1. | Shang-Lin Hsieh, Ke-Ren Chen, Chun-Che Chen, Ching-Long Yeh(2014). An Unfixed-position Smartphone-based Fall Detection Scheme. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. United States of America.
2. | Chao-Lung Lee, Yun-Maw Cheng, Wai Yu, Ching-Long Yeh, Li-Chieh Chen, Kuan-Ta Chen(2008). Surfing in the Crowd: Feasibility Study of Experience Sharing in a Taiwanese Night Market. Proceedings of the OZCHI 2008. Australia.
3. | Chao-Lung Lee, Yun-Maw Cheng, Wai Yu, Ching-Long Yeh, Li-Chieh Chen, Kuan-Ta Chen(2008). Information Marketplace: Supporting Experience Sharing in Proximity Using Mobile Technology. Proceedings of the OZCHI 2008. Australia.
4. | Ching-Long Yeh, Yun-Maw Cheng, Li-Chieh Chen(2008). Development of an Integrated Platform for Social Collaborations Based on Semantic Peer Network. IEEE International Conference on SUTC 08. R.O.C.
5. | Tsang-Long Pao, Yun-Maw Cheng, Jun-Heng Yeh, Yu-Te Chen(2008). Comparison Between Weighted D-KNN and Other Classifiers for Music Emotion Recognition. ICICIC2008. Mainland China.
6. | Yun-Maw Cheng, Tzu-Chuan Chou, Wai Yu, Li-Chieh Chen, Ching-Long Yeh, Meng-Chang Chen(2007). Life is Sharable: Mechanisms to Support and Sustain Blogging Life Experience. In the 16th International World Wide Web Conference. Canada.
7. | Ching-Long Yeh, Shih-Hsu Wu(2007). Development of ebXML Application System Using Agent Technology. Proc. of International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology. Hong Kong.
8. | Ching-Long Yeh, Peng-Da Qiou(2006). Design Configuration of Composite Services on Semantic Web. Proc. ofInternational Workshop on Web Technologies and Information Security Paper Submission System. India.
9. | Ching-Long Yeh, Yan-Lin Lee(2006). Knowledge-based Course Content Management Using Semantic Blog. Proc. of 4th AEARU Workshop of Network Education. R.O.C.
10. | Ching-Long Yeh, Shih-Hsu Wu(2006). Design of an ebXML Application System for Small and Medium Enterprises. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PACIFIC RIM MANAGEMENT. United States of America.
11. | Ching-Long Yeh, Yi-Chun Chen(2005). Creation of topic map with shallow parsing in Chinese. EEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (). United States of America.
12. | Ching-Long Yeh, Yi-Chun Chen(2005). Using topic identification in information retrieval. The 9th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC 2005). Spain.
13. | Josef Leung, Ching-Long Yeh(2005). Natural language Processing for verbatim text coding and data mining report generation. Proceedings of the 50th European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research Congress. United Kingdom.
14. | Ching-Long Yeh(2004). Syntax-directed transformation of RDF. Poster presentation in the Second Asian Symposium on Programm. R.O.C.
15. | Ching-Long Yeh, Yi-Chun Chen(2004). Creation of topic map by identifying topic chain in Chinese. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng2004). United States of America.
16. | Ching-Long Yeh, Yi-Chun Chen(2004). Topic identification in Chinese based on centering model. Proc. of ACL 2004 Workshop on Reference Resolution and its Applications, Barcelona, Spain. Spain.
17. | Ching-Long Yeh, Yi-Chun Chen(2003). Using zero anaphora resolution to improve text categorization. Proceedings of PACLIC17, 2003 Sentosa. Singapore.
18. | Ching-Long Yeh, Yi-Chun Chen(2003). Zero anaphora resolution in Chinese with partial parsing based on centering theory. Proceedings of Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLP-KE03). Mainland China.
19. | Ching-Long Yeh, Shih-Kung Chiu(2002). A home automation system based on agent architecture. Proc. of International Computer Symposium 2002. R.O.C.
20. | Ching-Long Yeh(2002). Development of an ontology-based portal for digital archive services. International Conference on Digital Archive Technologies (ICDAT2002). R.O.C.
21. | Ching-Long Yeh(2002). Application of Chinese natural language generation in Semantic Web. Proc. of the IASTED International Conference: Information Systems and Databases. Japan.
22. | Ching-Long Yeh, Yi-Liang Lu(2000). Design and Implementation of Interactive Electronic Technical Manual Based on XML Object Database. Proc. of Workshop: Software Engineering and Database Systems, International Computer Symposium. R.O.C.
23. | Ching-Long Yeh(2000). A logic programming approach to supporting the entries of XML documents in an object database. n E. Pontelli and V. S. Costa (eds.), Practical Aspect of Declarative Languages. Singapore.
24. | Ching-Long Yeh, Hong-Chao Chen(1999). An extensible template-based query interface to accessing XML object databases. Proc. of 1999 International Symposium on Multimedia Information Processing.. R.O.C.
25. | Ching-Long Yeh, Yi-Jun Chen(1999). A video content query system implemented on an object database. Proc. of 1999 International Symposium on Multimedia Information Processing.. R.O.C.
26. | Ching-Long Yeh(1997). On the discourse segmentation in Chinese natural language generation. Proc. of the 8th Intl. Conf. on Cognitive Proc. of Asian Lang. and Symp. on Brain, Cognition, and Co. Japan.
27. | Ching-Long Yeh, Chris Mellish(1995). An empirical study on the generation of descriptions for nominal anaphors in Chinese.. Proceeding Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing. Bulgaria.
28. | Ching-Long Yeh(1994). An empirical study on the generation of zero anaphors in Chinese. Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics(COLING-94). Japan.