大同大學 教職員資料 (Information of TTU Faculty & Staff)
基本資料 (Basic Info)
姓名:葉隆吉 (Yeh, Long-Jyi) 教授
學歷 (Education)
大同大學 機械工程研究所 博士 (1988/9 ~ 1994/6)
大同大學 機械工程研究所 碩士 (1986/9 ~ 1988/6)
大同大學 機械系 學士 (1978/9 ~ 1982/6)
經歷 (Experience)
大同大學 機械系 教授 (2004/2 ~ 今)
大同大學 造物教育實踐中心 主任 (2017/2 ~ 2018/7)
大同大學 機械系/所 系主任兼所長 (2017/2 ~ 2018/7)
大同大學 通識中心 主任 (2014/8 ~ 2017/1)
大同大學 教學發展中心資源教學組 主任 (2013/6 ~ 2014/7)
大同大學 總務處 總務長 (2009/8 ~ 2012/7)
大同大學 研發處/綜合企劃組 主任 (2006/10 ~ 2009/7)
大同大學 機械系 副教授 (1995/6 ~ 2004/1)
大同公司 生產技術研究中心 高級工程師 (1992/6 ~ 1995/6)
大同大學 機械系 助教 (1984/8 ~ 1985/7)
專長 (Specialty)
自動化機構設計與分析 Automation Mechanism Design
切削加工 Cutting Process Analysis
機電整合系統設計與開發 Mechatronics system design & development
產品自動化品管系統設計與開發 Quality control automation system design
開授課程 (Course)
高等機電整合 Advanced Mechatronics
數位邏輯設計 Digital Logic Circuit Design
自動化控制介面設計與實務 Interface Design and Practice of Automation System
機電整合概論 Introduction to Mechatronics
機電整合工學 Mechatronics
機電整合設計 Mechatronics System Design
電路學 The Fundementals of Electric Circuit
獎勵 (Award)
產學建教特優獎 (大同大學 2016-11-04)
產學建教優等獎 (大同大學 2015-10-31)
產學建教優等獎 (大同大學 2014-10-31)
北二區總整課程競賽佳作 (北二區教學資源中心計畫辦公室 2014-08-01)
101學年優良導師 (大同大學 2013-09-11)
2013全國儲能應用專題創意競賽--佳作 (國立中央大學儲能科技人才培育資源中心 2013-07-19)
100學年度教學優良教師 (大同大學 2012-11-30)
九十六學年度第二學期績優社團指導老師(熱音社) (大同大學學務處 2008-06-19)
95學年度優良導師 (大同大學 2007-09-20)
94學年度論文佳作獎 (大同大學 2006-11-18)
94學年度優良教師 (大同大學 2006-10-12)
第六屆全國大學校院學生創意實作競賽暨國際名校創意邀請觀摩賽佳作--作品Fun Simplaym與吳志富主任共同指導 (成功大學 2005-11-19)
93學年度論文特優獎 (大同大學 2005-11-14)
92學年度論文特優獎 (大同大學 2004-11-15)
92學年度優良教師 (大同大學 2003-10-02)
90學年度優良導師 (大同大學 2001-08-20)
87學年度優良導師 (大同大學 1998-08-10)
服務 (Service)
1. 機/材合併課程委員 (2020-08-01 ~ 今)
2. 工程學院院務委員 (2019-08-01 ~ 今)
3. 108學年度教學優良/教學創新教師評選委員 (2019-08-01 ~ 今)
4. 設科所教評會 (2019-08-01 ~ 今)
5. 校務會系代表 (2019-08-01 ~ 今)
6. 系教評委員 (2019-08-01 ~ 今)
7. 系招生委員 (2019-08-01 ~ 今)
8. 系課程委員 (2019-08-01 ~ 今)
9. 設計學院教評委員 (2019-08-01 ~ 今)
10. 通識暨國防體育教育中心教評委員 (2019-08-01 ~ 今)
11. 職工申訴評議委員會召集人 (2019-08-01 ~ 今)
12. 機械系課程委員 (2013-08-01 ~ 今)
13. 機械系系教評委員 (2013-08-01 ~ 今)
14. 教學發展中心 資源教學組主任 (2013-06-01 ~ 今)
15. 勞委會北基宜花金馬職訓中心中高齡者職務再設計專案審查委員 (2013-01-01 ~ 今)
16. 101學年度 圖書館委員會委員 (2012-08-01 ~ 今)
17. 101學年度 應外系特別系教評委員 (2012-08-01 ~ 今)
18. 101~102校教評委員 (2012-08-01 ~ 今)
19. 設計學院院評委員 (2011-08-01 ~ 今)
20. 101學年度 教師評審委員會委員 (2011-08-01 ~ 今)
21. 經濟部標準檢驗局機械工程國家標準技術委員會委員 (2009-07-01 ~ 今)
22. 工學院院評委員 (2007-08-01 ~ 今)
23. 機械系系評委員 (2003-09-01 ~ 今)
24. 勞委會職訓局基隆區就業服務中心職務再設計專案查委員 (2002-07-01 ~ 今)
25. 110學年度M4B導師(111級) (2021-08-01 ~ 2022-07-31)
26. 機械系系主任 (2017-02-01 ~ 2018-07-31)
27. 通識中心主任 (2014-08-01 ~ 2017-01-31)
28. 103年7月大學博覽會系所介紹指導老師 (2014-07-01 ~ 2014-07-31)
29. 市立陽明高中102學年面試模擬 (2014-03-01 ~ 2014-03-31)
30. 私立竹林中學102學年面試模擬 (2014-03-01 ~ 2014-03-31)
31. 市立成淵高中102學年面試模擬 (2014-03-01 ~ 2014-03-31)
32. 機械系招生委員會委員 (2013-08-01 ~ 2013-10-31)
33. 台北市102年度高級中等學校學生技術獎競賽籌備會及命題委員兼競賽裁判 (2013-08-01 ~ 2013-12-31)
34. 102學年度M3B導師 (2013-08-01 ~ 2014-07-31)
35. 2013國科會工程處專題計畫(小產學)審查委員 (2013-08-01 ~ 2013-10-31)
36. 私立大同高中面試模擬 (2013-06-01 ~ 2013-06-30)
37. 2013國科會工程處專題計畫審查委員 (2013-03-01 ~ 2013-05-31)
38. 大同公司重電廠低噪音型變壓器之防音及散熱設計技術諮詢 (2013-03-01 ~ 2013-03-31)
39. 私立成淵高中面試模擬 (2013-03-01 ~ 2013-03-31)
40. 市立陽明高中面試模擬 (2013-03-01 ~ 2013-03-31)
41. 市立成淵高中--認識大學學群講座/擔任主講人 (2012-10-01 ~ 2012-10-31)
42. 2006國科會工程處專題計畫審查委員 (2012-09-01 ~ 2012-10-31)
43. 101學年度新進教師研習-服務-輔導對話座談--主講人 (2012-09-01 ~ 2012-09-30)
44. 擔任"2012世界青少年發明展"複審評審 (2012-09-01 ~ 2012-09-30)
45. 101學年度 M2B班導師 (2012-08-01 ~ 2013-07-31)
46. 99年第27界中國機械工程學會全國學術研討會 論文發表會場主持人 (2009-12-01 ~ 2010-12-31)
47. 台北市第三屆高級中等學校學生技術獎競賽籌備會及命題委員兼競賽裁判 (2009-08-01 ~ 2009-12-31)
48. 總務長 (2009-08-01 ~ 2012-07-31)
49. 基隆市政府身心障礙者職務再設計審查委員 (2009-01-01 ~ 2012-09-30)
50. 宜蘭縣政府身心障礙者職務再設計審查委員 (2009-01-01 ~ 2008-12-31)
51. 97學年度機械系大三導師 (2008-08-01 ~ 2009-07-31)
52. 學生申訴評議委員會召集人 (2007-08-01 ~ 2008-07-31)
53. 96學年度機械系大二導師 (2007-08-01 ~ 2008-07-31)
54. 台北市第二屆高級中等學校學生技術獎競賽籌備會及命題委員兼競賽裁判 (2007-07-01 ~ 2007-11-30)
55. 95年第30界全國力學研討會 論文發表會場主持人 (2006-12-01 ~ 2006-12-31)
56. 研究發展處綜合企劃組兼育成中心主任 (2006-10-01 ~ 2007-04-30)
57. 研發處綜合企劃組主任 (2006-10-01 ~ 2009-07-31)
58. 學生申訴評議委員會副召集人 (2006-08-01 ~ 2007-07-31)
59. 95學年度機械系大一導師 (2006-08-01 ~ 2007-07-31)
60. 2006IMLF國際製造領袖論壇論文審查委員 (2006-08-01 ~ 2006-09-30)
61. 95年新進教師研習會班主任 (2006-08-01 ~ 2006-08-31)
62. 台北市第一屆高級中等學校學生技術獎競賽籌備會及命題委員兼競賽裁判 (2006-07-01 ~ 2006-11-30)
63. 2006國科會工程處專題計畫審查委員 (2006-03-01 ~ 2006-04-30)
64. 通識中心院級評委員 (2005-08-01 ~ 2007-07-31)
65. 校教評會委員 (2005-08-01 ~ 2007-07-31)
66. 協助表裝中心微型pump之開發技術諮詢 (2005-07-01 ~ 2006-01-31)
67. 2005國科會工程處研究計畫審查委員 (2005-03-01 ~ 2005-04-30)
68. 三煙電子股份有限公司研發顧問 (2004-12-01 ~ 2005-08-31)
69. 經營設計學院院評委員 (2004-09-01 ~ 2007-07-31)
70. 93學年度在職班導師 (2004-08-01 ~ 2005-07-31)
71. 93學年新進教師研習班副班主任 (2004-08-01 ~ 2004-08-31)
72. 大同公司表裝中心電表計量器摩擦阻力自動量測系統維護 (2004-03-01 ~ 2004-07-31)
73. 92學年度機研所碩博士班導師 (2003-08-01 ~ 2004-07-31)
74. 主辦91年教育部精密機械與機電整合教學改進成果發表研討會 (2002-11-01 ~ 1997-01-31)
75. 91機研所學碩士班二年級導師 (2002-08-01 ~ 2003-07-31)
76. 90機研所學碩士班一年級導師 (2001-08-01 ~ 2002-07-31)
77. 大同公司儀表中心銑齒機控制器維修 (2000-09-01 ~ 2000-10-31)
78. 89學年度機械系大四導師 (2000-08-01 ~ 2001-07-31)
79. 大同公司表裝中心D4S電表圓盤波i擺自動調整系統中文化 (2000-07-01 ~ 2000-12-31)
80. 88學年度機械系大三導師 (1999-08-01 ~ 2000-07-31)
81. 87學年度機械系大二導師 (1998-08-01 ~ 1999-07-31)
82. 86學年度機械系大一導師 (1997-08-01 ~ 1998-07-31)
83. 智慧財產局專利審查委員 (1997-01-01 ~ 2004-06-30)
84. 機械系夢工場管理 (1995-06-01 ~ 2002-08-31)
專 利 (Patent)
1. 吳志富、葉隆吉、何雅馨、蔡蓬淵, "互動式滑版," 中華民國發明專利第222502號
2. 葉隆吉 吳志富, "腳踏式油壓壓差驅動轉向機構," 中華民國新型專利第 M253530號, Dec 2004
3. 葉隆吉 (TW) ;鍾湫浤 (TW) ;賴躍仁 (TW) ;林憲成 (TW), "可更換刀具之電動削鉛筆機," I332907
4. Long-Jyi Yeh,Chiu-Hung chung,Yao-Jen Lai,Hsien-Cheng Lin, Chun-Peng Lin, "CUTTER ASSEMBLY AND ELECTRIC PENCIL SHARPENER," US 2010/0175788 A1
5. Yeh, Long-Jyi;Chung, Chiu-Hung;Lai,Yao-Jen;Lin,Hslien-Cheng;Lin,Chun-Peng, "Cutter assembly and electric pencil sharpener," EP 2 206 610 A2
6. Hsien-Cheng/SDI;Chun-Peng/SDI;Yeh,Long-Jyi(葉隆吉)/TTU;Chung,Chiu-Hung/TTU;Lai,Yao-Jen/TTU, "Electric pencil sharpener," 12188746.7-2304
7. 梁正賢(校外人士)、葉隆吉(本校教師)、鍾湫浤(學生)、賴躍仁(學生)、朱孟承(學生)、曾嘉邵(學生), "稻穀品質自動檢測系統," 發明第I 413495號
8. 馮國偉、賴躍仁、葉隆吉(本校教師)、吳志富(本校教師)、林磊、柯智騰, "煮物機," 中華民國發明專利 第 I 508688號
9. 梁正賢、葉隆吉、鍾湫浤、賴躍仁、王沁偉, "穀物加工裝置及穀物品質檢測系統," M536094號
10. 邱銘杰(校外)、葉隆吉(本校老師)、莊淑雯(外校生)、邱哲民(外校生)、邱佩昀(外校生)、高子傑(外校生), "影像定位清淤給氧裝置," M545446
1. 居家照護用智慧型給藥 機器人之研發大專生研究計畫:李喬竺 ,2023/7/1 ~ 2024/2/28
2. 具自動爬升能力之天溝清掃機器人系統之設計與研發大專生研究計畫:林倢顗 ,2022/7/1 ~ 2023/2/28
3. 小茶行適用的輕型快速茶包自動包裝機,2018/7/1 ~ 2019/1/31
4. 簡易數位IC自動供給系統之研發,2017/7/1 ~ 2018/2/28
5. 自動轉向小型風力發電機,2017/7/1 ~ 2018/2/28
6. 銀髮族樂活休閒載具之前瞻設計 -銀髮族樂活休閒載具之前瞻設計(I)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2008/12/1 ~ 2009/11/30
7. 形狀記憶合金應用於智慧型肢體關節復健輔具之研發國科會 一般型研究計畫 2007/8/1 ~ 2008/7/31
8. 形狀記憶合金應用於指關節復健輔具之研發國科會 一般型研究計畫 2005/8/1 ~ 2006/1/31
9. 有限空間下的單腔邊進出氣式消音器外型最佳化設計之研究國科會 一般型研究計畫 2004/8/1 ~ 2005/7/31
10. PC-Based遙控自走車的研製國科會 大專生暑期專題計劃 2000/7/1 ~ 2000/2/28
1. AGV載具被動減振系統先導開發案,2020/3/1 ~ 2020/8/31
2. 精密機械設計人才培育產學合作計畫,2018/1/2 ~ 2018/12/10
3. 新型自動化米粒篩選雞隻開發計畫,2017/6/5 ~ 2018/5/30
4. 大同寶寶機器人計畫(子計畫6),2017/2/1 ~ 2018/10/31
5. 大同寶寶機器人計畫(子計畫6),2017/2/1 ~ 2018/10/31
6. 耳機之PCBA的VR雜音自動檢測系統之研發,2016/8/1 ~ 2016/12/31
7. 耳機之PCBA控制電路板之模組化機構開發(第二期),2016/8/1 ~ 2016/11/30
8. 自動化碾米設備之智慧物聯網系統設計開發,2016/5/1 ~ 2017/4/30
9. 耳機之PCBA控制電路板之自動化檢測系統開發,2015/9/1 ~ 2016/4/30
10. 智慧型煮物自動販賣機之雛型機設計與開發,2015/1/1 ~ 2015/12/31
11. 3kW競賽型電動機車案,2014/12/1 ~ 2015/5/31
12. 桃園縣智慧型公車站牌的結構設計與強度分析,2014/8/1 ~ 2014/12/31
13. 智慧型公車站牌的結構設計與強度分析,2013/6/1 ~ 2013/10/31
14. 喇叭音圈與其固定治具組裝及定位自動機之研發,2013/4/1 ~ 2014/3/31
15. 歐悅設計公司產學合作計畫,2012/11/1 ~ 2013/5/31
16. 低頻電磁感應式發電裝置之機構設計與性能分析,2012/10/1 ~ 2013/12/31
17. 氣動工具內的發電裝置之研發,2012/9/1 ~ 2013/9/1
18. 耳機單體特性的量測與分類自動化系統之開發,2012/8/1 ~ 2013/7/31
19. 離心式液體成分分離設備開發,2010/11/1 ~ 2011/4/30
20. 稻穀品質自動檢測機之商品化研發,2010/9/1 ~ 2011/5/31
21. 可以顯示工具在正常使用狀態的一種裝置之研發,2010/4/1 ~ 2010/11/30
22. 稻穀品質自動檢測系統之研究,2009/8/1 ~ 2010/7/31
23. 醫療級防褥瘡氣墊床最佳控制參數的自動設定,2007/11/1 ~ 2008/10/31
24. 新型電動削鉛筆機之商品化研發,2007/7/1 ~ 2007/12/31
25. R-CHIP自動推碟機設計與系統改良,2007/5/18 ~ 2007/8/31
26. 智慧型電動削鉛筆機的設計與開發,2006/10/18 ~ 2007/1/18
27. Baby Love行動無線裝置作品機電維修,2006/6/15 ~ 2007/1/15
28. 計步器品質特性自動檢測及調整系統之研發,2005/9/1 ~ 2006/2/28
29. 形狀記憶合金懸臂樑非線性力學模式之研究,2005/9/1 ~ 2006/7/31
30. 以形狀記憶合金設計製作彎曲致動器及其特性之研究,2004/9/1 ~ 2005/7/15
31. 有限空間下的單腔延伸管式消音器外型最佳化設計--電腦輔助設計與實驗驗證,2003/9/1 ~ 2004/7/31
1. 橋梁箱涵內部目視檢測設備之載具開發,2023/5/1 ~ 2023/9/30
2. 差異群體友善環境之建構與精進—以啟明學校之需求為關懷核心,2022/1/1 ~ 2022/12/31
3. 感潮河段橋梁梁底檢測工具精進研究,2021/2/27 ~ 2021/11/30
期刊論文 (Journal Paper)
1. Long-Jyi Yeh, Tsung Han Lee, Kuei-Shu Hsu(2022). The visual tracking system using a stereo vision robot. Journal of Engineering Computations(ISSN: 0264-4401; I/F: 1.06), 31(8), 1790-1799. SCIE(SCI)
2. W.C. Huang, Min-Chie Chiu, L.J.Yeh, C.M. Chiu(2021). Remote control of greenhouse hybridized with AI technique and LoRa communication. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020(012006), p1-p9. EI
3. W.C. Huang, Min-Chie Chiu, L.J.Yeh, L.M. Yeh(2021). Remote sun tracing and solar energy generation system. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020(012043), p1-p8. EI
4. Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chen-Tang Kao, Che-Min Chiu(2021). Hybrid shop system of plant and aquarium. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 42(No. 5,), pp. 1075–1.
5. 陳淑敏、葉隆吉(2020)。大學校院自造者教育的學習成效分析: 以機電整合概論課程為例。高等教育,第十五卷(第一期),39-73。
6. 陳淑敏、葉隆吉(2020)。大學校院自造者教育的學生學習成效分析:以機電整合課程為例。高等教育,14(2)。
7. Tung-Jung Chan1, Min-Chie Chiu, Ho-Chih Cheng, Long-Jyi Yeh, Wei-Chong Haung(2019). Security System Design in a Crop. Materials Science and Engineering, 644. EI
8. Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Shih-Jia Chen(2018). The Development of an Automated Assembly System for a Speaker Coil and Assemble Fixture. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 39(4), 783-812.
9. Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Chia-Yun Hsiang(2018). The Development and Design of an Educational Carrier for Mechatronics. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 39(5), 1061-1093.
10. Min-Chie Chiu, Min-Chie Chiu, Y.C.Chang, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, L.J.Yeh, C.H.Chung, Chiu-Hung Chung(2018). Optimization of a Two-Mass Vibration-Based and Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Using Simulated Annealing Method. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 37(1), 90-106. SCIE(SCI)
11. L.J.Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, S.J. Chen(2018). The Development of an Automated Assembly System for a Speaker Coil and Assemble Fixture,. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 39(4), pp. 783-81.
12. Min-Chie Chiu, Min-Chie Chiu, Y.C.Chang, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, L.J.Yeh, C.H.Chung, Chiu-Hung Chung(2018). Optimization of a Two-Mass Vibration-Based and Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Using Simulated Annealing Method. J. of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 37(1), 90-106. SCIE(SCI)
13. L.J.Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, T.L. Li(2017). The Development of an Acoustic Earpiece Auto-inspection and a Coil Contact Point Recognition System. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 38(2), pp. 289-31.
14. Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Ti-Lin Li(2017). The Development of an Acoustic Earpiece Auto-inspection and a Coil Contact Point Recognition System. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 38(2), 289-312.
15. Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Hau-Chiun Tzeng(2017). The Development of an Automatic Frequency Response Measuring and Classification System for Earphones. Journal Information and Optimization Sciences, 38(2), 313-339.
16. Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Ti-Lin Li(2017). The development of an acoustic earpiece, an autoinspection, and a coil contact point recognition system. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 38, 289-312. EI
17. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chiu-Hung Chung(2016). Numerical Assessment of a One-Mass Spring-Based Electromagnetic Energy Harvester on a Vibrating Object. Archives of Acoustics, 41(1), p119-131. SCIE(SCI)
18. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chiu-Hung Chung(2015). Numberical Assessment of a Two-Mass vibration-based and electromagnetic energy harvester using simulated annealing method. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 41(1), 119-131. SCIE(SCI)
19. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chiu-Hung Chung, Chen-Hsin Chu(2014). An Experimental Study of Low-frequency Vibration-based Electromagnetic Energy Harvesters Used While Walking. Advanced Materials Research, 1(918), p106-114. EI
20. Tian-Syung Lan, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, You-Xiang Hwang(2013). Construction of the Control System of Cleaning Robots with Vision Guidance. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013(283795), p.1-6. SCIE(SCI)
21. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tz-Chi Hung(2013). The Development of Wrist Rehabilitation Assistive Devices Using a Shape Memory Alloy. Advanced Materials Research, 1(740), p.408-415. EI
22. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, I - Lang Chiu(2013). An Assessment of the Stress Analysis for a Notebook’s Hinge Stopper Using the BEM Method. Advanced Materials Research, 1(740), p.350-358. EI
23. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan, Shao-Chun Yen(2013). Positioning and Path Planning of a Swarm Robotic Cleaner. Advanced Materials Research, 1(740), p.112-119. EI
24. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, I - Lang ChiuI - Lan(2013). The Assessment of Stress Analysis for a Notebook’s Hinge Stopper Using the FEM Method. Advanced Materials Research, 740, 350-358. EI
25. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan, Shao-Chun Yen(2013). Positioning and Path Planning for a Swarm Robotic Cleaner. Advanced Materials Research Vol. 740 (2013) pp 112-119, 740, 112-119. EI
26. M-G. Her, L. J. Yeh, Tsung-Han Lee, Chien-Cheng Huang, Yen-Chih Huang(2013). Design and Control of the Dual-axis Dynamic Simulator and Its Application on the Remote Control and Virtual Reality. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 311, 32-36. EI
27. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, C.M. Lin(2012). A Study of the Characteristics of a Contacting Resistance on a Tact Switch. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 15(2-3), p.137-153. EI
28. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2012). An Experimental Investigation on Shape Memory Alloy Dynamic Splint for a Finger Joint Application. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, 173(1), p. 210-218. SCIE(SCI)
29. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan, Wei-Cheng Liao, Chiu-Hung Chung(2012). GROUND-PURITY INSPECTION FOR A GROUP OF ROBOTIC CLEANERS. Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 36(2). SCIE(SCI)
30. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan, Wei-Cheng Liao, Chiu-Hung Chung(2012). Ground-purity Inspection for a Grouped Robotic Cleaner. The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) Transactions, 36(2), p.161-172. SCIE(SCI)
31. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, C.­H. Chung(2012). Optimal Design of a Vibration-Based Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Using a Simulated Annealing Algorithm. J. of Mechanics, 28(4), p.691-700. SCIE(SCI)
32. Tsung-Han Lee, Kuei-Shu Hsu, Long-Jyi Yeh(2012). Application of a Vision Orientation System Using Scheduling Thread Scheme. Adv. Sci. Lett. 9, pp.505-510 (2012) (SCI) I/F:1.253, 2012, 505-510. SCIE(SCI)
33. Tsung-Han Li, Kuei-Shu Hsu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Feng-Tsai Weng(2011). Development And Application of The Human Visual Using Image Tracking System. Applied Mechanics and Materials., 58-60, 2396-2401. EI
34. Tsung-Han Lee, Kuei-Shu Hsu, Long-Jyi Yeh(2011). Design and Application of the Augmented Reality with Digital Museum and Digital Heritage. Edutainment 2011, LNCS 6872, pp. 25–26, 2011, 6872, 25–26.
35. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2011). A Study of Mechanical Property for a Type of Shape Memory Alloy. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 32(4), p.863-875. EI
36. Guang-Jer Lai, Min-Chie Chiu, Yoshiyuki Kobayashi, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chen-Kuang Lin(2011). A Study of Design Parameters for a Type of Stirling Engine. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 32(2), p.492-506. EI
37. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2011). An Experimental Investigation on Shape Memory Alloy Dynamic Splint for a Finger Joint Application. Journal of Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, DEC.2011. SCIE(SCI)
38. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2011). A Study of Mechanical Proterty for a Type of Shape Memory Alloy. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 32(4), 836-875. EI
39. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, C. M. Lin(2011). An Experimental Study of the Characteristics of a Contact Resisting Tact Switch. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, none, none. EI
40. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, G-J Lai, B-M Huang(2010). Auto-tracking Carrier of AGV Using a Wave-Varied Detecting Method. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 224(C6), p. 1349-13. SCIE(SCI)
41. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh(2010). The Application of Division Method on Automatic Optical Inspection of PCBA. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 31(2), p.251-274. EI
42. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Guang-Jer Lai, Bo-Ming Huang(2010). Developing an Auto-tracking Carrier of AGV Using a Wave-Varied Detecting Method. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 224(C6), 1349-1357. SCIE(SCI)
43. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Che-Jung Hsu(2010). The Application of Image Division Method on Automatic Optical Inspection of PCBA. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 31, 257-274. EI
44. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2010). A Study on Temperature Effect of Elasticity for the Ti50Ni45Cu5. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 13(6), 637-647. EI
45. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2010). A Study of the Ti50Ni45Cu5-made Dynamic Splints in a Medical Finger Joint. Information Technology Journal, 9(8), 1665-1670. EI
46. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2010). An Assessment of Body Joint Bending Actuator using a Shape Memory Alloy. Journal of Applied Sciences, 10(17), 1973-1977. EI
47. M. C.Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Cheng-Chen Shih(2010). Automatic Cable Spooling for a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 31(3), 543-559. EI
48. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, C. H. Yeh(2009). The Development of Tactile Testing Machine on Tact Switch. Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, 12(6), P.649-669. EI
49. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Jia-Ming Chern, Tian-Syung Lan(2009). Shape Optimization of Single-chamber Mufflers with Side Inlet/Outlet by using Boundary Element Method, Mathematic Gradient Method and Genetic Algorith. Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 12(1), P.85-98. EI
50. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh(2009). The Design and Application of a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences,, 30(1), P.39-62. EI
51. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Che-Jung Hsu(2008). The Deficit Recognition in PCBA’s Automatic Optical Inspection System by Using BPN Method. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(16), p.2814-282. EI
52. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh(2008). Numerical Assessment of Optimal One-Chamber Perforated Mufflers by using GA Method. Material Science Forum, 594(1), p.368-376. EI
53. Tian-Syung Lan, C.Y. Lo, Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh(2008). Dynamic MRR and Tool Replacement Optimization with Calculus of Variations. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(7), p.1242-124. EI
54. Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Che Jung Hsu(2008). The Deficiency Recognition in PCBAs Automatic Optical Inspection System by Using Back-Propagation Network Method. Journal of Applied Sciences, 2008, 1812-5654. EI
55. Tian-Syung Lan, Chih-Yao lo, Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh(2008). Dynamic Material Removal Rate and Tool Replacement Optimization with Calculus of Variations. Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(7), 1242-1248. EI
56. Tian-Syung Lan, Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh(2008). An Approach to Rib Design of Injection Molded Product Using Finite Element and Taguchi Method. Information Technology Journal, 7(2), p.299-305. EI
57. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Tian-Syung Lan(2007). Optimization of Perforated Double-layer Absorbers Using Simulated Annealing. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 15(4), p.351-359. SCIE(SCI)
58. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Guang-Jer Lai, Ming-Guo Her, C. C. Tu, Tian-Syung Lan(2006). Shape Optimization of Double-chamber Mufflers with Extended Tube and Side Inlet/Outlet by using Four-pole Transfer Matrix Method, Boundary Element Met. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 27(6), p.825-832. EI
59. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Gaung-Jer Lai(2006). Computer-aided design on a perforated single-layer absorber under space constraints. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 32(5-6), 537-546. SCIE(SCI)
60. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2006). Numerical studies on condtrained venting system with reactive mufflers by GA optimization. International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 65(8), 1165-1185. SCIE(SCI)
61. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2006). Numerical Studies on Constrained Venting System with Reactive Mufflers by GA Optimization. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 65(1), P.1165-118. SCIE(SCI)
62. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, M. C.Chiu(2005). Optimization of Double-Layer Absorbers on Constrained Sound Absorption System by Using Genetic Algorithm. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 62(1), p.317-333. SCIE(SCI)
63. Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, G. J. Lai(2005). Shape optimization on double-chamber muffler with side inlet /outlet under space constraint. Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, 33(2), 1-12. EI
64. Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape optimization on double-chamber mufflers using a genetic algorithm. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 219, 31-42.
65. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Gaung-Jer Lai(2005). Shape optimization an constrained single-layer sound absorber by using GA method and methematical grandient methods. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 286, 941-961.
66. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2005). Optimization of Single-Layer Absorber on Constrained Sound Absorption System by Using GA Algorithm. JOURNAL OF C.C.I.T., 34(1), p1-p14. EI
67. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape Optimal Design on Double-Chambers Muffler Using Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm. Turkish J. Eng. Env. Sci., 29(1), P.207-224. EI
68. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape Optimization on Double-Chamber Mufflers Using Genetic Algorithm,. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 10(1), P.31-42. SCIE(SCI)
69. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Optimization of Composite Absorbers on Constrained Sound Reverberant System by Using Simulated Annealing. Applied Acoustics, 66(1), P.341-352. SCIE(SCI)
70. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2005). Shape Optimization on Double-chamber Muffler with Side Inlet/Outlet under Space Constraints. Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, 33(2), P.1-12. EI
71. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2005). Shape Optimization on Constrained Single-layer Sound Absorber by Using GA Method and Mathematical Gradient Methods. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 286(4/5), p.941-961. SCIE(SCI)
72. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape Optimization on Constrained Single-chamber Muffler by Using GA Method and Mathematical Gradient Method. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 10(1), p.17-25. SCIE(SCI)
73. Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, G. J. Lai(2005). Shape optimization on constrained single-layer absorber by using GA method and mathematical gradient methods. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 286, .941-961.
74. Yao-Jen Lai, Y. C. Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2005). Shape optimal design on double-chamber mufflers using simulated annealing and a genetic algorithm. Turkish Journal of Engineering and Enviromenet Science., 29, 207-224. EI
75. L. J. Yeh, T. S. Lan, G. J. Lay(2005). A model of optimal manpower allocation for chiphandling in manufacturing. international Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 24(1), 49-54.
76. T. S. Lan, L. J. Yeh(2005). An experimental approach of optimum material removal rate under fixed tool life. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 26(2), 327-342.
77. L. J. Yeh, T. S. Lan(2004). Dynamic MRR Optimization and Production Period Determination for Machining Project. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 25(4), 373-380.
78. L. J. Yeh(2004). GA optimization on muffler with side inlet /outlet under space constraints. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 55, 77-89.
79. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Application of Genetic Algorithm to the Shape Optimization of a Constrained Double-Chamber Muffler with Extended Tubes. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12(3), p. 189-199. SCIE(SCI)
80. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Design Optimization of Double-Chamber Mufflers on Constrained Venting System by GA Method. Journal “Technical Acoustics, 9(1), p.1-16.
81. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Numerical Studies on Constrained Venting System With Side Inlet/Outlet Mufflers by GA Optimization. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 90(1-1), p.1-11. SCIE(SCI)
82. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). Computer Aided Design on Single Expansion Muffler with Extended Tube under Space Constraints. Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 7(3), p.171-181. EI
83. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). Numerical optimization of sound absorption systems with constrained single-layer absorber. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12(2), p.86-92. SCIE(SCI)
84. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Optimization of allocation and noise reduction on multi-noises system by using genetic algorithm. Noise & Vibration Worldwide, 35(4), p.11-18. EI
85. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). GA optimization on multi-segments muffler under space constraints. Applied Acoustics, 65(5), p.521-543. SCIE(SCI)
86. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Tian-Syung Lan(2004). Shape Optimal Design on Constrained Single-chamber Mufflers by Gradient Method. De Lin Journal, 1(18), p41-p54.
87. Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Optimization of constrained composite absorbers using simulated annealing. Applied acoustics, 66, 341-352. SCIE(SCI)
88. Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). Numerical Optimization of Sound Absorption System with Constrained Single-Layer Absorber. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12(2), 86-92. EI
89. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). GA Optimization on Single-chamber Muffler Hybridized with Extended Tube under Space Constraints. Archives of Acoustics, 29(4), P.577-596. SCIE(SCI)
90. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Optimization of Constrained Multi-layer Absorbers by Using Genetic Algorithms. International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, 9(4), p.175-185. SCIE(SCI)
91. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Shape optimization on constrained single-layer absorbers by simulated annealing. Journal “Technical Acoustics”, 4(1), p.1-13.
92. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). GA optimization on constrained venting system with single-chamber mufflers. Journal of The Acoustical Society, 10(1), p.1-13.
93. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). GA optimization on muffler with side inlet/outlet under space constraints. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2(04), p.1-13. EI
94. Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2004). Optimization of Absorbers and Mufflers on Constrained Multi-noises System by Using Genetic Algorithm. The Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics,, 14(3), p.261-289.
95. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu(2003). Shape Optimization on Constrained Linearly Expanded Tubes by Using Genetic Algorithm. Journal “Technical Acoustics”, 18(1), p.1-11.
96. Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, M. C.Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2003). Computer-aided optimal design of a single-chamber muffler with side inlet/outlet under space constraints. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 11(4), p. 1-8. SCIE(SCI)
97. M. C.Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Wei-Ya Chen(2003). Design and Analysis of Noise Control on an Air Cooler Condense. De Lin Journal,, 17(1), p.231-241.
98. T.S. Lan, L. J. Yeh(2003). Dynamic Modeling and Approach of Optimum MRR and Tool Life Control. International Journal of Industrial Engineering-Theory, Applications, and Practice., 10(4), 628-635. SCIE(SCI)
99. L. J. Yeh(2003). Computer-aided optimal design of a single-chamber muffler with side inlet /outlet under space constraints. Journal of Marine Science and Technology,, 11(4), 189-196. EI
100. L. J. Yeh, T.S. Lan(2003). Optimal Production Strategy of a Robot-Served Machining Centre. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 17(1), 31-36.
101. L. J. Yeh, T.S. Lan(2003). Optimum MRR Control and Production Due-Date Assignment for Multiple Machining Projects in a Deterministic Interval. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2(5), 511-522. EI
102. L. J. Yeh, T.S. Lan(2003). Dynamic Machining Control and Scheduling for Multiple Production Projects in a Deterministic Period. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 24(3), 467-484. EI
103. C.H. Lan, T. M. Chang, T.S. Lan, L. J. Yeh(2002). A Computer Simulation for Selecting the Optimal Historical Data Period for Budget Forecasts with Floating Prices. International Journal of Management, 19(1), 99-108..
104. L. J. Yeh, M.G. Her, T.S. Lan(2002). Optimal Production Control of Two-Stage Machining Operation on a Computer Numerical Controlled Machine. International Journal of Management, 19(3), 524-530.
105. L. J. Yeh, T.S. Lan(2002). The Optimal Control of Material Removal Rate with Fixed Tool Life and Speed Limitation. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 121(2-3), 238-242. SCIE(SCI)
106. T.S. Lan, L. J. Yeh(2002). A JIT Production Optimization Model for a Robot-Served Dual-Operation CNC Machining Project. De Lin Journal(德霖技術學報), (16), 22-31.
107. T.S. Lan, L. J. Yeh(2002). Optimum Material Removal Control with Tool Life Determination for Machining Operation. Journal of Materials Processing and Manufacturing Science, 10(4), 219-228. SCIE(SCI)
108. T.S. Lan, C.H. Lan, L. J. Yeh(2002). Dynamic Machining Project Control Model under Order Quantity and Deadline Constraints. Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, 45(1), 83-92. SCIE(SCI)
109. L. J. Yeh, T.S. Lan(2002). Quantitative Production Scheme Model for an Automated Manufacturing System. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 5(1), 77-83.
110. L. J. Yeh, T.S. Lan, Y. T. Chen, W. Y. Chen(2001). Optimal approach for dynamic production control and workforce allocation of machining project. Jounrnal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 22(3), 549-561.
111. C.H. Lan, T.S. Lan, L. J. Yeh(2001). Forecast Cost Budget of Material Ordering and Inventory through the Price Change Rate. Journal of Statistics & Management System, 4(2), 147-160.
112. T.S. Lan, L. J. Yeh, G. J. Lay(2001). A Computerized decision tool to optimize tool life for maximal profit. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 4(2-3), 123-137.
113. Long-Jyi Yeh, Gaung-Jer Lai, Yoshimi ito(1992). A STUDY TO DEVELOP A CHATTER VIBRATION MONITORING AND SUPPERSSION SYSTEM WHILE TURNING SLENDER WORKPICES. The Second International Conference on Automation Technology, 2, 337-343.
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
1. 邱銘杰、顏立人、葉隆吉(2023)。A Study of Family Plant and Aquarium Automatic Caring Using Mini Greenhouse System(以迷你溫室系統進行家庭植栽與水族之自動化照顧之研究)。2023 科技創新暨智慧應用國際研討會議程()R.O.C。
2. 王沁偉、賴躍仁、葉隆吉、邱銘杰(2021)。電動扶梯噴霧殺菌模組設計與研發。中國機械工程學會第三十八屆全國學術研討會論文集(頁 p1-p6)。R.O.C。
3. 林晨光、黃瑋晟、胡啟文、鄭登鍵、黃維信、葉隆吉、賴躍仁(2021)。感潮河段橋梁梁底檢測工具精進研究。中國機械工程學會第三十八屆全國學術研討會R.O.C。
4. 陳淑敏、葉隆吉(2020)。大學校院自造者教育的學習成效之分析:以機電整合課程為例。創新教學X跨域敘事議題論壇R.O.C。
5. L. J. Yeh, Ching-Chih Tai, Chih-Yun Chen(2017). Investigation of a Line-Tracing Auto Guided Vehicle as an Educational Tool for Mechatronics. SEFI_2017_PROCEEDINGS. R.O.C.
6. 葉隆吉、楊祝壽、黃維信、黃瑋晟、陳祖德(2017)。感潮河段橋梁梁底檢測方法之研究與分析。2017中華民國力學學會年會暨第41屆全國力學會議R.O.C。
7. 葉隆吉、楊祝壽、黃維信、邱永芳、黃俊豪、胡啟文、陳柏源(2017)。感潮河段橋梁梁底檢測方式探討。2017年道路橋梁災害防治技術研討會R.O.C。
8. Yang, Chao Yang, Hu, Yi, Chen, Yung Yu, Yeh, Long Jyi, Zou, En Wei, Huang, Yu Zhen(2016). Is Spatial Ability improved? Creative Sketch training for product design students. SEFI Annual Conference 2016. Finland.
9. Yao-Jen Lai, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu(2011). Force Model Study for the Bending Actuator with Multiple Shape Memory Alloy Wires. World Congress on Engineering. United Kingdom.
10. Tsung-Han Lee, Kuei-Shu Hsu, L. J. Yeh, Yueh-Min Huang(2011). Development and Application of the Human Visual Using Image Tracking System. 2011 Fifth International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST),. New Zealand.
11. Tsung-Han Lee, Kuei-Shu Hsu, L. J. Yeh, Feng-Tsai Weng(2011). Development and Application of the Robot Visual Using Image Tracking System. 2011 International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems (ITMS2011) ,. Mainland China.
12. M. C.Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, C.H. Yeh(2009). The Design of an Automatic Tactile Inspection System. 2009 Conference on Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology. R.O.C.
13. 葉隆吉、賴光哲、邱銘杰、黃柏銘(2009)。異波速測距法應用於自走車的自動跟隨系統之研發。The Chinese Society of Mechanical EngineersR.O.C。
14. 葉隆吉、陳翰柏(2009)。醫療級防褥瘡氣墊床最佳控制參數的自動設定。The Chinese Society of Mechanical EngineersR.O.C。
15. 葉隆吉、施建正(2008)。具自動收放電源線的自走車之開發。the chinese society of Mechanical EngineersR.O.C。
16. 葉隆吉、溫峻宏(2008)。應用於自走車的牆上電源插座自動搜尋及插頭自動插拔系統之研發。The Chinese Society of Mechanical EngineersR.O.C。
17. 賴光哲、葉隆吉、吳威鴻(2008)。技術教育用熱空氣引擎車之開發。The Chinese Society of Mechanical EngineersR.O.C。
18. M. C.Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Y. C. Lin(2008). The Design and Application of a Robotic Vacuum Cleaner. Conference on Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology-PMMT. R.O.C.
19. M. C.Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Y. C. Lin(2008). The Application of Image Division Method on Automatic Optical Inspection of PCBA. Conference on Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology-PMMT. R.O.C.
20. Long-Jyi Yeh(2008). The Development of Body Joint Bending Actuator with shape Memory Alloy. 2008 International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering. R.O.C.
21. M. C.Chiu, Ying Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh(2007). Numerical Assessment of Optimal One-Chamber Perforated Mufflers by using GA Method. Proceeding of ICAM 2007. United Kingdom.
22. Min-Chie Chiu, Ying Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Guang-Jer Lai, Ming-Guo Her, C. C. Tu, T. S. Lan, H. C. Cheng(2006). Shape Optimization of Double-chamber Mufflers with Extended Tube and Side Inlet/Outlet by using Four-pole Transfer Matrix Method, Boundary Element Met. Proceedings of the 5th Conference on S.M.E. United States of America.
23. 邱銘杰、葉隆吉、張英俊、賴光哲、何明果(2006)。結合邊界元素法,數學梯度法及遺傳演算法之單腔邊進出氣式消音器外型最佳化設計。CSME ConferenceUnited States of America。
24. an, L. J. Yeh(2005). Electronic Circuit Simulation and Digital PC-based Implementation Dynamic MRR Optimization. 2005 International Conference on Advanced Manufacture. R.O.C.
25. Tian-Syung Lan, L. J. Yeh(2005). Modeling and Analysis of Virtual CNC Machining Under Dynamice MRR Optimization with Electronic Circuit. The 8-th International Conference on Automation Technology Conference. R.O.C.
26. T. S. Lan, L. J. Yeh(2002). Dynamic Modeling and Approach of Optimum MRR and Tool Life Control. The 7th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICIE 2002). Republic of Korea.
27. L. J. Yeh, T. S. Lan(2002). Dynamic MRR Optimization with Deadline Determination for CNC Machining Project. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and Education (AMTE 2002). R.O.C.
29. G. J. Lai, M. G. Her, D. H. Shiu, L. J. Yeh, C. H. Cheng, G.G. Dai, C.F. Wu, C. G. Liu(2000). The Improvement of Technology Education for Mechanical Engineering-Practicing of Pre-University Make-Something-Education. 2000 International Conference on Engineering Education(ICEE2000). R.O.C.
30. Tian-Syung Lan, M. C.Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh(1998). An Approach to Rib Design of Injection Molded Product Using Finite Element and Taguchi Method. Information Technology Journal. R.O.C.
31. 吳俊瑩、何明果、賴光哲、葉隆吉(1997)。大同工學院製造業自動化科技教育改進計畫執行成果。教育部83-85年度製造業自動化成果觀摩會R.O.C。
32. G. J. Lai, M. G. Her, L. J. Yeh, C. M. Wang(1995). Improvements of Mechanical Engineering Education-Implementation of a Long Term Make-something Education System. International Conference on Engineering Education-Impact of new Technology. R.O.C.
專書 (Book)
1. 林晨光、賴瑞應、鄭登鍵、黃維信、葉隆吉、賴躍仁、黃瑋晟、李奕鋐、吳宗翰、胡啟文(2022)。感潮河段橋梁梁底檢測工具精進研究。交通部運輸研究所。
2. Min-Chie Chiu, L.J. Yeh, Y.J.Lai(2015). Shape Memory Alloys: Characterization, Applications and Limitations (one chapter contribution : A Study of a Bending Actuator Force Model with Multipl. Nova, New York.
3. 邱銘杰、張英俊、葉隆吉、藍天雄(2006)。噪音控制技術與原理。博碩文化。