings Technology, 200(20-21), 5725-5732. SCIE(SCI)
117. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Ming-Li Chen, Kuei-Laing Lai(2006). Corrosion resistance of TiN/TiAlN-coated ADI by cathodic arc deposition. Materials Science and Engineering A, 421(1-2), 182-190. SCIE(SCI)
118. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, M.L. Chen, C.F. Han, J.J. Hsu(2006). Effect of Nickel Element on Processing Window of ADI. Journal of Taiwan Foundry Society, 32(1), 53-61.
119. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Jung-Kai Lu, Kuei-Laing Lai, M.L. Chen(2005). Erosion and Corrosion Behaviors of ADI Deposited TiN/TiAlN Coatings by Cathodic Arc Evaporation. Materials Transaction (JIM), 46(6), 1417-1424. SCIE(SCI)
120. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, Jung-Kai Lu, Rung-Jie Tsai(2005). Effects of low-temperature coating process on mechanical behaviors of ADI. Materials Science and Engineering A, 398(1-2), 282-290. SCIE(SCI)
121. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, H.Y. Teng(2005). Effects of Heat Treatment on Static and Dynamic Toughness of Low-Si CA-15 Stainless Steel. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 340(1), 1-11. SCIE(SCI)
122. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, J.K. Lu, C.Y. Lee, M.L. Chen, Y.S. Shih(2005). Effects of cobalt and nikel addition on microstructure and mechanical characteristics of ductile irons. Journal of Taiwan Foundry Society, 31(1), 1-7.
123. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, T.H. Huang, W.Y. Ho(2005). Study on Process and Characteristics of CrN/Cr(N,O) Duplex Coatings. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 37(1), 1-7.
124. | C.H. Hsu, J.K. Lu, K.L. Lai, M.L. Chen(2005). Study of ADI Surface Coated TiN/TiAlN by Cathodic Arc Plasma Deposition. Journal of Taiwan Foundry Society, 31(2), 1-6.
125. | 許正勳、陳明禮、吳建興(2005)。7075-T6鋁合金之複合表面處理及耐蝕性研究。金屬熱處理,87,23-31。
126. | 許正勳、賴奎良、陳明禮(2005)。ADI表面披覆TiN/TiAlN硬膜之耐蝕性研究。金屬熱處理,85,30-39。
127. | W.Y. Ho, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, D.H. Huang, Y.C. Lin, C.L. Chang(2005). Corrosion behaviors of Cr(N,O)/CrN double-layered coatings by cathodic arc deposition. Surface and Coatings Technology, 200, 1303-1309. SCIE(SCI)
128. | 何偉友、許正勳、黃東浩、黃俐恬(2004)。利用陰極電弧沉積Cr2O3/CrN複合膜之耐蝕性研究。金屬熱處理,81,24-28。
129. | 陳明禮、許正勳(2004)。高應變速率下鐵鋁錳合金破壞行為之探討。軍品科技新知,124,79-90。
130. | W.Y. Ho, C.H. Hsu, T.H. Huang(2004). An investigation of thermal loss of Cr2O3/CrN duplex coatings corroded by molten aluminum. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 36(4), 203-209.
131. | W.Y. Ho, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, D.H. Huang, Y.P. Cheng, Y.C. Lin, C.L. Chang(2004). Oxygen effect on the mechanical behaviors of Cr(N,O)/CrN double-layered coatings by cathodic arc evaporation. Surface and Coatings Technology, 188-189, 129-134. SCIE(SCI)
132. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.C. Chiu, Y.H. Shih(2004). Effects of Thickness of Electroless Ni-P Deposit on Corrosion Fatigue Damage of 7075-T6 under Salt Spray Atmosphere. Materials Transaction (JIM), 45(11), 3201-3208. SCIE(SCI)
133. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, H.Y. Teng, Y.J. Chen(2004). Relationship Between Ultrasonic Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Tempered Martensitic Stainless Steel. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (JMEP), 13151, 593-59. SCIE(SCI)
134. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.C. Chiu, J.K. Lu, Y.H. Shih(2004). Effect of Eutectic Carbide Content on Erosion Behaviors of Ductile Cast Iron. Materials Transaction (JIM), 45(2), 577-583. SCIE(SCI)
135. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, H.Y. Teng(2004). Effects of Heat Treatment and Testing Temperature on Fracture Mechanics Behavior of Low-Si CA-15 Stainless Steel. Metallurgical and Materials Trans, 35A, 471-480. SCIE(SCI)
136. | W.Y. Ho, D.H. Huang, L.T. Hung, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, D.Y. Wang(2004). Study of characteristics of Cr2O3/CrN duplex coatings for aluminum die casting applications. Surface and Coatings Technology, 177, 172-177. SCIE(SCI)
137. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu(2003). A study on mechanucal properties of hydrogen induced cracking high tension steel. Journal of China Institute of Technology, 29, 93-104.
138. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, H.Y. Teng, S.C. Chiu(2003). Ultrasonic Evaluation of Temper-embrittlement for Martensitic Stainless steel. Materials Transaction (JIM), 44(11), 2363-2368. SCIE(SCI)
139. | H.P. Feng, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, J.K. Lu, Y.S. Shy(2003). Effects of PVD sputtered coatings on the corrosion resistance of AISI 304 Stainless steel. Materials Science & Engineering A, 347(1-2), 123-129. SCIE(SCI)
140. | H.Y. Teng, C.H. Hsu, S.C. Chiu, D.C. Wen(2003). Erosion Behavior of CA-15 Tempered Martensitic Stainless steel. Materials Transaction (JIM), 44(7), 1480-1487. SCIE(SCI)
141. | 溫東成、許正勳、施議訓、周碩彥(2003)。真空熱處理對模具沖蝕磨耗之影響。Journal of China Institute of Technology,28,279-290。
142. | 鄧惠源、許正勳、呂榕凱(2003)。沃斯田鐵化不溶碳化物對麻田散鐵不銹鋼晶粒大小之影響。金屬熱處理,(79),11-18。
143. | 許正勳、李深智、黃東浩、呂榕凱(2003)。沃斯回火白鑄鐵顯微組織與平面應變破裂韌性質之研究。鑄造工程學刊,118,80-87。
144. | 許正勳、蔡榮杰、呂榕凱(2003)。ADI之表面改質及其機械特性研究。台灣鑄造學會研討會論文摘要集,16。
145. | 許正勳、呂榕凱、林本源(2002)。沃斯回火白鑄鐵之最佳化熱處理研究。金屬熱處理,73,25-32。
146. | C.H. Hsu, S.C. Lee, L.L. Wang, X.L. Dong(2002). The high strain-rate fracture behavior of gray iron under compressive loading. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 73, 174-178. SCIE(SCI)
147. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.C. Lee, J.K. Lu, D.H. Huang(2002). Study on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of ADI. 鑄工, 28(4), 1-8.
148. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.C. Lee, S.C. Chiu, Y.S. Shih(2002). Effects of Cementite Content on Erosion Wear of Ductile Cast Iron. 鑄工, 28(2), 40-47.
149. | X.L. Dong, L.L. Wang, S.C. Lee, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu(2002). Study on direct and negative strain-rate effect of Fe-Mn cast alloys under dynamic loading. Explosion and Shock Waves, 1, 21-25.
150. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, T.L. Chuang(2001). Influence of Stepped Austempering Process on the Fracture Toughness of ADI. Metallurgical and Materials Trans. A, 32A, 2509-2514. SCIE(SCI)
151. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.C. Lee, H.P. Feng, L.Y. Cho(2001). Study of Fracture Toughness of Gray Iron Containing Lead. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 33(2), 99-104.
152. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.C. Lee, H.Y. Teng, H.M. Chen(2001). Study of Medium/Low Temperature Impact Toughness and Tempered Structure of Martensitic Cast Stainless Steel. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 33(2), 105-110.
153. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.C. Lee, H.P. Feng, Y.H. Shy(2001). The Effect of Testing Temperature on Fracture Toughness of Austempered Ductile Iron. Metallurgical and Materials Trans. A, 32A, 295-303. SCIE(SCI)
154. | S.C. Lee, C.H. Hsu, J.K. Lu, L.L. Wang, X.L. Dong(2001). A Study of Impact Mechanics of Gray Cast Iron. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 33(2), 94-98.
155. | S.C. Lee, C.H. Hsu, S.C. Chiu, Y.S. Shy, S. Lei(2001). Effects of Cementite Content on Mechanical Properties of Ductile Cast Iron. 鑄工, 27(2), 72-79.
156. | 鄧惠源、許正勳、李深智、鄧粲達(2001)。2090鋁鋰合金T8處理超音波特性之研究。檢測科技,19(6),243-248。
157. | 許正勳、李深智、鄧惠源、陳鴻銘(2001)。麻田散鐵不銹鋼熱處理與中/低溫拉伸行為之研究。金屬熱處理,69,39-45。
158. | 許正勳、李深智、鄧惠源、陳永增(2001)。麻田散鐵不銹鋼鑄件之回火組織與超音波特性研究。金屬熱處理,68,31-39。
159. | 許正勳、李深智、施議訓、劉建志(2000)。低溫時效處理對壓鑄Al-Si-Mg合金機械性質之影響。金屬熱處理,66,27-33。
160. | 李深智、許正勳、施議訓(2000)。縮墨鑄鐵動態與靜態韌性關係之研究。鑄工,26(1),1-7。
161. | C.H. Hsu, S.C. Lee, Y.S. Shy, K.H. Yuan(2000). Effects of aspect ratio and lubrication on compression fracture of gray cast iron. 鑄工, 26(1), .35-41.
162. | C.H. Hsu, S.C. Lee, C.Y. Chang, H.Y. Teng(2000). Effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties of CA-15 Stainless steel castings. 鑄工, 26(1), 20-25.
163. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.C. Lee, L.L. Wang, X.L. Dong(2000). Study on mechanical properties of strain-rate effect and its failure mode for cast iron under impact loding. Journal of Ningbo University, 13(2), 12-15.
164. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.C. Lee, H.P. Feng, T.L. Chuang(2000). A study on intermediate and low temperature fracture toughness of ADI. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 32(3), 144-151.
165. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.C. Lee, Y.S. Shy, W.T. Chiou(2000). Relationship between dynamic and static toughness of flake and compacted graphite cast irons. Materials Science and Engineering A, A282, 115-122. SCIE(SCI)
166. | Y.S. Shy, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.C. Lee, C.Y. Hou(2000). Effects of titanium addition and section size on microstructure and mechanical properties of compacted graphite cast iron. Materials Science and Engineering A, A278, 54-60. SCIE(SCI)
167. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.C. Lee, Y.S. Shy(2000). Effect of austempering heat treatment on fracture toughness of copper alloyed gray iron. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 63, 75-81. SCIE(SCI)
168. | D.Y. Wang, C.L. Chang, C.H. Hsu, H.N. Lin(2000). Synthesis of (Ti,Zr)N hard coatings by unbalanced magnetron sputtering. Surface and Coatings Technology, 130, 64-68. SCIE(SCI)/EI
169. | H.P. Feng, S.C. Lee, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, J.M. Ho(1999). Study of high cycle fatigue of PVD surface-modified austempered ductile iron. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 59, 154-161. SCIE(SCI)
170. | C.H. Hsu, S.C. Lee, Y.S. Shy(1999). Effects of Alloying elements (Ti, Cu) on the Fracture Toughness of Compacted Graphite Cast Iron. 鑄工, 25(1), 19-25.
171. | 李深智、許正勳、施議訓(1999)。片狀石墨鑄鐵動態與靜態韌性關係之研究。鑄工,25(1),36-42。
172. | 許正勳、李深智、馮慧平(1999)。階段式沃斯回火處理對球墨鑄鐵破裂韌性之影響。金屬熱處理,62,11-18。
173. | 許正勳、李深智、游元信、林耀生(1998)。AISI 304不銹鋼以PVD法披覆硬膜之耐蝕性研究。TATUNG Journal,28,373-378。
174. | 許正勳、李深智、張正毅(1998)。熱處理對麻田散鐵不銹鋼鑄件顯微組織與衝擊韌性之影響。金屬熱處理,58,2531。
175. | 許正勳、李深智、施議訓(1998)。固溶化退火與冷卻速率對CF-8不銹鋼鑄件之影響。金屬熱處理,57,10-14。
176. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.C. Lee, Y.H. Yu, Y.S. Shy(1998). Effects of Section Size, Copper Addition and Austempering Heat Treatment on the production of Compacted Graphite Cast Iron. 鑄工, 24(3), 1633.
177. | S.C. Lee, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, C.C. Chang, H.P. Feng(1998). Influence of Casting Size and Graphite Nodule Refinement on Fracture Toughness of ADI. Metallurgical and Materials Trans. A, 29A, 2511-2521. SCIE(SCI)
178. | S.C. Lee, Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, C.J. Hu, C.C. Chang, H.P. Feng(1997). Effect of Mass and Bi Element on Fracture Toughness Study of ADI. Chinese Journal of Materials Science, 29(3), 185-194.
179. | Cheng-Hsun, Hsu, S.C. Lee, Y.H. Yu, Y.S. Shy, C.J. Hu(1997). Effects of Section Size and Copper Addition on the production of Compacted Graphite Cast Iron. 鑄工, 23(2), 42-51.
180. | 林信甫、許正勳、李深智(1997)。超音波應用於陶瓷粉體化學製備法之基礎研究(1)超音波水中照射之基本現象觀察。檢測技術,15(1),37-43。
181. | 胡家榮、許正勳、李深智、潘秀鳳(1997)。非熱處理型ADC12壓鑄鋁合金經析出硬化處理之特性。金屬熱處理,,(54),41-44。
182. | 李深智、許正勳、胡家榮、張肇家、馮慧平(1997)。不同厚斷面ADI破裂韌性研究。鑄工季刊,(93),52-58。
183. | 許正勳(1997)。不同厚斷面ADI破裂韌性研究。鑄工,23(2),52-58。
184. | 胡家榮、許正勳、李深智、潘秀鳳(1997)。非熱處理型ADC12壓鑄鋁合金析出硬化熱處理之研究。金屬熱處理,54,41-44。
185. | 邱茂展、李深智、許正勳、胡家榮(1996)。Mn含量對不同厚斷面延性鑄鐵機械性質之影響。鑄工季刊,,(89),1-7。
186. | 許正勳、李深智、游元信(1996)。球墨鑄鐵廠產製縮墨鑄鐵之可行性研究。TATUNG Journal,26,327-336。
187. | 林玉如、林信甫、胡家榮、許正勳、李深智(1996)。沃斯回火球墨鑄鐵上下臨界溫度間熱處理之顯微組織與性質研究。金屬熱處理,49,23-27。
188. | M.J. Chiu, S.C. Lee, C.H. Hsu, C.J. Hu(1996). Mass Effect and Mn Addition on Mechanical Properties of Ductile Cast Iron. 鑄工, 22(2), 1-7.
189. | C.H. Hsu, C.K. Hu, S.C. Lee(1996). Fracture mechanics behaviour of austenitic compacted graphite cast iron. J. of Materials Science, 31, 765-771. SCIE(SCI)
190. | C.C. Wu, H.H. Hsieh, C.J. Hu, C.H. Hsu, S.C. Lee(1995). The Study on the Thermal Heat Treatment for the Mass Production of ADI. 鑄工, 21(4), 44-48.
191. | C.H. Hsu, S.C. Lee(1995). High strength high toughness compacted graphite cast iron. Materials Science and Technology, 11, 765-775. SCIE(SCI)
192. | 李深智、許正勳(1995)。強韌縮墨鑄鐵。鑄造月刊,75,27-30。
193. | 李深智、何偉友、許正勳、何家銘、高宏毅(1995)。鈦合金離子氮化之電化學特性研究。金屬熱處理,44,12-17。
194. | 吳兆奇、謝信宏、胡家榮、許正勳、李深智(1995)。ADI量產之恆溫熱處問題。鑄工季刊,(87),43-48。
195. | C.C. Chen, C.H. Hsu, S.C. Lee(1994). Study on the Chill of Ductile Irons. 鑄工, 20(3), 6-10.