大同大學 教職員資料 (Information of TTU Faculty & Staff)
基本資料 (Basic Info)
姓名:許言 (Hsu, Yen) 教授
電話:網路分機 6731  
學歷 (Education)
國立台灣科技大學 設計研究所 博士 ( ~ )
國立台灣科技大學 工程技術研究所 設計技術學程 碩士 ( ~ )
經歷 (Experience)
大同大學 設計學院 教授兼副院長 (2018/12 ~ 今)
大同大學 設計科學研究所 教授兼所長 (2016/8 ~ 今)
大同大學 工業設計系 副教授 (2013/8 ~ 2016/7)
明志科技大學 工業設計系 副教授 (2009/7 ~ 2013/7)
明志科技大學 工業設計系 專任副教授兼系主任 (2009/7 ~ 2011/1)
明志科技大學 工業設計系 專任助理教授兼系主任 (2005/5 ~ 2009/6)
長庚大學 工業設計系 兼任助理教授 (2005/2 ~ 2005/7)
明志科技大學 工業工程與管理研究所 專任助理教授 (2005/2 ~ 2005/5)
明志科技大學 工業設計系 專任講師 (2004/8 ~ 2005/1)
銘傳大學 商品設計系 兼任講師 (2001/8 ~ 2004/7)
華梵大學 工業設計系 兼任講師 (2000/8 ~ 2004/7)
銘傳大學 商品設計系 專任講師 (1998/8 ~ 2000/7)
致勝科技公司 工業設計部 工業設計師 ( ~ )
躍昇設計公司   工業設計師 ( ~ )
專長 (Specialty)
設計策略 Design strategy
產品設計 product design
開授課程 (Course)
設計素描 Design drawing
產品開發 product development
獎勵 (Award)
105學年優良導師 (大同大學 2016-10-28)
教學優良教師 (明志科技大學 2009-12-01)
服務 (Service)
1. 設計力創新研究室 (2013-08-01 ~ 今)
2. 校課程會議委員 (2013-08-01 ~ 今)
3. 系教評會議委員 (2013-08-01 ~ 今)
4. 導師 (2013-08-01 ~ 今)
專 利 (Patent)
1. 本校教師, "自行車之可調式結構," 新型M301833號
2. 本校教師, "箱之提把結構," 新型M312506號
3. 本校教師, "多角形嵌卡式產品包裝盒," 新型M327334號
4. 本校教師, "立體矩形產品包裝盒," 新型M327343號
5. 本校教師, "兼具展示與懸吊功能之產品包裝盒," 新型M326924號
6. 本校教師, "具鏤空視窗之懸吊式產品包裝盒," 新型M326922號
1. 從策略、服務到產品—探索循環經濟的新服務與商品設計策略創新思維,2025/8/1 ~ 2026/7/31
2. 從策略、服務到產品—探索循環經濟的新服務與商品設計策略創新思維,2024/8/1 ~ 2025/7/31
3. 從策略、服務到產品—探索循環經濟的新服務與商品設計策略創新思維,2023/8/1 ~ 2024/7/31
4. VUCA時代下的設計組織與管理:策略敏捷性、任務敏捷性與組織敏捷性 之執行架構與應用驗證(II),2022/8/1 ~ 2023/7/31
5. 使用舒壓玩具彩虹矽膠板POP-it幫助兒童數學邏輯認知理解教具設計與學習成效預測大專生研究計畫:周雨宣 ,2022/7/1 ~ 2023/2/28
6. VUCA時代下的設計組織與管理:策略敏捷性、任務敏捷性與組織敏捷性之執行架構與應用驗證(I),2021/8/1 ~ 2022/7/31
7. 人工智慧設計專案知識系統於跨領域多樣性知識之任務過渡與人力資源,2020/8/1 ~ 2021/7/31
8. 人工智慧設計專案知識系統於跨領域多樣性知識之任務過渡與人力資源 策略優勢研究(I),2019/8/1 ~ 2020/7/31
9. 整合顧客特質與選擇行為之設計力創新策略(II),2018/8/1 ~ 2019/7/31
10. 整合顧客特質與選擇行為之設計力創新策略(II),2017/8/1 ~ 2018/7/31
11. 整合顧客特質與選擇行為之設計力創新策略(I),2016/7/31 ~ 2017/7/31
12. 智慧生活之趨勢研究:以炊飯器為例,2016/7/1 ~ 2017/2/28
13. 產品設計與創新:探討企業團隊之價值共創及衝突管理策略對績效之影響 (II)科技部 一般型研究計劃 2015/8/1 ~ 2016/7/31
14. 環保百葉窗簾設計,2015/3/1 ~ 2017/3/31
15. 產品設計與創新:探討企業團隊之價值共創及衝突管理策略對績效之影響 (I),2014/8/1 ~ 2015/7/31
16. 前瞻工程科技應用於高齡智慧生活產品概念設計國科會 一般型研究計畫 2013/10/1 ~ 2014/6/30
17. 策略價值共創提升產品設計開發績效之模式建構與應用驗證(2/2)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2013/8/1 ~ 2014/7/31
18. 前瞻工程科技應用於樂齡之未來生活產品概念設計國科會 一般型研究計劃 2012/9/1 ~ 2013/5/31
19. 策略價值共創提升產品設計開發績效之模式建構與應用驗證(I)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2012/8/1 ~ 2013/7/31
20. 以產品設計提升企業創新績效之整合模式與應用驗證(I)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2011/8/1 ~ 2012/7/31
1. 讓學生用心、老師省心—以PLT策略建構正向學習的跨域創新場域,2023/8/1 ~ 2024/7/31
2. 以正向心理學建構垮領域創新翻轉教學模式之規劃與實踐,2022/8/1 ~ 2023/7/31
3. 以正向心理學建構垮領域創新翻轉教學模式之規劃與實踐,2022/8/1 ~ 2023/7/31
4. 數據驅動語義網絡應用於跨領域設計團隊概念設計發想之潛力探討,2022/1/1 ~ 2022/12/31
5. 基於在線評論的文本挖掘探討產品情感反應和意圖之差距,2021/1/1 ~ 2021/12/31
6. 循環翻轉之創新設計管理課程:整合專題及問題導向學習設計,2020/8/1 ~ 2021/7/31
7. 跨領域創新課程之互動理解單元課程規劃、實施與學習成效研究,2019/8/1 ~ 2020/7/31
8. 重理解的創新設計管理課程設計:內外在因素對跨領域教學與創新學習成效之影響,2018/8/1 ~ 2019/7/31
9. 大同寶寶機器人計畫:子計畫UI/UX與硬體設計,2017/2/1 ~ 2018/10/31
10. 電力變壓器之展示系統研製,2015/10/28 ~ 2016/2/28
11. 設計系學生之人格特質、居住類型與設計績效之關係研究,2015/7/1 ~ 2016/2/28
12. 智慧家電設計與物聯網建構,2015/3/1 ~ 2016/8/31
13. 激進的設計創新共創:行銷定位策略之系統分析觀點(2/3),2015/1/1 ~ 2015/11/30
14. 激進的設計創新共創:行銷定位策略之系統分析觀點(1/3),2014/1/1 ~ 2014/12/31
15. 教育部技職再造方案:教師赴公民營機構研習服務計畫,2013/6/1 ~ 2012/9/30
16. 使用者導向創新產品設計,2012/8/1 ~ 2013/7/31
17. 使用者導向產品創新設計研發服務資源整合與協同設計服務平台建置研發3年期計畫 分項計畫:使用者導向創新產品設計,2012/8/1 ~ 2013/7/31
18. 教育部區產中心夥伴學校跨校研發團隊計畫,2011/8/1 ~ 2012/8/31
19. 水龍頭產品意象與設計開發研究,2007/6/15 ~ 2007/8/31
1. 差異群體友善環境之建構與精進—以啟明學校之需求為關懷核心,2022/1/1 ~ 2022/12/31
期刊論文 (Journal Paper)
1. Honglei Lu, Yen Hsu, Xin Cao, Xing She, Hao liu(2024). Research on home appliance circular design strategy in response to carbon border adjustment mechanism. Energy Strategy Reviews, 53(101378), 1-14. SCIE(SCI)
2. Xin Cao, Yen Hsu, Honglei Lu(2023). Design heuristics cards for circular economy to support generating ideas. The Design Journal, 26(6), 24. AHCI
3. 張洋文、許言、連俊名(2023)。應用COM-B理論探討手機應用程式使用行為影響因素之研究。設計學報,28(3),24。TSSCI
4. Yen Hsu(2022). User-Oriented and Co-Creation Service Design: A Digital Signage Project in Nursing Stations. Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola, 29(6). SCIE(SCI)
5. 許言、劉立園、霍發仁(2022)。以系統動力學方法建構動態設計決策模式。設計學報,27(3),25-48。THCI
6. Xin Cao, Yen Hsu(2022). A meta-analysis of the impact of virtual experiments onstudents learning effectiveness. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(5), 1-22. SSCI
7. Rui Xu, Chen Wang, Yen Hsu(2022). A study of DNN-based media literacy and distance education management system in the context of participatory culture. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2022(1), 1-11. SSCI
8. Yang-Wen Chang, Yen Hsu(2022). Beauty consumption matchmaking mechanism for confirming the requirement specification of APP development in the post-COVID-19 era. Frontiers in Psychology, 13(6), 1-13. SSCI
9. Honglei Lu, Chunxiao Zhu, Xin Cao, Yen Hsu(2022). The Sustainability Evaluation of Masks Based on the Integrated Rank Sum Ratio and Entropy Weight Method. Sustainability, 14(9), 1-13. SSCI
10. Rui Xu, Chen Wang, Yen Hsu(2022). Ameliorated New Media Literacy Model Based on an Aesthetic Model: The Ability of a College Student Audience to Enter the Field of Digital Art. Frontiers in Psychology, 13(8), 1-11. SSCI
11. Xin Cao, Yen Hsu, Honglei Lu(2022). CBDHS: A tool of case-based design heuristics to support product design students in idea generation. Sustainability, 14(23), 1-18. SCIE(SCI)
12. Xinyan Wang, Yen Hsu, Rui Xu(2022). Effects of Approach–Avoidance Swiping Interactions on the Valence Estimation Using Tablet AAT. Electronics, 12(24), 1-9. SCIE(SCI)
13. Honglei Lu, Xin Cao, Xin Cao(2022). Product Innovation and Design Strategies for 5G Technology in China’s Home Appliance Companies. Sustainability, 14(22), 1-18. SCIE(SCI)
14. Yang-Wen Chang, Yen Hsu(2022). The Factors that affect Members Use of a Beauty Industry Matchmaking Platform: Validation of the COM-B Extended Model. Frontiers in Psychology, 13(8), 1-13. SSCI
15. Liyuan Liu, Yen Hsu(2022). Motivators factors behind the public’s use of smart recycling systems: perceived playfulness and environmental concern. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1), 1-13. SSCI
16. Xin Cao, Yen Hsu(2021). The Effects of Soundscapes in Relieving Stress in an Urban Park. Land, 10(12), 1-22. SSCI
17. 許言、陳江杰、顧超、吳偉隆(2021)。擴增實境應用在基本設計教學之心流體驗探討。設計學報,26(2),43-66。THCI
18. 林怡菁、許言(2021)。情感設計分析應用於設計技專利網站探討。工業設計,48(2),1-6。
19. Chia-Jung Lee, Yen Hsu(2021). Promoting the Quality of Life of Elderly during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13), 6813-6825. SSCI
20. Chia-Jung Lee, Yen Hsu(2021). Sustainable Education Using Augmented Reality in Vocational Certification Courses. Sustainability, 13(11), 6434-6449. SSCI
21. Wei-Long Wu, Yen Hsu, Qi-Fan Yang, Jiang-Jie Chen(2021). A spherical video‐based immersive virtual reality learning system to support landscape architecture students learning performance during the COVID-19 . Land, 10(6), 561-584. SSCI
22. Man-Li Liao, Yen Hsu(2021). Application of "silk-wrapped flowers" in the Design of Bridal Bouquets. Annual Design Review of JSSD, 26(1), 72-77.
23. Jiang-Jie Chen, Yen Hsu, Wei Wei, Chun Yang(2021). Continuance Intention of Augmented Reality Textbooks in Basic Design Course. Education Sciences, 11(208), 1-16. EI
24. Wei-Long Wu, Yen Hsu, Qi-Fan Yang, Jiang-Jie Chen(2021). Effects of the self-regulated strategy within the context of spherical video-based virtual reality on students’ learning performances in an art history class. Interactive Learning Environments, 29(2), 1-25. SSCI
25. Jian Wang, Yen Hsu(2020). The Relationship of Symmetry, Complexity, and Shape in Mobile Interface Aesthetics, from an Emotiona. Symmetry, 12(9). SCIE(SCI)
26. Liyuan Liu, Yen Hsu, Jie Zhang, Qianling Jiang(2020). A study on the embarrassment of senders who missend emojis with opposite meanings on social apps: ta. Reflexão e Crítica, 33(20). SCIE(SCI)
27. 李佳蓉、許言(2020)。女性之膚色與髮色搭配對外表吸引力的影響。工業設計,141(1)。
28. Liyuan Liu, Yen Hsu(2019). Sustainable Development Analysis of Design and Manufacturing Integration: A System Dynamics Approach. Cogent Engineering, 6(1).
29. 江宇弘、許言(2019)。應用本體論建構產品研發創新知識系統。工業設計,(139),1-6。
30. 王健、許言、劉立園(2019)。地鐵站行人步行速度之觀察研究。工業設計,(140),13-18。
31. Yen Hsu(2019). Consumer Purchase Behaviors in Relation to Distinctcultural Factors and Product Enhancement Type. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 12(2), 50-58.
32. Jian Wang, Yen Hsu(2019). Does Sustainable Perceived Value Play a Key Role in the Purchase Intention Driven by Product Aesthetics? Taking Smartwatch as an Example.. Sustainability, 11(23). SCIE(SCI)
33. Yen Hsu(2018). Exploring Task Interdependence and Cooperative Conflicts Among Engineering Designers. Journal of Engineering Design, 29(12), 709-734. SCIE(SCI)
34. Yen Hsu(2018). Launch Strategy and New Product Innovation: An Empirical Examination in Taiwan. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 11(1), 1-13. EI
35. Yen Hsu(2018). Optimal Service Design: Integrating Digital Service System and Tam Theory. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 10(3), 88-94. EI
36. 蔣謹安、許言(2018)。以服務設計工具分析便利商店之服務品質與顧客滿意度。工業設計,46(1),32-37。
37. 李新羚、許言(2018)。音樂影響產品認知之實驗設計。工業設計,(137),44-49。
38. 蘇琦、許言(2018)。設計系學生之人格特質與團體績效之關係研究。工業設計,(137),38 - 43。
39. Yen Hsu(2017). Work values, conflict, and team cooperation among engineering designers. Journal of Engineering Design, 28(11), 799-820. SCIE(SCI)
40. Yen Hsu(2017). Cocreation Experiences: A Strategic Approach to Product Innovation and Design. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 10(2). EI
41. Yen Hsu(2017). Design-Oriented Strategy Typology and Innovation Framework. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 15(1). EI
42. Yen Hsu(2016). Organizational Innovation, Design and NPD Performance: The Role of Co-Creation Strategy. International Journal of Innovation Management, 21(6). EI
43. Yen Hsu(2016). A Value Cocreation Strategy Model for Improving Product Development Performance. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 31(5). SSCI
44. Yen Hsu(2016). Integrating Service Science and Information System Technology: A Case Study. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 9(1). EI
45. Yen Hsu(2016). Innovation and Competitive Edge: Effective Designer Management in Chinese SMEs. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 8(3). EI
46. 陳明秀、蔣克衍、許言、陳圳卿(2016)。以服務設計為休閒體驗型態的工藝教室評測服務品質:以懷德居木工實驗學校為例。設計研究學報,9。
47. 高凡宜、許言(2016)。智慧型手機通訊軟體使用者之社會臨場感與愉悅感研究-以中高齡使用者為例。工業設計,134。
48. 鄧瑋霖、許言(2015)。新興經濟體之產品創新探討。工業設計,131。
49. Yen Hsu(2015). Organizational Innovation Strategies: The Value Co-Creation Strategy (VCS) Model. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 8(2). EI
50. T. Y. Wu, Yen Hsu, G. A. Lee(2015). The Effect of Product Appearances on Consumer Emotions and Behaviors: A Perspective of Involvement. Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, 32(6). TSSCI
51. Yen HSu(2014). Exploring the Effects of Users on the Service Innovation Design of a Digital Signage Information System by Using the Technology Acceptance Model. Jökull, 64(8). SCIE(SCI)
52. Yen Hsu(2014). Co-Creating Unique Value with Customers: A Co-Creation Framework with Product Design and Innovation. SYLWAN, 158(5). SCIE(SCI)
53. 許言、朱浚漢(2014)。觀光旅館業之資訊服務設計:以DSIS為例。設計學報,19(2)。THCI
54. 許言、劉東昇(2013)。橘色科技之產品設計探討。工業設計,41(1)。
55. Yen Hsu(2013). Strategies for the Successful Involvement of Department in the Co-Creation of Manufacturing-Based Firms. Jökull Journal, 63(10). SCIE(SCI)
56. Yen Hsu(2013). Design Co-creation and Performance in New Product Development Process. International Journal of Business Research and Management, 4(3).
57. Yen Hsu(2013). Marketing strategy and its correlation with design strategy and design characteristics: An example of consumer electronic industry. International Journal of Business and Systems Research, 7(4).
58. Yen Hsu, Jun-Han Chu(2013). The user-oriented interface design of video monitoring system. Journal of Mingchi University of Technology, 41(2).
59. Yen Hsu(2013). Co-creation of innovation and marketing strategies on product design and NPD performance. Archives Des Sciences Journal, 66(5). SCIE(SCI)
60. Yen Hsu(2013). The Research for Exploring Product Design Characteristics by SEM via Correlated Innovation and Design Strategy. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 3.
61. Yen Hsu(2013). The Research for Exploring Design Issues by Co-Related Marketing and Design Strategy. Archives Des Sciences Journal, 66(5). SCIE(SCI)
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
1. 黃彥傑、許言(2023)。網路商品與價格相對位置對消費者感性偏好度探討。2023創新數位設計國際學術研討會(頁 8)。R.O.C。
2. 許言、賴錦春(2023)。VUCA時代的敏捷設計策略探討。2023設計學會第28屆學術研究成果研討會(頁 6)。R.O.C。
3. 楊雅淳、許言(2023)。台灣創業加速器之分類與表徵特性研究。2023跨域創新設計整合國際研討會(頁 10)。R.O.C。
4. Xin Cao, Yen Hsu, Weilong Wu(2023). A Study on the Innovative Design of Fuzhou "Fu" Cultural Tourism Products Based on Design Heuristics. HCI International 2023: 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 3-16). Denmark.
5. Yen Hsu, Jin-Chun Lai(2023). The Impact of Strategic Agility on Innovation in Cross-Organization R&D Management. HCI International 2023: 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 221-235). Denmark.
6. Yen-Chieh Huang, Yen Hsu(2023). A Discussion on Consumer Kansei over the Relative Position and Price of Commodities. HCI International 2023: 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 479–493). Denmark.
7. Rui Xu, Yen Hsu, Hanlin Mi(2023). Cross-Cultural Research on the Construction of Digital Media Takes Virtual Idol Landscape as an Example. HCI International 2023: 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 555-563). Denmark.
8. Zhen-Yu Chen, Yen Hsu(2023). Kansei Marketing Strategies for Cultural and Creative Products. HCI International 2023: 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 112-128). Denmark.
9. Yang-Wen Chang, Yen Hsu(2022). Post-COVID-19 Era Fashion Culture Perception Impacting on Beauty Consumption Behavior Change. HCI International 2022: 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 41-57). Sweden.
10. Xin Cao, Yen Hsu, Weilong Wu(2022). Cross-Cultural Design: A Discussion of Industrial Product Packaging Based on the Product Service System and Technological Evolution Principles. HCI International 2022: 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 3-20). Sweden.
11. Yen Hsu, Jin-Chun Lai(2022). The Influence of Strategic Agility on Product Design Organizations’ Operations and Cultures. HCI International 2022: 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 41-57). Sweden.
12. Yi-Jing Lin, Yen Hsu(2022). Realizing the Potential Effect of Interactable Concept Network for Idea Generation. HCI International 2022: 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 137-147). Sweden.
13. Fu-Hsuan Su, Yen Hsu(2022). Design Education for Students with Disabilities: A Technical Graffiti Course in a High School. HCI International 2022: 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 406-424). Sweden.
14. Der-Wai Wang, Yen Hsu(2022). A Study of Cross-Cultural Communication in the NPD: Applying Piaget’s Theory to Multidisciplinary Communication in the Three Validation Stages. HCI International 2022: 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 188-201). Sweden.
15. Wei-Long Wu, Wu Wei, Yen Hsu, Xin Cao(2022). An Analytical Study of Cross-Cultural Design Factors Affecting Virtual Reality Teaching Experience. HCI International 2022: 24th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 109-119). Sweden.
16. 張洋文、許言(2022)。「以COM-B理論分析技職教育課程設計與證照檢定之成效。銘傳大學2022「後疫情時代-轉型與進化」國際學術研討會(頁 1-8)。R.O.C。
17. 張洋文、許言(2022)。以COM-B理論分析軟體介面設計對於投資處置決策行為之影響。2022設計學會第27屆學術研究成果研討會(頁 1-6)。R.O.C。
18. 廖滿麗、許言(2022)。以形制脈絡表現文化元素之轉化設計探討。2022醫護與健康科技研討會(頁 14-22)。R.O.C。
19. 王得煒、許言(2022)。動態快捷的EASE產品設計開發溝通模式。2022明志科技大學技術與教學研討會R.O.C。
20. 王彥凱、許言(2022)。從企業組織架構探究對產品開發型態與專案執行成效之影響。2022明志科技大學技術與教學研討會R.O.C。
21. Wei-Long Wu, Yen Hsu, Xin Cao, Jiang-Jie Chen(2021). Cross-cultural Education: The Effects of AR Technology and Learning Styles on Learning Achievements of Relief Courses. HCI International 2021: 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 241-250). United States of America.
22. Honglei Lu, Yen Hsu(2021). The Impact of Trade Conflicts on Product Design Strategies of Chinese Home Appliance Enterprises. HCI International 2021: 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 351-370). United States of America.
23. Yen Hsu, Yu-Houng Chaing(2021). The Strategic Advantages of Artificial Intelligence System for Product Design Teams with Diverse Cross-Domain Knowledge. HCI International 2021: 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 408-419). United States of America.
24. Hung-Chun Ou, Yen Hsu(2021). Study on Creative Learning Strategies of Gender Grouping in Collaborative Learning of Graduation Project. HCI International 2021: 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 217-229). United States of America.
25. Man-Li Liao, Yen Hsu, Yan-Ting Wang, Chi-Ping Chen(2021). Interweaving Culture and Design - The Transformation of Taiwans Silk-wrapped Flower Culture into Modern Product Design. The 68th Annual Conference of JSSD(頁 1-2). Japan.
26. Xin Cao, Yen Hsu, Weilong Wu(2021). Cross-Cultural Design: A Set of Design Heuristics for Concept Generation of Sustainable Packagings. HCI International 2021: 23rd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction(頁 197-209). United States of America.
27. Weilong Wu, Yen Hsu(2020). The Influence of Virtual Reality Learning System on the Learning Attitudes of Design History. 8th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research(頁 284-291). Japan.
28. Hung Chug Ou, Yen Hsu(2020). Study of the Impact of Gender Emotion Difference in Cooperative Learning on the Efficiency of Classroom and Online Learning. 8th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research(頁 149-158). Japan.
29. Rui Xu, Yen Hsu(2020). Will the Process of Creation Impact the Viewer’s Appraisal of the Creativeness of Artificial Intelligence Artworks?.. Proceedings of the HCI International 2020: 22st International Conference on Human-Computer Interacti. Denmark.
30. WU, WEILONG, Hsu Yen, Chen, Jiangjie(2020). The Influence of Virtual Reality Learning System on the Learning Attitudes of Design History.. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research.. Japan.
31. Rui Xu, Yen Hsu(2020). Discussion on the Aesthetic Experience of Artificial Intelligence Creation and Human Art Creation.. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research.. Japan.
32. Xin Cao, Yen Hsu(2020). Supporting Systematic Conceptual Design with Knowledge-Based System.. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research.. Japan.
33. Hung Chug Ou, Yen Hsu(2020). Study of the Impact of Gender Emotion Difference in Cooperative Learning on the Efficiency of Classr. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research.. Japan.
34. 17. Ruey-ming Shih, Yen Hsu(2020). A Case Study of Implementing Fuzzy Delphi and FAHP Method on Environmental Design Courses.. Proceedings of the 2020 9th International Conference on Educational and Information Technology (ICEI. United Kingdom.
35. Jian Wang, Yen Hsu(2020). Gender Difference in Preference for Apple Watch Dial Interface.. Proceedings of the HCI International 2020: 22st International Conference on Human-Computer Interacti. Denmark.
36. Chia-Jung Shen, Yen Hsu(2020). Decision-making in the commercial space service design of transportation architecture.. Proceedings of the 2020 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials Science (ICC. Singapore.
37. 6. Xinyan Wang, Yen Hsu(2020). The Influence of Human-Computer Sagittal Interaction in Peripersonal Space on Affective Valence Appraisals. Proceedings of the HCI International 2020: 22st International Conference on Human-Computer Interacti. Denmark.
38. Rui Xu, Yen Hsu(2020). Will the Process of Creation Impact the Viewer’s Appraisal of the Creativeness of Artificial Intelligence Artworks?. Proceedings of the HCI International 2020: 22st International Conference on Human-Computer Interacti. Denmark.
39. Xin Cao, Yen Hsu(2020). Supporting Systematic Conceptual Design with Knowledge-Based System. 8th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research(頁 10). Japan.
40. Rui Xu, Yen Hsu(2020). Discussion on the Aesthetic Experience of Artificial Intelligence Creation and Human Art Creation. 8th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research(頁 9). Japan.
41. 史瑞民、許言(2020)。「空間知覺差異與環境空間高度感受之探討」。第19屆北商大學術論壇—2020創新思維與智慧生活國際研討會R.O.C。
42. 魯紅雷、許言(2020)。「因應5G技術趨勢之產品創新設計策略」。銘傳大學2020「設計X Reset」國際學術研討會R.O.C。
43. 沈佳融、許言(2020)。「從建材展服務體驗探討會展空間的設計決策」。第13屆跨域設計產學國際研討會—ICIDIC 2020R.O.C。
44. 沈佳融、許言(2020)。「室內設計師在設計規劃中的策略及流程對創新之間的影響」。第13屆跨域設計產學國際研討會—ICIDIC 2020R.O.C。
45. 廖滿麗、許言、林小楟(2020)。「台灣纏花與複合媒材之實務創作研究―以新娘婚飾造形為例」。2020醫護與健康科技研討會R.O.C。
46. 歐宏駿、許言(2020)。「翻轉式教學對3D軟體課程學習效率之影響」。銘傳大學2020「設計X Reset」國際學術研討會R.O.C。
47. 曹鑫、許言(2020)。「利用TRIZ方法支持系統概念創新設計之探討」。銘傳大學2020「設計X Reset」國際學術研討會R.O.C。
48. 林怡菁、許言(2020)。探討情感設計分析應用於設計專利網站。2020明志科技大學技術與教學研討會(頁 6)。R.O.C。
49. 許言、賴錦春(2020)。敏捷設計策略研究:以傳統產業公司為例。2020明志科技大學技術與教學研討會(頁 6)。R.O.C。
50. 蘇芙萱、許言(2020)。塗裝教學對身心障礙者技能培養之影響初探。2020明志科技大學技術與教學研討會(頁 6)。R.O.C。
51. 許言、陳江杰、顧超、吳偉隆(2020)。在基本設計教學使用擴增實境之心流體驗-性別差異的調節作用。2020設計學會第25屆學術研究成果研討會(頁 8)。R.O.C。
52. 史瑞民、許言(2020)。以設計競賽角度規劃大學環境設計專業課程的研究。2020設計學會第25屆學術研究成果研討會(頁 9)。R.O.C。
53. 許言、王得煒(2020)。居家工作(WFH)時代的FAST 產品設計開發架構。2020明志科技大學技術與教學研討會(頁 6)。R.O.C。
54. 歐宏駿、許言(2020)。三維空間軟體課程在遠距教學中的互動學習策略。第13屆跨域設計產學國際研討會—ICIDIC 2020R.O.C。
55. 曹鑫、許言(2019)。結合意向、本體論與系統設計之OISD 方法探討。2019明志科技大學技術與教學研討會R.O.C。
56. 魯紅雷、許言、朱春曉(2019)。因應貿易衝突之產品設計策略探討-以白色家電企業為例。2019明志科技大學技術與教學研討會R.O.C。
57. 許言、李佳蓉、楊沛瀠(2019)。環境媒體廣告之設計手法與廣告產品態度之研究。2019明志科技大學技術與教學研討會R.O.C。
58. 李佳蓉、許言(2019)。女性之膚色與髮色搭配對外表吸引力的影響。2019明志科技大學技術與教學研討會R.O.C。
59. Shuhuei Huang, Yen Hsu(2019). I Know Who You Are: Precise Marketing under the Offline Merge Online (OMO). Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Financing. United States of America.
60. Weilong Wu, Yen Hsu, Jiangjie Chen(2019). Effects of Augmented Reality Technology and Learning Styles on Students’ Learning Achievements of Clay Sculpture Courses.. Proceedings of the 2019 WEI Rome International Academic Conference on Education & Teaching and Learn. Italy.
61. Jiangjie Chen, Yen Hsu, Weilong Wu(2019). Discussion on the Application of Augmented Reality Technology in Relief Teaching.. Proceedings of the 2019 WEI Rome International Academic Conference on Education & Teaching and Learn. Italy.
62. Yen Hsu(2019). Effects of New Product Type and Launch Strategy a Consumers’ Enjoyment and Purchase Decisions. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference of Organizational Innovation. Republic of Korea.
63. Yen Hsu(2019). Work Motivation and Teamwork of Taiwanese Designers in China. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference of Organizational Innovation. Republic of Korea.
64. Liyuan Liu, Yen Hsu, Jialiang Lin, Jian Wang(2019). System Dynamics Research on Sustainable Development of Design and Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE Eurasia Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Healthcare and Sustainabi. Japan.
65. Yen Hsu(2019). Design Techniques of Ambient Media Advertisements and Message Comprehension. Proceedings of the HCI International 2019: 21st International Conference on Human-Computer Interacti. United States of America.
66. Yen Hsu(2018). Effect of Product Enhancement Type on Replacement and Purchase Preference of Consumers. Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference of Organizational Innovation. Japan.
67. Yen Hsu(2018). Consumer Purchase Behaviors in Relation to Distinct Cultural Factors and Product Enhancement Type. The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2018 Official Conference Proceedings. Japan.
68. Yen Hsu(2018). Product Types and Consumers’ Culture: an Empirical Examination in the Taiwan. The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2018 Official Conference Proceedings. Japan.
69. Yin Sun, HSU YEN(2018). Trends and Development of International Forums – Taking the Results of TAID International Forum as an Example. Proceedings of the 2018 The 5th Asian Conference on Arts, Humanities and Sustainability. Japan.
70. Yin Sun, HSU YEN(2018). Applying 5D Innovative Design Concept to Create a Smart City Image- The Case of High-tech Industrial Park. Proceedings of the 2018 The 5th Asian Conference on Arts, Humanities and Sustainability. Japan.
71. 許言(2018)。台籍設計師在中國的工作與團隊合作之適應情形研究。2018「虛實X跨界」國際學術研討會R.O.C。
72. 許言(2018)。以服務體驗流程探討獨居高齡者語音互動系統之服務需求。2018「虛實X跨界」國際學術研討會R.O.C。
73. 許言(2018)。高齡者之語音互動需求研究。2018中華民國設計學會研討會論文集R.O.C。
74. 張嘉中、許言(2018)。大陸台籍設計師之工作動機與團隊合作情形探討。2018中華民國設計學會研討會論文集R.O.C。
75. 徐靖芳、許言(2018)。正向心理資本對跨功能團隊之影響探討。2018中華民國設計學會研討會論文集R.O.C。
76. 蘇琦、許言(2018)。設計系學生人格特質與設計績效之關係研究。2018中華民國設計學會研討會論文集R.O.C。
77. 蔣謹安、許言(2018)。便利商店之新服務體驗與顧客忠誠度探討。2018中華民國設計學會研討會論文集R.O.C。
78. Yen Hsu(2017). Team conflict management and R&D team effectiveness: The effects of task interdependence and team cooperation. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference of Organizational Innovation. Mainland China.
79. Yen Hsu(2016). Managing Cocreation Value: A Strategic Approach to Product Innovation and Design. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference of Organizational Innovation. Mainland China.
80. Yen Hsu(2016). New product strategy and consumer choices for various types of product innovation. Proceedings of the 2016 Penang International Conference on Research Advances in Science and Technolo. Mainland China.
81. Yen Hsu(2015). Co-creation in Real Worlds: The Value Co-Creation Strategy (VCS) Model. Proceedings of the International Conference on Research Methods in Management and Social Sciences (2. Mainland China.
82. Yen Hsu(2014). Accessing Digital Information Using User-Oriented Co-Creation Designs in Hospital Nursing Stations. Proceedings of the International Conference on Research Methods in Management and Social Sciences (2. Thailand.
83. Yen Hsu(2014). Developing a co-creation framework with product design and innovation: an investigation of ITC firms. Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design 2014. Republic of Korea.
84. Yen Hsu(2014). A study of digital signage design applied in design service conceptualisation model. Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Ergonomics and Design 2014. Republic of Korea.
85. Yen Hsu(2013). The research for exploring design issues by co-related marketing and design strategy. Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference of Organizational innovation. Thailand.
86. Yen Hsu(2013). Co-creation for the promotion of organizational strategically innovation and NPD performance. Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference of Organizational innovation. Thailand.
專書 (Book)
1. 許言、楊久穎、謝靜玫(2014)。改變世界的經典設計:看懂經典之所以成為經典的關鍵。旗標科技股份有限公司。作者:Philip Wilkinson。許言教授為譯者。