1. | H. C. Lu, M.F. Yeh, Y. M. Lin(2019). Fuzzy Logic Controller Design for Robotic Manipulator Object Tracking. IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2019). Japan.
2. | M.F. Yeh, H.C. Lu(2019). Time Series Forecasting Using Optimized Rolling Grey Model. International Conference of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2019 ). Japan.
3. | H.C. Lu(2018). DC-DC Buck Converter with Parameters Design of Terminal Sliding Mode Control. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2018). Japan.
4. | H.C. Lu(2018). A Sphere Classification Method of the Granular Computing. 2018 International Conference on Unmanned System Applications- Agriculture, Ecosystem & Environm. Mainland China.
5. | M.F. Yeh, T. H CHEN, H.C. Lu(2018). A MODIFIED NEURAL-NETWORK–BASED GM(1,1). The 17th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2018). Mainland China.
6. | 呂虹慶(2018)。優勝者差分演算法於遲滯寬帶之設計與應用。2018中華民國系統科學與工程研討會 (ICSSE 2018)R.O.C。
7. | M.F. Yeh, M.S. Leu, T.H. Chen, H.C. Lu(2017). Gaussian Barebones Differential Evolution with Improved Guassian Mutation Strategy. The 16th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2017). Mainland China.
8. | H.C. Lu, Y. M. Lin, M.H. Jian(2017). Study the Effects of the Different Criterions with Granular Computing. The 16th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2017). Mainland China.
9. | H.C. Lu, Y. M. Lin(2017). Tracking Design with Single-Input CMAC based Sliding Mode Controller. The International Conference on System Science and Engineering 2017 (ICSSE 2017). Vietnam.
10. | M.F. Yeh, H.C. Lu, T.H. Chen, M.S. Leu(2016). Modified Gaussian bare-bones differential evolution with hybrid Mutation strategy. The 15th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2016). Republic of Korea.
11. | M.F. Yeh, H.C. Lu, M.S. Leu, Y.F. Lee(2015). System identification using differential evolution with mean-best mutation. The 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2015). Mainland China.
12. | H.C. Lu, Yo-Ming Lin(2015). Fuzzy sliding mode application for the DC brushless motor. The 3rd Asia Symposium on Engineering and Information (2015 ASEAI). Mainland China.
13. | M.F. Yeh, M.S. Leu, H.C. Lu, W.J. Wang(2015). Grey mean-of-best-neighbors particle swarm optimization. 2014 International Conference on Grey System Theory and Kansei Engineering Conference. R.O.C.
14. | Ming-Feng Yeh, H.C. Lu, Po-Jung Huang(2014). System Identification Using Differential Evolution with Winter Mutation Strategy. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2014), Lanzhou, China. Mainland China.
15. | H.C. Lu, Hsi-Kuang Liu, Lian-Fue Yang(2013). PID Controller Parameter Estimator Using Ant Colony System. IEEE International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE 2013). Hungary.
16. | H.C. Lu, Hsi-Kuang Liu, Lian-Fue Yang(2012). Design of Parameter Estimator Using ANT Colony System. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2012). Mainland China.
17. | H.C. Lu, Sing-Fu Lee(2012). Function Approximation of Nonlinear Functions by GA-based Fuzzy Systems. nternational Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2012). Mainland China.
18. | H.C. Lu, Ming-Hung Chang(2012). Design of The Self-Constructing Fuzzy Neural Network Controller for a Sliding Door System. WCCI 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. Australia.
19. | Ming-Hung Chang, H.C. Lu(2011). Self-Organizing Fuzzy Neural Network Controller Design. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. United States of America.
20. | His-Kuang Liu, H.C. Lu(2011). CMAC Neural Network Application for Induction Motor Drives. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. United States of America.
21. | H.C. Lu, Tzu-Yu Tseng(2011). Hybrid Adaptive CMAC Sliding Mode Controller Design for Unknown Nonlinear System. Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Natural Computation and the 8th International Con. Mainland China.
22. | H.C. Lu, Ming-Hung Chang, His-Kuang Liu(2011). Design of the Fuzzy Neural Network Controller Using Back-Propagation Artificial Immune Algorithm. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on System Science and Engineering, Macau, China. Mainland China.
23. | H.C. Lu, Cheng-Hung Tsai, Ming-Hung Chang(2010). Radial Basis Function Neural Network with Sliding Mode Control for Robotic Manipulators. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Turkey. Turkey.
24. | H.C. Lu, Te-Lung Shih(2010). Fuzzy System Control Design with Application to Solar Panel Active Dual-Axis Sun Tracker System. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Turkey. Turkey.
25. | H.C. Lu, T. L. Shih(2010). Design of DC/DC Boost Converter with FNN Solar Cell Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller. The 5th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2010). R.O.C.
26. | H.C. Lu, M. H. Chang(2009). Automatic Generation Fuzzy Neural Network Controller with Supervisory Control for Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor. The 4th IEEE Cnnference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2009). Mainland China.
27. | H.C. Lu, M. H. Chang, Hsikuang Liu(2009). Radial Basis Function Network Based Automatic Generation Fuzzy Neural Network Controller for PermanentMagnet Linear Synchronous Motor. 2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Mainland China.
28. | H.C. Lu, T. L. Shih(2009). High Efficiency Single-Stage Multi-Fluorescent Lamps Electronic Ballast. Proceeding of The 2009 IEEE 6th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE. Mainland China.
29. | H. C. Lu, M. H. Chang(2008). Online Speed Control of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Self-Constructing Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Network. 2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Mainland China.
30. | H. C. Lu, M. F. Yeh(2008). On-Line Learning CMAC Control System. INES 2008, 12th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. United States of America.
31. | H. C. Lu, M. H. Chang(2007). Speed Control Approach of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Automatic Generation Fuzzy Neural Network Controller. Proceedings of 2007 CACS International Automatic Control Conference. R.O.C.
32. | H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai(2007). Speed Identification Via Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller for Induction Motor. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Canada.
33. | H. C. Lu, M. H. Chang M. H. Ch, C. H. Tsai(2007). Fuzzy Neural Network Design with Switching Strategy for Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Speed Controller. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Canada.
34. | H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai(2007). Improving performance of CMAC with GBF. The 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Technology. United States of America.
35. | H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai(2007). Design and Implementation of an FPGA-based SVPWM IC for PWM Inverters. 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO). France.
36. | M. F. Yeh, H. C. Lu, J. C. Chang(2006). Single-input CMAC control system with direct control ability. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. R.O.C.
37. | H. C. Lu, M. F. Yeh, J. C. Chang(2006). CMAC study with adaptive quantization. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. R.O.C.
38. | H. C. Lu(2006). Design and implementation of a digitalized fuzzy logic controller for dc servo drives. 5th WSEAS International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases. United States of America.
39. | C. H. Tsai, H. C. Lu(2006). Sensorless decoupling control of induction motors based on feedback linearization. INES 2006, 10th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. United Kingdom.
40. | H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai(2006). Image recognition study via the neural fuzzy system. 10th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. United Kingdom.
41. | H. C. Lu(2005). Path planning implementation for car-like mobile robot based on fuzzy theory. ICMENS 2005, The 2005 International Conference on Mans, NANO, and Smart Systems. Canada.
42. | H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung(2005). Fuzzy sliding mode controller design with variable sliding surface. ICCC 2005, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Computational Cybernetics. Mauritius.
43. | H. C. Lu(2004). Grey prediction approach for designing grey sliding mode controller. IEEE SMC 2004, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Netherlands.
44. | H. C. Lu, T. Tao(2004). The treatment of image boundary effects in CMAC networks. IJCNN2004, International Joint Conference on Neural network. Hungary.
45. | H. C. Lu, J. C. Chang(2004). Integrated structure design for CMAC-based fuzzy logic controller. IJCNN2004, International Joint Conference on Neural network. Hungary.
46. | H. C. Lu, C. Y. Chuang(2004). Motion planning strategy for car-like mobile robot. MED’04, 12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. Turkey.
47. | H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung(2004). Prediction by movable-rate gradient RBF function neural network with fuzzy curves. 5th WSEAS International Conference on Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Systems (FSFS04). Italy.
48. | H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung(2004). Neurocontroller design with rule extracted by using genetic based machine learning and reinforcement learning system. 5th WSEAS International Conference on Neural Networks and Applications (NNA04). Italy.
49. | H. C. Lu, T. Tao(2003). The CMAC based FLC and its application to real-loading truck problems. FUZZ-IEEE 2003, The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. United States of America.
50. | H. C. Lu, C. Y. Chuang(2003). Integrated controller design for CMAC. INES 2003, 7th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. Egypt.
51. | T. Tao, H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung(2002). The CA- CMAC for downsampling image data size in the compressive domain. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Tunisia.
52. | S. F. Lee, H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung(2002). Optimal design GA-based fuzzy PID controller. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Tunisia.
53. | M. F. Yeh, H. C. Lu(2002). On-line adaptive quantization input space in CMAC neural network. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Tunisia.
54. | H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung, C. C. Chang(2002). Integrating with Sliding Mode and Fuzzy Controller Based on Real-valued Genetic Algorithms. 6th WSEAS International Multiconference CSCC. Greece.
55. | H. C. Lu, J. C. Chang(2002). nhance the performance of CMAC neural network via fuzzy theory and credit apportionment. IJCNN2002, International Joint Conference on Neural network. United States of America.
56. | H. C. Lu, S. T. Tzeng(2001). Fuzzy filters design on image processing by genetic algoritm approach. FUZZ-IEEE 2001, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Australia.
57. | H. C. Lu, J. C. Chang(2001). The study of the extension controller with genetic algorithm. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI2001. United States of America.
58. | H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung, T. Y. Tsen(2001). The implementation of grey fuzzy controller with direct torque strategy of induction motor. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI2001. R.O.C.
59. | H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung, S. H. Tzeng(2001). By using neural network with radial basis function for neural filter design. WSES International Conference on Neural networks and applications, NNA 2001. Spain.
60. | H. C. Lu, S. T. Tzeng(2000). Genetic algoritm approach for designing FIR log filters. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Switzerland.
61. | H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung, C. H. Tsai(2000). Sensorless vector control of induction motor using artificial neural network. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Switzerland.
62. | M. S. Yang, P. L. Liu, H. C. Lu(1999). Output feedback stabilization of uncertain dynamic systems with multiple state delays via sliding mode control strategy. 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. Slovenia.
63. | M. S. Yang, H. C. Lu(1999). Sliding mode load-frequency controller design for dynamic stability enhancement of large-scale interconnected power systems. 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE99. Slovenia.
64. | H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai(1999). Grey-fuzzy implementation of a DSP-based induction motor drive. 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechatronics. Turkey.
65. | M. S. Yang, H. C. Lu(1999). Design of variable structure model following adaptive controller for uncertain systems with delayed state and control. IASTED International Conference Applied Modelling and Simulation, (AMS99). Australia.
66. | H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai(1999). Sensorless decoupling control of induction motors for high dynamic performance. IEEE IAS Annual Meeting. United States of America.
67. | (1999). UPS systems feeding nonlinear loads using fuzzy reasoning. 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechatronics. Turkey.
68. | M. S. Yang, M. S. Yang, H. C. Lu(1998). Design of decentralized load-frequency controller for lagre-scale power systems using switching structure strategy. 1998 Automatic Control Conference. United States of America.
69. | H. C. Lu, S. T. Tzeng(1998). Design of 2-D FIR filters using McClellan transformation with genetic algorithms. ICEC98, 1998 World Congress on Computational Intelligence. United States of America.
70. | T. H. Hung, H. C. Lu, M. F. Yeh(1998). Desing of self-construction fuzzy controller using fuzzy neural network. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems – INES98. Austria.
71. | H. C. Lu(1998). Image restoration using genetic fuzzy neural network. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems - INES98. Austria.
72. | T. H. Hung, M. F. Yeh, H. C. Lu(1997). A PI-like fuzzy controller implementation for the inverted pendulum system. 1997 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems. R.O.C.
73. | T. H. Hung, H. C. Lu(1997). Robot arm controller using fuzzy speech recognition. 1997 First International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Electronic Systems, KES97. Australia.
74. | H. C. Lu(1997). Fuzzy neural network for fuzzy modeling and control. 1997 First International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Electronic Systems, KES97. Australia.
75. | H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai, T. H. Hung(1997). A self-learning fuzzy contorller based on reinforcement and its applictation. The 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. United States of America.
76. | H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung(1997). Design and implementation of a digitalized fuzzy controller for DC servo drives. 1997 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems. Mainland China.
77. | H. C. Lu, S. T. Tzeng, M. F. Yeh(1996). Fuzzy logic controller design using genetic algorithm. Methodologies for the Conception Design, and Application of Intelligent Systems. Japan.
78. | T. H. Hung, H. C. Lu, M. F. Yeh(1995). Fuzzy optimal control with uncertaint. Sixth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress. Brazil.
79. | H. C. Lu, C. Liao(1995). Neural networks designed on fuzzy inference architecture. Sixth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress. Brazil.