1. | Chen-Kuang, Lin, Guang-Jer, Lai, Yoshiyuki Kobayashi, Masahiro Matsuo, Min-Chie Chiu(2021). An isothermal steam expander for an industrial steam supplying system. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,, 1(794210), p1-6. SCIE(SCI)
2. | Guang-Jer Lai, Chen-Kuang Lin, Kobayashi Yoshiyuki, Masahiro Matsuo, Min-Chie Chiu(2014). A Theoretical Study of the Phase Angle to the β type Pulse-Steam Stirling Expander. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 1(597), p425-430. EI
3. | Guang-Jer Lai, Chen-Kuang Lin(2014). A Theoretical Study of the Phase Angle for the β type Pulse-Steam Stirling Expander. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 597, 425-430.
4. | Guang-Jer Lai, Chen-Kuang Lin, Kobayashi Yoshiyuki, Masahiro Matsuo, Min-Chie Chiu(2013). An Assessment of a Pulse-Steam Stirling Expander. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics, 16(1), p.1-17. EI
5. | Guang-Jer Lai, Min-Chie Chiu, Yoshiyuki Kobayashi, Long-Jyi Yeh, Chen-Kuang Lin(2011). A Study of Design Parameters for a Type of Stirling Engine. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, 32(2), p.492-506. EI
6. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, G-J Lai, B-M Huang(2010). Auto-tracking Carrier of AGV Using a Wave-Varied Detecting Method. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 224(C6), p. 1349-13. SCIE(SCI)
7. | Min-Chie Chiu, Long-Jyi Yeh, Guang-Jer Lai, Bo-Ming Huang(2010). Developing an Auto-tracking Carrier of AGV Using a Wave-Varied Detecting Method. Proc. ImechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 224(C6), 1349-1357. SCIE(SCI)
8. | Chin-Hsiang Cheng, Chin-Kang Chan, Guang-Jer Lai(2009). Optimal design of Al/Si bimorph elecro-thermal microactuator by integrating finite-element code with optimization method. ELSEVIER, 2009.
9. | Chin-Hsiang Cheng, Chi-Kang Chan, Guang-Jer Lai(2008). Shape design of millimeter-scale air channels for enhancing heat transfer and reducing pressure drop. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 51(9-10), 2335-2345. SCIE(SCI)
10. | Chin-Hsiang Cheng, Chi-Kang Chan, Tsung-Chieh Cheng, Che-Wei Hsu, Guang-Jer Lai(2008). Modeling, fabrication and performance test of an electro-thermal microactuator. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 143(2), 360-369. SCIE(SCI)
11. | Chin-Hsiang Cheng, Chi-Kang Chan, Guang-Jer Lai(2008). Design for Wall Shape Profile of a Millimeter-Scale Air-Heating Channel by Integrating Three-Dimensional CFD Code with Optimization Method. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 53(9), 982 - 1000. SCIE(SCI)
12. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Gaung-Jer Lai(2006). Computer-aided design on a perforated single-layer absorber under space constraints. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 32(5-6), 537-546. SCIE(SCI)
13. | Min-Chie Chiu, Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Guang-Jer Lai, Ming-Guo Her, C. C. Tu, Tian-Syung Lan(2006). Shape Optimization of Double-chamber Mufflers with Extended Tube and Side Inlet/Outlet by using Four-pole Transfer Matrix Method, Boundary Element Met. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 27(6), p.825-832. EI
14. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2005). Optimization of Single-Layer Absorber on Constrained Sound Absorption System by Using GA Algorithm. JOURNAL OF C.C.I.T., 34(1), p1-p14. EI
15. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2005). Shape Optimization on Double-chamber Muffler with Side Inlet/Outlet under Space Constraints. Journal of Chung Cheng Institute of Technology, 33(2), P.1-12. EI
16. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2005). Shape Optimization on Constrained Single-layer Sound Absorber by Using GA Method and Mathematical Gradient Methods. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 286(4/5), p.941-961. SCIE(SCI)
17. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). Computer Aided Design on Single Expansion Muffler with Extended Tube under Space Constraints. Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 7(3), p.171-181. EI
18. | Ying-Chun Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). Numerical optimization of sound absorption systems with constrained single-layer absorber. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12(2), p.86-92. SCIE(SCI)
19. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). GA optimization on muffler with side inlet/outlet under space constraints. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2(04), p.1-13. EI
20. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). GA optimization on multi-segments muffler under space constraints. Applied Acoustics, 65(5), p.521-543. SCIE(SCI)
21. | Y. C. Chang, Long-Jyi Yeh, Min-Chie Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2004). Numerical Optimization of Sound Absorption System with Constrained Single-Layer Absorber. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 12(2), 86-92. EI
22. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Ying-Chun Chang, M. C.Chiu, Guang-Jer Lai(2003). Computer-aided optimal design of a single-chamber muffler with side inlet/outlet under space constraints. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 11(4), p. 1-8. SCIE(SCI)
23. | L. J. Yeh, M.G. Her, T.S. Lan(2002). Optimal Production Control of Two-Stage Machining Operation on a Computer Numerical Controlled Machine. International Journal of Management, 19(3), 524-530.
24. | Long-Jyi Yeh, Gaung-Jer Lai, Yoshimi ito(1992). A STUDY TO DEVELOP A CHATTER VIBRATION MONITORING AND SUPPERSSION SYSTEM WHILE TURNING SLENDER WORKPICES. The Second International Conference on Automation Technology, 2, 337-343.