1. | Hsien-Long Huang(2024). Factors influencing attitudes toward and intention of citizens’ engagement with solar energy in Taiwan. Energy Efficiency, 17(43), https://do. SSCI
2. | 黃憲隆(2023)。Challenges for contactless online food delivery services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan: Moderating effects of perceived government response。Evaluation and Program Planning,97,on line。SSCI
3. | Hsien-Long Huang, Li-Keng Cheng(2023). Predicting intention of residential solar installation: The role of ecological lifestyle, consumer innovativeness, perceived benefit, government incentives, and solar product knowledge. Energy & Environment, 34(6), 1826-1843. SSCI
4. | Li-Keng Cheng, Hsien-Long Huang(2022). Virtual tourism atmospheres: The effects of pleasure, arousal, and dominance on the acceptance of virtual tourism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 53, 143-152. SSCI
5. | Hsien-Long Huang, Li-Keng Cheng, Pi‑Chuan Sun, Szu‑Jung Chou(2021). The Effects of Perceived Identity Threat and Realistic Threat on the Negative Attitudes and Usage Intentions Toward Hotel Service Robots: The Moderati. International Journal of Social Robotics, 13(1), 1-13. SCIE(SCI)
6. | Hsien-Long Huang, Li-Keng Cheng, Pi-Chuan Sun, Yi Shiuan Jiang, Hsin Hua Lin(2021). Relationship among social tactics, job embeddedness, and affective commitment in newcomers: the moderating effect of workplace spirituality. Journal of Management & Organization, doi:10.1017/jmo.2021(doi:10.1017/jmo.2021), 1-21. SSCI
7. | Li-Keng Cheng, Hsien-Long Huang, Ching-Chi Lai(2021). Continuance intention in running apps: the moderating effect of relationship norms. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, DOI 10.1108/IJSMS-08(DOI 10.1108/IJSMS-08), DOI 10.110. SSCI
8. | Li-Keng Cheng, Hsien-Long Huang, Shou-Yu Yang(2021). Attitude toward 5G: The moderating effect of regulatory focus. Technology in Society, 67(101795), on line. SSCI
9. | 1Pi-Chuan Sun, Hsueh-Mei Wang, Hsien-Long Huang, Chien-Wei Ho(2020). Consumer attitude and purchase intention toward rooftop photovoltaic installation: The roles of personal trait, psychological benefit, and government incentives. Energy & Environment, 1(31), 21-39. SSCI
10. | 孫碧娟、黃憲隆、王雪梅、何建韋(2019)。品牌重定位與經營績效之間的關係:轉換型領導所扮演的角色," , 第19 卷 第1 期,2019 年2月19日。台灣管理學刊,19(1),17-30。