1. | 徐旻誼、吳臺一(2023)。氫化鈦合金粉末熱壓燒結體特性研究 The properties of hot pressed sinters from hydrogenated titanium alloy powders。鑛冶,67(1),52-60。
2. | Sheng-Yang Huang, Tair-I Wu, Chia-Man Chou, Vincent K.S. Hsiao(2023). Tailoring mechanical and electrical properties of polydimethylsiloxane nanocomposites With graphene and carbon nanotubes for wearable electronics. Polymers and Polymer Composites, 31, 1–11. SCIE(SCI)
3. | K. S. Hsiao, Yan-Cheng Lin, Hsi-Chin Wu, Tair-I Wu(2023). Surface Morphology and Human MG-63 Osteoblasic Cell Line Response of 316L Stainless Steel after Various Surface Treatments. Metals, 13(10), 1739. SCIE(SCI)
4. | Bing-Yen Wang, Steven Hsu, Chia-Man Chou, Tair-I Wu, Vincent K. S. Hsiao(2021). Improved Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High Shear Force Mixed Reduced Graphene Oxide/-Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposite Produced Using Spark Plasma Sintering. Nanomaterials, 11(4), 986-997. SCIE(SCI)
5. | 陳蔚璉、吳臺一(2016)。Ti-6Al-4V及 SP700合金循環電解滲氫暨後續固溶熱處理表面硬化。礦冶,60(1),83-90。
6. | 吳臺一(2015)。Ti-6Al-4V合金循環電解滲氫暨後續固溶熱處理表面晶粒細化。金屬熱處理,127,26-33。EI
7. | Chia-Po Hung, Tair-I Wu, Jiann-Kuo Wu(2014). Surface Hardening of Ti-15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn Alloy after Cyclic Hydrogenation and Subsequent Solution Treatment. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014. SCIE(SCI)
8. | CHIEN-LUNG HUANG, YU-JIA GAO, TAO-LIANG CHUANG, CHEN-YU HUA, TAIR-I WU(2014). Interdiffusion Coefficients of Fe and Si Measured from Si/IF Steel Coating System. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 150, 123-136. SCIE(SCI)
9. | Tair-I Wu, Chien-Lung Huang, Yu-Jia Gao, Tao-Liang Chuang, Vincent K. S. Hsiao(2013). Study of the Behavior of Titanium Alloys as the Cathode for Photovoltaic Hydrogen Production. International Journal of Photoenergy, 2013. SCIE(SCI)
10. | 吳臺一(2012)。Ti、Fe及Cu流體床滲碳表面硬化。金屬熱處理,113(2),42-48。EI
11. | 吳臺一、陳漢平、李柏萱、梁哲瑄(2011)。循環滲氫暨後續固溶處理對 Ti-15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn 合金微觀結構及機械特性之影響。金屬熱處理,108(1),29-38。
12. | Tair-I Wu, Cheng. C.-L, Su. W.-S, Tuan. Y.-T, Shih. M.-H, Fang. W(2011). Electrolytic hydrogenation technique: New approach for the modification of Ti-film mechanical properties and MEMS applications. 2011 16th International Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Conference, (5969556), 2702-2705. EI
13. | (2010). Behavior of Various Coatings as the Diffusion Barrier Layer of IF Steel. 礦冶, 54(4), 67-77.
14. | 吳臺一、黃建龍、林志隆、廖啟宏(2010)。循環滲氫與後續固溶處理對軋延-退火與β-固溶處理商用純鈦氫濃度分佈之影響。金屬熱處理,106,40-54。
15. | 吳臺一、林志隆、黃建龍、吳春森(2009)。濺鍍Si中介層對IF鋼材表面TiO2鍍層親水特性之影響。金屬熱處理,102,45-57。
16. | 吳臺一、施明育、吳日正(2009)。循環電解滲氫與後續固溶處理對β-固溶處理Ti-6Al-4V合金氫吸收及逸散之影響。金屬熱處理,100,21-32。
17. | Tair-I Wu(2009). Surface Modification of CP-Ti and Ti-6Al-4V Alloy. Surface Engineering, 25(1), 50-58. SCIE(SCI)/EI
18. | Tair-I Wu, Jih-Cheng Wu(2008). Influences of the Cyclic Electrolytic Hydrogenation and Subsequent Solution Treatment on the Hydrogen Absorption and Evolution of β-Solution Treated T. IJHE, 33, 5651-5560. SCIE(SCI)
19. | Tair-I Wu, Jih-Cheng Wu(2008). Effects of Cathodic Charging and Subsequent Solution Treating Parameters on the Hydrogen Redistribution and Surface Hardening of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 466, 153-159. SCIE(SCI)
20. | Tair-I Wu, Chia-Der Liu(2008). Formation of nanocrystalline structure of Ti-6Al-4V alloy by cyclic hydrogenation-dehydrogenation treatment. MCP, 110, 110-444. SCIE(SCI)
21. | 吳臺一、吳日正(2008)。循環滲氫與後續固溶處理對Ti-6Al-4V合金氫濃度分佈之影響。金屬熱處理,98(3)。
22. | 吳臺一、賴志豪、黃建龍(2007)。IF鋼表面Si及Si-O薄膜熱擴散阻障層之研究。金屬熱處理,94,31-44。
23. | 吳臺一、吳昶漢(2006)。流體床滲碳對 CP-Ti及Ti-6Al-4V 合金之表面改質。金屬熱處理,91,46-53。
24. | 邱思蓉、陳素真、陳克紹、吳臺一(2006)。冷電漿沉積有機膜在不銹鋼表面以提升其耐蝕性。防蝕工程,20(3),255-262。
25. | 曾子陽、黃建龍、吳臺一(2006)。中介層對IF鋼表面TiO2 鍍層特性之影響。金屬熱處理,89,19-29。
26. | 黃建龍、吳臺一(2006)。表面改質對IF鋼表面特性之影響。鑛冶,50(2),134-146。
27. | 黃聿明、吳臺一(2004)。IF鋼在不同酸液中之腐蝕行為。礦冶,1(48),136-142。