大同大學 教職員資料 (Information of TTU Faculty & Staff)
基本資料 (Basic Info)
姓名:謝禎冏 (Hsieh, Chen-Chiung) 教授
電話:02-21822928 X 6571  
學歷 (Education)
交通大學 資訊工程研究所 博士 (1988/9 ~ 1992/10)
交通大學 計算機工程研究所 碩士 (1986/9 ~ 1988/6)
交通大學 計算機工程系 學士 (1982/9 ~ 1986/6)
經歷 (Experience)
大同大學 工程學院 院長 (2024/8 ~ 今)
大同大學 工程學院 人工智慧實驗室負責人 (2019/1 ~ 今)
大同大學 資訊工程系 教授 (2015/8 ~ 今)
大同大學 工程學院 副院長 (2023/2/1 ~ 2024/7/31)
大同大學 電資學院 副院長 (2021/9 ~ 2023/1/31)
大同大學 資訊工程系 副系主任 (2018/10 ~ 2021/9)
大同大學 資訊工程系 副教授 (2010/8 ~ 2015/7)
大同大學 研發處學術合作組 主任 (2012/8 ~ 2014/7)
大同大學 研發處產學建教組 主任 (2011/8 ~ 2014/7)
大同大學 研發處產學建教組 副主任 (2009/8 ~ 2011/7)
大同大學 資訊工程系 助理教授 (2006/2 ~ 2010/7)
宏碁股份有限公司 產品價值創新中心 Senior Director (2004/2 ~ 2006/2)
資訊工業策進會 整合技術實驗室 副主任 (2002/8 ~ 2004/1)
資訊工業策進會 多媒體實驗室 副主任 (1999/8 ~ 2002/7)
資訊工業策進會 特種系統處 計畫主持人 (1996/7 ~ 1999/7)
資訊工業策進會 技術研究處 資深工程師 (1992/12 ~ 1996/6)
交通大學 資訊工程系 講師 (1990/9 ~ 1992/1)
專長 (Specialty)
人工智慧 Artificial Intelligence
雲端處理與資料庫設計 Cloud Processing and Database Design
電腦視覺 Computer Vision
深度學習 Deep Learning
數位視訊/影像處理 Digital Video/Image Processing
圖型識別 Pattern Recognition
開授課程 (Course)
高等資料庫 Advanced Database Management System
演算法 Algorithm
手機APP程式設計 Cell Phone APP Design
程式設計(一) (二) Computer Programming (I) (II)
電腦視覺 Computer Vision
資料探勘 Data Mining
資料結構 Data Structure
資料庫管理系統 DBMS
多媒體技術 Digital Multimedia
數位視訊處理 Digital Video Processing
手持式裝置程式設計 Hand-held Device Programming
影像處理 Image Processing
互動電視 Interactive TV
物件導向程式設計 Object Oriented Programming
圖型識別 Pattern Recognition
圖型識別 Pattern Recognition
視窗程式設計 Windows Programming
獎勵 (Award)
2021 ITS 智慧運輸應用獎 (中華智慧運輸協會 2021-12-09)
The Best Paper Award (2019 IEEE ECICE 2019-10-06)
2019 全國大專校院軟體創作競賽,值得注目獎 (中央大學 2019-04-28)
全國智慧機器人與智慧生活創意競賽,B組:工業4.0智慧巡軌避障移動平台競賽(大專組),佳作 (萬能大學 2018-12-12)
科技部107年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 (科技部 2018-08-01)
華博杯第二名 (天津泰達 2018-07-03)
科技部104年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 (科技部 2015-09-09)
華映102年度特優產學合作案 (華映 2014-10-03)
科技部103年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 (科技部 2014-08-01)
國科會102年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 (國科會 2013-08-01)
國科會100年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 (國科會 2011-08-01)
國科會99年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才 (國科會 2010-08-01)
服務 (Service)
1. 資工系副系主任 (2019-10-01 ~ 今)
2. 再興中學模擬面試口試委員 (2016-04-01 ~ 今)
3. 擔任大同大學資工系、電資學院評議委員 (2015-08-01 ~ 今)
4. Signal, Image and Video Processing (SCI) Reviewer (2013-06-01 ~ 今)
5. Pattern Recognition (SCI) Reviewer (2012-03-01 ~ 今)
6. Pattern Recognition Letter (SCI) Reviewer (2012-01-01 ~ 今)
7. 校務會議代表 (2009-08-01 ~ 今)
8. J. of Visual Comm. and Imag Repr.(SCI) Reviewer (2008-12-01 ~ 今)
9. 導師 (2006-09-01 ~ 今)
10. 資工系課程委員 (2006-09-01 ~ 今)
11. JISE (SCI) Reviewer (2006-08-01 ~ 今)
12. 大同高中AI課程教授 (2019-09-01 ~ 2020-01-31)
13. 國科會審查委員 (2013-06-01 ~ 2013-07-31)
14. 國科會審查委員 (2013-05-01 ~ 2013-05-31)
15. 研發處學術合作組主任 (2012-08-01 ~ 2014-07-31)
16. PAAP 2012 Reviewer (2012-07-01 ~ 2012-12-31)
17. 百齡高中大學甄選入學模擬面試口試委員 (2012-03-01 ~ 2013-04-30)
18. 研發處產學建教組主任 (2011-08-01 ~ 2014-07-31)
19. IEEE ICSSE 2010 Technical Program Committee (2010-03-01 ~ 2010-07-31)
20. 2010資訊科技與應用產學研討會 Committee member (2010-02-01 ~ 2010-06-30)
21. NCS 2009 Image Processing Session Chair (2009-11-01 ~ 2009-11-30)
22. 研發處產學建教組副主任 (2009-08-01 ~ 2011-07-31)
23. NCS 2009 Reviewer (2009-08-01 ~ 2009-08-31)
24. 2009資訊科技與應用產學研討會 Committee member (2009-03-01 ~ 2009-06-30)
25. IJCSIE Associate Editor (2009-01-01 ~ 2010-09-30)
26. The 4th IEEE SOSE program committee member (2008-03-01 ~ 2008-12-31)
27. ITRI 量測中心顧問 (2008-03-01 ~ 2008-11-30)
28. NCS 2007 Reviewer (2007-12-01 ~ 2007-12-31)
29. 2007 ICIC Reviewer (2007-06-01 ~ 2007-08-31)
30. 12th Interna. Conf. on Fuzzy Theory & Technology (2007-03-01 ~ 2007-07-31)
專 利 (Patent)
1. 王大軍、何文楨、謝禎冏, "跳舞練習機," 智財局專利證書第207024號
2. 謝禎冏、趙象華, "工程圖尺寸標示自動偵測方法," 中標局專利證書第123607號, 2000年11月1日至2019年1月31日
3. 謝禎冏、趙象華、施保旭、陳良華、王景裕, "地圖影像資料之圖文分離法," 中標局專利證書第090433號, 1997年11月11日至2015年7月26日
4. 謝禎冏、劉東樺、連明賢、羅國華、游詳閔, "以视讯为基础的游标控制装置及其控制方法," 证书号第809870号
5. 謝禎冏、蔡明仁、劉東樺, "視訊手寫文字輸入裝置及其方法," 中華民國發明專利第I 382352號,Jan 2013
6. 謝禎冏、邱耀德, "Method and System for Operating Electronic Apparatus," US patent 8,339,359 B2, Dec. 2012
7. 謝禎冏, 劉東樺, 連明賢, 羅國華, 游詳閔, "以視訊為基礎之游標控制裝置與方法," 中華民國發明專利第I 366780, June 2012
8. 李志偉,呂威震,謝禎冏,劉東樺, "可調式網格視訊偵測與監控之方法與系統," 專利編號I411300
9. Cheng-Yuan Ho, I-Heng Meng, and Chen-Chiung Hsieh, "Virtual mouse driving apparatus and virtual mouse simulation method," US patent 9,218,060 B2
10. 謝禎冏,吳文豪, "影像合成方法與影像處理裝置," 中華民國發明專利第I537875號, June 2016
11. 謝禎冏(本校教師)、吳文豪(學生), "Image Fusion Method and Image Processing Apparatus," US 9558-543-B2
1. 穿各式服裝下自動量測 人體各部位尺寸大專生研究計畫:韓碩頤 ,2023/7/1 ~ 2024/2/28
2. 以深度學習與霍式轉換進行軌道扣件定位與缺失辨識大專生研究計畫:江婷恩 ,2022/7/1 ~ 2023/2/28
3. 圖像標註之智慧標籤資料庫技術,2019/7/1 ~ 2020/2/29
4. 具避障能力之智慧自主四軸飛行器,2017/8/1 ~ 2018/7/31
5. 具避障能力之智慧自主四軸飛行器,2017/8/1 ~ 2018/7/31
6. 手勢辨識之空中滑鼠APP,2016/8/1 ~ 2017/7/31
7. 網站安全驗證碼健診與攻防,2015/8/1 ~ 2016/7/31
8. 抗機器辨識之先進網站驗證碼國科會 2014/8/1 ~ 2015/7/31
9. 低緩衝需求及零延遲之廣播式隨選視訊國科會 2013/8/1 ~ 2014/7/31
10. 影像物件移除之自動填補技術國科會 2013/7/1 ~ 2014/2/28
11. 基於五官及區域特徵之3D人臉辨識國科會 2011/11/1 ~ 2012/10/31
12. 反向序列廣播之單一頻道隨選視訊研究與實作國科會 2011/8/1 ~ 2012/7/31
13. ZEN -〝輕安一心〞創意禪修空間研究(3/3)國科會 共同主持人 ,2010/11/1 ~ 2011/10/31
14. 產學合作計畫-智慧型道路安全監控系統(2/2)國科會 2010/10/1 ~ 2011/9/30
15. 數位電視廣播環境下之單一頻道隨選視訊之研究與實作國科會 2010/8/1 ~ 2011/7/31
16. ZEN -〝輕安一心〞創意禪修空間研究(2/3)國科會 共同主持人 ,2009/11/1 ~ 2010/10/31
17. 產學合作計畫-智慧型道路安全監控系統(1/2)國科會 2009/10/1 ~ 2010/9/30
18. 以視訊為基礎之手寫輸入與操作系統(2/2)國科會 2009/8/1 ~ 2010/7/31
19. ZEN -〝輕安一心〞創意禪修空間研究(1/3)國科會 共同主持人 ,2008/11/1 ~ 2009/10/31
20. 以視訊為基礎之手寫輸入與操作系統(1/2)國科會 2008/8/1 ~ 2009/7/31
21. 結合人臉與運動偵測之人數計算系統國科會 2008/8/1 ~ 2009/7/31
22. 3D Image Display without Glasses國科會 2008/7/1 ~ 2009/2/28
23. 以俯視MPEG視訊為基礎之即時物件計數系統國科會 2006/11/1 ~ 2007/10/31
24. 以向量群聚為基礎之多動態物體偵測與追蹤系統國科會 2006/1/1 ~ 2006/12/31
1. 異質檔案內文辨識及摘整技術,2024/7/20 ~ 2024/11/30
2. 研華物聯網創新/人才培育-AIoT Innoworks,2024/3/18 ~ 2024/9/30
3. 研華物聯網創新/人才培育-AIoT InnoWorks,2023/3/1 ~ 2023/12/31
4. 捷運軌道巡檢,2022/1/1 ~ 2022/9/30
5. 軌道扣件缺失人工智慧辨識現地測試及精進研究,2021/2/27 ~ 2021/11/30
6. 會議人臉與聲音方位偵測技術開發,2020/12/16 ~ 2021/12/15
7. 軌道扣件巡檢系統建置(2/2)-扣件缺失辨識系統精進驗證,2020/2/26 ~ 2020/12/7
8. 樂活生活館系統設計第二階段,2019/10/1 ~ 2019/12/31
9. 大同寶寶機器人延伸優化計畫-子計畫五,2019/4/1 ~ 2019/12/31
10. 大同寶寶機器人延伸優化計畫-子計畫五,2019/4/1 ~ 2019/12/31
11. 軌道扣件巡檢系統建置(1/2)-扣件缺失辨識系統建置研究,2019/2/18 ~ 2019/12/31
12. 107辦理人工智慧系列課程計畫,2018/12/1 ~ 2020/7/31
13. 使用深度學習偵測障礙物距離與異質訊息融合,2018/10/1 ~ 2019/7/31
14. 維修視覺化輔助應用,2018/8/1 ~ 2019/7/31
15. 維修視覺化輔助應用,2018/8/1 ~ 2019/7/31
16. 產協網站建置計畫,2018/4/1 ~ 2019/6/30
17. 產協網站建置計畫,2018/4/1 ~ 2019/6/30
18. 智慧居家安全照護技術發展第二期總計畫暨子計畫三,2018/1/1 ~ 2018/11/30
19. 熱影像與可見光影像的運動物體自動比對,2017/2/1 ~ 2018/1/31
20. 大同寶寶機器人計畫,2017/2/1 ~ 2018/10/31
21. 熱影像與可見光影像的運動物體自動比對,2017/2/1 ~ 2018/1/31
22. 智慧居家安全照護技術發展總計畫暨子計畫三,2017/1/1 ~ 2017/11/30
23. 機器人智慧人機介面,2015/3/1 ~ 2016/2/28
24. 即時人臉與手勢辨識,2014/3/1 ~ 2015/2/28
25. 智能監控系統,2013/3/1 ~ 2014/2/8
26. 具抵禦攻擊能力之網路交易驗證碼機制研究,2012/10/1 ~ 2013/12/31
27. 使用道路已架設攝影機影像之車牌偵測系統,2012/5/14 ~ 2012/9/20
28. 智慧型道路車輛及行人安全監控系統,2009/3/1 ~ 2009/8/31
29. 資通訊領域人才培訓計畫-數位家庭-電腦視覺於家庭保全之應用,2009/3/1 ~ 2010/2/28
30. 視訊手勢辨識與應用研究計畫,2009/3/1 ~ 2009/8/31
31. DVB/MHP相容性測試環境建立(資訊系統開發建置),2008/9/15 ~ 2008/11/15
32. 超解析度視訊處理,2008/8/1 ~ 2009/7/31
33. 97年度資通訊人才培育先導型計畫-數位電視與廣播教學-互動電視課程發展計畫,2008/4/1 ~ 2009/3/31
34. 97年度資通訊人才培育先導型計畫-手機通訊-手持式裝置應用與趨勢簡介課程發展計畫,2008/4/1 ~ 2009/3/31
35. 奇美通訊手機軟體系統部份工作委託開發計畫案,2007/7/1 ~ 2007/10/5
36. 以視訊為處理對象的手寫文字筆畫抽取,2006/9/1 ~ 2007/7/15
期刊論文 (Journal Paper)
1. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Han-Wen Jia, Wei-Hsin Huang, Mei-Hua Hsih(2024). Deep learning-based road pavement inspection by integrating visual information and IMU. Information, 2024, 15(4), 239, 15(4). EI/Scopus
2. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Chia-Hao Hsu, Wei-Hsin Huang(2024). A Two-Stage Road Sign Detection and Text Recognition System based on YOLOv7. Internet of Things, 27(101330). SCIE(SCI)/EI
3. Li-Kun Huang, Hsiao-Ting Tseng, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Chih-Sin Yang(2023). Deep Learning Based Text Detection Using ResNet for Feature Extraction. Multimedia Tools and Applications, on-line. SCIE(SCI)/EI
4. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Men-Ru Lu, Hsiao-Ting Tseng(2023). Automatic Speaker Positioning in Meetings Based on YOLO and TDOA. Sensors, 23(6250). SCIE(SCI)/EI
5. 謝禎冏、黃維信、謝尚琳、徐倜雲、杜宇豪、賈漢文(2023)。A Comprehensive Detection System of Defective Track Component by Deep Learning。Transportation Planning Journal,Vo1. 52(No. 3),191~220。TSSCI
6. 史美華、謝禎冏、羅妤恩、周雨璇(2023)。以深度學習進行兩階段車輛事故偵測。TATUNG Journal,(38),10。
7. 史美華、林羿緯、謝禎冏(2022)。基於BERT的智能疾病查詢系統。大同學報,37。
8. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Ti-Yun Hsu, Wei-Hsin Huang(2022). An Online Rail Track Fastener Classification System Based on YOLO Models. Sensors, 22(9970), 23. SCIE(SCI)/EI
9. 謝禎冏、林雅雯、黃維信、謝尚琳、洪瑋宏(2021)。基於YOLOv4的軌道缺失扣件偵測系統。中國土木水利工程學刊,33(4),263-272。EI
10. 謝禎冏、林雅雯、謝尚琳、黃維信、洪瑋宏、杜宇豪、賈漢文、徐倜雲(2021)。軌道扣件缺失辨識系統精進研究。港灣季刊,(第120期),pp. 1-8。
12. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Ya-Wen Lin, Li-Hung Tsai, Wei-Hsin Huang, Shang-Lin Hsieh, Wei-Hung Hung(2020). Offline Deep-learning-based Defective Track Fastener Detection and Inspection System. Sensors and Materials, 32(10). SCIE(SCI)
13. Mei-Hua Hsih, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Bin-Han Ho(2020). USING DEEP LEARNING AND MMWAVE RADAR FOR ROAD OBSTACLE IDENTIFICATION. TATUNG Journal, 35(1), 33-44.
14. 謝禎冏、林雅雯、黃維信、謝尚琳、洪瑋宏、李明德(2020)。軌道扣件缺失辨識系統之建置研究。港灣季刊,(116)。
15. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Shin-Han Lee, Hsiao-Tin Tseng, Jun-Hao Chen, Shou-Hua Yen, Hui-Ru Yang, Tz-Lian Lin(2019). A Calligraphy Identification Cloud System based on Deep Learning. Tatung Journal, 35, 1-12.
16. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Chin-Wei Wang, Ming-Lang Tai(2019). A High Efficient Air Mouse using Haar-like Features for Embedded Devices. 中華民國人工智慧學會 (TAAI) AI 技術案例, Dec. 2019.
17. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Shih-Ho Chou, Ton-En Wu, Hsun-Wen Chang(2018). Autonomous Car based on Deep Learning of Road Surface. Tatung Journal, Dec. 2018.
18. Mei-Hua Hsih, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Jian-Xin Yang, Yun-Maw Cheng(2018). Effects on Customers’ Emotion via Changes of Ambient Light and Music in Coffee Shop from Service Design View. Global Review of Research in Tourism, Hospitality, 4(1), 485-501.
19. 謝禎冏、周士禾、吳東恩、張薰文(2018)。基於路面補釘的深度學習自走車。大同學報,33,131-138。
20. 謝禎冏、闕開苗、張薰文(2017)。使用色彩表現模型進行畫素點為基礎之高動態範圍影像融合。大同學報,(32),63-72。
21. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Kai-Miao Chueh, Hsun-Wen Chang(2017). Pixel-based High Dynamic Range Image Fusion using Color Appearance Model. Tatung Journal, XXXII.
22. 謝禎冏、柳孟宏、張薰文(2016)。基於ASM人臉校正之多角度人臉辨識。大同學報,(31)。
23. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Mei-Hua Hsih, Meng-Kai Jiang, Yun-Maw Cheng, En-Hui Liang(2016). Effective semantic features for facial expressions recognition using SVM. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(11). SCIE(SCI)
24. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Yu-Chen Lin, Kai-Miao Cha, Chao-Wei Huang(2016). Location Selection for Versatile Characters of Image Based CAPTCHA. International Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 4(3).
25. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Po-Han Chuan(2016). Patch-based super resolution using 2D hidden markov model. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 19(1). EI
26. Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2015). Face Mole Detection, Classification and Application. Journal of Computer, 10(1). EI
27. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Chih-Chiang Chang(2013). License plate detection using Hough transform and Haar-like cascade classifiers. Journal of Information, Technology and Society, 13(1).
28. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Mansour Karkoub, Wei-Ru Lai, Po-Hong Lin(2013). Visual People Counting using Gender Features and LRU Updating Scheme. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2013. SCIE(SCI)
29. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Dung-Hua Liou(2012). Novel Haar Features for Real Time Hand Gesture Recognition using SVM. Journal of Real Time Image Processing, 2012. SCIE(SCI)
30. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Dung-Hua Liou, Wei-Ru Lai(2012). Enhanced Face-Based Adaptive Skin Color Model. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 15. EI
31. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Bo-Sheng Wu, Chia-Chen Lee(2011). A Distance Computer Vision Assisted Yoga Learning System. Journal of Computers, 6(11). EI
32. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Wei-Hsu Chen(2011). A Face Recognition System based on ASM Facial Components. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 58. EI
33. Bo-Sheng Wu, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Yu-Wei Chen(2011). A Reverse-order Scheduling Scheme for Broadcasting Continuous Multimedia Data over a Single Channel. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 57(3). SCIE(SCI)
34. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Yo-Ping Huang, Yu-Yi Chen, Chiou-Shann Fuh(2011). Video Super-Resolution by Motion Compensated Iterative Back-Projection Approach. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 2011., 27. SCIE(SCI)
35. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Yao-De Chiu, Yun-Maw Cheng, Tai-Wen Yue(2011). Visual Tracking of Palms for Virtual Multi-Point Touch Screen Using Principal Component Analysis. ICIC Express Letters, 5. EI
36. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Wei-Ru Lai, Albert Chiang, Tsang-Long Pao(2010). An Object Behavior Analysis System Based on Decoded Motion Vectors and Boolean Operations. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control (IJICIC), 6(10). SCIE(SCI)
37. Bo-Sheng Wu, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Yu-Wei Chen(2010). Zero-latency Scheduling Scheme for Broadcasting Popular Movies. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 56(4). SCIE(SCI)
38. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Chao-Hsien Lin, Wen-Tsung Chang(2009). Design and Implementation of the Interactive Multimedia Broadcasting Services in DVB-H. IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, 55. SCIE(SCI)
39. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Chao-Hsien Lin(2009). An Implementation of DVB-H based Interactive TV Platform. International Journal of Computer Science and Information Engineering, 14.
40. Mu-Chun Su, Chong-Yi Li, De-Yuan Huang, Shih-Chieh Lin, Gwo-Dong Chen, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Pa-Chun Wang(2008). A Regression-Model-based Approach to Indoor Location Estimation. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 3.
41. Mu-Chun Su, Chien-Hsing Chou, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2005). Fuzzy C-means algorithm with a Point Symmetry Distance. International Journal of Fuzzy System, 7. EI
42. M. C. Su, W. –Z. Lu, Jonathan Lee, G. –D. Chen, C. –C. Hsieh(2005). The MSFAM: A Modified Fuzzy ARTMAP System. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 8.
43. C. C. Hsieh(1994). A second-order on-line model-guided recognition of handwritten Chinese characters. Int. J. of Information Management & Engineering, 1(2).
44. C. C. Hsieh, H. J. Lee(1993). A probabilistic stroke-based Viterbi algorithm for handwritten Chinese characters recognition. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 7.
45. C. C. Hsieh(1992). Off-line recognition of handwritten Chinese characters by on-line model-guided matching. Pattern Recognition, 25.
46. H. J. Lee, C. C. Hsieh(1990). Extraction and matching of multiple moving objects via frame differencing. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 6.
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
1. 邵祥恩、韓碩頤、紀博恩、謝禎冏(2024)。深度學習為基礎之著裝下自動人體尺寸測量技術。第二十二屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會,金門。(頁 5)。R.O.C。
2. Shih-Po Lin, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2024). Chest X-ray Medical Report Generation based on Image Captioning. CVGIP 2024 - 電腦視覺,圖學及影像處理研討會(頁 5). R.O.C.
3. Chia-Hao Hsu, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2024). A Yolov7 based Road Sign Detection and Recognition System, April 19-24, 2024, Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan.. 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Communications, Internet of Things and Big Data(頁 5). R.O.C.
4. Yu-Hao Du, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Han-Wen Chia(2023). Cloud based Defective Track Components Detection using 5G and YOLOv7. International Conference on Control Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (ICCEAI-23), Jan. 12-13,(頁 7). Japan.
5. Han-Chieh Chia, Ke-Sih Yang, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2023). A Real-time System of Two-stage Track Component Classification based on YOLOX-nano and ResNet34. 2023 IEEE ICCE-Taiwan, July 17-19, Kenting, Pingtung(頁 3). R.O.C.
6. 周雨璇、羅妤恩、謝禎冏(2023)。以深度學習進行兩階段道路狀況辨識。2023 TANET & NCS,臺灣網際網路研討會暨全國計算機會議,政大公企中心,Nov. 11/1~11/3, 2023。(頁 6)。R.O.C。
7. Hsiao-Ting Tseng, Yo-Zhan Cheng, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2022). Sentiment Analysis using BERT, LSTM, and Cognitive Dictionary, July 6-8, 2022. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan. R.O.C.
8. Meng-Ju Lu, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, You-Zhan Zheng, Hsiao-Ting Tseng(2022). Automatic Speaker Localization in Conference Based on YOLOX-tiny and TDOA,” , Beitoo, July 6-8, 2022.. 2022 IEEE ICCE-Taiwan. R.O.C.
9. Ti-Yun Hsu, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2022). Elder action recognition based on convolutional neural network and long short-term memory. 2022 IEEE ICCE-Taiwan. R.O.C.
10. 王少雷、劉治佑、謝禎冏(2022)。用 AIoT 實現自動化番茄栽培技術。TANET 2022(頁 1)。R.O.C。
11. 沈昱賢、馬維欣、許祖豪、謝禎冏(2022)。基於深度學習之多型態情緒辨識系統。TANET 2022(頁 1)。R.O.C。
12. 謝禎冏、謝幼屏、賴瑞應、賈漢文、杜宇豪、謝尚琳、黃維信(2021)。一個基於SSD的軌道缺失扣件即時偵測系統。中華民國運輸學會110年學術論文研討會R.O.C。
13. 林羿緯、謝禎冏(2021)。基於BERT的智能疾病查詢系統。臺灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2021)(頁 6)。R.O.C。
14. Jia-Cheng Lin, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2021). A Real-time Posture Recognition System using YOLACT++ and ResNet18. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics–Taiwan. R.O.C.
15. H. T. Tseng, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Ti-Yun Hsu(2021). Elder action recognition based on convolutional neural network and long short-term memory. IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics–Taiwan. R.O.C.
16. Yen-Ting Liu, Mei-Hua Hsih, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2021). An automatic response system based on multilayer perceptual neural network and Web Crawler. The 26th International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence(頁 4). R.O.C.
17. H. T. Tseng, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Wei-Ting Lin, Jyun-Ting Lin(2020). Deep Reinforcement Learnin g for Collision Avoidance of Autonomous Vehicle. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan. R.O.C.
18. Hsiao-Ting Tseng, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Yi-Wei Lin(2020). An Intelligent Disease Query System Based on Rasa NLU. International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C2020). R.O.C.
19. H. T. Tseng, H. H. Huang, C.C. Hsieh(2020). Active Aging AI Community Care Ecosystem Design. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Denmark.
20. 史美華、李豁麟、劉宇哲、王裕宏、謝禎冏(2020)。物品辨識與語音對話系統。TANET 2020臺灣網際網路研討會R.O.C。
21. 謝禎冏、林雅雯、黃維信、謝尚琳、洪瑋宏(2020)。基於 Yolo-v4 的軌道缺失扣件偵測。第十四屆鋪面材料再生及再利用學術研討會暨 2020 永續與創新基礎建設國際研討會R.O.C。
22. 謝禎冏、林奕婷(2019)。以ResNet-32進行人臉表情辨識。Cyberspace 2019R.O.C。
23. Ya-Wen Lin, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Wei-Hsin Huang, Sun-Lin Hsieh, Wei-Hung Hung(2019). Railway Track Fasteners Fault Detection using Deep Learning. IEEE ECICE 2019(頁 187-190). R.O.C.
24. Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2019). High Accuracy Text Detection and Recognition using ResNet as Feature Extraction. IEEE ECICE 2019. R.O.C.
25. 謝禎冏(2018)。具避障能力之智慧自主四軸飛行器。科技部106年度自動化學門成果發表會R.O.C。
26. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Rong-En Hsu(2018). Visible and Infrared Images Fusion Based on Dynamic Programming Matching Using Contours of Moving Objects. Proceedings of Business and Information. Republic of Korea.
27. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, C-W Wang, M-L Tai, Chueh-Wei Chang(2017). A High Efficient Hand Gesture-based Mouse Emulator for Embedded Devices. International Conference on Computer Graphics and Digital Image Processing (CGDIP). Czech Republic.
28. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Kai-Miao Chia(2016). “CAPTCHA checkup by character recognition. Proceedings of Business and Information. Japan.
29. C.C. Hsieh, W.H. Wu(2015). Pixel-based Multi-focus Image Fusion by Color Appearance Model. 2015 International conference on Software Engineering and Information Technology. Mainland China.
30. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Li-Min Leou, Ming-Lang Tai, Kevin Chao, Allen Pan(2014). A real time three-tier smart video surveillance system. Proceedings of Business and Information, ISSN 1729-9322. Japan.
31. Mei-Hua Hsih, Yun-Maw Cheng, Li-Chieh Chen, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2014). To Investigate the Critical Needs of the Coffee Chain Internal Customers from Service Design View. Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Social Science Conference (APSSC 2014). Malaysia.
32. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Yu-Chieh Chang(2013). A hierarchical approach to license plate detection on distant multi-lane vehicles. the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety. Mainland China.
33. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Zong-Yu Wu(2013). Anti-SIFT images based CAPTCHA using versatile characters. the 4th International Conference on Information Science and Applications. Thailand.
34. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Ching-Chang Su, Che-Wei Kao, Hao-Wei Chuang(2012). A Ubiquitous Flora Recognition System Using Color and Shape Signatures. Proceedings of Business and Information. Japan.
35. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Hsiang-Wei Chen, Bo-Sheng Wu(2012). An Implementation of ROS Scheme for Video Broadcasting over a Single Channel. The 27th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications. Japan.
36. Kaung-Pen Chou, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2012). Human action recognition using body signature and hidden Markov model. SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing 2012. United States of America.
37. Chih-Chiang Chang, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2011). License Plate Detection Using Haar-like Cascade Classifiers. 2011 3rd International Conference on Information, Electronic and Computer Science. Mainland China.
38. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Meng-Kai Jiang(2011). A Facial Expression Classification System based on Active Shape Model and Support Vector Machine. Proc. of 2011 International Symposium on Computer Science and Society. Malaysia.
39. Bo-Sheng Wu, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Yu-Wei Chen(2011). Zero- latency Hybrid Scheduling Scheme for Near VOD Services. International Conference on Communication and Broadband Networking, ICCBN. Malaysia.
40. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Wei-Hsu Chen(2011). A Face Recognition System based on ASM Facial Components. International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems (ITMS). Mainland China.
41. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Dung-Hua Liou, Meng-Kai Jiang(2010). Fast Enhanced Face-based Adaptive Skin Color Model. SPIE IPPRIE 2010. Mainland China.
42. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Dung-Hua Liou, Yun-Maw Cheng, Fu-Chiung Cheng(2010). Robust Visual Mouse by motion history image. Proceedings of the International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE 2010). R.O.C.
43. Jian-Chou Chen, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2009). Automatic display quality measurement system. International Conference on Digital Content. Mainland China.
44. Bo-Sheng Chen, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2009). Automatic Display Quality Measurement by Image Processing. the 9th International Meeting on Information Display. Republic of Korea.
45. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Ming-Ren Tsai, Mu-Chun Su(2008). A Fingertip Extraction Method and its Application to Handwritten Alphanumeric Characters Recognition. IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems. Indonesia.
46. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Wei-Ru Lai, Albert Chiang(2008). A Real Time Spatial/Temporal/Motion Integrated Surveillance System in Compressed Domain. Proceedings of the 2008 Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applicatio. R.O.C.
47. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Yo-Ping Huang, Yu-Yi Chen, Chiou-Shann Fuh, Wen-Jen Ho(2008). Video Super-Resolution by Integrated SAD and NCC Matching Criterion for Multiple Moving Objects. the 10th IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging. Austria.
48. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Shu-Shuo Hsu(2007). A Simple and Fast Surveillance System for Human Tracking and Behavior Analysis. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-based Syst. Mainland China.
49. M. C. Su, D. Y. Huang, C. H. Chou, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2004). A Reinforcement-Learning Approach to Robot Navigation. IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control. R.O.C.
50. Cheng-Chin Chiang, Chi-Lun Huang, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2004). Monitoring Drivers Eye-gaze and Dozing Using Multilayer Perception. Asian Conference on Computer Vision. Republic of Korea.
51. Mu-Chun Su, Wei-Zhe Lu, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(2003). A New Approach to Modifying Fuzzy ARTMAP Systems. Proceedings of the ISCA 18th International Conference Computers and Their Applications. United States of America.
52. Wen-Tsung Chang, Yu-Shuh Su, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(1999). Implementation of Automatic Floorplan Partition. International Symposium on Multimedia processing. R.O.C.
53. Jiung-Yao Huang, Cheng-Wei Li, Wei-Chuan Lin, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(1999). A Simple Yet Effective Mixed Reality System on the Web. International Symposium on Multimedia processing. R.O.C.
54. Chu-Song Chen, Yi-Ping Hung, Shen-Wen Shih, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, Chen-Yuan Tang, Chih-Guo Yu(1998). Integrating Virtual Objects into Real Images for Augmented Reality. ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology. R.O.C.
55. Wen-Tsung Chang, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(1997). The behavior analysis of distributed assignment strategies in object-oriented systems. The Fourth Pacific Workshop on Distributed Multimedia Systems. Canada.
56. Pei-Sen Liu, Meng-Cheng Chen, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(1997). Building virtual-mall-like applications on Internet. The Eighteenth Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference. United States of America.
57. James You, Chen-Chiung Hsieh, H. H. Chao, Wen-Tsung Chang(1996). Field Extraction for Form Documents. Proceedings of 1996 International Conference on Image Processing and Character Recognition. R.O.C.
58. Liang-Hua Chen, Jiing-Yuh Wang, Kuo-Chin Fan, Hong-Yuan Liao, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(1996). An Interpretation System for Cadastral Map. Proc. 13th IAPR Intern. Conf. on Pattern Recognition. Austria.
59. Henry Ker Chang, Ieou-Yuh Liou, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(1995). Implementation of basic set operators for spatial datausing constant bit-length linear quadtree codes. The Ninth Annual Symposium on Geographic Information System. Canada.
60. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, H. W. Chao, B. Chen, P. H. Shih(1994). Automatic interpretation of cadasters by image analysis techniques. The First International Conference on Image Processing. United States of America.
61. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, S. M. Fan, P. H. Shih, H. S. Chiu(1994). A conversion and management system for parcel maps. The Eighteenth Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference. R.O.C.
62. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, H. J. Lee(1992). A second-order on-line model-guided radical identification for handwritten Chinese characters recognition. Proc. 1992 Intern. Conf. on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages. United States of America.
63. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, H. J. Lee(1992). A probabilistic stroke-based Viterbi algorithm for handwritten Chinese characters recognition. Proc. 11th IAPR Intern. Conf. on Pattern Recognition. Netherlands.
64. Chen-Chiung Hsieh, H. J. Lee(1991). Off-line recognition of handwritten Chinese characters by on-line model-guided matching. Proc. Intern. Conf. on Information and Systems. Mainland China.
65. H. J. Lee, Chen-Chiung Hsieh(1988). Extraction and matching of multiple moving objects via frame differencing. Proc. 1988 International Computer Symposium. R.O.C.
專書 (Book)
1. 謝禎冏、蔡立宏、賴瑞應、謝幼屏、黃維信、謝尚琳、鄭登鍵、徐倜雲、杜宇豪、賈漢文(2022)。軌道扣件缺失人工智慧辨識現地測試及精進研究。交通部運輸研究所。
2. 謝禎冏、黃維信、謝尚琳、林雅雯、洪瑋宏、杜宇豪、賈漢文、徐倜雲(2021)。軌道扣件巡檢系統建置(2/2)-扣件缺失辨識系統精進驗證。交通部運輸研究所。
3. 謝禎冏、黃維信、謝尚琳、林雅雯、洪瑋宏、杜宇豪、賈漢文(2020)。軌道扣件巡檢系統建置(1/2)-扣件缺失辨識系統建置研究。交通部運輸研究所。