1. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Yi-Chun Li(2018). Observer-Based Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems With Time Delay And Dead-Zo. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Brazil.
2. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang(2018). Model Reference Sliding Mode Control For Uncertain Underactuated Systems With Time Delay. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Brazil.
3. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Ya-Ting Wu(2018). Observer-Based Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Approach For Uncertain Underactuated Nonlinear Systems With Time Delay. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Brazil.
4. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Yu-Sheng Yang(2016). Robust Observer-Based Fuzzy Incremental Sliding-Mode Control of Underactuated Systems. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Canada.
5. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Chuan-Tien Tsai(2016). Model Reference Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of Strict-Feedback Uncertain Systems with Unknown Dead-Zone. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Canada.
6. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Chia-Hang Lu(2016). Decentralized Fault Tolerant Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Large-Scale Systems with Dead-Zone Input. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Canada.
7. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Chao-Yu Cheng(2014). Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Uncertain Bilinear Systems with Unknown Dead-Zone. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Mainland China.
8. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Yao-Wei Yeh(2014). Hierarchical Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Control for Uncertain Nonlinear Under-Actuated Systems. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Mainland China.
9. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Cheng-Chieh Liu(2012). Output Feedback Tracking Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Non-Symmetric Dead-Zone Input. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Brisbane, Australia. Australia.
10. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Chia-Chen Hu(2012). Output Tracking Control for Uncertain Underactuated Systems Based on Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Approach. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Brisbane, Australia. Australia.
11. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Chun-Hsuan Liu(2012). Observer-Based Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Controller for Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Uncertain Systems. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Brisbane, Australia. Australia.
12. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Ming-Chieh Shih, Chih-Lyang Hwang(2010). Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for A Class of Perturbed Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Spain.
13. | Chih-Lyang Hwang, Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Wei-Yu Chen(2009). Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Nonlinear Uncertain Systems with Unknown Dead-Zone and Unknown Upper Bound of Uncertainties. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Republic of Korea.
14. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Shih-Wei Wang(2008). Observer-Based Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Delayed Output. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Hong Kong.
15. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Mon-Han Chen(2008). Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems with An Unknown Dead-Zone. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Hong Kong.
16. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Wen-Hsien Lu(2007). Decentralized Adaptive Fuzzy Controller Design for Uncertain Large-Scale Systems with Unknown Dead-Zone. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Imperial College, London, UK. United Kingdom.
17. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Chih-Hsueh Wu(2007). Observer-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of Uncertain Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Nonlinear Systems. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Imperial College, London, UK. United Kingdom.
18. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Chih-Cheng Yang(2006). Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control for A Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Dead-Zone. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Canada.
19. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang(2006). Decentralized Robust Fuzzy-Model-Based Control of Uncertain Large-Scale Systems with Input Delay. The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Canada.
20. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang(2005). Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control For Time-Delay uncertain Large-Scale Systems. IEEE Proceeding of the 44th Conference on Decision and Control. Spain.
21. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Kun-Ming Shen, Meng-Yu Tsai(2004). Robust Fuzzy-Model-Based Sliding Mode Controller for Uncertain Nonlinear Input-Delay Systems. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Netherlands.
22. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Meng-Yu Tsai(2004). Robust Fuzzy Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems. The Tenth IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Applications. United States of America.
23. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Tzu-Ching Tung(2003). Robust Tracking Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with An Input Time Delay. The International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. United States of America.
24. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Wen-Hao Wang(2003). Decentralized Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Controller for Large-scale Nonlinear Uncertain Systems. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. United States of America.
25. | Chiang-Cheng Chiang, Zu-Hung Kuo(2002). Decentralized Adaptive Fuzzy Controller Design of Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems with Unmatched Uncertainties. 2002 World Congress on Computational Intelligence - (FUZZY-IEEE). United States of America.