期刊論文 Refereed Paper
  1. 楊承亮, "國軍軍官晉任停年及服役年限之變革對軍官退休俸未來給付影響之估計模型," 台大管理論叢, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 61-102, Aug. 2019 TSSCI  (108/08)
  2. Chia-Nan Chiu and Cheng-Liang Yang, "Competitive advantage and simultaneous mutual influences between information technology adoption and service innovation: Moderating effects of environmental factors," Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 49, pp. 192-205, 2019. SSCI  (108/06)
  3. Cheng-Liang Yang, "Development, measurement, and managerial implications of Chinese values," Cogent Social Sciences, (2019), 5: 1615767, pp. 1-37. (Indexed in: ESCI, EBSCO, ProQuest)  (108/05)
  4. Cheng-Liang Yang, "The relationships between personality and Facebook photographs: A study in Taiwan," Cogent Business & Management, (2019), 6: 1577521. doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2019.1577521. (Indexed in: ESCI, EBSCO, ProQuest)  (108/02)