大同大學 教職員資料 (Information of TTU Faculty & Staff)
基本資料 (Basic Info)
姓名:陳美芳 (Chen, Mei-Fang) 教授
學歷 (Education)
國立交通大學 經營管理研究所 博士 (1999/9 ~ 2004/5)
大同大學 事業經營研究所 碩士 (1992/9 ~ 1994/6)
東吳大學 國際貿易系 學士 (1986/9 ~ 1990/6)
經歷 (Experience)
大同大學 事業經營系 教授 (2007/8 ~ 今)
大同大學 事業經營系 副教授 (2004/8 ~ 2007/7)
大同大學 事業經營系 講師 (1994/8 ~ 2004/7)
專長 (Specialty)
開授課程 (Course)
行銷管理、消費者行為、廣告管理、零售管理、服務行銷、 國際貿易實務
獎勵 (Award)
大同大學95學年度基礎案成果展優選海報獎 (大同大學 2007-08-21)
95學年度大同大學論文獎佳作 (大同大學 2006-12-08)
95學年度(1)張延輝論文獎 (大同大學 2006-11-10)
BAI 2006研討會(新加坡)最佳論文獎 (International Conference on Business & Informa 2006-07-13)
94學年度大同大學論文優等獎 (大同大學 2005-11-14)
94學年度(1)張延輝論文獎 (大同大學 2005-10-30)
93學年度大同大學論文獎佳作 (大同大學 2004-11-15)
服務 (Service)
1. 通識教育課程委員會委員 (2007-09-01 ~ 今)
2. 性別平等教育委員會委原員 (2007-04-01 ~ 今)
3. 校教評會評審委員 (2005-08-01 ~ 今)
4. 學生申訴委員會委員 (2005-07-01 ~ 今)
5. 管理與系統 審稿人 (2005-01-01 ~ 今)
6. 圖書館館長 (2009-08-01 ~ 2015-07-31)
1. 減少食物浪費,珍惜次優食品,2023/8/1 ~ 2024/7/31
2. 少吃肉、多吃植物性食品以改善環境、健康和動物福利(3/3),2022/8/1 ~ 2023/7/31
3. 少吃肉、多吃植物性食品以改善環境、健康和動物福利(2/3),2021/8/1 ~ 2022/7/31
4. 少吃肉、多吃植物性食品以改善環境、健康和動物福利(1/3),2020/8/1 ~ 2021/7/31
5. 氣候變遷對消費者永續食物選擇與消費行為的影響—在地有機食品、肉 類食品消費以及食物浪費行為,2019/8/1 ~ 2020/7/31
6. 影響廉價航空公司粉絲專頁參與以及機票購買意願因素之研究,2019/7/1 ~ 2020/2/29
7. 氣候變遷對環境保護行為、永續消費行為的影響--社會表徵、心理距離、價值觀與行為的差異,2018/8/1 ~ 2019/7/31
8. 氣候變遷對環境保護行為、永續消費行為的影響--社會表徵、心理距離、價值觀與行為的差異,2017/8/1 ~ 2018/7/31
9. 氣候變遷對環境保護行為、永續消費行為的影響--社會表徵、心理距離 、價值觀與行為的差異科技部 科技部 一般型研究計劃 ,2016/8/1 ~ 2019/7/31
10. 消費者避免消費食品添加物意願、食品風險管理品質之評估與新穎食品使用意願之研究科技部 科技部 一般型研究計劃 ,2014/8/1 ~ 2016/7/31
11. 氣候變遷下消費者環境保護行為模式之檢視與干擾效果之研究國科會 國科會 一般型研究計畫 ,2011/8/1 ~ 2014/7/31
12. 台灣消費者對機能性食品之態度以及使用意願之研究—中介效果模式與聯合調節效果模式(2/2)國科會 國科會 一般型研究計畫 ,2010/8/1 ~ 2011/7/31
13. 台灣消費者對機能性食品之態度以及使用意願之研究—中介效果模式與聯合調節效果模式(1/2)國科會 國科會 一般型研究計劃 ,2009/8/1 ~ 2010/7/31
14. 台灣消費者對食品安全信任之研究(2/2)國科會 國科會 一般型研究計劃 ,2008/8/1 ~ 2009/7/31
15. 台灣消費者對食品安全信任之研究國科會 國科會 一般型研究計劃 ,2007/8/1 ~ 2008/7/31
16. 消費者對有機食品之態度及購買意願之研究:食品相關人格特質之調節效果,2006/8/1 ~ 2007/7/31
17. 消費者對基因改造食品的態度與購買意願之整合研究架構,2005/8/1 ~ 2006/7/31
1. 探討員工在工作場所節能行為意願的影響因素,2024/1/1 ~ 2024/11/30
2. 探討大學生宿舍節能行為的影響因素,2023/1/1 ~ 2023/12/31
3. 探究消費者對碳標籤產品購買意願的影響因素,2022/1/1 ~ 2022/12/31
4. 探索在Covid 19大流行期間消費者使用線上餐飲外送服務平台行為的前因,2021/1/1 ~ 2021/12/31
5. 旅遊動機、知覺限制以及中介變數如何影響老年人的整體生活品質與再訪意願,2018/1/1 ~ 2018/11/30
6. 透過顧客參與探究影響線上遊戲預付卡購買意願的前置影響因素,2017/1/1 ~ 2017/11/30
7. 台灣韓劇觀眾去韓國旅遊意願之研究—民族中心主義和文化接近性之調節影響 B105-B02-017,2016/1/1 ~ 2016/11/30
8. 應用保護動機理論來預測消費者的安全食品選擇行為意願,2015/1/1 ~ 2015/11/30
9. 教育部大專院校實施特殊優秀人才彈性薪資方案 (3/3),2014/8/31 ~ 2015/8/30
10. 消費者使用聯名卡意願之研究--忠誠度計畫之調節影響,2014/1/1 ~ 2014/12/31
11. 教育部大專院校實施特殊優秀人才彈性薪資方案 (2/3),2013/8/31 ~ 2014/8/31
12. 服務氣候、員工承諾與顧客滿意關聯性之研究,2013/5/1 ~ 2013/10/31
13. 營養標示對消費者速食食品購買意願的影響,2012/10/1 ~ 2013/12/31
14. 教育部大專院校實施特殊優秀人才彈性薪資方案 (1/3),2012/8/31 ~ 2013/8/30
15. 市場導向與品牌導向對非營利組織績效的影響—產業競爭強度的干擾,2011/9/1 ~ 2012/7/15
16. 消費者環境關心程度與知覺道德義務對綠色旅館造訪意願的聯合調節影響,2010/9/1 ~ 2011/7/15
17. 奈米科技之風險感知及政策研究,2010/4/1 ~ 2010/12/31
18. 食品相關知識對消費者對食品態度的調節影響,2007/9/1 ~ 2008/7/15
19. 關係銷售行為以及關係品質在專業服務中的重要性,2006/9/1 ~ 2007/7/15
20. 利用知覺組織支援及外派人員調適來預測外派人員的離職意願,2005/9/1 ~ 2006/7/15
期刊論文 (Journal Paper)
1. Chen, Mei-Fang(2024). Integrating the value–belief–norm model and the theory of planned behavior for explaining consumers’ purchase intention of suboptimal food. British Food Journal, 126(9), 3483-3504. SCIE(SCI)
2. Chen, Mei-Fang(2024). Consumer food choice motives and willingness to try plant-based meat: moderating effect of meat attachment. British Food Journal, 126((3)), 1301-1324.. SCIE(SCI)
3. Chen, Mei-Fang(2023). Integrating the extended theory of planned behavior model and the food-related routines to explain food waste behavior. British Food Journal, 125(2), Pages 645 . SCIE(SCI)
4. Chen, Mei-Fang(2022). To combine or not to combine? Applying protection motivation theory and the theory of reasoned action to explain and predict intention to reduce meat consumption. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 52(2), Pages 115-. SSCI
5. Chen, Mei-Fang(2020). Effects of psychological distance perception and psychological factors on pro-environmental behaviors in Taiwan: Application of construal level theory. International Sociology, 35((1)), 70-89.. SSCI
6. Chen, Mei-Fang(2020). Moral extension of the protection motivation theory model to predict climate change mitigation behavioral intentions in Taiwan. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 13714–1372. SSCI
7. Mei-Fang, Chen(2020). The impacts of perceived moral obligation and sustainability self‐identity on sustainability development: A theory of planned behavior purchase intent. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29((6)), 2404-2417. SSCI
8. Chen, Mei-Fang(2020). Selecting Environmental Psychology Theories to Predict Peoples Consumption Intention of Locally Produced Organic Foods. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 44((5)), 455-468. SSCI
9. Mei-Fang, Chen(2019). Social representations of climate change and pro-environmental behavior intentions in Taiwan. International Sociology, 34(3), 327-346. SSCI
10. Mei-Fang Chen, Ray-E Chang, Hung-Bin Tsai, Ying-Hui Hou(2018). Effects of perceived autonomy support and basic need satisfaction on quality of life in hemodialysis. Quality of Life Research, 27(3). SCIE(SCI)
11. Mei-Fang Chen, Neng-Pai Lin(2018). Incorporation of health consciousness into the technology readiness and acceptance model to predict . Internet Research, 28(2). SCIE(SCI)
12. Mei-Fang, Chen(2018). Social representations of genetically modified foods and public willingness to consume such foods in. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(14).
13. Chia-Lin, Hsu, Yu-Hsiang, Lin, Mei-Fang, Chen, Kamaporn, Suraphatch(2018). Understanding foreign students’ continuance intention toward mobile telecommunication service: An integrative theoretical model. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 9(2), 93-118.
14. Mei-Fang, Chen(2018). Social representations of genetically modified foods and public willingness to consume such foods in Taiwan. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 98(14), 5428-5434. SCIE(SCI)
15. Mei-Fang Chen, Neng-Pai Lin(2018). Incorporation of health consciousness into the technology readiness and acceptance model to predict app download and usage intentions.. Internet Research, 28(2), 351-373. SCIE(SCI)
16. Mei-Fang Chen, Ray-E Chang, Hung-Bin Tsai, Ying-Hui Hou(2018). Effects of perceived autonomy support and basic need satisfaction on quality of life in hemodialysis patients.. Quality of Life Research, 27(3), 765-773. SCIE(SCI)
17. Yu-Hsiang Lin, Chia-Lin Hsu, Mei-Fang Chen, Cheng-Hsi Fang(2017). New gratifications for social word-of-mouth spread via mobile SNSs: Uses and gratifications approach with a perspective of media technology. Telematics and Informatics, 34(4), 382-397. SSCI
18. Mei-Fang Chen(2017). Modeling an extended theory of planned behavior model to predict intention to take precautions to avoid consuming food with additives. Food Quality and Preference, 58, 24-33. SCIE(SCI)
19. Mei-Fang Chen(2016). Extending the theory of planned behavior model to explain peoples energy savings and carbon reduction behavioral intentions to mitigate climate change in Taiwan–Moral obligation matters. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112(2), 1746-1753. SCIE(SCI)
20. Mei-Fang Chen(2016). Impact of fear appeals on pro-environmental behavior and crucial determinants.. International Journal of Advertising, 35(1), 74-92. SSCI
21. Mei-Fang Chen(2015). An examination of the value-belief-norm theory model in predicting pro-environmental behaviour in Taiwan. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 18(2), 145-151. SSCI
22. Mei-Fang Chen(2015). Self-efficacy or collective efficacy within the cognitive theory of stress model: Which more effectively explains peoples self-reported proenvironmental behavior?. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 0(42), 66-75. SSCI
23. Mei-Fang Chen, Chia-Lin Lee(2015). The Impacts of Green Claims on Coffee Consumers’ Purchase Intention. British Food Journal, 117(1), 195-209. SCIE(SCI)
24. Mei-Fang Chen, Pei-Ju Tung(2014). Developing an extended theory of planned behavior model to predict consumers intention to visit green hotels. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36(0), 221-230. SSCI
25. Mei-Fang Chen, Chien-Hsien Huang(2013). The impacts of the food traceability system and consumer involvement on consumers purchase intentions toward fast foods. Food Control, 33(2), 313-319. SCIE(SCI)
26. Mei-Fang Chen(2013). Influences of health consciousness on consumers’ modern health worries and willingness to use functional foods. Journal of Applied Social Psychology 2013, 43, pp. E1–E12, 43(1), E1–E12. SSCI
27. Mei-Fang Chen(2013). Consumers’ Health and Taste Attitude in Taiwan—The Impacts of Modern Tainted Food Worries and Gender Difference. British Food Journal, 115(4), 526-540. SCIE(SCI)
28. Mei-Fang Chen, Yi-Ping Lin, Tsun-Jen Cheng(2013). Public attitudes toward nanotechnology applications in Taiwan. Technovation, 33(2-3), 88–96. SSCI
29. Mei-Fang Chen(2013). Segmentation of Taiwanese consumers based on trust in the food supply system. British Food Journal, 114(1), 70-84. SCIE(SCI)
30. Mei-Fang Chen, Ting-Yi Lu(2011). Modeling E-Coupon Proneness as a Mediator in the Extended TPB Model to Predict Consumers’ Usage Intentions. Internet Research, 21(5), 508-526. SCIE(SCI)
31. Mei-Fang Chen(2011). Consumer’s Trust-in-food-safety Typology in Taiwan: Food-related Lifestyle Matters. Health, Risk & Society, 13(6), 503-526. SSCI
32. Mei-Fang Chen, Chieh-Peng, Lin, Gin-Yen, Lien(2011). Modelling job stress as a mediating role in predicting turnover intention. The Service Industries Journal, 31(8), 1327–1345. SSCI
33. Mei-Fang Chen(2011). The joint moderating effect of health consciousness and healthy lifestyle on consumers’ willingness to use functional foods in Taiwan. Appetite, 57(1), 253-262. SCIE(SCI)
34. Mei-Fang Chen, Ya-Hui Yen(2011). Costs and Utilities Perspective of Consumers’ Intentions to Engage in Online Music Sharing—Consumers’ Knowledge Matters. Ethics & Behavior, 21(4), 283-300. SSCI
35. Mei-Fang Chen(2011). The Gender Gap in Food Choice Motives as Determinants of Consumers’ Attitudes toward GM Foods in Taiwan. British Food Journal, 113(6), 697-709. SCIE(SCI)
36. Mei-Fang Chen(2011). The mediating role of subjective health complaints on willingness to use selected functional foods. Food Quality and Preference, 22(1), 110–118. SCIE(SCI)
37. Mei-Fang Chen, Pei-Ju Tung(2011). The Moderating Effect of Perceived Lack of Facilities on Consumers’Recycling Intentions. Environment and Behavior, 42(6), 824–844. SSCI
38. Mei-Fang Chen, Ching-Ti Pan, Ming-Chuan Pan(2009). The Joint Moderating Impact of Moral Intensity and Moral Judgment on Consumer’s Use Intention of Pirated Software. Journal of Business Ethics, 90(3), 361-373. SSCI
39. Mei-Fang Chen, Ling-Huei Wang(2009). The moderating role of switching barriers on customer loyalty in the life insurance industry. The Service Industries Journal, 29(8), 1105 - 112. SSCI
40. Mei-Fang Chen, Cherng G. Ding(2009). Comparing Two-Stage Approaches to Detect Continuous Manifest Moderating Effects on Construct Relationships. Asia Pacific Management Review, 14(2), 137-157. TSSCI
41. Mei-Fang Chen(2009). Attitude toward Organic Foods among Taiwanese as Related to Health Consciousness, Environmental Attitudes, and the Mediating Effects of A Healthy Life. British Food Journal, 111(2), 165-178. SCIE(SCI)
42. Mei-Fang Chen, Liang-Hung Mau(2009). The impacts of ethical sales behaviour on customer loyalty in the life insurance industry. The Service Industries Journal, 29(1), 59-74. SSCI
43. Mei-Fang Chen(2009). The Joint Impact of Relationship Selling Behaviors and Switching Barriers in Professional Service Contexts. International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 4(2), 123-145. EI
44. Mei-Fang Chen, Shih-Chih Chen, Huei-Huang Chen(2009). Determinants of satisfaction and continuance intention towards self-service technologies. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 109(9), 1248 - 126. SCIE(SCI)
45. Mei-Fang Chen(2008). Consumers Trust in Food SafetyA Multi-disciplinary Approach and Empirical Evidence from Taiwan. Risk Analysis, 28(6), 1553-1569. SSCI
46. Mei-Fang Chen(2008). An integrated research framework to understand consumer attitudes and purchase intentions toward genetically modified foods. British Food Journal, 110(6), 559-579. SCIE(SCI)
47. Mei-Fang Chen, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Cherng G. Ding(2008). Combining Fuzzy AHP with MDS in Identifying the Preference Similarity of Alternatives. Applied Soft Computing, 8(1), 110-117. SCIE(SCI)
48. Mei-Fang Chen(2007). Consumer Attitudes and Purchase Intentions in Relation to Organic Foods in Taiwan: Moderating Effects of Food-related Personality Traits. Food Quality and Preference, 18(7), 1008-1021. SCIE(SCI)
49. Mei-Fang Chen, Hsiao-Lan Li(2007). The consumer’s attitude toward genetically modified foods in Taiwan. Food Quality and Preference, 18(4), 662–674. SCIE(SCI)
50. Mei-Fang Chen, Yi-Chung Hu(2005). Finding Consumer Preferences in Product Factors Using Fuzzy Rule-Based Data Mining. Journal of Management & Systems, 12(4), 17-32. TSSCI
51. Mei-Fang Chen, Jin-Li Hu, Cherng G. Ding(2005). Efficiency and Productivity of Taiwans Biotech Industry. International Journal of Biotechnology, 7(4), 307-322.
52. Mei-Fang Chen, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, Tzung-I Tang(2005). Fuzzy MCDM Approach for Evaluation of Expatriate Assignments. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 4(2), 277-296. SCIE(SCI)
53. Mei-Fang Chen, Chieh-Peng Lin(2004). Career Commitment as a Moderator of the Relationships among Procedural Justice, Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Commitment, and Turno. Asia Pacific Management Review, 9(3), 519-538. TSSCI
54. Mei-Fang Chen, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng(2004). Combining Grey Relation and TOPSIS Concepts for Selecting an Expatriate Host Country. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 40(13), 1473-1490. SCIE(SCI)
55. Mei-Fang Chen, Cherng G. Ding(2003). Testing for Categorical Moderating Effects: Factor Scores or Factor-Based Scores?. Asia Pacific Management Review, 8(4), 483- 497. TSSCI
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
1. Mei-Fang Chen(2024). Investigating the Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Intention for Suboptimal Foods. 2024 International Conference on Social Science and Business(頁 Paper ID: ). Japan.
2. Mei-Fang Chen(2024). Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior Model to Explain Electricity-Saving Behavior of University Dormitory Students. 2024 International Conference on Business and Social Science(頁 Paper ID: ). Japan.
3. Mei-Fang Chen(2023). Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Intention for Carbon-Labeled Beverage Products. 2023 International Conference on Social Science and Business (2023 ICSSB). Japan.
4. Mei-Fang Chen(2023). Factors influencing usage behavior of online food delivery platform services during the COVID-19 pandemic.. 2023 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul (2023 GMC). Republic of Korea.
5. Mei-Fang Chen(2023). What social representations affect consumers’ willingness to try plant-based meat? Food neophobia matters.. 2023 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (2023 AMSWMC). United Kingdom.
6. Mei-Fang, Chen(2021). Local Organic Foods and Consumers Purchase Intention. The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Aquaculture: BCG for Well Being and . Thailand.
7. Mei-Fang, Chen(2021). Combining the VBN Model and the TPB Model to Explore Consumer’s Consumption Intention of Local Organic Foods. 2021 AMS Virtual Annual Conference / World Marketing Congress(頁 Accepted P). United States of America.
8. Mei-Fang, Chen(2019). Extending the TPB model to explain the public’s purchase intention of sustainability labeled coffee in Taiwan: The moderating role of climate change skepticism. 2019 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress. United Kingdom.
9. Mei-Fang, Chen, Ting-Yu, Lu(2019). Applying SOR Model to Explore the Impacts of the Atmosphere of the Instagram Foodie Post on Purchase Intention. 2019International Symposium on Business and Management (ISBM 2019). Japan.
10. Mei-Fang, Chen(2019). The antecedents of consumer’s green purchase and eating. 28th International Conference on Business, Education, Social Science, and Management. Republic of Korea.
11. Mei-Fang Chen(2018). How Online Hotel-Booking Website Features Affect User eLoyalty?. International Forum for Strategy and Policy in Business, Economics and Social Sciences (SPBES-May-20. Hong Kong.
12. Mei-Fang Chen(2018). An extended protection motivation theory model of energy savings and carbon reduction behavioral intentionsThe mediation role of protection motivation. 2018 Global Marketing Conference. Japan.
13. Mei-Fang Chen(2018). Application of Construal Level Theory and Psychological Factors in Proenvironmental Behaviors in Taiwan. the 7 International Conference on Social Science and Business (2018 ICSSB). United States of America.
14. Mei-Fang Chen(2018). How customer engagement influences user eloyalty to online hotel-booking websites: eTrust as a mediator. 2018 Global Marketing Conference. Japan.
15. Mei-Fang Chen(2017). The perceptions of global risks, societal issues and climate change in modern Taiwan society. the Universal Academic Cluster International Summer Conference in Hokkaido. Japan.
16. Mei-Fang Chen(2017). Preliminary study of social representations of climate change in Taiwan. 2017 New York International Academic Conference (17NYC IACBE). United States of America.
17. Mei-Fang Chen, Xue-Xin Chen(2017). What Factors Influence MMORPG Online Game Players Purchase Intentions of Game Items and Game Point Cards?. UAC (Universal Academic Cluster) International May Conference in Bangkok. Thailand.
18. Mei-Fang Chen(2016). Applying Social Representations to Explain Public Willingness to Use GM Foods in Taiwan: The Moderating Impact of Food Technology Neophobia. 2016 Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, July 19 – July 23 in Paris, France. France.
19. Mei-Fang Chen(2016). Applying Protection Motivation Theory to Predict Pro-environmental Behavior Intention in Taiwan. Tokyo 5th International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities, June 27-. Japan.
20. Mei-Fang Chen, Jou-Yi Huang(2016). How Information Quality of Travel Blogs Influence Travelers’ Perceived Information Credibility and Travel Intentions. The Asian Symposium on Sustainable Tourism for Development – AST4D 2016, April 28-30, 2016, Hiroshim. Japan.
21. Mei-Fang Chen, Yu-Ren Su(2016). The Impacts of K-Drama Viewer’s Celebrity Involvement and Parasocial Attachment on Travel Intention to Korea. The Asian Symposium on Sustainable Tourism for Development – AST4D 2016, April 28-30, 2016, Hiroshim. Japan.
22. Mei-Fang Chen(2015). Intention to Take Precautions to Avoid Consuming Food AdditivesThe Mediating Role of Perceived Risk. 2015 International Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Management (IACSSM 2015). Japan.
23. Mei-Fang, Chen(2014). What Psychological Factors Influence the Protection Motivation of Climate Change?. 2014 Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2015). Republic of Korea.
24. Mei-Fang Chen, Chung-Chun Hu(2014). Factors Influence Tourists Booking Low-cost Carriers Tickets Online. 2014 International Symposium on Marketing and Logistics (ISML 2014). Japan.
25. Mei-Fang Chen, Chien-Yu Yang(2014). Airport Check-in Kiosk AdoptionCombined TAM and TPB Model. 2014 International Symposium on Marketing and Logistics (ISML 2014). Japan.
26. Mei-Fang, Chen(2014). The impacts of fear appeals on pro-environmental behavior and important determinants. 2014 Global Marketing Conference. Singapore.
27. Mei-Fang, Chen, Chih-Hao, Chiang(2014). Determinants of consumers intention to continue to use or apply for the department store co-branded credit card. 2014 Global Marketing Conference. R.O.C.
28. Mei-Fang Chen, Chien-Yi Ho, Pei-Ju Tung(2014). The impacts of travel motivation, risk perception, and destination image on tourists visit intentions of Thailand and the role of risk reduction strategy. International Scientific Conference on Management & Information Science (ISCMIS). Indonesia.
29. Mei-Fang Chen(2013). A Reexamination of the Cognitive Theory of Stress Model in Predicting Individuals’ Pro-environmental Behavior. 2013 Academy of Marketing Conference. United Kingdom.
30. Mei-Fang, Chen, Lan-Ying, Huang, Hung-Yi, Chen(2013). How Do Employees’ Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Organizational Commitment. Annual Conference on Management and Social Sciences 2013. Thailand.
31. Mei-Fang Chen(2013). Individuals’ Pro-environmental Behavior Intentions to Mitigate Climate Change ProblemsMoral Obligation Matters. Annual Conference on Management and Social Sciences 2013. Thailand.
32. Mei-Fang Chen, Pei-Ju Tung, Guo-I Hsu(2012). Users’ Intentions to Play Mobile Games: A Combined Model of TAM and TPB. 2012 Global Marketing Conference. Republic of Korea.
33. Mei-Fang Chen(2012). Consumers’ Pro-environmental Behavior in Taiwan—the Examination of the VBN Theory Model and the Impacts of Climate Change Knowledge. International Congress on Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications (IEEA 2012). Singapore.
34. Mei-Fang Chen, Pei-Ju Tu(2011). The Moderating Effect of Perceived Environmental Knowledge on Consumer’s Visit Intention of Green Hotels. 2011 Annual Conference of China Marketing Science. Mainland China.
35. Mei-Fang Chen(2011). The Impact of Health Consciousness on Consumers’ Modern Health Worries and Willingness to Use Functional Foods. 2011 Annual Conference of China Marketing Science. Mainland China.
36. Mei-Fang Chen(2011). Consumer’s Willingness to Use Functional Foods in TaiwanThe Joint Moderating Effect of the Health Consciousness and the Healthy Lifestyle. International Conference on Innovation and Management. Malaysia.
37. Mei-Fang Chen, Pei-Ju Tung(2011). The Joint Moderating Effect of Environment Concern and Perceived Moral Obligation on Consumer’s Visit Intention of Green Hotels. The 2011 International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation & Technology Management. Indonesia.
38. Mei-Fang Chen, Ping-Hung Chang(2010). The Impacts of Materialism and Conformity on Consumer’s Online Compulsive Buying- The Moderating Role of Gender. Business and Information 2010. Japan.
39. Mei-Fang Chen, Yi-Chun Chen(2010). The Moderating Effect of Perceived Risk on Consumer’s Use Intention of Kiosk in the Convenient Store. Business and Information 2010. Japan.
40. Mei-Fang Chen(2010). The Determinants of Consumers’ Acceptance of Functional FoodsThe Mediating Effect of Subjective Health Complaints. the 19th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Association for Chinese Management Educ. Mainland China.
41. Mei-Fang Chen, Ting-Yi Lu(2009). The Mediating Role of Consumers’ E-Coupon Proneness in the Extended TPB Model to Predict E-Coupon Usage Intentions. the 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009). Japan.
42. Mei-Fang Chen(2009). Trust in the Food Supply System Segmentations of Taiwanese Consumers. the 10th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2009). Japan.
43. Mei-Fang Chen(2009). Food-related Lifestyle and Trust-in-food-safety Typology in Taiwan. the 19th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Association for Chinese Management Educ. United States of America.
44. Mei-Fang Chen(2009). What the Food Choice Motives Determine Consumers’ Attitudes Toward GM Foods in Taiwan?. Business and Information 2009. Malaysia.
45. Mei-Fang Chen, Gin-Yen Lien(2008). The Mediating Role of Job Stress in Predicting Retail Banking Employees’ Turnover Intentions in Taiwan. IEEE SOLI 2008. Mainland China.
46. Mei-Fang Chen, Ching-Ti Pan(2008). The Joint Moderating Impact of Moral Intensity and Moral Judgment on Consumer’s Pirated Software Use Intention. International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2008). Republic of Korea.
47. Mei-Fang Chen, Pei-Ju Tung(2008). The Moderating Impacts of Perceived Facility and Implementation Performance of Recycling Policy on Consumers’ Recycling Intentions. International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2008). Republic of Korea.
48. Mei-Fang Chen(2008). Does Food Involvement Influence Consumers’ Trust in Food Safety?. the 18th International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, Association for Chinese Management Educ. Canada.
49. Mei-Fang Chen(2008). A Structural Research Framework for Consumers Trust in Food Safety. International Academy of Business Disciplines 16th Annual Meeting. United States of America.
50. Mei-Fang Chen(2007). The Importance of Relationship Selling Behaviors in Professional Service Contexts. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2007). Mainland China.
51. Mei-Fang Chen(2007). The moderating effect of a healthy lifestyle on the consumers attitude toward organic foods. Business Research Yearbook(頁 590-596). R.O.C.
52. Mei-Fang Chen, Ai-Che Chang(2007). The Importance of the Local Residents’ Quality of Life for Ecotourism Support. The Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE) 2007 Conference. Australia.
53. Mei-Fang Chen, Hsiao-Lan Li(2006). The antecedents of consumer’s attitude toward genetically modified foods. BAI 2006 CD Proceedings. Singapore.
54. Mei-Fang Chen, Ling-Huei Wang(2006). The Impact of Switching Barriers on Customer Loyalty in Professional Service Contexts. IEEE SOLI 2006, CD Proceedings. Mainland China.
55. Mei-Fang Chen, Chia-Huei Fan(2006). The Role of Technology Readiness on Consumers’ Use Intentions with Internet Self-Service Technology and Their Satisfaction. IABD 2006 Proceedings. United States of America.
56. Mei-Fang Chen(2005). Using FAHP to Evaluate Non-Store Retailing Channel Alternatives. ISAHP 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 8-10, 2005. United States of America.
57. Mei-Fang Chen(2005). Using FAHP Gap Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis to Develop Effective Marketing Strategies. IFORS 2005, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 11-15, 2005. United States of America.
58. Mei-Fang Chen, Gwo-Hsiung Tzeng(2004). Fuzzy Integral MCDM Technique for Analyzing and Evaluating the Expatriate Assignments. MCDM 2004, August 6-11 at Whistler, B. C. Canada.. Canada.
59. Mei-Fang Chen, Yingchan Edwin Tang, Ah Keng Kau(2004). The Impact of Trust on Web Purchase Intention. the Third International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, Dunhuang, China, 2004(頁 126-134). Mainland China.
60. Mei-Fang Chen, Gwo-Hsiung Tzeng(2004). Fuzzy MCDM with Grey Relation Model to Derive An Ideal Expatriate Host Country. The 33rd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering. (March 25-27)Jeju, Korea.. Republic of Korea.
專書 (Book)
1. Samira Buschmann, Mei-Fang, Chen, Georg Hauer(2020). Innovations for Metropolitan AreasIntelligent Solutions for Mobility, Logistics and Infrastructure designed for Citizens. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.. An Integrated Model of the Theory of Reasoned Action and Technology Acceptance Model to Predict the Consumers’ Intentions to Adopt Electric Carsharing in Taiwan. (Chapter 9, pp. 105-120). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-662-60806-7. https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783662608050.