大同大學 教職員資料 (Information of TTU Faculty & Staff)
基本資料 (Basic Info)
姓名:梁詠貴 (Liang, Yung-Kuei) 副教授
學歷 (Education)
國立台灣大學 商學研究所 博士 (1994/9 ~ 2000/5)
大同工學院 事業經營研究所 碩士 ( ~ )
大同工學院 事業經營系 學士 ( ~ )
經歷 (Experience)
大同大學 事業經營系 副教授 (2000/8 ~ 今)
大同大學 事業經營系 系主任/所長 (2013/8 ~ 2015/7)
大同大學 校長室 校長特別助理 (2007/8 ~ 2009/7)
大同大學 公關中心 主任 (2007/02 ~ 2009/07)
大同工學院/大同大學 事業經營 講師 (1992/5 ~ 2000/7)
大同泰國公司 採購處 採購管理經理 (1991/6 ~ 1992/4)
大同英國公司 採購處 副理兼泰國廠籌備處執行秘書 (1990/10 ~ 1991/5)
大同英國公司 產銷處 副理 (1989/10 ~ 1990/9)
大同英國公司 總經理室 總經理特別助理 (1988/8 ~ 1989/9)
大同大學   校務發展委員 (2017/8 ~ )
專長 (Specialty)
國際企業管理 International Business Management
國際行銷 International Marketing
企業併購 Merger and Acquisition
策略管理 Strategic Management
開授課程 (Course)
跨文化管理 Cross Cultural Management
國際企業研究 International Business Research
國際行銷管理 International Marketing Management
企業購併 Merger and Acquisition
組織與經營理論 Organization and Management Theory
策略管理 Strategic Management
獎勵 (Award)
優秀指導教師獎 (中國大陸 全國高校商業菁英挑戰賽組委會 2017-10-12)
Academy of Management 2009年會 (Carolyn Dexter Award Nominee) (Academy of Management 2009-08-08)
ANZAM 2008年會 (Winner of the all conference best paper award) (ANZAM (澳紐管理學會) 2008-12-05)
96學年度 大同大學論文佳作獎 (大同大學 2007-11-22)
95學年度 大同大學論文優等獎 (大同大學 2006-11-11)
93學年度 全國企管碩士論文獎競賽 指導鍾旻芬同學 榮獲佳作獎 (中華民國管理科學學會 2005-06-27)
93學年度 全國企管碩士論文獎競賽 指導劉哲良同學 榮獲佳作獎 (中華民國管理科學學會 2005-06-27)
93學年度 全國企管碩士論文獎競賽 指導廖玉玲同學 榮獲佳作獎 (中華民國管理科學學會 2005-06-27)
93學年度 大同大學論文佳作獎 (大同大學 2004-11-11)
92學年度 全國企管碩士論文獎競賽 指導任苙萍同學 榮獲佳作獎 (中華民國管理科學學會 2004-06-23)
92學年度 大同大學論文佳作獎 (大同大學 2003-11-11)
91學年度 大同大學論文佳作獎 (大同大學 2002-11-11)
90學年度 全國企管碩士論文獎競賽 指導郭智瑋同學 榮獲佳作獎 (中華民國管理科學學會 2002-06-20)
90學年度 全國企管碩士論文獎競賽 指導葉如芳同學 榮獲佳作獎 (中華民國管理科學學會 2002-06-20)
89學年度 協志工業論文佳作獎 (協志工業振興會 2001-11-11)
八十九學年度 國科會 甲種學術研究獎勵 (國科會 2001-06-01)
88學年度 協志工業論文佳作獎 (協志工業振興會 1999-11-11)
87學年度 協志工業論文佳作獎 (協志工業振興會 1998-11-11)
服務 (Service)
1. 行政院 公共工程委員會 採購評選委員會 委員 (2005-05-01 ~ 今)
2. 台大管理論叢 審稿人 (2004-02-01 ~ 今)
3. 中華民國管理科學學會全國管理碩士論文比賽 評審 (2003-09-01 ~ 今)
4. 管理學報 審稿人 (2003-02-01 ~ 今)
5. Academy of International Business 年會論文Reviewer (2002-09-01 ~ 今)
6. Academy of Management 年會論文 Reviewer (2001-01-01 ~ 今)
7. 系教評會委員 (2000-08-01 ~ 今)
8. 系主任兼所長 (2013-08-01 ~ 2015-07-31)
9. 導師 (2011-09-01 ~ 2013-07-31)
10. International Journal of Case Method期刊編輯群 (2011-08-01 ~ 2021-08-31)
11. 財金立法促進院評比委員 (2010-08-01 ~ 2016-11-30)
12. J of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability期刊編輯群 (2010-01-01 ~ 2016-11-30)
13. 校長特別助理 (2007-08-01 ~ 2009-07-31)
14. 公關主任 (2007-03-01 ~ 2009-07-31)
15. 採購評審委員會 委員 (2006-10-01 ~ 2008-12-31)
16. 經費稽核委員會 召集人 (2006-08-01 ~ 2007-07-31)
17. Int'l J. of Business and Information, Reviewer (2005-02-01 ~ 2009-12-31)
18. 經費稽核委員會 委員 (2004-08-01 ~ 2006-07-31)
19. 卓越教與學推動小組 委員 (2004-08-01 ~ 2005-07-31)
20. 圖書館諮詢委員會 委員 (2003-08-01 ~ 2012-07-31)
21. 校教評委員 (2002-08-01 ~ 2003-07-31)
22. 學生申訴委員會委員 (2002-08-01 ~ 2003-07-31)
23. Academy of Management 國際管理組 台灣代表 (2001-10-01 ~ 2008-09-30)
24. 導師 (2001-02-01 ~ 2004-07-31)
25. 導師 (1999-08-01 ~ 2000-07-31)
1. 社會資本對知識分享與群聚價值創造影響之研究國科會 國科會 一般型研究計畫 ,2006/8/1 ~ 2007/7/31
2. 社會資本對知識分享與群聚價值創造影響之研究共同主持人 ,2006/8/1 ~ 2007/7/31
3. 結構面、關係面與認知面社會資本對知識流通與智慧資本影響之研究國科會 國科會 一般型研究計畫 ,2005/8/1 ~ 2006/7/31
4. 國際投資環境、管理控制機制、社會資本、智慧資本與組織績效關係之研究國科會 國科會 一般型研究計畫 ,2004/8/1 ~ 2005/7/31
5. 從跨文化觀點探討海外子公司策略角色、知識分享與創新之關係,2003/8/1 ~ 2004/7/31
6. 知識特性與組織互動機制對知識移轉方式與移轉績效影響之研究:以台灣跨國百貨公司與量販店加以實證共同主持人 ,2002/8/1 ~ 2002/8/1
7. 聯盟網路國際化動因、型態與競爭優勢關係之研究國科會 國科會 一般型研究計畫 ,2002/8/1 ~ 2003/7/31
1. 整合理論與實務的多元、創新卓越教學計劃,2019/8/1 ~ 2020/7/31
2. 在泰國兩泰一台企業之營運與管理的體驗式實習,2019/7/1 ~ 2019/8/31
3. 在金邊台資企業之市場調查與開發的體驗式實習,2019/7/1 ~ 2019/8/31
4. 電動車(EMB)導入泰國當地市場專案,2018/7/1 ~ 2018/8/31
5. 前進柬埔寨--農地產與紡織雙企業之整合實習,2018/7/1 ~ 2018/8/31
6. 106年度「新南向學海築夢」國外專業實習計畫,2017/7/1 ~ 2017/8/31
7. 廠商間的信任對其研發競合網路型態選擇之影響,2016/1/1 ~ 2016/11/30
8. 物聯網商業模式研究計畫,2016/1/1 ~ 2016/11/30
9. 外派經理人與地主國經理人資訊分享因果關係的調節與中介效果,2015/1/1 ~ 2015/11/30
10. 國際視野提昇計畫,2009/8/1 ~ 2010/12/31
11. 大陸台商經營報告書,2009/5/1 ~ 2009/11/30
12. 溝通科技商業化模式之創新,2009/3/1 ~ 2009/8/31
13. 台灣泰國餐廳現況調查,2009/1/1 ~ 2009/12/31
14. 全球化時代國際人才培育計畫,2008/8/1 ~ 2009/7/31
15. 品牌策略、原產國效應與品牌權益之關係,2007/9/1 ~ 2008/7/31
16. 全球化時代國際人才培育計畫,2007/8/1 ~ 2008/7/31
17. 社會資本對國際合資事業伙伴間之組織學習的影響,2006/9/1 ~ 2007/7/15
18. 國際合資之高階經營團隊、組織學習與知識創造關係之研究,2005/9/1 ~ 2006/7/15
19. 海外市場進入模式、知識移轉與移轉績效之關係,2004/9/1 ~ 2005/7/15
期刊論文 (Journal Paper)
1. Che‑Jen Su, Yi‑Fang Lan, Nicolas G. A. Lorgni, Yung-Kuei Liang, Anne Marie Lebrun, Qiuju Luo, Maria Helena Cavalca, Carlos Eduardo Pinto(2023). Adolescents’ attempts at influence and self‑reported errors in family vacation decisions: a cross‑regional study. Service Business, 17, 879-911. SSCI
2. Guo, Ruey-Ji, Liang, Yung-Kuei, Fan, Hung-Shu, Chen, Yen-Pao, Guo, Su-Er(2022). Analysis of COVID-19 rapid antigen and PCR detection policy. Decision Science Letters, 11(3), 347-356.
3. Hauer, G., Quan, T.A., Liang, Yung-Kuei.(2021). Leadership as an influencing factor in employee retention - a case study analysis in East Asian multinational corporations in the digital age. Romanian Journal of Information Technology and Automatic Control, 31(1), 89-100.
4. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2018). The Effect of Strategic Alliance on Diversified Business Performance for SMEs in Taiwan. Tatung Journal, 33, 179-188.
5. Zaner, Lena, Audra I. Mockaitis, Anne-Wil Harzing, Yung-Kuei Liang, Sununta Siengthai, Anabella Davila, Rita Fernandes Ferre, Srabani Roy Choudhur(2010). Don’t Just Say What You Mean—Contextualize It: A Study of Leadership and Language across 17 Countries. Journal of World Business, 1(1). SSCI
6. Harzing, Anne-Wil, Baldueza, Joyce, Anne Canabal, Yung-Kuei Liang, Lena Zander, Audra I. Mockaitis, Sununta Siengthai, Joseph O.T. Odusanya(2010). What’s in a Name? Cross Country Differences in Preferred Ways of Address for University Teachers. AIB Insights, 10(3), 3-8.
7. Y.K. Liang, A.W. Harzing, L. Zander, A.I. Mockaitis(2009). Rating versus Ranking: What is the Best Way to Reduce Response and Language Bias in Cross-National Research?. International Business Review, 18(4), 417-432. SSCI
8. 梁詠貴(2007)。國際合資內之組織學習與控制機制。多國籍企業管理評論,1(1),177-204。
9. Yung-Kuei Liang(2007). Knowledge Transfer and Entry Strategy for Transnationals. Multinational Enterprises and Emerging Challenges of the 21st Century, 1(1).
10. Yung-Kuei Liang(2006). Knowledge Integration and New Product Development in MNEs: A Subsidiary Perspective. Taiwan Academy of Management Journal, 6(2), 77-90.
11. Yung-Kuei Liang, Wen-Kuei, Ya-Wen Hsueh(2005). An Examination in Knowledge Creation and Innovation in International Joint Ventures. Global Business & Economics Anthology, 1(1), 385-392.
12. Yung-Kuei Liang, Harzing, Wen-Kuei Liang, 31 co-authors(2005). Does the use of English-language Questionnaires in Cross-national Research Obscure National Differences. International Journal of Cross-cultural Management, 5(2), 213-224.
13. Yung-Kuei Liang(2004). Growth Through Diversification vs. Internationalization: A Study of Taiwanese Firms. IBAT Journal of Management, 1(1), 118-137.
14. Yung-Kuei Liang(2002). Product diversification and International Expansion: Their Choice and Interaction. Global Business & economics ReviewAnthology 2002, 1(1), 296-303.
15. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2002). The Impacts from Accession to the WTO and Coopetitive Strategies: A Comparative Study on Taiwan and China. Global Business & Economics ReviewAnthology 2002, 1(1), 402-409.
16. 梁詠貴(1999)。本土企業國際化歷程:以大同公司國際化為例。商業職業教育季刊,0(72),22-28。
17. 梁詠貴(1998)。訊息不足對決策行為之影響-賽局,訊息與交易成本三論點之觀點。大同學報,0(28),45-54。
18. 梁詠貴(1998)。從組織設計觀點探討多國籍公司持久競爭優勢之創造。大同學報,0(28),55-63。
19. 梁詠貴(1998)。多國籍公司組織與策略國際人力資源管理。商業職業教育季刊,0(70),42-46。
20. 梁詠貴(1997)。理論與研究:工具說或目的說?。大同學報,0(27),21-26。
21. Yung-Kuei Liang(1997). Global Strategy Implementation at the Business Unit Level:評論. 大同學報, 0(27), 27-30.
22. Yung-Kuei Liang(1995). An Investigation into Forwar Exchange Rate as Predictors of Future Spot Rates. Tatung Journal, 0(25), 43-51.
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
1. 梁詠貴(2018)。品牌形象、服務創新對消費者行為意圖之研究—以智慧家電為例。2018企業經營管理及創新與創業管理研討會R.O.C。
2. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2016). The Effects of Trust on Information Sharing Across Nations. Academy of International Business 2016 Conference(頁 27-30). United States of America.
3. Liang, Yung-Kuei, Chen, Yen-Tang(2014). The Relationship among R&D Experience, Trust, and Co-optition Network. 2014 Business Finance and Regional Economic Development Conference. R.O.C.
4. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2014). Information Sharing between Host Country Nationals and Expatriates at the Subsidiary. Annual Meeting in Vancouver, Canada(頁 23-26). Canada.
5. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2013). The Relationships among Leaders Humor Delivery, Organizational Climate, and Followers Creativity. the Twenty Second Annual World Business Congress of the IMDA. R.O.C.
6. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2012). On-line Reviews and Purchase Intention: The Role of Consumers’ Trust and Attitude. usiness & Economics Society International 2012 Conference(頁 6-9). Austria.
7. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2011). The Impacts of Internationalization and Product Diversification upon Performance—Strategic Alliance as a Moderator. Proceeding of Management Strategies of MNEs for 21st Century(頁 18). R.O.C.
8. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2010). Resource, Innovation, and Performance in the Context of Highly Uncertain Industry. The 2010 International Conference on APBITM(頁 25-27). Mainland China.
9. Liang, Yung-Kuei, Chi-Ju Lee(2010). Why Do Consumers Buy Counterfeit Luxury Brands in Taiwan?. The 2010 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making,. R.O.C.
10. Liang, Yung-Kuei, Kao-Shen Lin(2010). The Impacts of Country of Origin, Country of Manufacture and Price Discount on Purchasing Intention—Product Involvement as A Moderator. The 2010 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making,. R.O.C.
11. Liang, Yung-Kuei, A.W.K. Harzing, A.I. Mockaitis, Zander, L.(2009). Dont Just Say What You MeanContextualize It. Academy of Management 2009 Annual Meeting(頁 7-11). United States of America.
12. Liang, Yung-Kuei, A.W.K. Harzing, L. Zander, Mockaitis,A.I.(2009). Why Do Leaders Do What They Do?. Academy of International Business 2009 Conference. United States of America.
13. Liang, Yung-Kuei, A.W.K. Harzing, A. Mockaitis, Zander, L.(2008). Getting Closer to the Action: Examining Leaders Behavioral Intent with Globes Leadership Dimensions across 22 Countries. ANZIBA 2008 Conference (Winner of the all conference best paper award)(頁 2-5). New Zealand.
14. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2008). Repatriation Assistance, Personality Trait, and Organizational Commitment. Business & Economics Society International 2008. Switzerland.
15. Liang, Yung-Kuei, Harzing, Anne-Wil(2007). Ranking versus rating: what is the best way to reduce response and language bias in cross-national research?. ANZIBA 2007 Conference. R.O.C.
16. Liang, Yung-Kuei, Harzing, Anne-Will(2007). Ranking and Rating in Native-Language versus English-Language Questionnaires: A Methodological Comparison. EIBA 2007 Conference. R.O.C.
17. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2007). Channel Manoeuvring Strategies in Russia. Academy of Management Proceeding. R.O.C.
18. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2007). The Relationship between Knowledge Sharing through Value Network and Competitive Advantage. SGBEC proceeding. R.O.C.
19. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2007). Building an Industrial Cluster in an Emerging Economy. Conference Proceeding by IEA press. R.O.C.
20. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2007). An Examination of the Relation between Branding Strategy and Brand Equity. B&ESI proceeding. R.O.C.
21. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2007). Organizational Learning within International Joint Ventures. The Proceedings of The 1st International Financial Planning and CEO Forum. R.O.C.
22. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2006). Organizational Learning and Its Effects: A Social Capital Perspective. Academy of Management. R.O.C.
23. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2006). Organizational Learning and Its Effects through Launching International Joint Ventures. Business & Economics International 2006 Conference. R.O.C.
24. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2006). A Subsidiarys Strategic Role, Location Choice, and Clustering Effects. Global Business and Technology Association. R.O.C.
25. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2006). Knowledge Transfer and Entry Strategy for Transnationals. the 8th International Conference on Multinational Enterprise. R.O.C.
26. 梁詠貴(2006)。跨國企業知識移轉與市場進入策略關係之研究。第八屆多國籍企業國際學術研討會R.O.C。
27. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2005). Knowledge Integration and New Product Development in MNCs: A Subsidiary Perspective. Academy of International Business—2005 Conference. R.O.C.
28. Liang, Yung-Kuei, Ya-Wen Hsueh(2005). An Examination of Knowledge Creation and Innovation in International Joint Ventures. Business & Economics Society International 2005 Conference. R.O.C.
29. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2004). An Investigation into Knowledge Sharing Across Cultures. Proceedings AIB 2004, p. 164(頁 164). R.O.C.
30. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2004). Market Entry Strategy and Knowledge Transfer for Transnational Corporations. Global Business and Technology Association 2004 Conference. South Africa.
31. Liang, Yung-Kuei, A.W., Harzing(2003). The Use of English Questionnaires in Cross-National Research: Does Cultural Accommodation Obscure National Differences?. Conference Proceedings of the ANZIBA Annual Meeting. New Zealand.
32. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2003). An Examination of Early Internationalization: Determinants of Entry Mode and Its Effects. Proceedings AIB 2003(頁 105). R.O.C.
33. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2003). Partner Choice and Performance of International Strategic Alliance: A Cross-cultural View. Twelfth Annual World Business Congress. Canada.
34. Liang, Yung-Kuei, Miao-Que Lin(2003). A Comparatine Study of Asia Strategy; Wal-Mart vs. Carrefour.. The 7th International Conference Proceeding on Global Business & Economic Development. R.O.C.
35. Liang, Yung-Kuei, Miao-Que Lin(2003). A Longitudinal Study of Entry Mode Choices: Taiwans Investment Experiences in China. The 7th International Conference Proceeding on Global Business & Economic Development. R.O.C.
36. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2003). International Merger & Acquisition and Competitive Advantage: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. The 6th International Conference on Creative Teaching. R.O.C.
37. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2002). An Exploration into The Growth of High-Tech Companies: Its Cause and Path. Proceedings of 2002 AIB Southeast Asia and Australia Regional Conference(頁 1-17). R.O.C.
38. Liang, Yung-Kuei(2001). Product/Market Straregies and Financial Performance. The 9th Annual Strategic Thinkers Conference Proceedings,New Zealand Strategic Management Society(頁 33-40). New Zealand.
專書 (Book)
1. 丁文拯、梁詠貴(2007)。管理會計:代理理論與系統思考之運用。雙葉書廊。