大同大學 教職員資料 (Information of TTU Faculty & Staff)
基本資料 (Basic Info)
姓名:陸冠群 (LUH, GUAN-CHUN) 教授
學歷 (Education)
大同工學院 機械工程系 學士 (1977/9 ~ 1981/6)
美國 俄亥俄州立大學 機械工程系所 博士 ( 1990 /9 ~ 1994 /4)
國立清華大學 動力機械研究所 碩士 ( 1986 /9 ~ 1988 /6)
經歷 (Experience)
大同大學 機械系所 教授 (2003/8 ~ 今)
大同大學 機械工程系所 系主任所長 (2009/9 ~ 2012/7)
大同大學 機械工程系所 副教授 (1994/7 ~ 2003/7)
俄亥俄州立大學 機械工程系所 研究助理 (1990/9 ~ 1994/6)
大同工學院 機械工程系 講師 (1988/7 ~ 1990/7)
大同公司 錄影機二中心 工程師 (1983/8 ~ 1986/7)
專長 (Specialty)
類免疫系統 Artificial Immune System
仿生計算 biologically inspired computation
深度學習神經網路 Deep Learning Neural Networks
人臉偵測辨識 Face Detection and Recognition
智慧型機器人 Intelligent Robot
開授課程 (Course)
高等動態系統 Advanced Dynamic Systems
類免疫網路及其應用 Artificial Immune Network and its Applications
自動控制 Automatic Control
仿生計算 Bio-inspired computation
電路學 Circuits
電子學 Electronics
工程量測 Engineering Measurement
演化式計算 Evolutionary Computation
遺傳演算法則 Genetic Algorithms
動態系統 Sysetm Dynamics
系統辨識與控制 System Identification and Control
獎勵 (Award)
科技部103年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 (科技部 2014-08-01)
國科會102年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 (國科會 2013-08-01)
國科會101年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 (國科會 2012-08-01)
國科會100年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 (國科會 2011-08-01)
國科會99年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 (國科會 2010-08-01)
96學年度論文佳作獎 (大同大學 2007-11-22)
95學年度論文佳作獎 (大同大學 2006-11-13)
94學年度論文特優獎 (大同大學 2005-11-14)
92學年度論文佳作獎 (大同大學 2004-11-15)
90學年度論文佳作獎 (大同大學 2002-11-18)
英國機械工程學會2000年傑出論文獎(The Donald Julius Groen Prize 2000) (大同大學 2002-05-13)
88學年度協志工業論文佳作獎 (協志工業振興會 2000-11-11)
89學年度國科會研究獎勵甲種獎 (國科會 2000-11-10)
89學年度優良導師 (大同大學 2000-08-21)
87學年度協志工業論文優等獎 (協志工業振興會 1999-11-11)
85學年度優良導師 (大同大學 1997-09-02)
服務 (Service)
1. Editorial Board, The Scientific World Journal (2015-04-01 ~ 今)
2. Editorial Board, IJACIS, Public Science Framework (2015-01-01 ~ 今)
3. Editorial Board, Int. Scholarly Research Notices (2014-07-01 ~ 今)
4. Editorial Board, Immune Computation, AICIT (2013-08-01 ~ 今)
5. Editor-in-Chief, UJCA, Horizon Research Pub. (2013-01-01 ~ 今)
6. Editorial Board, ISRN Robotics, Hindawi Pub. (2012-07-01 ~ 2014-07-31)
7. 系所主任 (2009-08-01 ~ 2012-07-31)
8. 註冊組主任 (2004-08-01 ~ 2006-01-31)
9. 國科會控制學門93年度研究主題規劃委員 (2004-01-01 ~ 2005-01-31)
10. 碩士在職專班導師 (2002-08-01 ~ 2004-07-31)
11. 研究所博士班導師 (2001-08-01 ~ 2002-07-31)
12. 研究所行政助理 (1999-08-01 ~ 2003-07-31)
13. 研究所碩士班導師 (1999-08-01 ~ 2001-07-31)
14. 大學部導師 (1995-08-01 ~ 1999-07-31)
1. 以肌電臂環控制機械手臂與手掌,2019/7/1 ~ 2020/2/29
2. 以深度學習TensorFlow建構肌電-手指手勢深度類神經網路控制五指機械手掌動作,2018/7/1 ~ 2019/2/28
3. 家用智能語音助理機器人研發,2017/7/1 ~ 2018/2/28
4. 穿戴式電生理訊號裝置之智慧型人機介面控制應用科技部 一般型研究計劃 2015/8/1 ~ 2016/7/31
5. 可穿戴式全身型動力輔助機械裝研發(III)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2014/8/1 ~ 2015/7/31
6. 可穿戴式全身型動力輔助機械裝研發(II)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2013/8/1 ~ 2014/7/31
7. 可穿戴式全身型動力輔助機械裝研發國科會 一般型研究計畫 2012/8/1 ~ 2013/7/31
8. 高效率電源管理之智慧型僕役機器人-子計畫三:機器人之機電設計製作,室內定位及避障控制(III)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2011/8/1 ~ 2012/7/31
9. 高效率電源管理之智慧型僕役機器人-子計畫三:機器人之機電設計製作,室內定位及避障控制(II)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2010/8/1 ~ 2011/7/31
10. 高效率電源管理之智慧型僕役機器人-子計畫三:機器人之機電設計製作,室內定位及避障控制(I)國科會 一般型研究計劃 2009/8/1 ~ 2010/7/31
11. 智慧型服務機器人與智慧生活空間研發(2/2)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2008/8/1 ~ 2009/7/31
12. 智慧型服務機器人與智慧生活空間研發(1/2)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2007/8/1 ~ 2008/7/31
13. 仿生控制智慧型服務機器人(I)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2006/8/1 ~ 2007/7/31
14. 類免疫系統/網路之研究及工程應用(2/2)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2005/8/1 ~ 2006/7/31
15. 類免疫系統/網路之研究及工程應用(1/2)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2004/8/1 ~ 2005/7/31
16. 人形二足步行機器人與機器人足球賽(2/2)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2003/8/1 ~ 2004/7/31
17. 人形二足步行機器人與機器人足球賽(1/2)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2002/8/1 ~ 2003/7/31
18. 人工免疫演化法則及其在機械臂軌跡追蹤控制上之應用國科會 一般型研究計畫 2001/8/1 ~ 2002/7/31
19. 智慧型多機器人系統及機器足球員之研究(2/2)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2000/8/1 ~ 2001/7/31
20. 智慧型多機器人系統及機器足球員之研究(1/2)國科會 個別型計劃 1999/8/1 ~ 2000/7/31
21. 利用遺傳演算法則最佳化設計馬達之研究國科會 個別型計劃 1998/8/1 ~ 1999/12/31
22. 智慧型自主性移動式機器人之研究國科會 個別型計劃 1997/8/1 ~ 1998/7/31
23. 渦卷式壓縮機渦卷曲線之合成研究國科會 個別型計劃 1996/8/1 ~ 1997/12/31
24. 以遺傳學習類神經演算法則辨識非線性多輸入多輸出系統模式國科會 個別型計劃 1995/8/1 ~ 1996/12/31
1. 智慧型服務導覽機器人研製應用,2006/9/1 ~ 2007/7/15
2. 仿生計算於指紋辨識之應用,2005/9/1 ~ 2006/7/15
3. 人形二足機器人步行軌跡規劃與動作控制,2004/9/1 ~ 2005/7/15
期刊論文 (Journal Paper)
1. Guan-Chun Luh(2014). Face recognition based on artificial immune networks and principal component analysis with single training image per person. Immune Computation, 2(1), 21-34.
2. Guan-Chun Luh, Chun-Yi Lin(2011). Optimal design of truss-structures using particle swarm optimization. Computers and Structures, 89(23-24), 2221-2232. SCIE(SCI)
3. Guan-Chun Luh, Chun-Yi Lin(2011). PCA based immune networks for human face recognition. Applied Soft Computing, 11(2), 1743-1752. SCIE(SCI)
4. Guan-Chun Luh, Chun-Yi Lin(2009). Structural topology optimization using ant colony optimization algorithm. Applied Soft Computing, 9(4), 1343-1353. SCIE(SCI)
5. Guan-Chun Luh, Chung-Huei Chueh(2009). A multi-modal immune algorithm for the job-shop scheduling problem. Information Sciences, 179(10), 1516-1532. SCIE(SCI)
6. Guan-Chun Luh, Chun-Yi Lin(2008). Optimal design of truss structures using ant algorithm. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 36(4), 365–379. SCIE(SCI)
7. Guan-Chun Luh, Wei-Wen Liu(2008). An immunological approach to mobile robot reactive navigation. Applied Soft Computing, 8(1), 30-45. SCIE(SCI)
8. Guan-Chun Luh, Wei-Wen Liu(2007). Motion Planning for Mobile Robots in Dynamic Environments Using Potential Field Immune Network. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I, Journal of Systems and Control Engin, 221(7), 1033-1047. SCIE(SCI)
9. Guan-Chun Luh, Chung-Huei Chueh(2007). Job Shop Scheduling Optimization Using Multi-modal Immune Algorithm. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 4570, 1127-1137. EI
10. Guan-Chun Luh, Wei-Wen Liu(2007). Dynamic Mobile RobotNavigation Using Potential Field Based Immune Network. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, 5(2), 43-50. SCIE(SCI)
11. Guan-Chun Luh, Shih-Wei Lee(2006). A BACTERIAL EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHM FOR THE JOB SHOP SCHEDULING PROBLEM. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 23(3), 185-191. EI
12. Guan-Chun Luh, Wei-Chong Cheng(2005). Immune Model-Based Fault Diagnosis. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 67, 515-539. SCIE(SCI)
13. Guan-Chun Luh, Chung-Huei Chueh(2004). Multi-modal topological optimization of structure using immune algorithm. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 193(36-38), 4035-4055. SCIE(SCI)
14. Guan-Chun Luh, Chun-Yin Wu(2004). Artificial immune regulation (AIR) for model-based fault diagnosis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3239, 28-41. SCIE(SCI)
15. Guan-Chun Luh, Wei-Wen Liu(2004). Reactive Immune Network Based Mobile Robot Navigation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3239, 119-132. SCIE(SCI)
16. Guan-Chun Luh, Wei-Chong Cheng(2004). Identification of immune models for fault detection. Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs. Part I: J. System and Control Engineering, 218(5), 353-367. SCIE(SCI)
17. Guan-Chun Luh, Chung-Huei Chueh(2004). Multi-objective optimal design of truss structure with immune algorithm. Computers and Structures, 82(11-12), 829-844. SCIE(SCI)
18. Guan-Chun Luh, Chung-Huei Chueh, Wei-Wen Liu(2003). MOIA: Multi-objective immune algorithm. Engineering Optimization, 35(2), 143-164. SCIE(SCI)
19. Guan-Chun Luh, Wei-Chong Cheng(2001). Non-Linear System Identification Using an Artificial Immune System. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs., Part I, Journal of Systems and Control Engineers, 215, 569-585. SCIE(SCI)
20. Guan-Chun Luh, Chun-Yin Wu(2000). Inversion Control of Nonlinear Systems with Inverse NARX Model Identified Using Genetic Algorithms. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs., Part I, Journal of Systems and Control Engineers, 214, 259-271. SCIE(SCI)
21. Guan-Chun Luh, Ren-Ming Hwang(1999). Measuring Non-Uniform Residual Stress in Thin Plates by a Proposed Hole-Drilling Strain Gauge Method. The International Journal of Advanced manufacturing Technology, 15, 103-113. SCIE(SCI)
22. Guan-Chun Luh, Chun-Yin Wu(1999). Nonlinear System Identification Using Genetic Algorithms. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs., Part I, Journal of Systems and Control Engineers, 213, 105-117. SCIE(SCI)
23. Guan-Chun Luh, Ren-Ming Hwang(1998). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Vibratory Stress Relief by a Modified Hole-Drilling Method. The International Journal of Advanced manufacturing Technology, 14, 815-823. SCIE(SCI)
24. V. Krishnaswami, Guan-Chun Luh, G.Rizzoni(1995). Nonlinear Parity Equation Based Residual Generation for Diagnosis of Automotive Engine Faults. Control Engineering Practice, 3, 1385-1392. SCIE(SCI)
25. E. G. Laukonen, K. M. Passino, V. Krishnaswami, Guan-Chun Luh, G.Rizzoni(1995). Fault Detection and Isolation for an Experimantal Internal Combustion Engine via Fuzzy Identification. IEEE Transaction on Control Systems Technology, 3(3), 347-355. SCIE(SCI)
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
1. Guan-Chun Luh, Hao-Sung Chiu, Min-Jou Tsai(2021). Muscle-Gesture Robot Hand Control Based on sEMG Signals Utilizing Deep Neural Networks. International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development(頁 12). Vietnam.
2. Guan-Chun Luh(2018). Object Grabbing with a Five-Finger Robot Hand Using Two-Camera Vision. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Mainland China.
3. Guan-Chun Luh, Jhih-Jie Cai, Yi-Sheng Lee(2017). Estimation of Elbow Motion Intension under Varying Weight in Lifting Movement Using an EMG-Angle Neural Network Model. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. R.O.C.
4. Guan-Chun Luh, Yi-Hsiang Ma, Chien-Jung Yen, Heng-An Lin(2016). Muscle-Gesture Robot Hand Control based on SEMG Signals with Wavelet Transform Features and Neural Network Classifier. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. R.O.C.
5. Guan-Chun Luh, Heng-An Lin, Yi-Hsiang Ma, Chien-Jung Yen(2015). Intuitive Muscle-Gesture based Robot Navigation Control Using Wearable Gesture Armband. Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. R.O.C.
6. Guan-Chun Luh(2014). Face Detection Using Combination of Skin Color Pixel Detection and Viola-Jones face Detector. Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. R.O.C.
7. Guan-Chun Luh(2013). A Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization Based Threshold Approach for Skin Color Detection. Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. R.O.C.
8. Guan-Chun Luh(2012). Visual-Based Object Grasping with a Five-Finger Robot Hand. Proceedings of 2012 CACS International Automatic Control Conference. R.O.C.
9. Guan-Chun Luh(2012). Skin Color Detection Using Artificial Immune Networks. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. R.O.C.
10. Guan-Chun Luh, Yu-Shian Pan(2011). Simultaneous Localization and Mapping of an Intelligent Servant Robot Employing Panoramic Camera. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Service and Interactive Robots. R.O.C.
11. Guan-Chun Luh(2011). Face Recognition Using PCA Based Immune Networks wirh Single Training Sample per Person. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. R.O.C.
12. Guan-Chun Luh, Chun-Yi Lin(2010). A Binary Particle Swarm Optimization for Structural Topology Optimization. The 3rd IEEE International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization. R.O.C.
13. Guan-Chun Luh, Ching-Chou Hsieh(2009). Face Recognition Using Immune Network Based on Principal Component Analysis. 2009 World Summit on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. R.O.C.
14. Guan-Chun Luh, Wei-Wen Liu, Huang-Kai, Lin(2008). Reactive Navigation of a Mobile Robot in Unknown Environments. Proceedings of the 17th World Congress The International Federation of Automatic Control. R.O.C.
15. Guan-Chun Luh, Wei-Wen Liu(2007). Cooperative Strategy Based on Artificial Immune Network for Robot Soccer System. The 11th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics: WMSCI 2007. R.O.C.
16. Guan-Chun Luh, Chung-Huei Chueh(2007). Job Shop Scheduling Optimization Using Multi-modal Immune Algorithm. The Int. Conf. on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems. R.O.C.
17. Guan-Chun Luh, Chun-Yin Wu, Wei-Wen Liu(2006). Artificial immune system based cooperative strategies for robort soccer competition. IEEE International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST 2006). R.O.C.
18. Guan-Chun Luh, Wei-Wen Liu(2006). Potential Field based immune network for dynamic motion planning of mobile robots. IEEE International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST 2006). R.O.C.
19. Guan-Chun Luh, Wei-Wen Liu(2006). Dynamic Mobile Robot Navigation Using Potential Field Based Immune Network. The 10th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. R.O.C.
20. Guan-Chun Luh, Chun-Yi Lin(2005). Sizing, shaping, and topology optimization of truss-structure using ant algorithms. 8th Joint Conference on Informance Science. R.O.C.
21. Guan-Chun Luh, Chun-Yin Wu, Chun-Yi Lin(2005). Multi-modal topological optimization of structure using ACO algorithms. 8th Joint Conference on Informance Science. R.O.C.
22. Guan-Chun Luh, Chung-Huei Cheuh, Chun-Yin Wu(2002). Multi-Objective Optimization Design Using Immune Algorithm. The Second China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structure and Mechanical Systems. R.O.C.
23. Chun-Yin Wu, Guan-Chun Luh(2002). Multi-Model Topological Optimization of Structure Using Subpopulation-Based Niche Genetic Algorithms. The Second China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structure and Mechanical Systems. R.O.C.
24. Guan-Chun Luh, Wei-Chong Cheng(2001). Immunized Reinforcement Adaptive Learning for Behavior Based Intelligent Mobile Robot. 第六屆人工智慧與應用研討會. R.O.C.
25. Guan-Chun Luh, Giorgio Rizzoni(1998). Nonlinear System Identification Using Genetic Algorithms with Application to Feedforward Control Design. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. R.O.C.
26. Guan-Chun Luh, V.Krishnaswami, G. Rizzoni(1995). Identification and Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Engine Models. Advanced Automative Technologies, ASME. R.O.C.
27. Guan-Chun Luh, Giorgio Rizzoni(1994). Identification of Nonlinear MIMO Internal Combustion Engine Model. Proceedings 1994 Symposium on Transportation Systems, ASME Winter Annual Meeting. R.O.C.
28. V.Krishnaswami, Guan-Chun Luh, G. Rizzoni(1994). Diagnosis of Exhaust Emissions Control Systems During the E.P.A. Tailpipe Inspection Program. Proceedings of the IFAC/IMACS Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision, and Safety. R.O.C.
29. V.Krishnaswami, Guan-Chun Luh, G.Rizzoni(1994). Fault Detection in Engine Using Nonlinear Parity Equations. Proceeidngs of the American Control Conference. R.O.C.
30. Guan-Chun Luh, Giorgio Rizzoni(1994). Identification of a Nonlinear MIMO IC Engine Model during I/M240 Driving Cycle for On-Board Diagnosis. Proceeidngs of the American Control Conference. R.O.C.
31. K. Sriniasan, G.Rizzoni, M. Trigui, Guan-Chun Luh(1992). On-Line Estimation of a Net Engine Torque from Crankshaft Velocity Measurement Using Repetitive Estimator. Proceedings of the American Control Conference. R.O.C.