1. | 賴志純、游庭昀(2024)。使用筷子的肌肉施力位置探討。工作與休閒期刊,7(1),39-50。
2. | Lai Chih Chun, You Ting Yun(2023). Graphic traffic signals—The color design of 3D crosswalks. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 97, Pages 291-. SSCI
3. | Kuo Lungwen, Chang Tsuiyueh, Lai Chih Chun(2023). Color aesthetics with regard to product esign and multimedia web pages. Multimedia Tools and Applications, (82), 22905-2292. SCIE(SCI)
4. | Lungwen Kuo, Yixin Lin, Tsuiyueh Chang, Chih‑Chun Lai(2023). Test the confguration and color of 3D model space design with web multimedia interface. Multimedia Tools and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1. SCIE(SCI)
5. | Lungwen Kuo, Tsuiyueh Chang, Chih-Chun Lai(2023). Research on cultural and creative color aesthetics of Fujian. Multimedia Tools and Applications, https://link.springe. SCIE(SCI)
6. | 賴志純、游庭昀(2021)。藍染在臺灣與日本德島的發展歷程與客家藍染的設計建議。全球客家研究,(第17期),頁231-262。
7. | Lungwen Kuo, Tsuiyueh Chang, Chih-Chun Lai(2021). Application of visual colors in dynamic web page design through afective cognition. Multimedia Tools and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1. SCIE(SCI)
8. | Lungwen Kuo, Tsuiyueh Chang, Chih-Chun Lai(2021). Multimedia webpage visual design and color emotion test. Multimedia Tools and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1. SCIE(SCI)
9. | Lungwen Kuo, Tsuiyueh Chang, Chih-Chun Lai(2021). Research on product design modeling image and color psychological test. Displays, https://doi.org/10.1. SCIE(SCI)
10. | Lungwen Kuo, Tsuiyueh Chang, Chih-Chun Lai(2021). Visual effect and color matching of dynamic image webpage design. Color Research and Application, https://doi.org/10.1. SCIE(SCI)
11. | Lungwen Kuo, Tsuiyueh Chang, Chih-Chun Lai(2021). Visual color research of packaging design using sensory factors. Color Research and Application, https://doi.org/10.1. SCIE(SCI)
12. | Lungwen Kuo, Tsuiyueh Chang, Chih-Chun Lai(2021). Affective psychology and color display of interactive website design. Displays, https://doi.org/10.1. SCIE(SCI)
13. | Chih-Chun Lai, Ching-Erh Changang(2021). A Study on Sustainable Design for Indigo Dyeing Color in the Visual Aspect of Clothing. Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.3(13(7)), 3686. SSCI
14. | Chih-Chun Lai, Ching-Erh Chang(2020). Clothing Disposal Behavior of Taiwanese Consumers with Respect to Environmental Protection and Sustainability. sustainability, 12(22), 9445. SSCI
15. | 林有鎰、賴志純、王岱淇(2020)。細長螺絲起子人因評估之研究。德霖學報,(33),1-16。
16. | Lung‐Wen Kuo, Chih-Chun Lai(2019). Examining the color, size, and packaging design of wireless‐mouse products. Color Research and Application, 44(4), 663-671. SSCI
17. | 賴志純、呂佳育(2019)。運用AR技術探討沿海文化雕塑造型建構。設計研究學報,(12),47 - 64。
18. | 賴志純、周千惠、連俊名(2019)。校園醫療視覺符號設計之適切性探討。設計學年刊,(7),109-133。
19. | 林有鎰、賴志純、王岱淇(2019)。細長螺絲起子人因測量之研究。德霖學報,32,37-51。
20. | Chih-Chun Lai(2019). Balance with the Interactive Size Effects of Display, Target, and Key Spacing in Tablet Tapping, Dragging, and Typing Tasks. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 29(3), 405-417. SSCI
21. | Lung-Wen Kuo, Chih-Chun Lai(2017). The Style of Imagery: A Color Study of Landscape Paintings. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 609, 73-79. EI
22. | Lung-Wen Kuo, Chih-Chun Lai(2017). The Black Color of Product Design and Packaging Research. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 585, 171-181. EI
23. | Lung-Wen Kuo, Chih-Chun Lai(2017). Cultural and Creative Elements of Digital Technology Art and Product Design. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 588, 735-745. EI
24. | Chih-Chun Lai, Lung-Wen Kuo(2016). Size Effects and Scale Effects on the Usability of Tablets in Finger Pointing and Dragging Tasks. Advances in Ergonomics in design, (2), 109-120. EI
25. | Chih-Chun Lai, Lung-Wen Kuo(2016). Color Size and Design of Computer Peripheral Products of Black. Advances in Design for Inclusion, (7). EI
26. | Chih-Chun Lai, Lung-Wen Kuo(2016). Cultural and Creative Industries of the Color and Design of Packaging. Advances in Design for Inclusion, (7), 373-379. EI
27. | 張琳雅、賴志純(2016)。APP 遊戲按鍵尺寸之操作研究探討。華梵藝術與設計學報,(11),1-11。EI
28. | 梁文禎、賴志純(2016)。自然美學形式表徵之初探。華梵藝術與設計學報,(11),43-51。EI
29. | Chih-Chun Lai, Lung-Wen Kuo, Tzu-Min Chuang(2015). Size effects on the usability of tablets in pointing and typing tasks. Procedia Manufacturing, 3.
30. | 賴志純、王君毓(2014)。筆記型電腦鍵盤按鍵尺寸與打字效率之研究。華梵藝術與設計學報,(9)。EI
31. | Chih-Chun Lai, Chih-Fu Wu(2014). Display and device size effects on the usability of mini-notebooks (netbooks)/ultraportables as small form-factor Mobile PCs. Applied Ergonomics, 45(4). SCIE(SCI)
32. | Chih-Fu Wu, CHih-Chun Lai, Yen-Kou Liu(2013). Investigation of the performance of trackpoint ane touchpads with varied right and left buttons function locations. Applied Ergonomics, 44(2). SCIE(SCI)
33. | 賴志純、王君毓(2013)。鍵盤按鍵尺寸與打字效率之研究。設計研究學報,(6)。EI
34. | Chih-Chun Lai, Chih-Fu Wu(2012). SIZE EFFFECTS ON THE TOUCHPAD, TOUCHSCREEN, AND KEYBOARD TASKS OF NETBOOKS.. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 115(2), 481-501. SSCI
35. | 賴志純、宋怡璇(2011)。削皮器之人因操作設計探討。明志學報,42(1)。
36. | 賴志純、宋怡璇(2011)。削皮器操作行為模式應用設計。設計研究學報,(4),67-81。
37. | Lai Chih-Chun, Chun-Ming Lien(2008). Folding Saw Ergonomics Research and Design Reformation. 華梵藝術與設計學報, (4), 14-25.
38. | 賴志純、連俊名、張聞珊(2007)。筆刀握把之人因設計研究。明志學報,39(1),61-68。
39. | 賴志純、楊呂億、陳海明(1996)。剪刀造型與舒適度。大同學報,(26)。