大同大學 教職員資料 (Information of TTU Faculty & Staff)
基本資料 (Basic Info)
姓名:蔡佳勝 副教授
學歷 (Education)
成功大學電機研究所 通訊與網路組 博士 ( ~ )
成功大學電機研究所 通訊與網路組 碩士 ( ~ )
經歷 (Experience)
IAENG Society IAENG Society of Wireless Net. Co-chair (2006 ~ 今)
中工會沈怡優秀青年工程師獎     (2000 ~ 2001)
國立成功大學 工學院 副院長助理(電資學群) (1999/6 ~ 2000/9)
第四屆摩托羅拉獎學金     (1996 ~ 1997)
國立成功大學 電機系主任(所長) 助理 (1994/9 ~ 1995/6)
台興電子企業股份有限公司 五股總公司 倉管 (1992/6 ~ 1992/9)
電視台 人之初(台視),教學帶(教育部) 編輯執筆,主持人 (1989 ~ 1990)
電視台 大家談(華視),師鐸獎教師之夜(華視) 編輯執筆,主持人 (1989 ~ 1990)
斐陶斐學會榮譽會員     ( ~ )
專長 (Specialty)
寬頻網路 Broadband Computing Networks
資訊安全 Information Security
行動通信 Mobile Radio Communications
無線通訊 Wireless Communications
開授課程 (Course)
編碼技術 Coding Techniques
資訊通信理論 Information and Communication theory
無線網路安全 Wireless Communication Security
無線通訊系統 Wireless Communication Systems
獎勵 (Award)
「International Symposium on Health Sciences Education」壁報論文獎第三名 (教育部 國科會 中國醫大主辦 2008-10-27)
撰寫資訊服務人才培育特色領域一半2007-1已獲得教育部補助 ( 2006-10-16)
2006優良導師 (大同大學 2006-10-05)
協助資通安全學程撰寫計畫書(彙整至 96-8-11日)並已通過96-9-22 ( 2006-09-22)
ICS 2004最佳論文獎 (教育部 2004-12-23)
服務 (Service)
1. Co-Chair in IAENG Society of Wireless Networks (2006-01-01 ~ 今)
2. 國際領袖暨年輕電腦科學家國際會議大會主席 (日本) (2019-03-01 ~ 2019-03-31)
3. TANET 議程委員 (桃園) (2018-11-01 ~ 2018-11-30)
4. 受韓國editor邀請review IEEE trans. on Communication Let (2011-10-01 ~ 2017-11-30)
5. 校務會議委員 (2011-09-01 ~ 2017-11-30)
6. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I Review (2011-01-01 ~ 2017-11-30)
7. 撰寫資訊服務人才培育特色領域一半2007-1已獲教育部補助 (2006-10-01 ~ 2006-10-31)
8. 協助資通安全學程撰寫計畫書(彙整至 96-8-11日)並已通過96-9-22 (2006-09-01 ~ 2006-09-30)
9. 新聞局/中央廣播電台數位廣播人才培訓講師 (2006-03-01 ~ 2006-03-31)
10. 數位內容學院課程審查 (2006-01-01 ~ 2006-01-31)
11. 擔任ANW2005研討會子會議主持人 (2005-09-01 )
12. (有證書)擔任IADAT國際會議議程委員及TCN2005子會議主持人 (2005-09-01 )
13. 教學實驗室管理 (2005-01-01 ~ 2005-12-31)
1. 改善寬頻網路用戶終端設備流量之研究,2010/8/1 ~ 2011/7/31
2. 運用允許控制演算法評估錯誤重傳機制之最佳化,2009/8/1 ~ 2010/7/31
3. 導覽系統之點對點多媒體串流設計,2007/8/1 ~ 2008/7/31
4. 總計畫:利用衛星資料分析與探勘海水鹽度變化以建構災害預警系統--子計畫四:海水鹽度資料庫之伺服器管理與行動接取技術(3/3),2007/8/1 ~ 2008/7/31
5. 導覽系統之點對點多媒體串流設計國科會 2007/8/1 ~ 2008/7/31
6. 總計畫:利用衛星資料分析與探勘海水鹽度變化以建構災害預警系統-子計畫四:海水鹽度資料庫之伺服器管理與行動接取技術(2/3)國科會 2006/8/1 ~ 2007/7/31
7. 總計畫:利用衛星資料分析與探勘海水鹽度變化以建構災害預警系統-子計畫四:海水鹽度資料庫之伺服器管理與行動接取技術(2/3),2006/8/1 ~ 2007/7/31
8. 總計畫:利用衛星資料分析與探勘海水鹽度變化以建構災害預警系統-子計畫四:海水鹽度資料庫之伺服器管理與行動接取技術(1/3),2005/8/1 ~ 2006/7/31
9. SOCAD:開發在網際網路可執行的電腦輔助單晶片系統設計之應用軟體國科會 2002/8/1 ~ 2003/7/31
1. 綠能風電風機系統通訊調變之設計,2021/1/1 ~ 2021/12/31
2. 適應性客製化輔助年長者行蹤定位及預測之研究,2017/1/1 ~ 2017/11/30
3. 適應性客製化輔助年長者行蹤定位及預測之研究,2017/1/1 ~ 2017/11/30
4. 3GPP之多重接取技術研究與評估,2016/4/1 ~ 2016/11/30
5. 3GPP之多重接取技術研究與評估,2016/4/1 ~ 2016/11/30
6. 3GPP New Radio之多重接取技術研究與評估,2016/4/1 ~ 2016/12/26
7. 行動裝置APP 加值服務產業之研究,2016/3/1 ~ 2016/8/31
8. 網路負載模式平衡模型化之研究,2014/1/1 ~ 2014/12/31
9. 網路負載模式平衡模型化之研究,2014/1/1 ~ 2014/12/31
10. 網路應用及博奕加值服務產業之研究,2013/8/1 ~ 2014/7/30
11. 網路應用及博奕加值服務產業之研究,2013/8/1 ~ 2014/7/30
12. 網路服務流識別與管理,2012/11/1 ~ 2013/12/31
13. 網路服務流識別與管理,2012/11/1 ~ 2013/12/31
14. 雲端計算資安認證與代理節點之研究,2011/9/1 ~ 2012/7/15
15. 雲端計算資安認證與代理節點之研究,2011/9/1 ~ 2012/7/15
16. 節能智慧電網網安認證之研究,2010/9/1 ~ 2011/7/15
17. 節能智慧電網網安認證之研究,2010/9/1 ~ 2011/7/15
18. 改善寬頻網路用戶終端設備流量之研究,2010/8/1 ~ 2011/7/31
19. WiMAX自動化測試量測與分析--II,2010/1/1 ~ 2010/4/30
20. WiMAX自動化測試量測與分析--II,2010/1/1 ~ 2010/4/30
21. 中文語音的情緒與關鍵字辨識之研究,2009/11/10 ~ 2010/5/30
22. 中文語音的情緒與關鍵字辨識之研究,2009/11/10 ~ 2010/5/30
23. 中文語音的情緒與關鍵字辨識之研究,2009/11/10 ~ 2010/5/30
24. 運用允許控制演算法評估錯誤重傳機制之最佳化,2009/8/1 ~ 2010/7/31
25. 無線網路安全與行動加值服務,2009/7/1 ~ 2009/12/31
26. 無線網路安全與行動加值服務,2009/7/1 ~ 2009/12/31
27. WiMAX自動化測試量測與分析--I,2008/11/1 ~ 2009/12/31
28. WiMAX自動化測試量測與分析--I,2008/11/1 ~ 2009/12/31
29. 數位調變通訊系統頻譜效率之研究,2008/10/1 ~ 2009/1/31
30. 數位調變通訊系統頻譜效率之研究,2008/10/1 ~ 2009/1/31
31. 基頻模擬系統輔助嵌入式平台設計,2008/9/1 ~ 2009/7/15
32. 基頻模擬系統輔助嵌入式平台設計,2008/9/1 ~ 2009/7/15
33. 總計畫:利用衛星資料分析與探勘海水鹽度變化以建構災害預警系統--子計畫四:海水鹽度資料庫之伺服器管理與行動接取技術(3/3),2007/8/1 ~ 2008/7/31
34. MANNETs網路安全性之研究,2006/9/1 ~ 2007/7/15
35. 無線區網實現應用於讀表系統,2006/9/1 ~ 2007/8/31
36. MANNETs網路安全性之研究,2006/9/1 ~ 2007/7/15
37. 無線區網實現應用於讀表系統,2006/9/1 ~ 2007/8/31
38. 影像話機晶片程式設計與網管系統開發之研究,2006/3/1 ~ 2007/2/28
39. 影像話機晶片程式設計與網管系統開發之研究,2006/3/1 ~ 2007/2/28
40. IMI-行動即時通訊會談協定之設計,2005/9/1 ~ 2006/7/15
41. MIMI-行動即時通訊會談協定之設計,2005/9/1 ~ 2006/7/15
42. 總計畫:利用衛星資料分析與探勘海水鹽度變化以建構災害預警系統-子計畫四:海水鹽度資料庫之伺服器管理與行動接取技術(1/3),2005/8/1 ~ 2006/7/31
43. 有線/無線網路多介面讀表系統,2005/7/1 ~ 2006/6/30
44. 有線/無線網路多介面讀表系統,2005/7/1 ~ 2006/6/30
45. 語音封包之無線接取技術,2004/9/1 ~ 2005/7/15
46. 語音封包之無線接取技術,2004/9/1 ~ 2005/7/15
47. 無線區域網路IEEE 802.11a中OFDM系統之研究,2003/9/1 ~ 2004/7/15
48. 無線區域網路IEEE 802.11a中OFDM系統之研究,2003/9/1 ~ 2004/7/15
49. 以前導符碼為輔助QAM與OFDM無線通信通道衰落補償,2003/6/1 ~ 2004/5/31
50. 以前導符碼為輔助QAM與OFDM無線通信通道衰落補償,2003/6/1 ~ 2004/5/31
期刊論文 (Journal Paper)
1. C. S. Tsai, C. F. Yang(2017). Anovelty location based rounting and dynamically vary transmit power in deep sound channel. IJMS, 2017. SCIE(SCI)
2. C. S. Tsai, Y. C. Wang, H. S. Huang(2016). Designing High Performance of the Self-coupled Time Synchronization Protocol on Sea Surface for the Argo Float Sensors Network. Journal of Computers, 2016.
3. C. S. Tsai, Y. C. Wang, H. K. Wang(2015). A Transmission Control Protocol with High Throughput of Using Low Earth-Orbit Satellite to Collect Data from the Floats on Sea Surface. Journal of Computers, 26. EI
4. C. S. Tsai, C. Y. Lu(2014). Research on performance of routing protocols in manet. Australia journal of asia country study, 1(2).
5. C. S. Tsai, C. F. Yang(2014). GINS dynamic emissive location-based for underwater sensor networks. International journal of computer science issue, 11.
6. C. S. Tsai, S. W. Cho(2014). A Simple Way to Compute Parameters for Load Balancer in Optical Networks. Advanced Materials Research, 918. EI
7. C. S. Tsai, C. W. Hsu(2014). Using alternative error control codes for DVB systems. wessex institute technology trans. information and communication technologies, 58.
8. C. S. Tsai, Y. C. Chen(2014). Performance of adaptive proportional average delay index for scheduler in LTE-A systems. wessex institute technology trans. information and communication technologies, 58.
9. C. S. T, G. F. Y(2013). A Novel Energy Efficient Joint Dynamic Emissive Location-Based Routing Scheme for SOFAR Channel Underwater Sensor Networks. Journal of amm innovation for applied science and technology, 2013.
10. R. Y. Y., H. Y. L., C. S. T.(2012). Iterative joint frequency offset and channel estimation for OFDM systems using first and second order approximation algorithms. Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2012.
11. R. Y. Y., H. Y. L., C. S. T.(2012). Finite high order approximation algorithm for joint frequency tracking and channel estimation in ofdm systems. IEICE funds. of electronics, communications and computer sciences, E95-A.
12. R.Y. Y., H. Y. L., C. S. T.(2012). Frequency tracking by method of LS combined with channel estimation for OFDM over mobile wireless channels. Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 1.
13. C. S. Tsai, Y. C. Wang(2012). Designing Fast Identification Algorithm in the RFID System for Known Tag Sets. Journal of Ebusiness, 2012. TSSCI
14. C. S. Tsai, T. C. Chou(2009). Design of Synhronous Step-Down Controller. Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 17.
15. M. C. Tsai, T. D. Yu, C. S. Tsai(2008). Analysis and Design of Four Phase DC/DC Buck Converter. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 40(1). EI
16. C. S. Tsai, W. K. Du(2008). Enhancement of Delivery of Warning Messages for Mobile Networks. Journal of Networks, 3(7). EI
17. C. S. Tsai, S. L. Su(2004). Microcell Adjustment for Hierarchical CDMA Cellular Systems with Non-Uniformly Distributed Teletraffic. International Journal of Electrical Engineering, 11(1).
18. C. S. Tsai, S. L. Su(2001). A Channel Assignment Strategy Without Handoff Failure for the Low Earth-Orbit Satellite Communication Systems. IEICE Trans. on Communications, (9). SCIE(SCI)
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
1. 葛培中、蔡佳勝(2021)。強化風電網路數據傳輸安全之設計 Research on enhancement security design for wind power network s。第四十二屆中華民國電力工程研討會暨 第十八屆台灣電力電子研討會R.O.C。
2. 葛培中、蔡佳勝(2021)。強化風電網路數據傳輸安全之設計。第42屆中華民國電力工程研討會暨第18屆台灣電力電子研討會R.O.C。
3. Y. T. Liu, C. S. Tsai, Z. Y. Tsai(2020). Research on Security and Channel Coding for Satellite Information Networks. Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers General Conference. Japan.
4. C. S. Tsai(2019). Basic Design and Implementation of reactive positioning on iPhone platform. International electronics, information, communications, engineers society conference. Japan.
5. C. S. Tsai, Y. C. Lin(2017). Indoor positioning prediction in dark spaces without the assistance. International electronics, information engineers society conference. Japan.
6. C. S. Tsai, B. L. Fu(2016). A consideration of Mobility Design for Vehicular or IoT Networks. International conference on electronic, information and communication engineer. Mainland China.
7. C. S. Tsai, C. W. Lin(2016). A novel chord-based safety data sharing and search mechanism in VANET. TMBER 2016. Thailand.
8. C. S. Tsai, C. W. Lin(2016). Design and Implementation of Advanced Internet Management System. International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Big Data Analytics. Thailand.
9. C. S. Tsai, G. S. Li(2012). Soft Frequency Reuse Design to reduce Inteference in Femtocell Systems. IEEE ICOCN. Thailand.
10. C. S. Tsai, S. H. Lee(2012). Research on Parallel Bidirectional A* Algorithm in Road Networks. Intl. Electronics, Information and Communications Engineering General Conference. Mainland China.
11. C. S. Tsai, Y. K. Shu(2011). Improvement of HARQ Using Stopping Sets of LDPC Codes in 802.16. Intl. Electronics, Information and Communications Engineering General Conference. R.O.C.
12. C. S. Tsai, C. C. Shih(2010). Efficient Retransmission of RB-HARQ with LDPC Codes. IEEE ICCSN. Singapore.
13. C. S. Tsai, G. F. Yang, F. C. D. Tsai, M. H. Jin(2009). An Instant Messaging with Google Talk Handheld Devices Based on Web 2.0 for Tourist Call for Assistance. IEEE MDM. R.O.C.
14. C. S. Tsai, S. B. Cheng(2009). Simulation of Network Traffic Using Self-Adaptation Scheme. IEEE ICCMS. Germany.
15. C. S. Tsai, D. F. Kao(2008). A Data Mining Application on Non-Performance Loans Management. The Joint IASC Conference on Computation Statistics and Data Analysis. Japan.
16. D. W. Kuo, C. S. Tsai, M. C. Tsai(2008). Improved Architecture of Fast Fourier Transform Processor. The Joint IASC Conference on Computation Statistics and Data Analysis. Japan.
17. C. S. Tsai, C. B. Che(2008). Load Balancing Schemes for Multimedia E-Service. The 7th International Conference on e-Business. United States of America.
18. C. S. Tsai, G. F. Yang(2008). Research on an Assistant Ad Hoc Network to Aid the Measurement of STD. IEEE International Conference on System, Man, Cybernetics. Singapore.
19. M. C. Tsai, T. C. Chou, C. S. Tsai(2008). Design of Synchronous Step-Down Controller. Asia-Pacific Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. Thailand.
20. Z. D. Lee, M. C. Tsai, C. S. Tsai(2008). Performance Simulation of Channel Coding for OFDM-Based Modulator. The 13th Cross-Strait Symposium on Radio Technology. R.O.C.
21. C. S. Tsai, G. F. Yang(2008). A SIL E-learning System Based on SCORM for Handicapped People. International conference and workshop on e-Learning strategies (Amazing II). Netherlands.
22. C. S. Tsai(2007). Modified Hybrid ARQ Schemes with Feed-back Information for IEEE 802.16e Standard. APMC 2007. Thailand.
23. C. S. Tsai, B. F. Shen(2007). Using Wireless Sensor Nodes to Aid Face Recognition from the Variation in Illumination and Head Pose Rotation. Asian Conference on Computer Vision. Japan.
24. C. S. Tsai, W. K. Du(2007). An Aggressive Wireless Access Data Strategy for Mobile Networks. IEEE SMC. Canada.
25. C. S. Tsai, H. P. Wang(2007). Packet Delivery Strategies for Sea Surface Networks. IEEE Asis-Pacific Communications Conference. Thailand.
26. C. S. Tsai, B. F. Shen(2007). An Intelligent MRAS Platform for IP-based Mobile Networks. ICICIC, Kumamoto. Japan.
27. C. S. Tsai, W. K. Du(2007). Study of DSRC Communications. IEICE General Conference, Nagoya. Japan.
28. C. S. Tsai(2007). On Real-Time Streaming over Optical Networks. International Symposium on Contemporary Photonics Technology. Japan.
29. C. S. Tsai, C. W. Chang(2006). Performance Analysis of Space-frequence Block Coded WiMax Services. ISAP. Singapore.
30. C. S. Tsai, H. P. Wang(2006). Study of Routing Protocols for Ocean Surface Communication Networks. IEEE SMC. R.O.C.
31. C. S. Tsai, S. H. Hsu(2006). Study of SCTP over Mixed-Traffic Communication Networks. IEEE ISCIT. Thailand.
32. C. S. Tsai, S. H. Hsu(2006). An Enhanced Load Balancing Policy for Multimedia Networks Using SCTP. IEICE Society Conference. Japan.
33. C. S. Tsai, C. W. Chang(2006). Application of Space-time-frequency Block Coding Techniques for DAB Systems. IAENG IMECS International Workshop on Wireless Networks. Spain.
34. C. S. Tsai, B. F. Shen(2006). Online Reverse Auctions via Wireless Instant Message Networks. International Conf. on Telecommunications. Mainland China.
35. C. S. Tsai(2006). Bandwidth Allocation Schemes for FTTH Networks. Internation Conf. on Wireless and Optical Communication Networks. India.
36. C. S. Tsai(2006). A Multi-homing Control Approach for FTTH Networks. International Conf. on High-speed and Broadband Networks. India.
37. C. S. Tsai, B. F. Shen(2006). Integration of Remote Appliance Control Networks and Its Implementation. IEEE Information and Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications. Syrian Arab R..
38. C. S. Tsai, B. F. Shen(2006). Using wireless remote sesing technologies for inspection of water quality. 14th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology. Japan.
39. C. S. Tsai(2005). Stream Based Traffic over Passive Optical Networks with Load Sharing. International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks, IEEE Leos. Thailand.
40. C. S. Tsai, B. F. Shen(2005). Implementation on VOIP based on SIP for GPRS/WLAN Networking. International Conference on Telecommunications and Computer Networks. United Kingdom.
41. C. S. Tsai, B. F. Shen(2005). Handoff Design for SIP based Wireless Local Area Networks. International Conference on Telecommunications and Computer Networks. United Kingdom.
42. C. W. Chang, C. S. Tsai(2005). Application of Space-time-frequency Block Coding Techniques for DAB Systems. International Conference on Telecommunications and Computer Networks. United Kingdom.
43. C. S. Tsai, P. C. Huang(2005). Concatenated Codes Design for OFDM based Wireless Local Area Netwroks. International Conf. on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks. United Kingdom.
44. C. S. Tsai, P. C. Huang(2005). Study of Concatenated Codes for OFDM based Wireless Communication Systems. Proceedings of conf. on Information Technology and Multimedia Development in Twenty-One Century. Mainland China.
45. C. S. Tsai, W. Yen(2005). Communications in Adversarial or Disastrous Environments for Medical Assistance and Emergency Relief. Proceedings of Euro-Taiwan IT Co-operation Events. R.O.C.
46. C. S. Tsai(2004). Capacity Analysis for CDMA Based Cellular and Ad hoc Co-existence Networks. International Computer Symposium. R.O.C.
47. S. L. Su, C. S. Tsai(2003). Microcell-Adjusting for Hierarchical Cellular Systems with Non-Uniformly Distributed Teletraffic. IEEE WCNC. United States of America.
48. C. S. Tsai, S. L. Su(2002). An Efficient Power Allocation Strategy for Low Earth-Orbit Satellite Communication Systems. ICCS. Singapore.
49. C. S. Tsai, S. L. Su(2001). An Enhanced MAHO Policy for the Low Earth-Orbit Satellite Communication Systems. International Symposium on Communications. R.O.C.
50. S. L. Su, C. S. Tsai(1999). A Channel Assignment Strategy Without Handoff Failure for the Low Earth-Orbit Satellite Communication Systems. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications. Japan.
專書 (Book)
1. 蔡佳勝(2002)。數位通訊及衛星通訊共八章。文京圖書公司。