1. | Chun-Hsien Chou, Yun-Hsiang Hsu(2013). Translation insensitive assessment of image quality based on measuring the homogeneity of correspondence. Proc. 2013 APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (ASC). R.O.C.
2. | Chun-Hsien Chou, Yun-Hsiang Hsu(2013). Quality Assessment of Color Images Based on the Measure of Just Noticeable Color Difference. Proc. 2013 5th International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing. Hong Kong.
3. | Chun-Hsien Chou, Yun-Hsiang Hsu(2011). Image Quality Assessment Based on Measuring the Degradation in Geometrical Structural Information. Proceedings of 2011 APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference. Mainland China.
4. | Chun-Hsien Chou, Yun-Hsiang Hsu(2011). Image Quality Assessment Based on Binary Structure Information. Proceeding of CIS 2011. Mainland China.
5. | 黃繼遠、周俊賢、曹耕毓、蔡清山、葉正濤、郭俞麟、陳幹男、李振良(2010)。軟性顯示器與織物結合之研究-智能型織物(98-EC-17-A-11-S2-0002。第三屆兩岸紡織科技研討會Mainland China。
6. | Chun-Hsien Chou, Ray-chin Wu, Yun-Hsiang Hsu, Shing-Shi Tsheng(2010). The analysis on the perception shift of skin colors due to simultaneous color contrast. Visual Communications and Image Processing. Mainland China.
7. | Ray-chin Wu, Chun-Hsien Chou(2009). A CHANNEL DEPENDENT DISPLAY COLOR CALIBRATION USING THE UNDER COLOR. AIC proceeding. Australia.
8. | Chun-Hsien Chou, Ray-chin Wu, Yun-Hsiang Hsu, Shing-Shi T, Chi-Neng Mo(2009). Skin Color Correction by Eliminating the Simultaneous Color Contrast Effect. The 11th Asian Symposium on Information Display, Digest of Technical Papers. Mainland China.
9. | Shu-Chuan Huang, Chun-Hsien Chou, Chi-Neng Mo, Shih-Meng Chang(2009). An Area-Efficient 12-bit Segmented DAC for LCD Driver ICs. SID 2009 Symposium Digest. R.O.C.
10. | Chun-Hsien Chou, Ray-chin Wu, Chih-Cheng Fu(2008). A New Characterization Model Considered the Channel Interaction and Color Correction,. proceedings international conference on color design and science. R.O.C.
11. | Chun-Hsien Chou, Kou-Cheng Liu, Ping-Hsuan Chung(2008). Perceptually optimized rate control for JPEG2000 coding of color images. Proceedings of 1st International Congress on Image and Signal Processing 2008. Mainland China.
12. | Chun-Hsien Chou, Ray-Chin Wu, Chih-Cheng Fu, Cheng-Chieh Wu, Shing-Shi Tseng, Chien-Lung Tzou, Jia-Ming Huang(2008). Channel-dependent GOG model for colorimetric characterization of LCDs. Digest of Technical paper, 2008 SID(頁 1510-1513). United States of America.
13. | Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu(2007). A perceptually optimized JPEG-LS coder for color images. Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications, 2007. Austria.
14. | Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu(2007). A fidelity metric for assessing visual quality of color images. Proc. Int. Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Processing, 2007. United States of America.
15. | K. C. Liu, Chun-Hsien Chou(2007). Perceptual contrast estimation for color edge detection. EURASIP Int. Conf. on systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2007. Slovenia.
16. | Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu(2006). A perceptually optimized watermarking scheme for color visual information. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems, 2006. Greece.
17. | Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu(2006). Performance analysis of color image watermarking schemes using perceptually redundant signal spaces. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2006. United States of America.
18. | Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu, C. S. Lin(2005). Perceptually optimized JPEG2000 coder based on CIEDE2000 color difference equation. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, Sept. 2005. Italy.
19. | Chun-Hsien Chou, Kuo-Cheng Liu, Chien-Ming Lei(2005). Color image compression exploiting visual information. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Signal Processing and its Applications, 2005. Australia.
20. | Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu(2004). Color image compression using adaptive color quantization. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, 2004. Singapore.
21. | Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu(2004). Perceptually optimized color image watermarking scheme based on CIEDE2000 color difference equation. Proc. Int. Symp. Intelligent Multimedia, Video & Speech Processing, 2004. Hong Kong.
22. | Chun-Hsien Chou, Kuo-Cheng Liu, Po-Yu Lin(2003). An error-resilient video codec based on perceptual 3-D SPIHT algorithm. Proc. EURASIP 4th Conf. Video Processing & Multimedia Communications, 2003. Croatia.
23. | Chun-Hsien Chou, Kuo-Cheng Liu(2002). A color visual model for perceptual redundancy estimation. Proc. 9th Int. Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing. United Kingdom.
24. | (2002). Color image watermarking based on a color visual model. Proc. IEEE 4th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing. R.O.C.
25. | Shu-Chuan Huang, Chun-Hsien Chou, Chih-Cheng Wang, Chi-Neng Mo, Shih-Meng Chang(1999). A Compact 12-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter for LCD Driver ICs. Proc. Intl Display Manufacturing Conference/ 3D Systems and Applications/ Asia Display 2009. R.O.C.
26. | Chun-Hsien Chou(1997). Perceptual Stereo Video Coder Based on Multiresolution Motion Compensation. Proc. 1997 International Workshop on Synthetic and Natural Hybrid Video Coding and 3-Dimentional Ima. Greece.
27. | Chun-Hsien Chou(1996). Low bit rate 3-D subband video coding based on the allocation of just noticeable distortion. Proc. 1996 International Symposium on Image Processing. Switzerland.
28. | Chun-Hsien Chou(1996). A Perceptually Optimized Two-Layer Coding Scheme of Video Signals for Asynchronous Transfer Mode Networks. Proc. 1996 SPIE’s Symposium on Visual Communication and Image Processing. United States of America.
29. | Chun-Hsien Chou(1995). A Perceptually Optimized Pyramid Coding for Efficient Progressive Image Transmission. Proc. SPIEs Photonics East ’95 on Digital Image Storage and Archiving Systems. United States of America.
30. | Chun-Hsien Chou(1995). Adaptive transform coding based on removing just noticeable distortion. Proc. 1995 SPIE’s Symposium on Visual Communication and Image Processing. R.O.C.
31. | Chun-Hsien Chou(1994). A Perceptually Tuned Subband Image Coder Based on the Measure of Just Noticeable Distortion. Proc. 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT’94). R.O.C.
32. | Chun-Hsien Chou(1991). A Probabilistic Model for Quadtree Representation of Binary Pictures. Proc. 1991 SPIE’s Symposium on Visual Communication and Image Processing. United States of America.
33. | Chun-Hsien Chou(1991). A Generalized VLSI Architecture for 2-D Windowing Processes. Proc. 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Singapore. Singapore.
34. | Y. C. Chen, Chun-Hsien Chou(1991). VLSI Architectures in Real-Time Interframe Coding for HDTV Applications. Proc. 1991 IEEE Workshop on Visual Signal Processing and Communications. Italy.
35. | Chun-Hsien Chou, Y. C. Chen(1989). A Parallel Motion Estimation Algorithm for Interframe Image Coding. Proc. Telecommunication Symposium, 1989. R.O.C.
36. | C. D. Chen, Chun-Hsien Chou, Y. C. Chen(1988). Systolic Array Architecture for Motion Estimation in Image Sequence Coding. Proc. International Computer Symposium, 1988. United States of America.
37. | H. C. Ting, Chun-Hsien Chou, Y. C. Chen(1988). Motion-Compensated Adaptive Coder Using Buffer Control Strategy. Proc. International Computer Symposium, 1988. United States of America.