1. | 邱銘杰、鄭合志、何明果(2025)。Synthesis and analysis of an integrated suspension energy harvesting system for continuous half-width speed bumps。Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control,1(1),1-34。SCIE(SCI)
2. | Kuang-Chung Chen, Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Yu-Hsin Wang, Tian-Syung Lan(2025). Greenhouse for Effective Agriculture with Electricity Generation and Water Collection Systems. Sensors and Materials, 37(1), 369-379. SCIE(SCI)
3. | Kuang-Chung Chen, Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Yu-Hsin Wang,, Tian-Syung Lan(2025). Air Quality Monitoring and Controlling System Using Dust Sensor. Sensors and Materials, 37(1), 351-358. SCIE(SCI)
4. | Min-Chie Chiu, Mansuor Karkoub, M.G. Her(2024). Design of sustainable energy harvesters using a 3D car suspension system model and half-width speed bump. Transaction of the Canadian Society for Mechanical. Engineering, 47(2), p203-220. SCIE(SCI)
5. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2024). Elimination of Noise in a Ship Cabin Using Multi-layered Acoustic Boards: An APSO and SA Approach. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 32(1), p.79-103. SCIE(SCI)/EI
6. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Ming-Guo Her(2024). A Two-Magnet Energy Harvesting Device with Buoy Base for a Marine Terminal. AIP Advances, 14(045238), p.1-48. SCIE(SCI)
7. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2024). Optimizing energy harvesting from ship-based buoys using Bat Algorithm—A case study. AIP Advances, 14(055314), 1-9. SCIE(SCI)
8. | Tian-Syung Lan, Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Yung-Ding Lin(2024). Numerical Analysis of Silencers Composed of Screw Tube, Expansion Cone, Orifice Plate, and Perforated Tube by Finite Element Method. Sensors and Materials, 36(6), 2325-2336. SCIE(SCI)
10. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2024). Optimizing efficiency of a ship’s two-magnet energy harvesting device using the Cuckoo search algorithm. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 1(1), p1-p29. SCIE(SCI)
11. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Yu-Hsin Wang(2024). Optimizing the shape of space-constrained silencers composed of multiple straight/reverse chambers using the simulated annealing method. Journal of Mechanics, 40(1), 384-399. SCIE(SCI)
12. | 邱銘杰、鄭合志(2024)。Enhancing buoy-based swinging energy harvesters through bat algorithm optimization: a comprehensive study。Journal of Mechanics,40(1),p.203-222。SCIE(SCI)
13. | 藍天雄、邱銘杰(2023)。Multi-chamber Silencer Composed of Screw-perforated Tubes and Straight-perforated Tubes。Journal of Marine Science and Technology,32(1),1-9。SCIE(SCI)/EI
14. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2023). Numerical assessment of gun mufflers using finite element method, neural networks, and a genetic algorithm. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 1(1), 1-11. Scopus
15. | Min-Chie Chiu, Mansuor Karkoub, M.G. Her(2023). Energy harvesting optimization using 2D car suspension system actuated by a sawtooth speed bump. Transactions of Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 1(1), 1-20. SCIE(SCI)
16. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2023). Exhaust Noise Elimination Using Mufflers Fortified with Perforated Tubes, Porous Resin Inlet and Orifice Plate. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 31(1), 40-60. SCIE(SCI)/EI
17. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2023). Numerical Analysis of Silencer with a Coiled Tube and Straight Extended Tube Using FEM. Journal of Marine Science and Technology,, 32(1), p1-p7. SCIE(SCI)/EI
18. | Tian-Syung Lan, Min-Chie Chiu, Wei-Lun Lin(2023). Monitoring and Controlling System of Water Quality and Temperature in a Coffee Pot. Sensors and Materials, 35(7), p2393-p239. SCIE(SCI)
19. | Tian-Syung Lan, Min-Chie Chiu, Xin-Yun Peng(2023). Web-based Crop System. Sensors and Materials, 35(7), 2449-2456. SCIE(SCI)
20. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2023). Optimization of buoy-type energy harvesting device in lake using firefly algorithm. Journal of Mechanics, 39(1), p161-p174. SCIE(SCI)
22. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2022). Optimization of Pneumatic Mufflers Hybridized with Metal Sintered Bronze Porous Material, Expansion Cone, and Extended Tube. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 53(11), 1-18.
23. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, H.C. Cheng(2022). Optimization of Four-Chamber and Eccentric Ellipse Mufflers Hybridized with Multi-segment Perforated/Non-Perforated Tubes. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 1(1), 1-19. SCIE(SCI)/EI
24. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Tian-Syung Lan, Ho-Sheng Chen(2022). Optimization of Circular Silencers Internally Hybridized with Multiple Reverse Chambers Using the GA Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 30(6), p.322-339. SCIE(SCI)/EI
25. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Tian-Syung Lan, Ho-Sheng Chen(2022). Optimization of ScrewMufflers Equipped with Two Inlets and One Outlet Using Neural Network Model, Finite Element Method, and Genetic Algorithm. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022(7727561), p1-p11. SCIE(SCI)/EI
26. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2022). Multi-Sensor Greenhouse Automation and Remote Control with a Cloud. Journal of Biosensors & Renewable Resources, 2(2), 207-214.
27. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2022). Acoustical simulation of pneumatic mufflers hybridized with metal sintered bronze porous material, a spiral tube, and expansion cones. Building Acoustics, 1(1), p1-p10. EI
28. | Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, Wan-Fang Lin(2022). Acoustical Simulation of a Multi-chamber Gun Muffler Internally Inserted with Extended Tube and Perforated Tube Using the FEM. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 43(2), p1-p12.
29. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2022). Acoustical optimization of mufflers hybridized with spiral perforated tubes using finite element method, Artificial Neural Network, and Genetic Algorithm. Building Acoustics, 1(1), p.1-21. EI
30. | Min-Chie Chiu, Y.C.Chang, H.C.Cheng, T.C. Tsao(2022). An Experimental Study of a Multi-Axis Generator. J. of Biosensors & Renewable sources, 1(5), p.142-155.
31. | Min-Chie Chiu, Wei-Mon Yan, Showkat Ahmad Bhat, Nen-Fu Huang(2022). Development of smart aquaculture farm management system using IoT and AI-based surrogate models. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 1(1), P1-P21.
32. | Min-Chie Chiu, H.C. Cheng(2021). Optimal Design for Multi-Diffuser Mufflers Using the Simulated Annealing Method. Archives of Acoustics, 46(4), p1-p12. SCIE(SCI)
33. | Min-Chie Chiu, Mansour Karkoub, M.G.Her(2021). Energy harvesting from car suspension using a single magnet device. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 46(1), 11-36. SCIE(SCI)
34. | Chen-Kuang, Lin, Guang-Jer, Lai, Yoshiyuki Kobayashi, Masahiro Matsuo, Min-Chie Chiu(2021). An isothermal steam expander for an industrial steam supplying system. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,, 1(794210), p1-6. SCIE(SCI)
35. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chen-Tang Kao, Che-Min Chiu(2021). Hybrid shop system of plant and aquarium. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 42(No. 5,), pp. 1075–1.
36. | H.C. Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, Y.C.Chang(2021). Optimization of rectangular mufflers ed with baffles at high-order-modes using differential evolution method. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020(012045), p1-p10. EI
37. | W.C. Huang, Min-Chie Chiu, L.J.Yeh, C.M. Chiu(2021). Remote control of greenhouse hybridized with AI technique and LoRa communication. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020(012006), p1-p9. EI
38. | W.C. Huang, Min-Chie Chiu, L.J.Yeh, L.M. Yeh(2021). Remote sun tracing and solar energy generation system. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020(012043), p1-p8. EI
39. | Min-Chie Chiu, Mansour Karkoub, M.G.Her(2020). Comparative Study of Buoy-Actuated Energy-Harvesting Devices for Submersible Sensors. ASCE Journal of Energy Engineering, 146(5)(04020042), p1-p13. EI
40. | Min-Chie Chiu, H.C. Cheng, Y.C.Chang, D.Y.Lin(2020). Acoustical Analysis of Circular Straight Mufflers with Bias Inlet/outlet Ducts. Journal of Physics, 1583(012001), p1-p13. EI
41. | Min-Chie Chiu, Mansour Karkoub, M.G.Her(2020). Two-magnet energy harvesting device for charging submersable sensors. Renewable Energy, 152, 120-137. SCIE(SCI)
42. | 邱銘杰、王文賢(2020)。純水品質監測暨警報系統之研製。智慧自動化產業期刊,09(34),pp.74-81。
43. | 邱銘杰、陳禹文(2020)。太陽追日之淨水系統。智慧自動化產業期刊,32,56-61。
44. | Min-Chie Chiu, T.S. Lan, H.C.Cheng(2020). Plastic Boss Design Using Knowledge Extraction Method. Advances in Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2, 595-603. EI
45. | Min-Chie Chiu, W.D.Lai, C.M.Chiu(2020). A Smart Home System with Security and Electrical Appliances. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 41(1), pp.303-319.
47. | Min-Chie Chiu(2019). Two-Magnet Energy Harvesting Devices in Subsea Sensors. DEStech Transactions on Environment, Energy, and Earth Sciences, 1(1), p.63-71. EI
48. | Min-Chie Chiu(2019). Two-Magnet Energy Harvesting Devices in Subsea Sensor. DEStech Transactions on Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences, part 1, pp.63-71. EI
49. | Min-Chie Chiu, H.C. Cheng(2019). Optimal Design of Mufflers Equipped with Pod and Concentric Acoustical Rings using the SA Method. Materials Science and Engineering, 644(012004), p1-p21. EI
50. | Min-Chie Chiu, H.C. Cheng(2019). Numerical Optimization of Rectangular Mufflers with Multi-channel Splitters Using the Simulated Annealing Method. Materials Science and Engineering, 644(012003), p1-p21. EI
51. | Tung-Jung Chan1, Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Long-Jyi Yeh, Wei-Chong Haung(2019). Security System Design in a Crop. Materials Science and Engineering, 644. EI
52. | Y.C.Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, S.E.Huang(2019). Numerical Analysis of Circular Straight Mufflers Equipped with Three Chambers at High-Order-Modes. Applied Acoustics, 155, pp.167-179. SCIE(SCI)
53. | H.C.Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, C.M.Chiu, C.Y. Yang(2018). Design and Development of An Automatic Gas Poisoning Precaution and Ventilation System. MATEC Web of Conferences, 185(00010), p1-p15. EI
54. | Y.C.Chang, H.C. Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, M.S. Chang(2018). An Assessment of Transmission Efficiency On a Hard Disk’s Vibration. MATEC Web of Conferences, 185(00011), p1-p24. EI
55. | A.B.Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, C.M.Chiu(2018). A Wireless Rainwater Collecting, Filtering, and Storing System Using a Cell-phone. MATEC Web of Conferences, 185(00039), p1-p13. EI
56. | A.B.Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, C.M.Chiu(2018). Automatic Waste Water Treatment, Aeration and Retrieval for a Hybrid Aquarium/Plant System. MATEC Web of Conferences, 185(00038), p1-p11. EI
57. | Y.C.Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2018). Shape Optimization Multi-Plenum Systems at High-Order-Modes. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 26(3), pp.397-407. SCIE(SCI)
58. | Min-Chie Chiu, Y.C.Chang, H.C.Cheng, T.Y.Lin(2018). Optimization of Multiple-Tube Mufflers with Using Neural Networks, the Boundary Element Method, and GA Method. Journal of Statistics & Management System, 21(5), pp.787-806.
59. | Y.C.Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, M.R.Wu(2018). Acoustical Assessment of Automotive Mufflers Using FEM and Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm. Archives of Acoustics, 43(3), pp.519-529. SCIE(SCI)
60. | Min-Chie Chiu(2018). Numerical Optimization of Multi-Array Side-Branched Mufflers Using Differential Evolution Method,. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 37(2), pp.313-340. SCIE(SCI)
61. | 邱銘杰(2018)。氣壓機器手臂之網路監控系統的研製。智慧自動化產業期刊,,10,p10-p13。
62. | L.J.Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, S.J. Chen(2018). The Development of an Automated Assembly System for a Speaker Coil and Assemble Fixture,. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 39(4), pp. 783-81.
63. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Shih-Jia Chen(2018). The Development of an Automated Assembly System for a Speaker Coil and Assemble Fixture. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 39(4), 783-812.
64. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Chia-Yun Hsiang(2018). The Development and Design of an Educational Carrier for Mechatronics. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 39(5), 1061-1093.
65. | Min-Chie Chiu, Min-Chie Chiu, Y.C.Chang, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, L.J.Yeh, C.H.Chung, Chiu-Hung Chung(2018). Optimization of a Two-Mass Vibration-Based and Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Using Simulated Annealing Method. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 37(1), 90-106. SCIE(SCI)
66. | Min-Chie Chiu, Min-Chie Chiu, Y.C.Chang, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, L.J.Yeh, C.H.Chung, Chiu-Hung Chung(2018). Optimization of a Two-Mass Vibration-Based and Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Using Simulated Annealing Method. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 37(1), 90-106. SCIE(SCI)
67. | Ying-Chun CHANG, Min-Chie CHIU, M.R. Wu(2018). Numerical Assessment of Locomotive Mufflers Using FEM and Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithmg. Archives of Acoustics, 43(3), 517–529. SCIE(SCI)
68. | M.C.Chiu, M.Karkoub, M.G.Her(2017). Energy Harvesting Devices for Subsea Sensors, Renewable Energy. Renewable Energy, 101, 1334-1347. SCIE(SCI)
69. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Ti-Lin Li(2017). The Development of an Acoustic Earpiece Auto-inspection and a Coil Contact Point Recognition System. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 38(2), 289-312.
70. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Hau-Chiun Tzeng(2017). The Development of an Automatic Frequency Response Measuring and Classification System for Earphones. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 38(2), 313-339.
71. | H.C. Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, K.F. Zeng, C.M. Chiu(2017). A design of toxic gas detecting security robot car based on wireless path-patrol. MATEC Web of Conferences, 123(00035), p1-p6. EI
72. | H.C. Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu(2017). The implement of a remote control system for automated warehouse by ZigBee networking. MATEC Web of Conferences, 123(00034), p1-p7. EI
73. | C.C.Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, C.M.Chiu, H.K. Kung, C.Y.Wang ,, Z.J. Gao(2017). An automatic energy-saving and thermal monitoring/controlling system for a pond. MATEC Web of Conferences, 123(00021), p1-p5. EI
74. | L.J.Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, T.L. Li(2017). The Development of an Acoustic Earpiece Auto-inspection and a Coil Contact Point Recognition System. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 38(2), pp. 289-31.
75. | Y.C.Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, J.L. Xie(2017). Noise Elimination of the Reciprocating Compressors Using FEM, Neural Networks Method, and GA Method. Archives of Acoustics, 42(2), pp. 189-19. SCIE(SCI)
76. | Y.C.Chang, H.C. Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, D.Y. Lin(2017). Numerical Assessment of Rectangular Straight/Reverse Mufflers at High-Order-Modes. J. of Mechanics,, 1017, pp. 1-12. SCIE(SCI)
77. | Min-Chie Chiu, Mansour Karkoub, M.G.Her(2017). Energy Harvesting Devices for Subsea Sensors. Renewable Energy, 101, pp.1334-13. SCIE(SCI)
78. | Min-Chie Chiu(2017). Numerical Assessment of Two-chamber Mufflers Hybridized with Multiple Parallel Perforated Plug Tubes Using Simulated Annealing Method. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 36(1), p3-p26. SCIE(SCI)
79. | 邱銘杰(2017)。以蟻群演算法進行輪式自走吸塵機器人之最佳路徑設計。智慧自動化產業期刊,22,p26-p32。
80. | 邱銘杰(2016)。工業排放噪音預估及各類消音器減音之專家系統應用與範例介 紹。工業污染防治,1(135),p.55-p.97。
81. | 邱銘杰(2016)。智慧型輪式自走機器人的設計與應用。智慧自動化產業期刊,1(17),p78-86。
82. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chiu-Hung Chung(2016). Numerical Assessment of a One-Mass Spring-Based Electromagnetic Energy Harvester on a Vibrating Object. Archives of Acoustics, 41(1), p119-131. SCIE(SCI)
83. | Ying-Chun Chang, Ho-Chih Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, Yuan-Hung Chien(2016). Shape Optimization of Multi-chamber Plenums Partitioned with Center-Opening Baffles Using the Boundary Element Method, Neural Networks, and the Geneti. Archives of Acoustics, 41(1), p45-53. SCIE(SCI)
84. | Y. C. Chang, H. C. Cheng, M. C. Chiu*, D. Y. Lin(2016). Numerical Assessment of Rectangular Straight/Reverse Mufflers at High-Order-Modes. J. of Mechanics, 1(1), p1-12. SCIE(SCI)
85. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Ji-Lin Xie(2015). Numerical Analysis on the Discharge Muffler of the Reciprocating Compressors Using FEM and Neural Networks Method,. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 46(9), p10-17. EI
86. | Min-Chie CHIU, Ying-Chun CHANG, Ho-Chih CHENG, Wei-Ting TAI(2015). Shape Optimization of Mufflers Composed of Multiple Rectangular Fin-shaped chambers Using Differential Evolution Method. Archives of Acoustics, 40(3), p311-319. SCIE(SCI)
87. | 邱銘杰、鄭合志(2015)。以無線ZigBee模組結合PC-based之倉儲系統自動化暨遠端監控。智慧自動化產業期刊,1(6),p48-58。
88. | Min-Chie Chiu, Tian-Syung Lan(2015). Multi-Quality Precision CNC Manufacturing Optimization with TRIZ Inventive Game. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences,, 36(1/2), p83-128.
89. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Shiang Chang(2015). Experimental Study of Data Transmission Efficiency on Solid State Disk under a Vibrating Situation. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 36(1/2), p61-81.
90. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2015). Automatic Thermal Control for a Machine Room Using a Network Remote Control System. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 18(5), p493-505. EI
91. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chiu-Hung Chung(2015). Numberical Assessment of a Two-Mass vibration-based and electromagnetic energy harvester using simulated annealing method. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 41(1), 119-131. SCIE(SCI)
92. | Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Acoustical Treatment of Multi-tone Broadband Noise with Hybrid Side-Branched Mufflers Using a Simulated Annealing Method. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 33(1), p1-28. SCIE(SCI)
93. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chiu-Hung Chung, Chen-Hsin Chu(2014). An Experimental Study of Low-frequency Vibration-based Electromagnetic Energy Harvesters Used While Walking. Advanced Materials Research, 1(918), p106-114. EI
94. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2014). An Assessment of High-Order-Mode Analysis and Shape Optimization of Expansion Chamber Mufflers. Archives of Acoustics, 39(4), p1-11. SCIE(SCI)
95. | Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Numerical Assessment of Rectangular Side Inlet/Outlet Plenums Internally Hybridized with Two Crossed Baffles using a FEM, Neural Network, and GA Metho. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 33(3), p271-288. SCIE(SCI)
96. | Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Optimization of Rectangular Multi-chamber Plenums Equipped with Extended Tubes Using the BEM, Neural Networks, and Genetic Algorithm. J. of Mechanics, 30(6), 571-584. SCIE(SCI)
97. | Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Noise Elimination of a Multi-tone Noise for a Space Constrained Room Lined with Hybrid Sound Absorbers Using a Particle Swarm Method. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 28(9), p1-13. SCIE(SCI)
98. | Guang-Jer Lai, Chen-Kuang Lin, Kobayashi Yoshiyuki, Masahiro Matsuo, Min-Chie Chiu(2014). A Theoretical Study of the Phase Angle to the β type Pulse-Steam Stirling Expander. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 1(597), p425-430. EI
99. | Ho-Chih Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu(2014). A PC-base Wireless and Remote Control for a Shape Judgment Equipment Using a ZigBee Module. International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 7(3), p.1378-140. EI
100. | Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Shape Optimization of Multi-chamber Plenums Lined with Multi-layer Sound Absorbers Using an Artificial Immune Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 22(2), p.218-230. SCIE(SCI)
101. | Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Optimal Design on One–layer Close-Fitting Acoustical Hoods Using a Simulated Annealing Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology,, 22(2), p.211-217. SCIE(SCI)
102. | 邱銘杰(2014)。Web-based之空壓機房的噪音與溫度監視系統之研製。智慧自動化產業期刊,1(9),p52-59。
103. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2014). Experimental Study of Transmission Characteristics on Disk Drive’s Vibration. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 45(10), p9-17. EI
104. | Min-Chie Chiu, MG Prasad, K. T. Chen, Chao-Nan Wang, Wojciech P. Rdzanek(2014). The Assessment of Noise Estimation and Noise Control Work. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014(642715), p1-2. SCIE(SCI)
105. | 鄭合志、邱創標、邱銘杰(2013)。材質分揀與加工機台之無線遠端監控系統研製。工程應用技術學刊,2(1),p81-97。
106. | 邱銘杰(2013)。溫室植栽之遠端溫控系統。智慧自動化產業期刊,1(6),p20-26。
107. | Min-Chie Chiu(2013). Numerical Assessment for a Broadband and Tuned Noise Using Hybrid Mufflers and a Simulated Annealing Method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1(332), p.2923-294. SCIE(SCI)
108. | Po-Chou Chou, Yi-Cheng Huang, Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2013). A Quality Monitoring Online System Using an Early Warning Abnormal Trend Distribution: A Thickness Measurement Case Study Using a LVDT. Advanced Materials Research, 1(740), p.120-127. EI
109. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tz-Chi Hung(2013). The Development of Wrist Rehabilitation Assistive Devices Using a Shape Memory Alloy. Advanced Materials Research, 1(740), p.408-415. EI
110. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, I - Lang Chiu(2013). An Assessment of the Stress Analysis for a Notebook’s Hinge Stopper Using the BEM Method. Advanced Materials Research, 1(740), p.350-358. EI
111. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan, Shao-Chun Yen(2013). Positioning and Path Planning of a Swarm Robotic Cleaner. Advanced Materials Research, 1(740), p.112-119. EI
112. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Yun-Chung Liu(2013). A Study of Measurement System Capability for Gauge Block Comparator. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 16(4-5), p.245-286. EI
113. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2013). Shape Optimization of Multi-chamber Side Inlet/outlet Mufflers Hybridized with Multiple Perforated Intruding Tubes Using Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2(13), p.238-249. SCIE(SCI)
114. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2013). Numerical Assessment of Plenums Intersected with Four Baffles Using the Boundary Element Method, Genetic Algorithm, and the Neural Networks. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 44(11), p25-44. EI
115. | Tian-Syung Lan, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, You-Xiang Hwang(2013). Construction of the Control System of Cleaning Robots with Vision Guidance. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013(283795), p.1-6. SCIE(SCI)
116. | Ho-Chih Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu(2013). The Design of an Automatic Wind Electricity Monitoring System for a Battery Charge Process. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 34(6), p373-388. EI
117. | Min-Chie Chiu(2013). Noise Abatement in Reverberant Sound Field by Using a Particle Swarm Method. Building Acoustics, 20(1), p1-24. EI
118. | Min-Chie Chiu(2013). Shape Optimization of Multi-chamber Tube-extended Mufflers within Specified Back Pressures Using a Particle Swarm Method. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 44(3), p10-23. EI
119. | Ho-Chih Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu(2013). Automatic Solar Electrical Monitor for a Battery Charge Process Using a Network Remote Control System. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 1(336-338), p.1211-121. EI
120. | Min-Chie Chiu(2013). Numerical Assessment of Optimal Equipment Allocation and Close-Fitting Acoustical Hoods within a Multi-Noise Plant Using an Artificial Immune Method. J. of Mechanics, 29(1), p.185-195. SCIE(SCI)
121. | Min-Chie Chiu(2013). Shape Optimization of One-chamber Perforated Mufflers Filled with Wool Using Simulated Annealing. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 21(4), p.380-390. SCIE(SCI)
122. | Guang-Jer Lai, Chen-Kuang Lin, Kobayashi Yoshiyuki, Masahiro Matsuo, Min-Chie Chiu(2013). An Assessment of a Pulse-Steam Stirling Expander. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 16(1), p.1-17. EI
123. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, I - Lang ChiuI - Lan(2013). The Assessment of Stress Analysis for a Notebook’s Hinge Stopper Using the FEM Method. Advanced Materials Research, 740, 350-358. EI
124. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan, Shao-Chun Yen(2013). Positioning and Path Planning for a Swarm Robotic Cleaner. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 740 (2013) pp 112-119, 740, 112-119. EI
125. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan, Wei-Cheng Liao, Chiu-Hung Chung(2012). GROUND-PURITY INSPECTION FOR A GROUP OF ROBOTIC CLEANERS. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 36(2). SCIE(SCI)
126. | Min-Chie Chiu, Hung-Jung Shei(2012). 線控機器人之機構與電路設計Mechanism and Circuit Design of a Wire-Controlled Robot. Journal of China University of Science and Technology, 1(51), p.47-63.
127. | Min-Chie Chiu(2012). Numerical Assessment of One-chamber Plenums Lined with Multi-layer Sound Absorbers Using a Particle Swarm Method. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 43(3), p.29-47. EI
128. | Min-Chie Chiu(2012). Genetic Algorithm Optimization on a Venting System with Three-chamber Hybrid Mufflers within a Constrained Back Pressure and Space. ASME J. of Vibration and Acoustics, 134(021005), p.1-11. SCIE(SCI)
129. | Min-Chie Chiu(2012). Shape Optimization of Two-layer Acoustical Hoods Using an Artificial Immune Method. Archives of Acoustics, 37(2), p.181-188. SCIE(SCI)
130. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan, Wei-Cheng Liao, Chiu-Hung Chung(2012). Ground-purity Inspection for a Grouped Robotic Cleaner. The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) Transactions, 36(2), p.161-172. SCIE(SCI)
131. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, C.H. Chung(2012). Optimal Design of a Vibration-Based Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Using a Simulated Annealing Algorithm. J. of Mechanics, 28(4), p.691-700. SCIE(SCI)
132. | Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, Ching-Chung Hsieh(2012). Optimum Design of Mufflers Hybridized with One-connected Curved Tubes Using Boundary Element Method and Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20(4), p.376-383. SCIE(SCI)
133. | Ho-Chih Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, Chun-Lung Huang, Po-Chou Chou(2012). A Development of a Web-based Remote Monitoring System in the Noise and Thermal of an Enclosed Air Compressor. Information Technology Journal, 11(6), p.686-698. EI
134. | Min-Chie Chiu, Tian-Syung Lan, Sing-Fu Hwang(2012). Development of a Real-Time Task Editable Service-Oriented Security Robot. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 15(4-5), p. 239-259. EI
135. | Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2012). ptimal Assessment of Wool Lining inside Multi-Tube Mufflers with Rectangular Section Using the Boundary Element Method and the Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 15(2-3), p. 171-205. EI
136. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, C.M. Lin(2012). A Study of the Characteristics of a Contacting Resistance on a Tact Switch. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 15(2-3), p.137-153. EI
137. | Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2012). An Experimental Investigation on Shape Memory Alloy Dynamic Splint for a Finger Joint Application. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 173(1), p. 210-218. SCIE(SCI)
138. | Min-Chie Chiu(2012). Noise Elimination of a Multi-tone Broadband Noise Using Hybrid Helmholtz Mufflers by a Simulated Annealing Method. Archives of Acoustics, 37(4), p.489-498. SCIE(SCI)
139. | 邱銘杰(2012)。遠端水族箱餵魚暨溫度監控系統之研製。智慧自動化產業期刊,1(2),p.93-99。
140. | Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Numerical Assessment of Hybrid mufflers on a Venting System within a Limited Back Pressure and Space Using Simulated Annealing. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 30(4), p.247-275. SCIE(SCI)
141. | Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Numerical Assessment of Multi-Splitter Mufflers Using Neural Networks, the Boundary Element Method, and the Genetic Algorithm. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 1(58-60), p.1049-105. EI
142. | Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Numerical Assessment of Path Planning for Autonomous Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Using an Ant Colony Optimization Method. Journal of Information and Optimization Science, 32(5), p.1039-105. EI
143. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2011). Optimal Design of Side-inlet/Side-outlet Expansion Mufflers with Open-ended Perforated Tubes Using Simulated Annealing. J. of Mechanics, 27(4), p.533-544. SCIE(SCI)
144. | Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Optimal Design of Multi-chamber Side Inlet/outlet Mufflers Equipped with Cross-flow Tubes and Perforated/non-perforated Intruding Tubes Using Simulate. J. of Mechanics, 27(3), p.321-335. SCIE(SCI)
145. | Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2011). A Study of Mechanical Property for a Type of Shape Memory Alloy. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 32(4), p.863-875. EI
146. | Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Optimization Design of Hybrid Mufflers on Broadband Frequencies Using the Genetic Algorithm. Archives of Acoustics, 36(4), p.795-822. SCIE(SCI)
147. | Guang-Jer Lai, Min-Chie Chiu, Yoshiyuki Kobayashi, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chen-Kuang Lin(2011). A Study of Design Parameters for a Type of Stirling Engine. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 32(2), p.492-506. EI
148. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2011). Numerical Assessment of Two-chamber Mufflers with Perforated Plug/non-plug Tubes Under Space and Back Pressure Constraints Using Simulated Annealing. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 19(2), p.176-188. SCIE(SCI)
149. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2011). Numerical Assessment of a Venting System with Multi-chamber Perforated Mufflers by GA Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology,, 19(5), p.483-498. SCIE(SCI)
150. | Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Path Planning for An Autonomous Robot using a Simulating Annealing. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 32(2), P.297-314. EI
151. | Min-Chie Chiu, J.H. Wen(2011). Wall Plug-in Power Supply System for a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 32(2), P.277-295. EI
152. | Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2011). An Experimental Investigation on Shape Memory Alloy Dynamic Splint for a Finger Joint Application. Journal of Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, DEC.2011. SCIE(SCI)
153. | Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2011). A Study of Mechanical Proterty for a Type of Shape Memory Alloy. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 32(4), 836-875. EI
154. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, C. M. Lin(2011). An Experimental Study of the Characteristics of a Contact Resisting Tact Switch. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, none, none. EI
155. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Guang-Jer Lai, Bo-Ming Huang(2010). Developing an Auto-tracking Carrier of AGV Using a Wave-Varied Detecting Method. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 224(C6), 1349-1357. SCIE(SCI)
156. | M. C.Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Cheng-Chen Shih(2010). Automatic Cable Spooling for a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 31(3), 543-559. EI
157. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Che-Jung Hsu(2010). The Application of Image Division Method on Automatic Optical Inspection of PCBA. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 31, 257-274. EI
158. | Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2010). A Study on Temperature Effect of Elasticity for the Ti50Ni45Cu5. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 13(6), 637-647. EI
159. | Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2010). An Assessment of Body Joint Bending Actuator using a Shape Memory Alloy. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(17), 1973-1977. EI
160. | Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2010). A Study of the Ti50Ni45Cu5-made Dynamic Splints in a Medical Finger Joint. Information Technology Journal, 9(8), 1665-1670. EI
161. | M. C.Chiu(2010). Shape Optimization of one-chamber Mufflers with Reverse-flow ducts Using a Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 18(1), p.12-23. SCIE(SCI)
162. | (2010). Shape Optimization of One-chamber Mufflers with Perforated Intruding Tubes Using a Simulated Annealing Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 18(4), p. 597-610. SCIE(SCI)
163. | M. C.Chiu(2010). Numerical optimization of a Three-chamber mufflers hybridized with a side Inlet and a perforated tube by SA method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 18(4), p. 484-495. SCIE(SCI)
164. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2010). Numerical Assessment of a Space-Constrained Venting System with Multi-chamber Plug Mufflers by GA Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 18(3), p. 317-332. SCIE(SCI)
165. | Min-Chie Chiu(2010). The Numerical Assessment of Optimal Equipment Allocation and Acoustical Barrier Shape in a Multi-noise Plant by Using the Genetic Algorithm Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 18(1), P.56-68. SCIE(SCI)
166. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh(2010). The Application of Division Method on Automatic Optical Inspection of PCBA. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 31(2), p.251-274. EI
167. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, G-J Lai, B-M Huang(2010). Auto-tracking Carrier of AGV Using a Wave-Varied Detecting Method. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 224(C6), p. 1349-13. SCIE(SCI)
168. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, L-W Wu(2010). Shape Optimization of Mufflers Hybridized with Multiple Connected Tubes Using Boundary Element Method and Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 224(C4), P.901-913. SCIE(SCI)
169. | Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2010). SA Optimization on Space-constrained Two-chamber Mufflers with Perforated Intruding Tubes. Journal of The Acoustical Society, R.O.C., 1(14), p.1-31.
170. | M. C.Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2010). Shaped Optimization of Multi-chamber Mufflers with Open-ended Perforated Inlets Using a Genetic Method. Proceeding of Meeting on Acoustics (Acoustical Society of America),, 9(040003), p.1-13. SCIE(SCI)
171. | Min-Chie Chiu(2010). Optimal Design of Multi-chamber Mufflers Hybridized with Perforated Intruding Inlets and Resonated Tube Using Simulated Annealing. ASME J. of Vibration and Acoustics, 1(132), p.1-10. SCIE(SCI)
172. | Min-Chie Chiu(2010). Numerical Assessment of Reverse-flow Mufflers Using a Simulated Annealing Method. The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) Transactions, 34(1), P.17-35. SCIE(SCI)
173. | Min-Chie Chiu(2010). Shape Optimization of Multi-chamber Mufflers with Plug-inlet Tube on a Venting Process by Genetic Algorithms. Applied Acoustics, 1(71), P.495-505. SCIE(SCI)
174. | Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2010). Optimization of Multi-chamber Mufflers with Reverse-flow Ducts by Algorithm of Simulated Annealing. Archives of Acoustics, 35(1), P.13-33. SCIE(SCI)
175. | Min-Chie Chiu(2010). An Automatic Thermal Control on Greenhouse Using Network Remote Controlling System. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(17), p.1944-195. EI
176. | Min-Chie Chiu(2010). Numerical Assessment of Path-Planning for an Autonomous Robot Passing Through Multi-layer Barrier Systems Using a Genetic Algorithm, Information Techn. Information Technology Journal, 9(7), p.1483-148. EI
177. | Min-Chie Chiu(2010). An Automatic Thermal Control on Greenhouse Using Network Remote Controlling System. Information Technology Journal, 10(17), p. 1944-95. EI
178. | Min-Chie Chiu, Tian-Syung Lan, Ho-Chih Cheng(2010). A Three-axis Robot Manipulation Using Remote Network Controlling System. Engineering, 1(2), p.874-878.
179. | M. C.Chiu(2009). Optimization of Equipment Allocation and Sound-Barriers Shape in a Multi-noise Plant by Using Simulated Annealing. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 40(7), p.23-35. EI
180. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, C. H. Yeh(2009). The Development of Tactile Testing Machine on Tact Switch. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, 12(6), P.649-669. EI
181. | Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2009). Numerical Optimization of Single-chamber Mufflers Using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm. Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci.,, 1(32), P.313-332. EI
182. | Min-Chie Chiu(2009). SA Optimization on Multi-chamber Mufflers Hybridized with Perforated Plug-Inlet under Space Constraints. Archives of Acoustics, 34(4), P.305-343. SCIE(SCI)
183. | Min-Chie Chiu, Kuei-Shu Hsu(2009). A Numerical Assessment of Optimal Equipment Allocation and Acoustical Barrier Shape in a Multi-noise Plant by Using the Simulated Annealing Method. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 30(6), p.1099-112. EI
184. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2009). Application of Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm to the Optimum Design of Perforated Tube Mufflers. J. of Mechanics, 25(3), p.7-16. SCIE(SCI)
185. | Kuei-Shu Hsu, Ko-Chun Chen, Yuh-Ren Huang, Min-Chie Chiu(2009). Application of the Two axle Robot Tracing Object System with Multithread Control Technology. Information Technology Journal, 8(1), p.39-48. EI
186. | Y-C Chang, M-C Chiu, M-M Cheng(2009). Optimum Design of Perforated Plug Mufflers Using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 1(223), P.935-952. SCIE(SCI)
187. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Jia-Ming Chern, Tian-Syung Lan(2009). Shape Optimization of Single-chamber Mufflers with Side Inlet/Outlet by using Boundary Element Method, Mathematic Gradient Method and Genetic Algorith. Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 12(1), P.85-98. EI
188. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh(2009). The Design and Application of a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences,, 30(1), P.39-62. EI
189. | Tian-Syung Lan, Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Optimal Noise Control on Plant Using Simulated Annealing. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 32(3-4), p.432-438. SCIE(SCI)
190. | Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Shape Optimization on One-Chamber Perforated Mufflers Using Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 29(6), p.1007-103. EI
191. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2008). Numerical Studies on Venting System with Multi-chamber Perforated Mufflers by GA Optimization. Applied Acoustics,, 69(11), p.1017-103. SCIE(SCI)
192. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Che-Jung Hsu(2008). The Deficit Recognition in PCBA’s Automatic Optical Inspection System by Using BPN Method. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(16), p.2814-282. EI
193. | Kuei-Shu Hsu, K.C. Chen, T.H. Li, Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Development and Application of the Single-Camera Vision Measure Distance System. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(13), p2357-2368. EI
194. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh(2008). Numerical Assessment of Optimal One-Chamber Perforated Mufflers by using GA Method. Material Science Forum, 594(1), p.368-376. EI
195. | Tian-Syung Lan, Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Identification of Noise Sources in Factory’s Sound Field by Using Genetic Algorithm. Applied Acoustics, 69(1), p.733-750. SCIE(SCI)
196. | Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Shape Optimization of One-chamber Cross-flow Mufflers by GA Optimization. J. of Mechanics, 24(1), p.13-29. SCIE(SCI)
197. | Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Shape Optimization of Double-chamber Side Mufflers with Extended Tube by Using Four-pole Matrix and Simulated Annealing Method. J. of Mechanics, 24(1), p.31-43. SCIE(SCI)
198. | Tian-Syung Lan, C.Y. Lo, Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh(2008). Dynamic MRR and Tool Replacement Optimization with Calculus of Variations. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(7), p.1242-124. EI
199. | Tian-Syung Lan, Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh(2008). An Approach to Rib Design of Injection Molded Product Using Finite Element and Taguchi Method. Information Technology Journal, 7(2), p.299-305. EI
200. | Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Noise Identification in Reverberant Sound Field by Using Simulated Annealing. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 222(1), p.163-179. SCIE(SCI)
201. | Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Shape Optimization of One-chamber Perforated Plug/ Non-plug Mufflers by Simulated Annealing Method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 74(1), p.1592-162. SCIE(SCI)
202. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2008). Shape Optimization of Multi-chamber Cross-flow Mufflers by SA Optimization. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 312(1), p.526-550. SCIE(SCI)
203. | Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Shape Optimization of Double-Chamber Side Mufflers with Extended Tube by Using Four-Pole Matrix, Boundary Element Method and Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Information & Optimization Science, 29(1), p.81-101. EI
204. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Che Jung Hsu(2008). The Deficiency Recognition in PCBAs Automatic Optical Inspection System by Using Back-Propagation Network Method. Journal of Applied Sciences, 2008, 1812-5654. EI
205. | Tian-Syung Lan, Chih-Yao lo, Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh(2008). Dynamic Material Removal Rate and Tool Replacement Optimization with Calculus of Variations. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(7), 1242-1248. EI
206. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan(2007). Optimization of Perforated Double-layer Absorbers Using Simulated Annealing. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 15(4), p.351-359. SCIE(SCI)
207. | Min-Chie Chiu, Tian-Syung Lan(2007). Noise Source Identification in Sound Field by Using Simulated Annealing. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 93(1), p.486-497. SCIE(SCI)
208. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Guang-Jer Lai, Ming-Guo Her, C. C. Tu, Tian-Syung Lan(2006). Shape Optimization of Double-chamber Mufflers with Extended Tube and Side Inlet/Outlet by using Four-pole Transfer Matrix Method, Boundary Element Met. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 27(6), p.825-832. EI
209. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2006). Numerical Studies on Constrained Venting System with Reactive Mufflers by GA Optimization. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 65(1), P.1165-118. SCIE(SCI)
210. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Gaung-Jer Lai(2006). Computer-aided design on a perforated single-layer absorber under space constraints. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 32(5-6), 537-546. SCIE(SCI)
211. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2006). Numerical studies on condtrained venting system with reactive mufflers by GA optimization. International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 65(8), 1165-1185. SCIE(SCI)
212. | Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, G. J. Lai(2005). Shape optimization on constrained single-layer absorber by using GA method and mathematical gradient methods. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 286, .941-961.
213. | Yao-Jen Lai, Y. C. Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape optimal design on double-chamber mufflers using simulated annealing and a genetic algorithm. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Enviromenet Science., 29, 207-224. EI
214. | Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, G. J. Lai(2005). Shape optimization on double-chamber muffler with side inlet /outlet under space constraint. Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, 33(2), 1-12. EI
215. | Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape optimization on double-chamber mufflers using a genetic algorithm. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 219, 31-42.
216. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Gaung-Jer Lai(2005). Shape optimization an constrained single-layer sound absorber by using GA method and methematical grandient methods. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 286, 941-961.
217. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape Optimization on Constrained Single-chamber Muffler by Using GA Method and Mathematical Gradient Method. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 10(1), p.17-25. SCIE(SCI)
218. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, M. C.Chiu(2005). Optimization of Double-Layer Absorbers on Constrained Sound Absorption System by Using Genetic Algorithm. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 62(1), p.317-333. SCIE(SCI)
219. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2005). Optimization of Single-Layer Absorber on Constrained Sound Absorption System by Using GA Algorithm. JOURNAL OF C.C.I.T., 34(1), p1-p14. EI
220. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape Optimal Design on Double-Chambers Muffler Using Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm. Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci., 29(1), P.207-224. EI
221. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape Optimization on Double-Chamber Mufflers Using Genetic Algorithm,. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 10(1), P.31-42. SCIE(SCI)
222. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Optimization of Composite Absorbers on Constrained Sound Reverberant System by Using Simulated Annealing. Applied Acoustics, 66(1), P.341-352. SCIE(SCI)
223. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2005). Shape Optimization on Double-chamber Muffler with Side Inlet/Outlet under Space Constraints. Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, 33(2), P.1-12. EI
224. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2005). Shape Optimization on Constrained Single-layer Sound Absorber by Using GA Method and Mathematical Gradient Methods. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 286(4/5), p.941-961. SCIE(SCI)
225. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). GA Optimization on Single-chamber Muffler Hybridized with Extended Tube under Space Constraints. Archives of Acoustics, 29(4), P.577-596. SCIE(SCI)
226. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). Computer Aided Design on Single Expansion Muffler with Extended Tube under Space Constraints. Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 7(3), p.171-181. EI
227. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Optimization of Absorbers and Mufflers on Constrained Multi-noises System by Using Genetic Algorithm. The Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics,, 14(3), p.261-289.
228. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). GA optimization on constrained venting system with single-chamber mufflers. Journal of The Acoustical Society, 10(1), p.1-13.
229. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Shape optimization on constrained single-layer absorbers by simulated annealing. Journal “Technical Acoustics”, 4(1), p.1-13.
230. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). Numerical optimization of sound absorption systems with constrained single-layer absorber. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12(2), p.86-92. SCIE(SCI)
231. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). GA optimization on muffler with side inlet/outlet under space constraints. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2(04), p.1-13. EI
232. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Optimization of allocation and noise reduction on multi-noises system by using genetic algorithm. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 35(4), p.11-18. EI
233. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). GA optimization on multi-segments muffler under space constraints. Applied Acoustics, 65(5), p.521-543. SCIE(SCI)
234. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Optimization of Constrained Multi-layer Absorbers by Using Genetic Algorithms. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 9(4), p.175-185. SCIE(SCI)
235. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Application of Genetic Algorithm to the Shape Optimization of a Constrained Double-Chamber Muffler with Extended Tubes. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12(3), p. 189-199. SCIE(SCI)
236. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Design Optimization of Double-Chamber Mufflers on Constrained Venting System by GA Method. Journal “Technical Acoustics, 9(1), p.1-16.
237. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Numerical Studies on Constrained Venting System With Side Inlet/Outlet Mufflers by GA Optimization. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 90(1-1), p.1-11. SCIE(SCI)
238. | Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Optimization of constrained composite absorbers using simulated annealing. Applied acoustics, 66, 341-352. SCIE(SCI)
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