大同大學 教職員資料 (Information of TTU Faculty & Staff)
基本資料 (Basic Info)
姓名:朱柏穎 (Chu, Po-Ying) 副教授
電話:(02) 2182-2928 ext: 6712  
學歷 (Education)
大同大學 設計科學研究所博士班 博士 (2006/09 ~ 2011/6)
大同工學院 機械工程研究所 碩士 (1991/09 ~ 1993/06)
大同工學院 工業設計系 學士 (1984/09 ~ 1988/06)
大同工學院 工業設計系   ( ~ )
經歷 (Experience)
大同大學 設計學院 助理教授級專業技術人員、助理教授 (2008/08 ~ 今)
崇右技術學院 數位媒體設計系 助理教授級專業技術人員 (2006/8 ~ 2008/7)
浩漢產品設計股份有限公司   設計師、CAID中心主任、數位設計事業部總監 (1993/6 ~ 2006/4)
專長 (Specialty)
電腦繪圖、電腦輔助設計 CG、CAID
設計管理 Design Management
工業設計 Industrial Design
開授課程 (Course)
高等電腦輔助工業設計 Advanced Computer Aided Industrial Design
產品設計與開發 Product Design and Development
獎勵 (Award)
101學年度教學優良教師 (大同大學 2013-10-26)
99學年度優良導師 (大同大學 2011-11-14)
服務 (Service)
1. 系教評委員 (2013-08-01 ~ 2014-07-31)
2. 媒體設計系校務會議代表 (2011-09-01 ~ 2012-08-31)
3. 教師申訴評議委員 (2011-08-01 ~ 2013-07-31)
4. 學生事務處學生獎懲委員會委員 (2008-08-01 ~ 2010-07-31)
專 利 (Patent)
1. 朱柏穎 (本校教師)、鄭福炯(本校教師)、吳志富(本校教師)、黃紹恆(本校校友)、王守裕(本校校友)、施昌杞(本校校友), "好聰明停車卡," M422137
2. 朱柏穎 鄭福炯 吳志富 黃紹恆 王守裕 施昌杞 (皆為本校教師與畢業學生), "停車場空位導航專制," 發明第 I 426233號
1. 以孩童玩具轉換為基礎對樂齡健康促進之認知玩具開發模式研究,2026/8/1 ~ 2027/7/31
2. 結合可控性生成式AI與混合實境技術的創新設計學習模式,2024/8/1 ~ 2025/7/31
3. 從心流體驗探討設計師使用AI工具於產品開發的適應能力,2023/8/1 ~ 2024/7/31
4. 產品材質設計於虛擬通路上的情感與用戶體驗探討,2022/8/1 ~ 2023/7/31
5. 利用KANO模型分析與IPA分析,推導未來家用訓練器材的硬體與服務設計之研究大專生研究計畫:洪博翔 ,2022/7/1 ~ 2023/2/28
6. 產品設計情感量表在材質體驗上的傳達與應用探索,2021/8/1 ~ 2022/7/31
7. 應用TRIZ法則於人道關懷之醫療約束帶輔具設計大專生計畫:葉繼學 ,2021/7/1 ~ 2022/2/28
8. 基於手勢介面與虛實物件疊合之混合實境系統應用於產品設計開發之研究(2/2),2020/8/1 ~ 2021/7/31
9. 應用TRIZ創新法則於透析治療患者握力訓練輔具之通用設計大專生計畫:林靖詒 ,2020/7/1 ~ 2021/2/28
10. 基於手勢介面與虛實物件疊合之混合實境系統應用於產品設計開發之研究(1/2),2019/8/1 ~ 2020/7/31
11. 混合實境應用於工業設計教育對不同學習風格或空間能力學生之影響研究,2018/8/1 ~ 2019/7/31
12. 台灣銀髮智慧家居物聯網產品的服務設計需求與使用者正負向情感脈絡研究,2017/8/1 ~ 2018/7/31
13. 雙眼深度線索立體影像技術對不同空間能力設計系學生之效益研究科技部 科技部 一般型研究計劃 ,2016/8/1 ~ 2017/7/31
14. 基於MBTI與產品個性契合研究之Fab Lab產品開發模式科技部 科技部 一般型研究計劃 ,2015/8/1 ~ 2016/7/31
15. 整合PAD情感量表與3D衍生動態模型之個性化商品開發流程研究國科會 國科會 一般型研究計劃 ,2014/8/1 ~ 2015/7/31
16. 參數衍生運算整合3D 動態建模技術應用於新產品開發流程之研究國科會 國科會 產學合作案 ,2013/11/1 ~ 2014/10/31
17. 可攜式高爾夫球動態分析系統之介面與整體造型設計研究國科會 國科會 一般型研究計劃 ,2011/11/1 ~ 2012/10/31
18. 以情感向度指標為基之產品設計方案決策支援系統研究國科會 國科會 一般型研究計畫 ,2011/8/1 ~ 2012/7/31
19. 應用於互動設計之階層性情感向度指標與評價方法研究國科會 國科會 新進人員研究計畫 ,2010/8/1 ~ 2011/7/31
1. 以AI工具與遊戲化課程結構增進學習者體驗之工業設計專題課程重構,2023/8/1 ~ 2024/7/31
2. 林口中華一路97號宿舍空間規劃,2023/4/1 ~ 2023/12/31
3. 單車配備相關產品創意設計,2023/2/1 ~ 2023/12/31
4. 單車配備相關產品創意設計,2022/2/1 ~ 2022/12/31
5. 電腦配備相關產品創意設計,2021/2/1 ~ 2021/12/31
6. EXCEL商務實用及VBA設計班,2019/11/23 ~ 2020/1/18
7. 固定式起重機、移動式起重機、堆高機安全衛生教育訓練班,2019/9/1 ~ 2024/8/31
8. SKETCHUP 3D室內設計繪圖及渲染班第02期,2019/8/31 ~ 2019/11/16
9. 無人機專業飛手實戰班第03期,2019/7/7 ~ 2019/9/8
10. 無人機專業飛手實戰班第02期,2019/7/6 ~ 2019/9/7
11. 創意影像設計實務班,2019/3/9 ~ 2019/5/11
12. 無人機專業飛手實戰班第01期,2018/10/13 ~ 2018/12/15
13. SKETCHUP 3D室內設計繪圖及渲染班第01期,2018/9/8 ~ 2018/11/3
14. 創意影像設計實務班,2018/6/2 ~ 2018/8/4
15. 105-106年委託經營管理及行銷「台北悠活體驗館及悠活資源館」,2017/1/1 ~ 2017/3/31
16. 以設計導入創造長者認知功能之友善環境計畫,2015/9/22 ~ 2015/12/20
17. 大同公司—家庭能源管理系統(HEMS)之產品設計,2015/3/1 ~ 2016/8/31
18. 『電腦遊戲週邊產品創意設計』計畫,2015/2/1 ~ 2015/7/31
19. 宗皓科技新事業專入設計研究專案,2014/11/1 ~ 2015/4/30
20. 電腦遊戲周邊產品創意設計,2014/1/1 ~ 2014/6/30
21. 3D列印商品開發設計案,2013/9/1 ~ 2014/6/30
22. 電腦遊戲周邊產品創意設計,2013/1/1 ~ 2013/6/30
23. 服務設計接觸點之使用者感情脈絡研究,2012/10/1 ~ 2013/12/31
24. 經建特展專案動畫合作計畫,2011/12/1 ~ 2012/7/31
25. 費思指標決策分析模式之應用研究,2011/9/1 ~ 2012/7/15
26. 情感向度指標的決策模式應用實例探討,2010/9/1 ~ 2011/7/15
27. 新一代設計展─創新產品之設計,2010/9/1 ~ 2011/5/31
28. 認知價值之情感向度指標萃取與評價模式研究,2009/8/1 ~ 2010/7/31
29. 應用知識管理與模糊分析層級程序法於工業設計構想階段之決策模式,2008/8/1 ~ 2009/7/31
1. 無人機專業飛手實戰班-基礎班,2020/9/5 ~ 2020/11/7
2. 無人機專業飛手實戰班-進階班,2020/7/18 ~ 2020/8/29
3. 人人都來學手機APP程式設計班第01期,2020/7/12 ~ 2020/8/30
4. 創意影像設計實務班第01期,2020/3/7 ~ 2020/5/9
期刊論文 (Journal Paper)
1. Chu, P.Y.(2017). The Effectiveness of Using Stereoscopic 3D for Proportion Estimation in Product Design Education. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13(10), 6635-6648. SSCI
2. Chien, Y.H., Chu, P.Y.(2017). The Different Learning Outcomes of High School and College Students on a 3D-Printing STEAM Engineering Design Curriculum. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 16(1), 1-18. SSCI
3. Chu,P.Y., Hung,H.Y., Wu,C.F., Liu,Y.T.(2015). Effects of various sketching tools on visual thinking in idea development.. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 27(2), 291-306. SCIE(SCI)
4. 洪秀燕、朱柏穎、吳志富、劉又榕(2015)。不同學習背景工業設計所研究生概念發展階段之能力差異。藝術教育研究,2015(29),47-73。TSSCI
5. Chen, L. C., Chu, P. Y.(2012). Developing the index for product design communication and evaluation from emotional perspectives. Expert systems with applications, 39, 2011-2020. EI
6. Chu, P. Y., Chen, L. C., Wei, W. L., Chien, Y. H.(2011). Identifying Factors for Quantitative Evaluation of Perceived Product Values.. African Journal of Business Managemen, 5(14), 5698-5709. SSCI
7. 朱柏穎、陳立杰、俞維昇(2010)。產品認知價值之情感向度指標萃取與評價模式研究。設計學報,15(1),25-49。THCI
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
1. Li-Chieh Chen, Yun-Maw Cheng, Po-Ying Chu(2017). Identifying the Usability Factors of Mid-Air Hand Gestures for 3D Virtual Model Manipulation. Universal Access in Human–Computer Interaction. Designing Novel Interactions. Canada.
2. Po-Ying Chu, Li-Chieh Chen, Hsiao-Wen Kung, Shih-Jen Su(2017). A Study on the Differences Among M3D, S3D and HMD for Students with Different Degrees of Spatial Ability in Design Education. The 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2017). Canada.
3. Chu, P.Y., Yang, K. J., Zhan, X. Y., Lian, T. Y.(2016). The Relationship of Product Personality and User Emotion ─ Using Glasses Frames as An Example. 2016 International Symposium on Economics and Social Science – Summer Session (ISESS -Summer 2016). Singapore.
4. Li-Chieh Chen, Yun-Maw Cheng, Po-Ying Chu, Frode Eika Sandnes(2016). The Common Characteristics of User-Defined and Mid-Air Gestures for Rotating 3D Digital Contents. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference, HCI International 2016. Canada.
5. Li-Chieh Chen, Po-Ying Chu, Yun-Maw Cheng(2016). Exploring the Ergonomic Issues of User-Defined Mid-Air Gestures for Interactive Product Exhibition. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference, HCI International 2016. Canada.
6. Li-Chieh Chen, Yun-Maw Cheng, Po-Ying Chu, Frode Eika Sandnes(2015). Exploring the Interactivity Issues of the Stereoscopic 3D Systems for Design Education. Proceesings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. United States of America.
7. Chu,P.Y., Yang, K.J., Yeh, C,W., Chen, L.C.(2015). A Study of a Personalized Product Design Process Using PAD Temperament Scale: A Case Study of Mugs .. The 4th International Conference on Social Sciences and Business (ICSSB 2015). Singapore.
8. Hung, H. Y., Chu,P.Y., Wu, C. F., Liu, Y. J.(2015). An Analysis of Design Thinking Behaviors with Different Learning Backgrounds.. Proceedings of the 61th Annual Conference on Japanese Society for the Science of Design (JSSD). Japan.
9. Li-Chieh Chen, Po-Ying Chu, Yun-Maw Cheng(2015). Adaptive Depth Cue Adjustments of Interactive and Stereoscopic 3D Product Models for Design Education. Proceesings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. United States of America.
10. Li-Chih Chen, Po-Ying Chu, Yun-Maw Cheng(2014). The Ergonomics of Interactive and Stereoscopic 3D Product Models for Design Education. AHFE 2014. Poland.
11. Chiu, H.T., Chu,P.Y.(2013). A Study on Hairdressing Franchises’ Service Quality Using The Quantitative Service Chart and Its Improvement Strategy Showcasing Mentor and Show Lin as Examples.. IT, Multimedia and Communications Conference 2013, Bangkok, Thailand.. Thailand.
12. Chu, P.Y., Chen, L. C., Yu, W. S., Huang, Y. W.(2012). Research on a decision support system for addressing emotional factors of product design.. Proceedings of the 4td International Conference on applied human factors and ergonomics (AHFEI 2012). United States of America.
13. Li-Chieh Chen, Po-Ying Chu, Yun-Maw Chen(2011). Identifying the Features of Friendly User Interfaces from Emotional Perspectives. Proceedings of HCI International 2011. United States of America.
14. Kuo-Hsiung Wang, Li-Chieh Chen, Po-Ying Chu, Yun-Maw Cheng(2010). A Study on the Interaction Styles of an Augmented Reality Game for Mobile Learning in a Heritage Temple. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE2010). United States of America.
15. Wei, W. L., Chen, Y. H., Chen, L. C., Chu, P.Y.(2010). Web Design and Assessment for E-Commerce: A case study on the visual design of a commercial homepage.. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS 2010). Mainland China.
16. K. H. Wang, L. C. Chen, P. Y. Chu, Y. M. Cheng(2009). A Study on the Design of Augmented Reality User Interfaces for Mobile Learning Systems in Heritage Temples. Proceesings of the 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. United States of America.
17. Po-Ying Chu, Li-Chieh Chen, W-Sh Yu, Sh-Ch Chan(2008). Applying fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to evaluate the emotional perception of cultural and creative products. Proceedings of the 6th Design & Emotion Conference 2008. Hong Kong.
18. Yu-Hung Chie, Li-Chieh Chen, Po-Ying Chu(2008). Ergonomic evaluation of dynamic display: Influences of speed, presentation mode, text-flow orientation, stage of usage, and task type on comprehension. 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFEI 2008). United States of America.
19. Li-Chieh Chen, Po-Ying Chu, Yun-Maw Cheng(2008). Metaphorical User Interface Design of Video Blog Tools for Aged People. 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFEI 2008). United States of America.
20. Po-Ying Chu, Li-Chieh Chen, Wan-Li Wei(2007). A Study on the Effect of Using a Knowledge Management System on Design Education. Proceedings of The International Association of Societies of Design Research 2007 (IASDR). Mainland China.
21. Li-Chieh Chen, Po-Ying Chu, Chang-Chen Lin, Yun-Maw Cheng(2007). The Effects of Knowledge Sources and Learning Styles of the Elders on Their Motivations to Use Weblog Tools for Lifelong Learning. In The 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. Japan.
22. 朱柏穎、梁丹丰、劉又升、賴志純(2007)。設計科系新生個人特質與基礎專業課程學習成效之相關性探討。2007崇右創校四十週年慶國際學術研討會R.O.C。