大同大學 教職員資料 (Information of TTU Faculty & Staff)
基本資料 (Basic Info)
姓名:周俊賢 (Chou, Chun-Hsien) 教授
電話:02-25925252 ext 3482  
學歷 (Education)
國立清華大學 電機工程研究所 博士 (1986/9 ~ 1990/2)
國立清華大學 電機工程研究所 碩士 (1984/9 ~ 1986/6)
經歷 (Experience)
大同大學 電機工程學系/研究所 專任教授 (1996/9 ~ 今)
工研院 電通所 顧問 (1998/8 ~ 1999/7)
大同大學 電機工程學系/研究所 專任副教授 (1990/6 ~ 1996/8)
美國AT&T貝爾實驗室(Murry Hill) Dept. of Digital Computing 博士後研究員 (1991/8 ~ 1992/9)
    電機技師 (1981 ~ 1990)
專長 (Specialty)
彩色影像與視訊信號處理,VLSI訊號處理,計算機架構 Color image and video processing
計算機架構與平行處理 Computer architecture and parallel processing
資料壓縮 Data compression
立體影像/視訊之製作與處理 Generation and processing of stereo contents
適於積體電路實現之訊號處理 VLSI signal processing
開授課程 (Course)
高等計算機結構 Advanced computer architecture
計算機結構 Computer architecture
數位影像處理 Digital image processing
數位視訊通信 Digital video communication
電子學(二) Microelectronics(2)
專 利 (Patent)
1. 周俊賢 李宗澔 林仁傑 廖淑敏, "影像放大之補點方法," 中華民國發明專利第 I 284861 號
1. 非平面發光二極體陣列之環掃體積式三維顯示研究,2014/8/1 ~ 2015/8/31
2. 基於旋轉發光二極體陣列之環掃體積式三維顯示研究,2013/8/1 ~ 2014/8/31
3. 基於量度結構失真及無須校準定位之影像相似度量尺研究,2012/8/1 ~ 2013/8/31
4. 基於影像結構失真與可視失真之畫質量尺研究,2011/8/1 ~ 2012/7/31
5. 無需參考原始影像之客觀數位影像品質量尺研究,2009/8/1 ~ 2010/7/31
6. 評估彩色影像視覺品質之量尺研究,2008/8/1 ~ 2009/7/31
7. 穩定視訊品質之Motion JPEG2000的緩衝控制研究,2007/8/1 ~ 2008/7/31
8. 經彩色視效最佳化之JPEG2000位元率控制研究,2006/8/1 ~ 2007/7/31
9. 基於均勻色差量度與人眼幾何特徵之數位影像紅眼缺陷的全自動化偵測及校正研究,2005/8/1 ~ 2006/7/31
10. 估測彩色影像視覺多餘量之通用視覺模型及該模型應用於影像壓縮暨浮水印相關技術之研究,2004/8/1 ~ 2005/7/31
11. 基於人類彩色視覺模型發展無需原始影像訊號解碼之彩色浮水印技術,2002/8/1 ~ 2003/7/31
12. 藏入彩色浮水印於彩色影像的數位浮水印技術,2001/8/1 ~ 2002/7/31
13. 結合經由人類視覺特性最佳化之小波轉換編碼及追蹤比對編碼的彩色影像壓縮研究,2000/8/1 ~ 2001/7/31
14. 基於消除可視失真之低位元率立體影像編碼研究,1999/8/1 ~ 2000/7/31
15. 基於插補法與視效編碼之多視點立體影像觀覽系統,1998/8/1 ~ 1999/7/31
16. 基於階層式移動向量估測及人類視覺系統之立體視訊編碼,1997/8/1 ~ 1998/7/31
17. 利用視覺心理效應最佳化之無線視訊通訊,1996/8/1 ~ 1997/7/31
18. 利用人類視覺系統於三維離散餘弦轉換之彩色視訊編碼器,1995/8/1 ~ 1996/7/31
19. 基於消除臨界可視失真信號的金字塔結構影像之漸近傳輸研究,1994/8/1 ~ 1995/7/31
20. 在非同步傳輸模式網路上經視覺效應調適及考慮封包遺失效應之可變速率視訊編解器之研究,1994/8/1 ~ 1995/7/31
21. 次頻帶編碼之三維正交反映濾波器的超大型積體電路架構研究,1993/8/1 ~ 1994/7/31
22. 經視覺效應調適之三維次頻帶視訊編碼研究,1993/8/1 ~ 1994/7/31
23. 在非同步傳輸網路上傳送視訊信號之兩層式編碼架構,1992/8/1 ~ 1993/7/31
1. 基於無人飛機自主巡飛之貨架空間檢測研究,2018/8/1 ~ 2019/7/31
2. 基於同質性的結構特徵之無須校準影像品質量尺研究,2012/10/1 ~ 2013/12/31
3. 人類立體視覺之探討與立體呈像顯示器製作原理之研究,2012/5/1 ~ 2014/5/31
4. 以彩色液晶顯示器為例之基礎學理探究,2012/5/1 ~ 2014/5/31
5. 以彩色液晶顯示器為例之基礎學理探究,2012/5/1 ~ 2014/5/31
6. 基於人眼感知靈敏度的影像品質量測,2011/9/1 ~ 2012/7/15
7. 經濟部學研聯合計畫_智慧型織物_軟性電子驅動IC之研究,2009/6/1 ~ 2010/5/31
8. 針對液晶顯示器之基於影像內容的喜好色Gamma校正,2008/8/1 ~ 2009/7/31
9. 具功率及面積效率之液晶顯示器行驅動電路,2008/8/1 ~ 2009/7/31
10. 華映色序法顯示器之色彩特性量測及喜好色的Gamma校正,2007/8/1 ~ 2008/7/31
11. 基於常色相及亮度局部特性可適性彩色濾波器矩陣內插法設計與實現,2006/9/1 ~ 2007/7/15
期刊論文 (Journal Paper)
1. Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu, W. Y. Lee(2011). Hybrid demosaicking scheme for artifact suppression around edges. Proc. Int. Journal of Electronics and Communications, 65(5), 468-475. SCIE(SCI)
2. Chun-Hsien Chou, Kou-Cheng Liu(2010). A perceptually tuned watermarking scheme for color images. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 19(11), 957-974. SCIE(SCI)
3. K. C. Liu, Chun-Hsien Chou(2009). Robust and transparent watermarking scheme for colour images. IET Image Processing, 3(4). SCIE(SCI)
4. Chun-Hsien Chou, Kou-Cheng Liu(2008). Color Image Compression Based on the Measure of Just Noticeable Color Difference. IET Image Processing, 2(6). SCIE(SCI)
5. Kou-Cheng Liu, Chun-Hsien Chou(2008). Locally Adaptive Perceptual Compression for Color Images. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, (8). SCIE(SCI)
6. K. C. Liu, Chun-Hsien Chou(2007). Robustness comparison of color image watermarking schemes in uniform and non-uniform color spaces. Int. Journal Computer Science and Network Security, 7(7).
7. Chun-Hsien Chou, Tung-Lin Wu(2003). Embedding Color Watermarks in Color Images. EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, 1. SCIE(SCI)
8. C. H. Chou, C. W. Chen(1996). A Perceptually Optimized 3-D Subband Codec for Video Communication over Wireless Channels. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 6(2). SCIE(SCI)
9. C. H. Chou, Y. C. Li(1995). A Perceptually Tuned Subband Image Coder Based on the Measure of Just Noticeable Distortion. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 5(6). SCIE(SCI)
10. C. H. Chou(1991). VLSI Architectures for High-Speed and Flexible Two-Dimensional Digital Filters. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 39(11). SCIE(SCI)
11. C. H. Chou, Y. C. Chen(1990). Moment-Preserving Pattern Matching. Pattern Recognition, 23(5). SCIE(SCI)
12. C. H. Chou, Y. C. Chen(1989). A VLSI Architechture for Real-Time and Flexible image Template Matching. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, (10). SCIE(SCI)
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
1. Chun-Hsien Chou, Yun-Hsiang Hsu(2013). Translation insensitive assessment of image quality based on measuring the homogeneity of correspondence. Proc. 2013 APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference (ASC). R.O.C.
2. Chun-Hsien Chou, Yun-Hsiang Hsu(2013). Quality Assessment of Color Images Based on the Measure of Just Noticeable Color Difference. Proc. 2013 5th International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing. Hong Kong.
3. Chun-Hsien Chou, Yun-Hsiang Hsu(2011). Image Quality Assessment Based on Measuring the Degradation in Geometrical Structural Information. Proceedings of 2011 APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference. Mainland China.
4. Chun-Hsien Chou, Yun-Hsiang Hsu(2011). Image Quality Assessment Based on Binary Structure Information. Proceeding of CIS 2011. Mainland China.
5. 黃繼遠、周俊賢、曹耕毓、蔡清山、葉正濤、郭俞麟、陳幹男、李振良(2010)。軟性顯示器與織物結合之研究-智能型織物(98-EC-17-A-11-S2-0002。第三屆兩岸紡織科技研討會Mainland China。
6. Chun-Hsien Chou, Ray-chin Wu, Yun-Hsiang Hsu, Shing-Shi Tsheng(2010). The analysis on the perception shift of skin colors due to simultaneous color contrast. Visual Communications and Image Processing. Mainland China.
7. Ray-chin Wu, Chun-Hsien Chou(2009). A CHANNEL DEPENDENT DISPLAY COLOR CALIBRATION USING THE UNDER COLOR. AIC proceeding. Australia.
8. Chun-Hsien Chou, Ray-chin Wu, Yun-Hsiang Hsu, Shing-Shi T, Chi-Neng Mo(2009). Skin Color Correction by Eliminating the Simultaneous Color Contrast Effect. The 11th Asian Symposium on Information Display, Digest of Technical Papers. Mainland China.
9. Shu-Chuan Huang, Chun-Hsien Chou, Chi-Neng Mo, Shih-Meng Chang(2009). An Area-Efficient 12-bit Segmented DAC for LCD Driver ICs. SID 2009 Symposium Digest. R.O.C.
10. Chun-Hsien Chou, Ray-chin Wu, Chih-Cheng Fu(2008). A New Characterization Model Considered the Channel Interaction and Color Correction,. proceedings international conference on color design and science. R.O.C.
11. Chun-Hsien Chou, Kou-Cheng Liu, Ping-Hsuan Chung(2008). Perceptually optimized rate control for JPEG2000 coding of color images. Proceedings of 1st International Congress on Image and Signal Processing 2008. Mainland China.
12. Chun-Hsien Chou, Ray-Chin Wu, Chih-Cheng Fu, Cheng-Chieh Wu, Shing-Shi Tseng, Chien-Lung Tzou, Jia-Ming Huang(2008). Channel-dependent GOG model for colorimetric characterization of LCDs. Digest of Technical paper, 2008 SID(頁 1510-1513). United States of America.
13. Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu(2007). A perceptually optimized JPEG-LS coder for color images. Proc. IASTED Int. Conf. on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications, 2007. Austria.
14. Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu(2007). A fidelity metric for assessing visual quality of color images. Proc. Int. Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Processing, 2007. United States of America.
15. K. C. Liu, Chun-Hsien Chou(2007). Perceptual contrast estimation for color edge detection. EURASIP Int. Conf. on systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2007. Slovenia.
16. Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu(2006). A perceptually optimized watermarking scheme for color visual information. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems, 2006. Greece.
17. Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu(2006). Performance analysis of color image watermarking schemes using perceptually redundant signal spaces. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2006. United States of America.
18. Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu, C. S. Lin(2005). Perceptually optimized JPEG2000 coder based on CIEDE2000 color difference equation. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, Sept. 2005. Italy.
19. Chun-Hsien Chou, Kuo-Cheng Liu, Chien-Ming Lei(2005). Color image compression exploiting visual information. Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Signal Processing and its Applications, 2005. Australia.
20. Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu(2004). Color image compression using adaptive color quantization. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing, 2004. Singapore.
21. Chun-Hsien Chou, K. C. Liu(2004). Perceptually optimized color image watermarking scheme based on CIEDE2000 color difference equation. Proc. Int. Symp. Intelligent Multimedia, Video & Speech Processing, 2004. Hong Kong.
22. Chun-Hsien Chou, Kuo-Cheng Liu, Po-Yu Lin(2003). An error-resilient video codec based on perceptual 3-D SPIHT algorithm. Proc. EURASIP 4th Conf. Video Processing & Multimedia Communications, 2003. Croatia.
23. Chun-Hsien Chou, Kuo-Cheng Liu(2002). A color visual model for perceptual redundancy estimation. Proc. 9th Int. Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing. United Kingdom.
24. (2002). Color image watermarking based on a color visual model. Proc. IEEE 4th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing. R.O.C.
25. Shu-Chuan Huang, Chun-Hsien Chou, Chih-Cheng Wang, Chi-Neng Mo, Shih-Meng Chang(1999). A Compact 12-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter for LCD Driver ICs. Proc. Intl Display Manufacturing Conference/ 3D Systems and Applications/ Asia Display 2009. R.O.C.
26. Chun-Hsien Chou(1997). Perceptual Stereo Video Coder Based on Multiresolution Motion Compensation. Proc. 1997 International Workshop on Synthetic and Natural Hybrid Video Coding and 3-Dimentional Ima. Greece.
27. Chun-Hsien Chou(1996). Low bit rate 3-D subband video coding based on the allocation of just noticeable distortion. Proc. 1996 International Symposium on Image Processing. Switzerland.
28. Chun-Hsien Chou(1996). A Perceptually Optimized Two-Layer Coding Scheme of Video Signals for Asynchronous Transfer Mode Networks. Proc. 1996 SPIE’s Symposium on Visual Communication and Image Processing. United States of America.
29. Chun-Hsien Chou(1995). A Perceptually Optimized Pyramid Coding for Efficient Progressive Image Transmission. Proc. SPIEs Photonics East ’95 on Digital Image Storage and Archiving Systems. United States of America.
30. Chun-Hsien Chou(1995). Adaptive transform coding based on removing just noticeable distortion. Proc. 1995 SPIE’s Symposium on Visual Communication and Image Processing. R.O.C.
31. Chun-Hsien Chou(1994). A Perceptually Tuned Subband Image Coder Based on the Measure of Just Noticeable Distortion. Proc. 1994 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT’94). R.O.C.
32. Chun-Hsien Chou(1991). A Probabilistic Model for Quadtree Representation of Binary Pictures. Proc. 1991 SPIE’s Symposium on Visual Communication and Image Processing. United States of America.
33. Chun-Hsien Chou(1991). A Generalized VLSI Architecture for 2-D Windowing Processes. Proc. 1991 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Singapore. Singapore.
34. Y. C. Chen, Chun-Hsien Chou(1991). VLSI Architectures in Real-Time Interframe Coding for HDTV Applications. Proc. 1991 IEEE Workshop on Visual Signal Processing and Communications. Italy.
35. Chun-Hsien Chou, Y. C. Chen(1989). A Parallel Motion Estimation Algorithm for Interframe Image Coding. Proc. Telecommunication Symposium, 1989. R.O.C.
36. C. D. Chen, Chun-Hsien Chou, Y. C. Chen(1988). Systolic Array Architecture for Motion Estimation in Image Sequence Coding. Proc. International Computer Symposium, 1988. United States of America.
37. H. C. Ting, Chun-Hsien Chou, Y. C. Chen(1988). Motion-Compensated Adaptive Coder Using Buffer Control Strategy. Proc. International Computer Symposium, 1988. United States of America.