大同大學 教職員資料 (Information of TTU Faculty & Staff)
基本資料 (Basic Info)
姓名:邱銘杰 教授
學歷 (Education)
大同大學 機械工程研究所 博士 (2002/9 ~ 2005/1)
美國 Stevens Institute of Tech. Mechanical Engineering 碩士 (1987/9 ~ 1989/5)
大同工學院 機械工程系 學士 (1979/9 ~ 1983/6)
經歷 (Experience)
大同大學 機械與材料工程系 講座教授 (2025/2 ~ 2026/1)
大同大學 通識教育中心 主任 (2023/8 ~ 2025/1)
大同大學 工程學院 副院長 (2023/2 ~ 2025/1)
大同大學 機械與材料工程系 專任教授 (2021/8 ~ 2025/1)
中州科技大學 觀光與管理學院 院長 (2019/8 ~ 2021/7)
中州科技大學 智慧自動化工程系 專任教授 (2014/8 ~ 2021/7)
大同大學 機械系 兼任助理教授.副教授.教授 (2005/2 ~ 2021/7)
中州科技大學 智慧科技研發中心 主任 (2018/8 ~ 2020/1)
中州科技大學 工業智動化研究中心 主任 (2016/8 ~ 2018/7)
中州科技大學 研究總中心 主任 (2017/8 ~ 2018/1)
中州科技大學 產學合作組 組長 (2012/8 ~ 2017/7)
中州技術學院 自動化控制工程系 專任副教授 (2009/8 ~ 2014-7)
中州技術學院 自動化工程系 專任助理教授 (2006/8 ~ 2009/7)
德霖技術學院 機械系 兼任助理教授 (2005/8 ~ 2006/7)
中鼎工程股份有限公司 環工專案 / 設備設計部 工程師 (1990/3 ~ 2006/10)
德霖技術學院 機械系 兼任講師 (2004/8 ~ 2005/7)
美國Stevens Institute of Tech. 機械工程研究所 研究助理.教學助理 (1988 ~ 1990/1)
專長 (Specialty)
聲學,振動學,固體力學,機電整合,工程數值分析,應用力學,發明 Acoustics,Vibration,SolidMechanics,Automatic Contr
開授課程 (Course)
工程聲學 Engineering Acoustics
工程數學(一) Engineering Mathematics
工程力學 Engineering Mechanics
工程靜力學 Engineering Mechanics (statics)
工程動力學 Engineering Mechanics: dynamics
噪音控制實務概論 Introduction to Practical Noise Control Engineering
材料力學 Mechanics Of Materials
噪音與振動控制工學 Noise And Vibration Control Engineering
雜誌研讀 Seminar On Journal Readings
專利發明特論 Special Lecture of Patent And Invention
振動學 Vibration
振動與噪音控制 Vibration and Noise Control
獎勵 (Award)
113學年度機械專題研究成果發表競賽 - 指導[智慧水處理高密度養殖之植物混養AIoT系統]- 優等 (大同大學 2024-12-02)
113學年度機械專題研究成果發表競賽 - 指導[智慧式互動果園]- 優等 (大同大學 2024-12-02)
2024第15屆IIIC國際發明創新競- AI-Aided Indoor Smart Water Treatment and High-Density Aquaculture and Plant Co-Cultivation IoT System -金牌 (中華創新發明學會、俄羅斯 阿基米德國際發明協會 2024-11-21)
2024第15屆IIIC國際發明創新競- Onboard Autonomous Power Generation Device –銀牌 (中華創新發明學會、俄羅斯 阿基米德國際發明協會 2024-11-21)
2024第15屆IIIC國際發明創新競- IoT System for Smart Farm Management and Orchard Security –銀牌 (中華創新發明學會、俄羅斯 阿基米德國際發明協會 2024-11-21)
2024第15屆IIIC國際發明創新競-Rotary Hydropower Buoy Generation Device -金牌 (中華創新發明學會、俄羅斯 阿基米德國際發明協會 2024-11-21)
113年度論文著作績優獎 (大同大學 2024-11-14)
112年度 論文著作績優獎 (大同大學 2023-12-28)
2023第14屆IIIC國際創新發明競賽-Design of Automatic Lifting Platform and Wave Power Generation-金牌 (中華創新發明學會、俄羅斯 阿基米德國際發明協會 2023-11-16)
2023第14屆IIIC國際發明創新競賽-Green Energy of a Car Using Vibrational Energy Harvesters-金牌 (中華創新發明學會、俄羅斯 阿基米德國際發明協會 2023-11-16)
2023第14屆IIIC國際創新發明競賽-IoT-base Smart Farm-銀牌 (中華創新發明學會、俄羅斯 阿基米德國際發明協會 2023-11-16)
2023第14屆IIIC國際創新發明競賽-LoRa-base Greenhouse Hybridized with Plant and Aquarium-銀牌 (中華創新發明學會、俄羅斯 阿基米德國際發明協會 2023-11-16)
教育部永續能源跨域應用人才培育聯盟計畫-中大聯盟[2023跨校專題評比]競賽,指導 : 汽車避震擷能器,淨零排放組(企劃案)-佳作 (中央大學 2023-08-01)
2023年台灣能永續能源創意實作競賽大專綠能創新組(作品:汽車避震擷能器),指導:入選複賽 (國立科學工藝博物館 2023-07-22)
111學年度機械專題研究成果發表競賽 - 指導[IoT智慧農場]- 優等 (大同大學 (大同大學 2023-06-05)
獲邀加入「Sigma Xi科學研究學會」 (「Sigma Xi科學研究學會」 2023-04-22)
111年度論文著作績優(新秀) (大同大學 2022-10-22)
2022青年啟動創業台灣創業競賽, 指導 [新式光照型通風球] - 第1名 (大同大學 2022-06-02)
110學年度大學創業管理行動學習計畫創業團隊徵選-指導[LoRa base之咖啡壺水質監控IoT] - 佳作 (大同大學 2021-12-08)
110學年度大學創業管理行動學習計畫創業團隊徵選-指導[波浪發電暨儲電之遠端監控系統] - 佳作 (大同大學 2021-12-08)
第12屆IIIC國際創新發明競賽 金牌 (solar tracking water purification and heating system) (台灣中華創新發明學會 2021-11-18)
2021馬來西亞MTE SDG 國際發明獎 金牌(solar tracking water purification and heating system)) (馬來西亞MTE大會 2021-10-29)
2020年第十四屆波蘭國際發明展暨發明競賽, 金牌 (追日型太陽能淨水加熱系統) (2020年第十四屆波蘭國際發明展暨發明競賽, 2020-10-21)
2020年 第三十四屆日本東京創新天才國際發明展, 銀牌(追日型太陽能淨水加熱系統) (十四屆日本東京創新天才國際發明展 2020-08-24)
2020年 韓國WiC世界創新發明大賽, 銀牌(多重混養IoT系統) (2020年 韓國WiC世界創新發明大賽 2020-08-23)
2020年 韓國WiC世界創新發明大賽, 金牌(智慧魚塭物聯網系統), (韓國WiC世界創新發明大賽 2020-08-23)
2020年 第二十三屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽, 金牌(追日型太陽能淨水加熱系統) (2020年 第二十三屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽 2020-04-02)
2019年 第十五屆烏克蘭國際發明展, 金牌 (遠端 農作植栽監控系統) (2019年 第十五屆烏克蘭國際發明展 2019-09-28)
資深優良教師 (教育部 2019-08-01)
科技部108年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施 (科技部 2019-08-01)
Best Presentation Award (ICNC-FSKD & ICHSA 2019 2019-07-22)
萬潤2017學生創新創意競賽, 工程應用類:佳作獎 (可調式離心篩選裝置) (崑山科技大學 2017-10-12)
2017年 台北國際發明暨技術交易展-發明競賽, 銅牌 (離心篩選裝置) (2017年 台北國際發明暨技術交易展-發明競賽 2017-09-30)
科技部106年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施 (科技部 2017-08-01)
2017年第 二十屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽, 金牌 (魚塭防寒溫控系統) (2017年第 二十屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽 2017-05-20)
2017年第 二十屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽, 銀牌 (智能省電照明裝置) (2017年第 二十屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽 2017-05-20)
「中區技專校院校際聯盟」2016年研發成果網路聯合發表會, 其他類 -優 等 (可調式盆栽掛架) (「中區技專校院校際聯盟」 2017-04-15)
「中區技專校院校際聯盟」2016年研發成果網路聯合發表會, 設計類 -特優 一獎 (植栽水族混養系統自動化) (「中區技專校院校際聯盟」 2017-04-15)
「中區技專校院校際聯盟」2016年研發成果網路聯合發表會, 人文類 -特優 二獎 (多功能盆架裝置) (「中區技專校院校際聯盟」 2017-04-15)
「中區技專校院校際聯盟」2016年研發成果網路聯合發表會, 其他類 -優 等 (箱網裝置) (「中區技專校院校際聯盟」 2017-04-15)
第七屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銀牌 (植栽水族混養系統自動化) (第七屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2016-12-15)
第七屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 金牌 (居家智能暨安全監控系統) (第七屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2016-12-15)
第七屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 金牌 (移動式水池除汙與給氧裝置) (第七屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2016-12-15)
104學年度研究績效傑出獎 (中州科技大學 2016-12-15)
第七屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銀牌 (箱網裝置) (第七屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2016-12-15)
第七屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銅牌 (多功能盆架裝置) (第七屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2016-12-15)
第七屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 金牌 (智能省電照明裝置) (第七屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2016-12-15)
2016年第 十屆波蘭國際發明展暨發明競賽, 銀牌 (可調式盆栽掛架) (2016年第 十屆波蘭國際發明展暨發明競賽 2016-10-12)
2016年 第十二屆烏克蘭國際發明展, 銀牌 (箱網裝置), (2016年 第十二屆烏克蘭國際發明展 2016-10-01)
2016年 第十二屆烏克蘭國際發明展, 銀牌 (移動式水池除汙與給氧裝置) (2016年 第十二屆烏克蘭國際發明展 2016-10-01)
2016年 捷克國際發明展競賽, 銅牌 (智能省電照明裝置) (2016年 捷克國際發明展競賽 2016-06-18)
2016年 捷克國際發明展競賽, 銀牌 (箱網裝置) (2016年 捷克國際發明展競賽 2016-06-18)
2016年 捷克國際發明展競賽, 銀牌 (可調式盆栽掛架) (2016年 捷克國際發明展競賽 2016-06-18)
2016年 捷克國際發明展競賽, 金牌 (洪水氾濫之魚塭防魚脫逃裝置) (2016年 捷克國際發明展競賽 2016-06-18)
「中區技專校院校際聯盟」2015年研發成果網路聯合發表會, 管理類 -特優 一獎 (農作驅鳥防盜設施) (「中區技專校院校際聯盟」 2016-06-15)
「中區技專校院校際聯盟」2015年研發成果網路聯合發表會, 工程類 -特優 二獎 (氣體偵測暨保全之遠 端監控自走車裝置) (「中區技專校院校際聯盟」 2016-06-15)
「中區技專校院校際聯盟」2015年研發成果網路聯合發表會, 管理類 -優 等 (降低雨滴噪音裝置) (「中區技專校院校際聯盟」 2016-06-15)
2016年第十九屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽, 金牌 (農作監控防盜系統) (2016年第十九屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽 2016-04-02)
榮登2015國際傑出發明家獎名人堂(International Invention Hall of Fame) (台灣國際發明得獎協會 2015-12-15)
第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 佳作 (緊急逃生裝置) (第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2015-11-25)
第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銅牌 (屋簷之雨滴噪音降低裝置) (第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2015-11-25)
第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銀牌 (節能之魚塭防風溫控系統) (第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2015-11-25)
第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銀牌 (農作監控防盜系統) (第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2015-11-25)
第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銀牌 (遠端監控暨語音辨識之門禁保全系統) (第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2015-11-25)
第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銀牌 (可調式盆栽掛架) (第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2015-11-25)
第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 金牌 (低噪音型之分離式排油煙機) (第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2015-11-25)
第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 金牌 (洪水氾濫之魚塭防魚脫逃裝置) (第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2015-11-25)
第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 金牌 (無線保全巡邏暨危險氣體偵測巡邏車) (第六屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2015-11-25)
103學年度研究績效傑出獎 (中州科技大學 2015-11-15)
彰化縣傑出發明人材 (彰化縣政府 2015-10-07)
2015年 第十一屆烏克蘭國際發明展, 銀牌 (遠端監控之排氣發電暨儲存系統) (2015年 第十一屆烏克蘭國際發明展 2015-10-02)
2015年 第十一屆烏克蘭國際發明展, 金牌 (遠端監控暨語音辨識之門禁保全系統) (2015年 第十一屆烏克蘭國際發明展 2015-10-02)
2015年 台北國際發明暨技術交易展-發明競賽, 銀牌 (降低雨滴噪音之減音裝置) (2015年 台北國際發明暨技術交易展-發明競賽 2015-10-02)
「中區技專校院校際聯盟」2014年研發成果網路聯合發表會, 管理類 -優等 (排油煙機之噪音控制) (中區技專校院校際聯盟 2015-06-15)
「中區技專校院校際聯盟」2014年研發成果網路聯合發表會, 其他類 -優 等 (暴雨之攔魚設施) (「中區技專校院校際聯盟」 2015-06-15)
「中區技專校院校際聯盟」2014年研發成果網路聯合發表會, 管理類 -特優 二獎 (結合綠能之雨水收集儲存系統) (「中區技專校院校際聯盟」 2015-06-15)
2015年第十 八屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽, 金牌 (CO暨CO2偵測及自動空調防災系統) (2015年第十 八屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽 2015-04-05)
2015年第十 八屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽, 銀牌 (遠端監控暨語音辨識之門禁保全系統), (2015年第十 八屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽 2015-04-05)
第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銀牌 (智慧型聲控式遠端監控信箱) (第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2014-12-01)
第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銅牌 (行車安全預警裝置) (第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2014-12-01)
第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銅牌 (可調式後視鏡結構) (第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2014-12-01)
第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銀牌 (小型水力發電系統) (第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2014-12-01)
第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銀牌 (遠端監控之排氣發電暨儲存系統), (第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2014-12-01)
第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銀牌 (CO暨CO2偵測暨自動空調防災系統) (第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2014-12-01)
第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 金牌 (具多重環境感測之遠端監控日曬與風乾系統) (第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2014-12-01)
第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 銀牌 (節能之雨水自動收集儲存系統) (第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2014-12-01)
第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 , 金牌 (遠端太陽能追日暨發電系統) (第五屆國際創新發明海報競賽 2014-12-01)
2014年第八屆波蘭國際發明展暨發明競賽, 銀牌 (智慧型聲控式遠端監控信箱) (2014年第八屆波蘭國際發明展暨發明競賽 2014-10-18)
2014年第八屆波蘭國際發明展暨發明競賽, 銀牌 (可調式後視鏡結構) (2014年第八屆波蘭國際發明展暨發明競賽 2014-10-18)
彰化縣傑出發明人材 (彰化縣政府 2014-10-09)
萬潤2014學生創新創意競賽, 工程設計類:佳作獎 (自動日曬系統) (崑山科技大學 2014-09-24)
2014年 台北國際發明暨技術交易展-發明競賽,銅牌 (雨水自動收集儲存 系統) (2014年 台北國際發明暨技術交易展-發明競賽 2014-09-20)
2014年 台北國際發明暨技術交易展-發明競賽, 銅牌 (自動 晾曬系統) ( 2014年 台北國際發明暨技術交易展-發明競賽 2014-09-20)
「中區技專校院校際聯盟」2013年研發成果網路聯合發表會, 管理類 -特優三獎 (智慧型家庭e化暨防盜之遠端監控系統之設計) (「中區技專校院校際聯盟」 2014-06-15)
「中區技專校院校際聯盟」2013年研發成果網路聯合發表會, 工程類 – 特優三獎 (以無線ZigBee模組結合PC-based之倉儲系統自動化暨遠端監控之研製) (「中區技專校院校際聯盟」 2014-06-15)
「中區區產中心-商品崢嶸競賽」- 創新獎 (結合綠能之雨水自動收集儲存系統) (雲林科技大學 2014-05-27)
2014年第十七屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽, 銅牌 (節能之雨水自動收集儲存裝置) ( 2014年第十七屆莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽 2014-04-05)
國際期刊「Austin Journal of Robotics and Automation」, 編輯諮詢委員 (Austin Journal of Robotics and Automation 2014-03-13)
2013全國智慧生活創意競賽,第2名(暴雨之攔魚設施) (龍華科技大學 2013-11-27)
2013全國智慧生活創意競賽,第3名(雨水自動收集系統), (龍華科技大學 2013-11-27)
中區技專校院校際聯盟2012年研發成果網路聯合發表會, 工程類 – 優等獎 (遠端水族箱餵魚暨溫度監控 系統之研製) (中區技專校院校際聯盟 2012-09-27)
中區技專校院校際聯盟2012年研發成果網路聯合發表會, 其他類 – 優等獎 (PC-Based之溫室植栽遠端溫控 暨灑水/遮蓋/散熱系統之研製) (中區技專校院校際聯盟 2012-07-27)
100學年度研究績效傑出獎 (中州科技大學 2012-04-15)
榮登ABI 2012 Intellectual of the Year (收錄於2012年American Biographical Institute, Inc.之榮譽榜)。 (American Biographical Institute 2012-04-10)
榮登IBC之2012年2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century (收錄於2012 International Biographical Centre之榮譽榜)(2012 Award Board of the IBC) , 民國一百零一年。 (IBC 2012-01-27)
99學年度研究績效傑出獎 (中州科技大學 2011-08-15)
98學年度研究績效傑出獎 (中州技術學院 2010-07-15)
萬潤2010學生創新創意競賽, 綜合科學類:優選獎 (溫室植栽之室內遠端網路溫控暨灑水之監控系統) (崑山科技大學 2010-05-12)
第二十二屆學術研討會優秀論文獎 (中華民國音響學會 2009-11-15)
Who is Who in the World(2009-2019);Who is Who in Asia(2012,2017);Who is Who in Science and Technology(2011,2016);Lifetime Achieve. Award(2017-2019) (USA - Marque Who is Who 2009-10-15)
榮登IBC 之The Lifetime of Greatness Award (收錄於International Biographical Centre之榮譽榜)( Award Board of the IBC)(2009) (International Biographical Centre 2009-03-11)
TOP 100 ENGINEERS – 2009, International Biographics Centre, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND (2009,2011,2012,2014) , 榮登前100名傑出工程師 ( International Biographics Centre, CAMBRIDGE, ENGL 2009-03-10)
優良導師 (中州技術學院 2007-08-01)
服務 (Service)
1. 通識中心主任 (2023-08-01 ~ 今)
2. 工程學院副院長 (2023-02-01 ~ 今)
3. 校務會議代表 (2023-07-01 ~ 2023-08-31)
1. 浮球式水面波浪發電裝置設計最佳化暨遠端監控系統建立,2023/8/1 ~ 2024/7/31
2. 多維車體懸吊暨多質點振動能擷取器系統在不同路面之設計最佳化,2022/8/1 ~ 2023/7/31
1. 太陽能追日機構之微控板BASE進階控制系統製作,2024/6/1 ~ 2024/9/30
2. 以加速粒子群法及模擬退火法進行室內之改良型亥姆霍茲共鳴器之混合型吸音板之最佳化設計,2024/1/1 ~ 2024/11/30
3. 太陽能追日機構之控制系統製作,2024/1/1 ~ 2024/4/30
4. 半幅方形脈波對單質點KMC系統之衝擊分析,2023/9/1 ~ 2023/11/30
5. 結合AI進行智慧型農場養殖管理系統之建立,2023/1/1 ~ 2023/12/31
6. 結合AI進行精緻農業之溫室植栽暨雨水回收及太陽能、風力生電之遠端監控系統,2022/1/1 ~ 2022/12/31
7. 太陽能淨水系統暨燒烤爐性能檢測,2021/9/22 ~ 2022/1/22
8. 緊急柴油發電機第一型排氣消音器設計,2021/9/9 ~ 2021/11/30
1. 碳盤查加值應用服務計畫,2023/6/1 ~ 2023/9/30
期刊論文 (Journal Paper)
1. 邱銘杰、鄭合志、何明果(2025)。Synthesis and analysis of an integrated suspension energy harvesting system for continuous half-width speed bumps。Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control,1(1),1-34。SCIE(SCI)
2. Kuang-Chung Chen, Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Yu-Hsin Wang, Tian-Syung Lan(2025). Greenhouse for Effective Agriculture with Electricity Generation and Water Collection Systems. Sensors and Materials, 37(1), 369-379. SCIE(SCI)
3. Kuang-Chung Chen, Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Yu-Hsin Wang,, Tian-Syung Lan(2025). Air Quality Monitoring and Controlling System Using Dust Sensor. Sensors and Materials, 37(1), 351-358. SCIE(SCI)
4. Min-Chie Chiu, Mansuor Karkoub, M.G. Her(2024). Design of sustainable energy harvesters using a 3D car suspension system model and half-width speed bump. Transaction of the Canadian Society for Mechanical. Engineering, 47(2), p203-220. SCIE(SCI)
5. Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2024). Elimination of Noise in a Ship Cabin Using Multi-layered Acoustic Boards: An APSO and SA Approach. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 32(1), p.79-103. SCIE(SCI)/EI
6. Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Ming-Guo Her(2024). A Two-Magnet Energy Harvesting Device with Buoy Base for a Marine Terminal. AIP Advances, 14(045238), p.1-48. SCIE(SCI)
7. Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2024). Optimizing energy harvesting from ship-based buoys using Bat Algorithm—A case study. AIP Advances, 14(055314), 1-9. SCIE(SCI)
8. Tian-Syung Lan, Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Yung-Ding Lin(2024). Numerical Analysis of Silencers Composed of Screw Tube, Expansion Cone, Orifice Plate, and Perforated Tube by Finite Element Method. Sensors and Materials, 36(6), 2325-2336. SCIE(SCI)
10. Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2024). Optimizing efficiency of a ship’s two-magnet energy harvesting device using the Cuckoo search algorithm. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 1(1), p1-p29. SCIE(SCI)
11. Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Yu-Hsin Wang(2024). Optimizing the shape of space-constrained silencers composed of multiple straight/reverse chambers using the simulated annealing method. Journal of Mechanics, 40(1), 384-399. SCIE(SCI)
12. 邱銘杰、鄭合志(2024)。Enhancing buoy-based swinging energy harvesters through bat algorithm optimization: a comprehensive study。Journal of Mechanics,40(1),p.203-222。SCIE(SCI)
13. 藍天雄、邱銘杰(2023)。Multi-chamber Silencer Composed of Screw-perforated Tubes and Straight-perforated Tubes。Journal of Marine Science and Technology,32(1),1-9。SCIE(SCI)/EI
14. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2023). Numerical assessment of gun mufflers using finite element method, neural networks, and a genetic algorithm. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 1(1), 1-11. Scopus
15. Min-Chie Chiu, Mansuor Karkoub, M.G. Her(2023). Energy harvesting optimization using 2D car suspension system actuated by a sawtooth speed bump. Transactions of Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 1(1), 1-20. SCIE(SCI)
16. Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2023). Exhaust Noise Elimination Using Mufflers Fortified with Perforated Tubes, Porous Resin Inlet and Orifice Plate. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 31(1), 40-60. SCIE(SCI)/EI
17. Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2023). Numerical Analysis of Silencer with a Coiled Tube and Straight Extended Tube Using FEM. Journal of Marine Science and Technology,, 32(1), p1-p7. SCIE(SCI)/EI
18. Tian-Syung Lan, Min-Chie Chiu, Wei-Lun Lin(2023). Monitoring and Controlling System of Water Quality and Temperature in a Coffee Pot. Sensors and Materials, 35(7), p2393-p239. SCIE(SCI)
19. Tian-Syung Lan, Min-Chie Chiu, Xin-Yun Peng(2023). Web-based Crop System. Sensors and Materials, 35(7), 2449-2456. SCIE(SCI)
20. Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2023). Optimization of buoy-type energy harvesting device in lake using firefly algorithm. Journal of Mechanics, 39(1), p161-p174. SCIE(SCI)
22. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2022). Optimization of Pneumatic Mufflers Hybridized with Metal Sintered Bronze Porous Material, Expansion Cone, and Extended Tube. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 53(11), 1-18.
23. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, H.C. Cheng(2022). Optimization of Four-Chamber and Eccentric Ellipse Mufflers Hybridized with Multi-segment Perforated/Non-Perforated Tubes. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 1(1), 1-19. SCIE(SCI)/EI
24. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Tian-Syung Lan, Ho-Sheng Chen(2022). Optimization of Circular Silencers Internally Hybridized with Multiple Reverse Chambers Using the GA Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 30(6), p.322-339. SCIE(SCI)/EI
25. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Tian-Syung Lan, Ho-Sheng Chen(2022). Optimization of ScrewMufflers Equipped with Two Inlets and One Outlet Using Neural Network Model, Finite Element Method, and Genetic Algorithm. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022(7727561), p1-p11. SCIE(SCI)/EI
26. Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2022). Multi-Sensor Greenhouse Automation and Remote Control with a Cloud. Journal of Biosensors & Renewable Resources, 2(2), 207-214.
27. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2022). Acoustical simulation of pneumatic mufflers hybridized with metal sintered bronze porous material, a spiral tube, and expansion cones. Building Acoustics, 1(1), p1-p10. EI
28. Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, Wan-Fang Lin(2022). Acoustical Simulation of a Multi-chamber Gun Muffler Internally Inserted with Extended Tube and Perforated Tube Using the FEM. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 43(2), p1-p12.
29. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2022). Acoustical optimization of mufflers hybridized with spiral perforated tubes using finite element method, Artificial Neural Network, and Genetic Algorithm. Building Acoustics, 1(1), p.1-21. EI
30. Min-Chie Chiu, Y.C.Chang, H.C.Cheng, T.C. Tsao(2022). An Experimental Study of a Multi-Axis Generator. J. of Biosensors & Renewable sources, 1(5), p.142-155.
31. Min-Chie Chiu, Wei-Mon Yan, Showkat Ahmad Bhat, Nen-Fu Huang(2022). Development of smart aquaculture farm management system using IoT and AI-based surrogate models. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 1(1), P1-P21.
32. Min-Chie Chiu, H.C. Cheng(2021). Optimal Design for Multi-Diffuser Mufflers Using the Simulated Annealing Method. Archives of Acoustics, 46(4), p1-p12. SCIE(SCI)
33. Min-Chie Chiu, Mansour Karkoub, M.G.Her(2021). Energy harvesting from car suspension using a single magnet device. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 46(1), 11-36. SCIE(SCI)
34. Chen-Kuang, Lin, Guang-Jer, Lai, Yoshiyuki Kobayashi, Masahiro Matsuo, Min-Chie Chiu(2021). An isothermal steam expander for an industrial steam supplying system. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,, 1(794210), p1-6. SCIE(SCI)
35. Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chen-Tang Kao, Che-Min Chiu(2021). Hybrid shop system of plant and aquarium. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 42(No. 5,), pp. 1075–1.
36. H.C. Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, Y.C.Chang(2021). Optimization of rectangular mufflers ed with baffles at high-order-modes using differential evolution method. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020(012045), p1-p10. EI
37. W.C. Huang, Min-Chie Chiu, L.J.Yeh, C.M. Chiu(2021). Remote control of greenhouse hybridized with AI technique and LoRa communication. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020(012006), p1-p9. EI
38. W.C. Huang, Min-Chie Chiu, L.J.Yeh, L.M. Yeh(2021). Remote sun tracing and solar energy generation system. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020(012043), p1-p8. EI
39. Min-Chie Chiu, Mansour Karkoub, M.G.Her(2020). Comparative Study of Buoy-Actuated Energy-Harvesting Devices for Submersible Sensors. ASCE Journal of Energy Engineering, 146(5)(04020042), p1-p13. EI
40. Min-Chie Chiu, H.C. Cheng, Y.C.Chang, D.Y.Lin(2020). Acoustical Analysis of Circular Straight Mufflers with Bias Inlet/outlet Ducts. Journal of Physics, 1583(012001), p1-p13. EI
41. Min-Chie Chiu, Mansour Karkoub, M.G.Her(2020). Two-magnet energy harvesting device for charging submersable sensors. Renewable Energy, 152, 120-137. SCIE(SCI)
42. 邱銘杰、王文賢(2020)。純水品質監測暨警報系統之研製。智慧自動化產業期刊,09(34),pp.74-81。
43. 邱銘杰、陳禹文(2020)。太陽追日之淨水系統。智慧自動化產業期刊,32,56-61。
44. Min-Chie Chiu, T.S. Lan, H.C.Cheng(2020). Plastic Boss Design Using Knowledge Extraction Method. Advances in Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, 2, 595-603. EI
45. Min-Chie Chiu, W.D.Lai, C.M.Chiu(2020). A Smart Home System with Security and Electrical Appliances. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 41(1), pp.303-319.
47. Min-Chie Chiu(2019). Two-Magnet Energy Harvesting Devices in Subsea Sensors. DEStech Transactions on Environment, Energy, and Earth Sciences, 1(1), p.63-71. EI
48. Min-Chie Chiu(2019). Two-Magnet Energy Harvesting Devices in Subsea Sensor. DEStech Transactions on Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences, part 1, pp.63-71. EI
49. Min-Chie Chiu, H.C. Cheng(2019). Optimal Design of Mufflers Equipped with Pod and Concentric Acoustical Rings using the SA Method. Materials Science and Engineering, 644(012004), p1-p21. EI
50. Min-Chie Chiu, H.C. Cheng(2019). Numerical Optimization of Rectangular Mufflers with Multi-channel Splitters Using the Simulated Annealing Method. Materials Science and Engineering, 644(012003), p1-p21. EI
51. Tung-Jung Chan1, Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Long-Jyi Yeh, Wei-Chong Haung(2019). Security System Design in a Crop. Materials Science and Engineering, 644. EI
52. Y.C.Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, S.E.Huang(2019). Numerical Analysis of Circular Straight Mufflers Equipped with Three Chambers at High-Order-Modes. Applied Acoustics, 155, pp.167-179. SCIE(SCI)
53. H.C.Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, C.M.Chiu, C.Y. Yang(2018). Design and Development of An Automatic Gas Poisoning Precaution and Ventilation System. MATEC Web of Conferences, 185(00010), p1-p15. EI
54. Y.C.Chang, H.C. Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, M.S. Chang(2018). An Assessment of Transmission Efficiency On a Hard Disk’s Vibration. MATEC Web of Conferences, 185(00011), p1-p24. EI
55. A.B.Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, C.M.Chiu(2018). A Wireless Rainwater Collecting, Filtering, and Storing System Using a Cell-phone. MATEC Web of Conferences, 185(00039), p1-p13. EI
56. A.B.Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, C.M.Chiu(2018). Automatic Waste Water Treatment, Aeration and Retrieval for a Hybrid Aquarium/Plant System. MATEC Web of Conferences, 185(00038), p1-p11. EI
57. Y.C.Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2018). Shape Optimization Multi-Plenum Systems at High-Order-Modes. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 26(3), pp.397-407. SCIE(SCI)
58. Min-Chie Chiu, Y.C.Chang, H.C.Cheng, T.Y.Lin(2018). Optimization of Multiple-Tube Mufflers with Using Neural Networks, the Boundary Element Method, and GA Method. Journal of Statistics & Management System, 21(5), pp.787-806.
59. Y.C.Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, M.R.Wu(2018). Acoustical Assessment of Automotive Mufflers Using FEM and Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm. Archives of Acoustics, 43(3), pp.519-529. SCIE(SCI)
60. Min-Chie Chiu(2018). Numerical Optimization of Multi-Array Side-Branched Mufflers Using Differential Evolution Method,. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 37(2), pp.313-340. SCIE(SCI)
61. 邱銘杰(2018)。氣壓機器手臂之網路監控系統的研製。智慧自動化產業期刊,,10,p10-p13。
62. L.J.Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, S.J. Chen(2018). The Development of an Automated Assembly System for a Speaker Coil and Assemble Fixture,. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 39(4), pp. 783-81.
63. Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Shih-Jia Chen(2018). The Development of an Automated Assembly System for a Speaker Coil and Assemble Fixture. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 39(4), 783-812.
64. Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Chia-Yun Hsiang(2018). The Development and Design of an Educational Carrier for Mechatronics. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 39(5), 1061-1093.
65. Min-Chie Chiu, Min-Chie Chiu, Y.C.Chang, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, L.J.Yeh, C.H.Chung, Chiu-Hung Chung(2018). Optimization of a Two-Mass Vibration-Based and Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Using Simulated Annealing Method. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 37(1), 90-106. SCIE(SCI)
66. Min-Chie Chiu, Min-Chie Chiu, Y.C.Chang, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, L.J.Yeh, C.H.Chung, Chiu-Hung Chung(2018). Optimization of a Two-Mass Vibration-Based and Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Using Simulated Annealing Method. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 37(1), 90-106. SCIE(SCI)
67. Ying-Chun CHANG, Min-Chie CHIU, M.R. Wu(2018). Numerical Assessment of Locomotive Mufflers Using FEM and Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithmg. Archives of Acoustics, 43(3), 517–529. SCIE(SCI)
68. M.C.Chiu, M.Karkoub, M.G.Her(2017). Energy Harvesting Devices for Subsea Sensors, Renewable Energy. Renewable Energy, 101, 1334-1347. SCIE(SCI)
69. Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Ti-Lin Li(2017). The Development of an Acoustic Earpiece Auto-inspection and a Coil Contact Point Recognition System. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 38(2), 289-312.
70. Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Hau-Chiun Tzeng(2017). The Development of an Automatic Frequency Response Measuring and Classification System for Earphones. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 38(2), 313-339.
71. H.C. Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, K.F. Zeng, C.M. Chiu(2017). A design of toxic gas detecting security robot car based on wireless path-patrol. MATEC Web of Conferences, 123(00035), p1-p6. EI
72. H.C. Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu(2017). The implement of a remote control system for automated warehouse by ZigBee networking. MATEC Web of Conferences, 123(00034), p1-p7. EI
73. C.C.Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, C.M.Chiu, H.K. Kung, C.Y.Wang ,, Z.J. Gao(2017). An automatic energy-saving and thermal monitoring/controlling system for a pond. MATEC Web of Conferences, 123(00021), p1-p5. EI
74. L.J.Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, T.L. Li(2017). The Development of an Acoustic Earpiece Auto-inspection and a Coil Contact Point Recognition System. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 38(2), pp. 289-31.
75. Y.C.Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, J.L. Xie(2017). Noise Elimination of the Reciprocating Compressors Using FEM, Neural Networks Method, and GA Method. Archives of Acoustics, 42(2), pp. 189-19. SCIE(SCI)
76. Y.C.Chang, H.C. Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, D.Y. Lin(2017). Numerical Assessment of Rectangular Straight/Reverse Mufflers at High-Order-Modes. J. of Mechanics,, 1017, pp. 1-12. SCIE(SCI)
77. Min-Chie Chiu, Mansour Karkoub, M.G.Her(2017). Energy Harvesting Devices for Subsea Sensors. Renewable Energy, 101, pp.1334-13. SCIE(SCI)
78. Min-Chie Chiu(2017). Numerical Assessment of Two-chamber Mufflers Hybridized with Multiple Parallel Perforated Plug Tubes Using Simulated Annealing Method. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 36(1), p3-p26. SCIE(SCI)
79. 邱銘杰(2017)。以蟻群演算法進行輪式自走吸塵機器人之最佳路徑設計。智慧自動化產業期刊,22,p26-p32。
80. 邱銘杰(2016)。工業排放噪音預估及各類消音器減音之專家系統應用與範例介 紹。工業污染防治,1(135),p.55-p.97。
81. 邱銘杰(2016)。智慧型輪式自走機器人的設計與應用。智慧自動化產業期刊,1(17),p78-86。
82. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chiu-Hung Chung(2016). Numerical Assessment of a One-Mass Spring-Based Electromagnetic Energy Harvester on a Vibrating Object. Archives of Acoustics, 41(1), p119-131. SCIE(SCI)
83. Ying-Chun Chang, Ho-Chih Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, Yuan-Hung Chien(2016). Shape Optimization of Multi-chamber Plenums Partitioned with Center-Opening Baffles Using the Boundary Element Method, Neural Networks, and the Geneti. Archives of Acoustics, 41(1), p45-53. SCIE(SCI)
84. Y. C. Chang, H. C. Cheng, M. C. Chiu*, D. Y. Lin(2016). Numerical Assessment of Rectangular Straight/Reverse Mufflers at High-Order-Modes. J. of Mechanics, 1(1), p1-12. SCIE(SCI)
85. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Ji-Lin Xie(2015). Numerical Analysis on the Discharge Muffler of the Reciprocating Compressors Using FEM and Neural Networks Method,. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 46(9), p10-17. EI
86. Min-Chie CHIU, Ying-Chun CHANG, Ho-Chih CHENG, Wei-Ting TAI(2015). Shape Optimization of Mufflers Composed of Multiple Rectangular Fin-shaped chambers Using Differential Evolution Method. Archives of Acoustics, 40(3), p311-319. SCIE(SCI)
87. 邱銘杰、鄭合志(2015)。以無線ZigBee模組結合PC-based之倉儲系統自動化暨遠端監控。智慧自動化產業期刊,1(6),p48-58。
88. Min-Chie Chiu, Tian-Syung Lan(2015). Multi-Quality Precision CNC Manufacturing Optimization with TRIZ Inventive Game. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences,, 36(1/2), p83-128.
89. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Shiang Chang(2015). Experimental Study of Data Transmission Efficiency on Solid State Disk under a Vibrating Situation. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 36(1/2), p61-81.
90. Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2015). Automatic Thermal Control for a Machine Room Using a Network Remote Control System. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 18(5), p493-505. EI
91. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chiu-Hung Chung(2015). Numberical Assessment of a Two-Mass vibration-based and electromagnetic energy harvester using simulated annealing method. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 41(1), 119-131. SCIE(SCI)
92. Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Acoustical Treatment of Multi-tone Broadband Noise with Hybrid Side-Branched Mufflers Using a Simulated Annealing Method. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 33(1), p1-28. SCIE(SCI)
93. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chiu-Hung Chung, Chen-Hsin Chu(2014). An Experimental Study of Low-frequency Vibration-based Electromagnetic Energy Harvesters Used While Walking. Advanced Materials Research, 1(918), p106-114. EI
94. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2014). An Assessment of High-Order-Mode Analysis and Shape Optimization of Expansion Chamber Mufflers. Archives of Acoustics, 39(4), p1-11. SCIE(SCI)
95. Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Numerical Assessment of Rectangular Side Inlet/Outlet Plenums Internally Hybridized with Two Crossed Baffles using a FEM, Neural Network, and GA Metho. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 33(3), p271-288. SCIE(SCI)
96. Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Optimization of Rectangular Multi-chamber Plenums Equipped with Extended Tubes Using the BEM, Neural Networks, and Genetic Algorithm. J. of Mechanics, 30(6), 571-584. SCIE(SCI)
97. Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Noise Elimination of a Multi-tone Noise for a Space Constrained Room Lined with Hybrid Sound Absorbers Using a Particle Swarm Method. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 28(9), p1-13. SCIE(SCI)
98. Guang-Jer Lai, Chen-Kuang Lin, Kobayashi Yoshiyuki, Masahiro Matsuo, Min-Chie Chiu(2014). A Theoretical Study of the Phase Angle to the β type Pulse-Steam Stirling Expander. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 1(597), p425-430. EI
99. Ho-Chih Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu(2014). A PC-base Wireless and Remote Control for a Shape Judgment Equipment Using a ZigBee Module. International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems, 7(3), p.1378-140. EI
100. Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Shape Optimization of Multi-chamber Plenums Lined with Multi-layer Sound Absorbers Using an Artificial Immune Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 22(2), p.218-230. SCIE(SCI)
101. Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Optimal Design on One–layer Close-Fitting Acoustical Hoods Using a Simulated Annealing Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology,, 22(2), p.211-217. SCIE(SCI)
102. 邱銘杰(2014)。Web-based之空壓機房的噪音與溫度監視系統之研製。智慧自動化產業期刊,1(9),p52-59。
103. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2014). Experimental Study of Transmission Characteristics on Disk Drive’s Vibration. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 45(10), p9-17. EI
104. Min-Chie Chiu, MG Prasad, K. T. Chen, Chao-Nan Wang, Wojciech P. Rdzanek(2014). The Assessment of Noise Estimation and Noise Control Work. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014(642715), p1-2. SCIE(SCI)
105. 鄭合志、邱創標、邱銘杰(2013)。材質分揀與加工機台之無線遠端監控系統研製。工程應用技術學刊,2(1),p81-97。
106. 邱銘杰(2013)。溫室植栽之遠端溫控系統。智慧自動化產業期刊,1(6),p20-26。
107. Min-Chie Chiu(2013). Numerical Assessment for a Broadband and Tuned Noise Using Hybrid Mufflers and a Simulated Annealing Method. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 1(332), p.2923-294. SCIE(SCI)
108. Po-Chou Chou, Yi-Cheng Huang, Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng(2013). A Quality Monitoring Online System Using an Early Warning Abnormal Trend Distribution: A Thickness Measurement Case Study Using a LVDT. Advanced Materials Research, 1(740), p.120-127. EI
109. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tz-Chi Hung(2013). The Development of Wrist Rehabilitation Assistive Devices Using a Shape Memory Alloy. Advanced Materials Research, 1(740), p.408-415. EI
110. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, I - Lang Chiu(2013). An Assessment of the Stress Analysis for a Notebook’s Hinge Stopper Using the BEM Method. Advanced Materials Research, 1(740), p.350-358. EI
111. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan, Shao-Chun Yen(2013). Positioning and Path Planning of a Swarm Robotic Cleaner. Advanced Materials Research, 1(740), p.112-119. EI
112. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Yun-Chung Liu(2013). A Study of Measurement System Capability for Gauge Block Comparator. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 16(4-5), p.245-286. EI
113. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2013). Shape Optimization of Multi-chamber Side Inlet/outlet Mufflers Hybridized with Multiple Perforated Intruding Tubes Using Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2(13), p.238-249. SCIE(SCI)
114. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2013). Numerical Assessment of Plenums Intersected with Four Baffles Using the Boundary Element Method, Genetic Algorithm, and the Neural Networks. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 44(11), p25-44. EI
115. Tian-Syung Lan, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, You-Xiang Hwang(2013). Construction of the Control System of Cleaning Robots with Vision Guidance. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013(283795), p.1-6. SCIE(SCI)
116. Ho-Chih Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu(2013). The Design of an Automatic Wind Electricity Monitoring System for a Battery Charge Process. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 34(6), p373-388. EI
117. Min-Chie Chiu(2013). Noise Abatement in Reverberant Sound Field by Using a Particle Swarm Method. Building Acoustics, 20(1), p1-24. EI
118. Min-Chie Chiu(2013). Shape Optimization of Multi-chamber Tube-extended Mufflers within Specified Back Pressures Using a Particle Swarm Method. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 44(3), p10-23. EI
119. Ho-Chih Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu(2013). Automatic Solar Electrical Monitor for a Battery Charge Process Using a Network Remote Control System. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 1(336-338), p.1211-121. EI
120. Min-Chie Chiu(2013). Numerical Assessment of Optimal Equipment Allocation and Close-Fitting Acoustical Hoods within a Multi-Noise Plant Using an Artificial Immune Method. J. of Mechanics, 29(1), p.185-195. SCIE(SCI)
121. Min-Chie Chiu(2013). Shape Optimization of One-chamber Perforated Mufflers Filled with Wool Using Simulated Annealing. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 21(4), p.380-390. SCIE(SCI)
122. Guang-Jer Lai, Chen-Kuang Lin, Kobayashi Yoshiyuki, Masahiro Matsuo, Min-Chie Chiu(2013). An Assessment of a Pulse-Steam Stirling Expander. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 16(1), p.1-17. EI
123. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, I - Lang ChiuI - Lan(2013). The Assessment of Stress Analysis for a Notebook’s Hinge Stopper Using the FEM Method. Advanced Materials Research, 740, 350-358. EI
124. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan, Shao-Chun Yen(2013). Positioning and Path Planning for a Swarm Robotic Cleaner. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 740 (2013) pp 112-119, 740, 112-119. EI
125. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan, Wei-Cheng Liao, Chiu-Hung Chung(2012). GROUND-PURITY INSPECTION FOR A GROUP OF ROBOTIC CLEANERS. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 36(2). SCIE(SCI)
126. Min-Chie Chiu, Hung-Jung Shei(2012). 線控機器人之機構與電路設計Mechanism and Circuit Design of a Wire-Controlled Robot. Journal of China University of Science and Technology, 1(51), p.47-63.
127. Min-Chie Chiu(2012). Numerical Assessment of One-chamber Plenums Lined with Multi-layer Sound Absorbers Using a Particle Swarm Method. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 43(3), p.29-47. EI
128. Min-Chie Chiu(2012). Genetic Algorithm Optimization on a Venting System with Three-chamber Hybrid Mufflers within a Constrained Back Pressure and Space. ASME J. of Vibration and Acoustics, 134(021005), p.1-11. SCIE(SCI)
129. Min-Chie Chiu(2012). Shape Optimization of Two-layer Acoustical Hoods Using an Artificial Immune Method. Archives of Acoustics, 37(2), p.181-188. SCIE(SCI)
130. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan, Wei-Cheng Liao, Chiu-Hung Chung(2012). Ground-purity Inspection for a Grouped Robotic Cleaner. The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) Transactions, 36(2), p.161-172. SCIE(SCI)
131. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, C.­H. Chung(2012). Optimal Design of a Vibration-Based Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Using a Simulated Annealing Algorithm. J. of Mechanics, 28(4), p.691-700. SCIE(SCI)
132. Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, Ching-Chung Hsieh(2012). Optimum Design of Mufflers Hybridized with One-connected Curved Tubes Using Boundary Element Method and Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 20(4), p.376-383. SCIE(SCI)
133. Ho-Chih Cheng, Min-Chie Chiu, Chun-Lung Huang, Po-Chou Chou(2012). A Development of a Web-based Remote Monitoring System in the Noise and Thermal of an Enclosed Air Compressor. Information Technology Journal, 11(6), p.686-698. EI
134. Min-Chie Chiu, Tian-Syung Lan, Sing-Fu Hwang(2012). Development of a Real-Time Task Editable Service-Oriented Security Robot. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 15(4-5), p. 239-259. EI
135. Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2012). ptimal Assessment of Wool Lining inside Multi-Tube Mufflers with Rectangular Section Using the Boundary Element Method and the Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 15(2-3), p. 171-205. EI
136. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, C.M. Lin(2012). A Study of the Characteristics of a Contacting Resistance on a Tact Switch. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 15(2-3), p.137-153. EI
137. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2012). An Experimental Investigation on Shape Memory Alloy Dynamic Splint for a Finger Joint Application. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 173(1), p. 210-218. SCIE(SCI)
138. Min-Chie Chiu(2012). Noise Elimination of a Multi-tone Broadband Noise Using Hybrid Helmholtz Mufflers by a Simulated Annealing Method. Archives of Acoustics, 37(4), p.489-498. SCIE(SCI)
139. 邱銘杰(2012)。遠端水族箱餵魚暨溫度監控系統之研製。智慧自動化產業期刊,1(2),p.93-99。
140. Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Numerical Assessment of Hybrid mufflers on a Venting System within a Limited Back Pressure and Space Using Simulated Annealing. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 30(4), p.247-275. SCIE(SCI)
141. Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Numerical Assessment of Multi-Splitter Mufflers Using Neural Networks, the Boundary Element Method, and the Genetic Algorithm. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 1(58-60), p.1049-105. EI
142. Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Numerical Assessment of Path Planning for Autonomous Robotic Vacuum Cleaner Using an Ant Colony Optimization Method. Journal of Information and Optimization Science, 32(5), p.1039-105. EI
143. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2011). Optimal Design of Side-inlet/Side-outlet Expansion Mufflers with Open-ended Perforated Tubes Using Simulated Annealing. J. of Mechanics, 27(4), p.533-544. SCIE(SCI)
144. Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Optimal Design of Multi-chamber Side Inlet/outlet Mufflers Equipped with Cross-flow Tubes and Perforated/non-perforated Intruding Tubes Using Simulate. J. of Mechanics, 27(3), p.321-335. SCIE(SCI)
145. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2011). A Study of Mechanical Property for a Type of Shape Memory Alloy. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 32(4), p.863-875. EI
146. Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Optimization Design of Hybrid Mufflers on Broadband Frequencies Using the Genetic Algorithm. Archives of Acoustics, 36(4), p.795-822. SCIE(SCI)
147. Guang-Jer Lai, Min-Chie Chiu, Yoshiyuki Kobayashi, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chen-Kuang Lin(2011). A Study of Design Parameters for a Type of Stirling Engine. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 32(2), p.492-506. EI
148. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2011). Numerical Assessment of Two-chamber Mufflers with Perforated Plug/non-plug Tubes Under Space and Back Pressure Constraints Using Simulated Annealing. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 19(2), p.176-188. SCIE(SCI)
149. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2011). Numerical Assessment of a Venting System with Multi-chamber Perforated Mufflers by GA Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology,, 19(5), p.483-498. SCIE(SCI)
150. Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Path Planning for An Autonomous Robot using a Simulating Annealing. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 32(2), P.297-314. EI
151. Min-Chie Chiu, J.H. Wen(2011). Wall Plug-in Power Supply System for a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 32(2), P.277-295. EI
152. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2011). An Experimental Investigation on Shape Memory Alloy Dynamic Splint for a Finger Joint Application. Journal of Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, DEC.2011. SCIE(SCI)
153. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2011). A Study of Mechanical Proterty for a Type of Shape Memory Alloy. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 32(4), 836-875. EI
154. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, C. M. Lin(2011). An Experimental Study of the Characteristics of a Contact Resisting Tact Switch. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, none, none. EI
155. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Guang-Jer Lai, Bo-Ming Huang(2010). Developing an Auto-tracking Carrier of AGV Using a Wave-Varied Detecting Method. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 224(C6), 1349-1357. SCIE(SCI)
156. M. C.Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Cheng-Chen Shih(2010). Automatic Cable Spooling for a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 31(3), 543-559. EI
157. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Che-Jung Hsu(2010). The Application of Image Division Method on Automatic Optical Inspection of PCBA. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 31, 257-274. EI
158. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2010). A Study on Temperature Effect of Elasticity for the Ti50Ni45Cu5. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 13(6), 637-647. EI
159. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2010). An Assessment of Body Joint Bending Actuator using a Shape Memory Alloy. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(17), 1973-1977. EI
160. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2010). A Study of the Ti50Ni45Cu5-made Dynamic Splints in a Medical Finger Joint. Information Technology Journal, 9(8), 1665-1670. EI
161. M. C.Chiu(2010). Shape Optimization of one-chamber Mufflers with Reverse-flow ducts Using a Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 18(1), p.12-23. SCIE(SCI)
162. (2010). Shape Optimization of One-chamber Mufflers with Perforated Intruding Tubes Using a Simulated Annealing Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 18(4), p. 597-610. SCIE(SCI)
163. M. C.Chiu(2010). Numerical optimization of a Three-chamber mufflers hybridized with a side Inlet and a perforated tube by SA method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 18(4), p. 484-495. SCIE(SCI)
164. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2010). Numerical Assessment of a Space-Constrained Venting System with Multi-chamber Plug Mufflers by GA Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 18(3), p. 317-332. SCIE(SCI)
165. Min-Chie Chiu(2010). The Numerical Assessment of Optimal Equipment Allocation and Acoustical Barrier Shape in a Multi-noise Plant by Using the Genetic Algorithm Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 18(1), P.56-68. SCIE(SCI)
166. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh(2010). The Application of Division Method on Automatic Optical Inspection of PCBA. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 31(2), p.251-274. EI
167. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, G-J Lai, B-M Huang(2010). Auto-tracking Carrier of AGV Using a Wave-Varied Detecting Method. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 224(C6), p. 1349-13. SCIE(SCI)
168. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, L-W Wu(2010). Shape Optimization of Mufflers Hybridized with Multiple Connected Tubes Using Boundary Element Method and Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 224(C4), P.901-913. SCIE(SCI)
169. Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2010). SA Optimization on Space-constrained Two-chamber Mufflers with Perforated Intruding Tubes. Journal of The Acoustical Society, R.O.C., 1(14), p.1-31.
170. M. C.Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2010). Shaped Optimization of Multi-chamber Mufflers with Open-ended Perforated Inlets Using a Genetic Method. Proceeding of Meeting on Acoustics (Acoustical Society of America),, 9(040003), p.1-13. SCIE(SCI)
171. Min-Chie Chiu(2010). Optimal Design of Multi-chamber Mufflers Hybridized with Perforated Intruding Inlets and Resonated Tube Using Simulated Annealing. ASME J. of Vibration and Acoustics, 1(132), p.1-10. SCIE(SCI)
172. Min-Chie Chiu(2010). Numerical Assessment of Reverse-flow Mufflers Using a Simulated Annealing Method. The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) Transactions, 34(1), P.17-35. SCIE(SCI)
173. Min-Chie Chiu(2010). Shape Optimization of Multi-chamber Mufflers with Plug-inlet Tube on a Venting Process by Genetic Algorithms. Applied Acoustics, 1(71), P.495-505. SCIE(SCI)
174. Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2010). Optimization of Multi-chamber Mufflers with Reverse-flow Ducts by Algorithm of Simulated Annealing. Archives of Acoustics, 35(1), P.13-33. SCIE(SCI)
175. Min-Chie Chiu(2010). An Automatic Thermal Control on Greenhouse Using Network Remote Controlling System. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(17), p.1944-195. EI
176. Min-Chie Chiu(2010). Numerical Assessment of Path-Planning for an Autonomous Robot Passing Through Multi-layer Barrier Systems Using a Genetic Algorithm, Information Techn. Information Technology Journal, 9(7), p.1483-148. EI
177. Min-Chie Chiu(2010). An Automatic Thermal Control on Greenhouse Using Network Remote Controlling System. Information Technology Journal, 10(17), p. 1944-95. EI
178. Min-Chie Chiu, Tian-Syung Lan, Ho-Chih Cheng(2010). A Three-axis Robot Manipulation Using Remote Network Controlling System. Engineering, 1(2), p.874-878.
179. M. C.Chiu(2009). Optimization of Equipment Allocation and Sound-Barriers Shape in a Multi-noise Plant by Using Simulated Annealing. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 40(7), p.23-35. EI
180. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, C. H. Yeh(2009). The Development of Tactile Testing Machine on Tact Switch. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, 12(6), P.649-669. EI
181. Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2009). Numerical Optimization of Single-chamber Mufflers Using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm. Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci.,, 1(32), P.313-332. EI
182. Min-Chie Chiu(2009). SA Optimization on Multi-chamber Mufflers Hybridized with Perforated Plug-Inlet under Space Constraints. Archives of Acoustics, 34(4), P.305-343. SCIE(SCI)
183. Min-Chie Chiu, Kuei-Shu Hsu(2009). A Numerical Assessment of Optimal Equipment Allocation and Acoustical Barrier Shape in a Multi-noise Plant by Using the Simulated Annealing Method. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 30(6), p.1099-112. EI
184. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2009). Application of Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm to the Optimum Design of Perforated Tube Mufflers. J. of Mechanics, 25(3), p.7-16. SCIE(SCI)
185. Kuei-Shu Hsu, Ko-Chun Chen, Yuh-Ren Huang, Min-Chie Chiu(2009). Application of the Two axle Robot Tracing Object System with Multithread Control Technology. Information Technology Journal, 8(1), p.39-48. EI
186. Y-C Chang, M-C Chiu, M-M Cheng(2009). Optimum Design of Perforated Plug Mufflers Using Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 1(223), P.935-952. SCIE(SCI)
187. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Jia-Ming Chern, Tian-Syung Lan(2009). Shape Optimization of Single-chamber Mufflers with Side Inlet/Outlet by using Boundary Element Method, Mathematic Gradient Method and Genetic Algorith. Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 12(1), P.85-98. EI
188. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh(2009). The Design and Application of a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences,, 30(1), P.39-62. EI
189. Tian-Syung Lan, Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Optimal Noise Control on Plant Using Simulated Annealing. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 32(3-4), p.432-438. SCIE(SCI)
190. Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Shape Optimization on One-Chamber Perforated Mufflers Using Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 29(6), p.1007-103. EI
191. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2008). Numerical Studies on Venting System with Multi-chamber Perforated Mufflers by GA Optimization. Applied Acoustics,, 69(11), p.1017-103. SCIE(SCI)
192. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Che-Jung Hsu(2008). The Deficit Recognition in PCBA’s Automatic Optical Inspection System by Using BPN Method. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(16), p.2814-282. EI
193. Kuei-Shu Hsu, K.C. Chen, T.H. Li, Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Development and Application of the Single-Camera Vision Measure Distance System. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(13), p2357-2368. EI
194. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh(2008). Numerical Assessment of Optimal One-Chamber Perforated Mufflers by using GA Method. Material Science Forum, 594(1), p.368-376. EI
195. Tian-Syung Lan, Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Identification of Noise Sources in Factory’s Sound Field by Using Genetic Algorithm. Applied Acoustics, 69(1), p.733-750. SCIE(SCI)
196. Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Shape Optimization of One-chamber Cross-flow Mufflers by GA Optimization. J. of Mechanics, 24(1), p.13-29. SCIE(SCI)
197. Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Shape Optimization of Double-chamber Side Mufflers with Extended Tube by Using Four-pole Matrix and Simulated Annealing Method. J. of Mechanics, 24(1), p.31-43. SCIE(SCI)
198. Tian-Syung Lan, C.Y. Lo, Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh(2008). Dynamic MRR and Tool Replacement Optimization with Calculus of Variations. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(7), p.1242-124. EI
199. Tian-Syung Lan, Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh(2008). An Approach to Rib Design of Injection Molded Product Using Finite Element and Taguchi Method. Information Technology Journal, 7(2), p.299-305. EI
200. Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Noise Identification in Reverberant Sound Field by Using Simulated Annealing. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 222(1), p.163-179. SCIE(SCI)
201. Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Shape Optimization of One-chamber Perforated Plug/ Non-plug Mufflers by Simulated Annealing Method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 74(1), p.1592-162. SCIE(SCI)
202. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang(2008). Shape Optimization of Multi-chamber Cross-flow Mufflers by SA Optimization. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 312(1), p.526-550. SCIE(SCI)
203. Min-Chie Chiu(2008). Shape Optimization of Double-Chamber Side Mufflers with Extended Tube by Using Four-Pole Matrix, Boundary Element Method and Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Information & Optimization Science, 29(1), p.81-101. EI
204. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Che Jung Hsu(2008). The Deficiency Recognition in PCBAs Automatic Optical Inspection System by Using Back-Propagation Network Method. Journal of Applied Sciences, 2008, 1812-5654. EI
205. Tian-Syung Lan, Chih-Yao lo, Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh(2008). Dynamic Material Removal Rate and Tool Replacement Optimization with Calculus of Variations. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(7), 1242-1248. EI
206. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan(2007). Optimization of Perforated Double-layer Absorbers Using Simulated Annealing. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 15(4), p.351-359. SCIE(SCI)
207. Min-Chie Chiu, Tian-Syung Lan(2007). Noise Source Identification in Sound Field by Using Simulated Annealing. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 93(1), p.486-497. SCIE(SCI)
208. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Guang-Jer Lai, Ming-Guo Her, C. C. Tu, Tian-Syung Lan(2006). Shape Optimization of Double-chamber Mufflers with Extended Tube and Side Inlet/Outlet by using Four-pole Transfer Matrix Method, Boundary Element Met. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 27(6), p.825-832. EI
209. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2006). Numerical Studies on Constrained Venting System with Reactive Mufflers by GA Optimization. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 65(1), P.1165-118. SCIE(SCI)
210. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Gaung-Jer Lai(2006). Computer-aided design on a perforated single-layer absorber under space constraints. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 32(5-6), 537-546. SCIE(SCI)
211. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2006). Numerical studies on condtrained venting system with reactive mufflers by GA optimization. International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 65(8), 1165-1185. SCIE(SCI)
212. Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, G. J. Lai(2005). Shape optimization on constrained single-layer absorber by using GA method and mathematical gradient methods. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 286, .941-961.
213. Yao-Jen Lai, Y. C. Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape optimal design on double-chamber mufflers using simulated annealing and a genetic algorithm. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Enviromenet Science., 29, 207-224. EI
214. Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, G. J. Lai(2005). Shape optimization on double-chamber muffler with side inlet /outlet under space constraint. Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, 33(2), 1-12. EI
215. Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape optimization on double-chamber mufflers using a genetic algorithm. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 219, 31-42.
216. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Gaung-Jer Lai(2005). Shape optimization an constrained single-layer sound absorber by using GA method and methematical grandient methods. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 286, 941-961.
217. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape Optimization on Constrained Single-chamber Muffler by Using GA Method and Mathematical Gradient Method. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 10(1), p.17-25. SCIE(SCI)
218. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, M. C.Chiu(2005). Optimization of Double-Layer Absorbers on Constrained Sound Absorption System by Using Genetic Algorithm. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 62(1), p.317-333. SCIE(SCI)
219. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2005). Optimization of Single-Layer Absorber on Constrained Sound Absorption System by Using GA Algorithm. JOURNAL OF C.C.I.T., 34(1), p1-p14. EI
220. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape Optimal Design on Double-Chambers Muffler Using Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm. Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci., 29(1), P.207-224. EI
221. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape Optimization on Double-Chamber Mufflers Using Genetic Algorithm,. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 10(1), P.31-42. SCIE(SCI)
222. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Optimization of Composite Absorbers on Constrained Sound Reverberant System by Using Simulated Annealing. Applied Acoustics, 66(1), P.341-352. SCIE(SCI)
223. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2005). Shape Optimization on Double-chamber Muffler with Side Inlet/Outlet under Space Constraints. Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, 33(2), P.1-12. EI
224. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2005). Shape Optimization on Constrained Single-layer Sound Absorber by Using GA Method and Mathematical Gradient Methods. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 286(4/5), p.941-961. SCIE(SCI)
225. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). GA Optimization on Single-chamber Muffler Hybridized with Extended Tube under Space Constraints. Archives of Acoustics, 29(4), P.577-596. SCIE(SCI)
226. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). Computer Aided Design on Single Expansion Muffler with Extended Tube under Space Constraints. Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 7(3), p.171-181. EI
227. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Optimization of Absorbers and Mufflers on Constrained Multi-noises System by Using Genetic Algorithm. The Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics,, 14(3), p.261-289.
228. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). GA optimization on constrained venting system with single-chamber mufflers. Journal of The Acoustical Society, 10(1), p.1-13.
229. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Shape optimization on constrained single-layer absorbers by simulated annealing. Journal “Technical Acoustics”, 4(1), p.1-13.
230. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). Numerical optimization of sound absorption systems with constrained single-layer absorber. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12(2), p.86-92. SCIE(SCI)
231. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). GA optimization on muffler with side inlet/outlet under space constraints. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2(04), p.1-13. EI
232. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Optimization of allocation and noise reduction on multi-noises system by using genetic algorithm. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 35(4), p.11-18. EI
233. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). GA optimization on multi-segments muffler under space constraints. Applied Acoustics, 65(5), p.521-543. SCIE(SCI)
234. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Optimization of Constrained Multi-layer Absorbers by Using Genetic Algorithms. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 9(4), p.175-185. SCIE(SCI)
235. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Application of Genetic Algorithm to the Shape Optimization of a Constrained Double-Chamber Muffler with Extended Tubes. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12(3), p. 189-199. SCIE(SCI)
236. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Design Optimization of Double-Chamber Mufflers on Constrained Venting System by GA Method. Journal “Technical Acoustics, 9(1), p.1-16.
237. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Numerical Studies on Constrained Venting System With Side Inlet/Outlet Mufflers by GA Optimization. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 90(1-1), p.1-11. SCIE(SCI)
238. Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Optimization of constrained composite absorbers using simulated annealing. Applied acoustics, 66, 341-352. SCIE(SCI)
239. Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). Numerical Optimization of Sound Absorption System with Constrained Single-Layer Absorber. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12(2), 86-92. EI
240. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Tian-Syung Lan(2004). Shape Optimal Design on Constrained Single-chamber Mufflers by Gradient Method. De Lin Journal, 1(18), p41-p54.
241. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, M. C.Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2003). Computer-aided optimal design of a single-chamber muffler with side inlet/outlet under space constraints. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 11(4), p. 1-8. SCIE(SCI)
242. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2003). Shape Optimization on Constrained Linearly Expanded Tubes by Using Genetic Algorithm. Journal “Technical Acoustics”, 18(1), p.1-11.
243. M. C.Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Wei-Ya Chen(2003). Design and Analysis of Noise Control on an Air Cooler Condense. De Lin Journal,, 17(1), p.231-241.
244. 邱銘杰(2002)。以進階的專家系統進行圓柱型排放消音器之細部輔助設計。工業污染防治季,1(82),p.1-11。
245. 邱銘杰(2001)。工廠冷卻水塔噪音控制技術介紹。工安環保報導,1(5),p.1-2。
246. 邱銘杰(2001)。調音消音器之專家系統輔助設計。工業污染防治,1(79),p.81-99。
247. 邱銘杰(2001)。排放消音器之專家系統輔助設計。工業污染防治,1(77),p.25-42。
248. 邱銘杰(2000)。嘗試以專家系統進行隔音牆減音設計及應變分析之範例探討。工業污染防治,1(76),p.40-55。
249. 邱銘杰(2000)。嘗試以專家系統進行室內吸音設計之範例探討。工業污染防治,1(74),p.85-100。
250. 邱銘杰(1999)。冷卻水塔噪音改善工程之實例探討。工業污染防治,1(69),p1-p13。
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
1. 邱銘杰、顏立人、葉隆吉(2023)。A Study of Family Plant and Aquarium Automatic Caring Using Mini Greenhouse System(以迷你溫室系統進行家庭植栽與水族之自動化照顧之研究)。2023 科技創新暨智慧應用國際研討會議程()R.O.C。
2. 王沁偉、賴躍仁、葉隆吉、邱銘杰(2021)。電動扶梯噴霧殺菌模組設計與研發。中國機械工程學會第三十八屆全國學術研討會論文集(頁 p1-p6)。R.O.C。
3. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Force Model Study for the Bending Actuator with Multiple Shape Memory Alloy Wires. World Congress on Engineering. United Kingdom.
4. M. C.Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, C.H. Yeh(2009). The Design of an Automatic Tactile Inspection System. 2009 Conference on Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology. R.O.C.
5. 葉隆吉、賴光哲、邱銘杰、黃柏銘(2009)。異波速測距法應用於自走車的自動跟隨系統之研發。The Chinese Society of Mechanical EngineersR.O.C。
6. M. C.Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Y. C. Lin(2008). The Design and Application of a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. Conference on Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology-PMMT. R.O.C.
7. M. C.Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Y. C. Lin(2008). The Application of Image Division Method on Automatic Optical Inspection of PCBA. Conference on Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology-PMMT. R.O.C.
8. M. C.Chiu, Ying Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh(2007). Numerical Assessment of Optimal One-Chamber Perforated Mufflers by using GA Method. Proceeding of ICAM 2007. United Kingdom.
9. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Guang-Jer Lai, Ming-Guo Her, C. C. Tu, T. S. Lan, H. C. Cheng(2006). Shape Optimization of Double-chamber Mufflers with Extended Tube and Side Inlet/Outlet by using Four-pole Transfer Matrix Method, Boundary Element Met. Proceedings of the 5th Conference on S.M.E. United States of America.
10. 邱銘杰、葉隆吉、張英俊、賴光哲、何明果(2006)。結合邊界元素法,數學梯度法及遺傳演算法之單腔邊進出氣式消音器外型最佳化設計。CSME ConferenceUnited States of America。
11. Tian-Syung Lan, M. C.Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh(1998). An Approach to Rib Design of Injection Molded Product Using Finite Element and Taguchi Method. Information Technology Journal. R.O.C.
專書 (Book)
1. Min-Chie Chiu(2022). Numerical Assessment of Three-Magnet Energy Harvesters (in Advances in Energy Research Volume 36之chapter 8). Nova Publisher, New York, USA.. 專章-Numerical Assessment of Three-Magnet Energy Harvesters in Advances in Energy Research (Volume 36)之chapter 8 (p.177-p.218).
2. Min-Chie Chiu, Tian-Syung Lan, Ho-Chih Cheng(2020). Advances in Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery. ,Springer Nature Switzerland. 專書篇章.
3. Min-Chie Chiu(2015). Advances in Mathematics Research (one chapter contribution : A Mathematical Model and Optimization of Rectangular Mufflers hybridized with One-channel. Nova, New York.
4. Min-Chie Chiu, L.J. Yeh, Y.J.Lai(2015). Shape Memory Alloys: Characterization, Applications and Limitations (one chapter contribution : A Study of a Bending Actuator Force Model with Multipl. Nova, New York.
5. Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Noise Elimination of a Multi-tone Broadband Noise with Hybrid Helmholtz Mufflers Using a Simulated Annealing Method. Lambert Publisher, Germany.
6. Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Simulated Annealing: Strategies, Potential Uses and Advantages (one chapter contribution : SA Optimization of Two-chamber Mufflers Equipped with Multi. Nova, New York.
7. Min-Chie Chiu(2014). Noise Pollution: Sources, Effects on Workplace Productivity and Health Implications (one chapter contribution : An Experimental Study on the One-Chamb. Nova, New York.
8. Min-Chie Chiu, J.H. Huang(2014). Noise Control: Theory, Application and Optimization in Engineering. Research Signpost, India.
9. 邱銘杰、藍天雄(2014)。噪音控制原理與工程設計。五南圖書。
10. 邱銘杰(2012)。Genetic Algorithm: New Research (one chapter contribution - GA optimization for a Space-Constrained Machine Room Using Multi-layer Sound Absorbers and。Nova, New York。
11. Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Sound Waves: Propagation, Frequencies and Effects (one chapter contribution - Numerical Assessment of Multi-chamber Mufflers Hybridized with Multiple . Nova, New York.
12. Min-Chie Chiu, Y.C.Chang(2009). Mechanical Vibrations: Measurement, Effects and Control (one chapter contribution - A Model Test on a Clamped Cantilever Beam). Nova, New York.
13. 邱銘杰、張英俊、藍天雄(2008)。噪音振動之原理與應用。東華書局。
14. 邱銘杰、張英俊、葉隆吉、藍天雄(2006)。噪音控制技術與原理。博碩文化。