1. | 徐聰、吳志富(2024)。商品開發團隊中的工程專業人士之跨領域設計知能探討。黎明學報,三十五(一),12。
2. | 賴文魁、吳志富、黃浩峻(2024)。地方意象應用於機能性服裝設計探討-以南方澳為例。紡織綜合研究期刊,34(3),112-123。
3. | 吳志富、洪晉鈺、張振波、林添勝(2024)。以服務設計探討實體店產品陳列設計之研究。建築學報,(130)。TSSCI
4. | Yuan, Y, Chih-Fu Wu, Niu, J, Mao, L.(2024). The Effects of Human-Robot Interactions and the Human-Robot Relationship on Robot Competence, Trust, and Acceptance. SAGE Open, 14(2). SSCI
5. | Chujun Yang, Chih-Fu Wu, Jingyan Wang, Wen-Chi Chen, Haoyen Chang, Dan Dan Xu(2024). A study on the intention of upper limb hemiplegic patients to use interactive gaming devices for hand rehabilitation. Design Journal, 27(3), 470-492. AHCI
6. | Chih-Fu, Wu, Chung-Jen, Wu, Hsiang-Ju, Chen(2023). Integrated Process for Developing and Selecting More or Less Better Products Based on QFD and MCGP. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2023, 11. SCIE(SCI)/SSCI
7. | Dan-Dan Xu, Chih-Fu Wu, Chung-Shing Wang(2023). A Study on Perception of Visual–Tactile and Color–Texture Features of Footwear Leather for Symmetric Shoes. Symmetry, 1462. SCIE(SCI)
8. | Wei Miao, Kai-Chieh Lin, Chih-Fu Wu, Jie Sun, Weibo Sun, Wei Wei, Chao Gu(2023). How Could Consumers’ Online Review Help Improve Product Design Strategy?. Information, 434.(14), 21. EI
9. | 吳志富、許丹丹、劉孟傑、陳聞啟(2023)。跨領域學習經驗對工業設計系學生學習成效之影響研究。黎明學報,第三十四卷(第一期),8。
10. | Chih-Fu Wu, Hsiang-Ping Wu, Yung-Hsiang Tuc, I-Ting Yeh, Chin-Te Change(2022). A study on the Design Procedure of Three-dimensional Printable Tactile Graphics for Individuals with Visual Impairment. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 116(4), 507–516. SSCI
11. | Chih-Fu Wu, Ying-Kit Wong, Hsiu-Hui Hsu, Cheng-Yu Huang(2022). Applying Affordance Factor Analysis for Smart Home Speakers in Different Age Groups: A Case Study Approach. sustainibility, 14(4), 2156. SSCI
12. | 吳志富、易思亮、陳柏翰(2022)。LED照明與布料印刷色彩之色差研究。設計學年刊,(10),1-20。
13. | Chih-Fu Wu, Chenhui Gao, Kai-Chieh Lin, Yi-Hsin Chang(2022). Evaluating Impacts of Bus Route Map Design and Dynamic Real-Time Information Presentation on Bus Route Map Search Efficiency and Cognitive Load. International Journal of Geo-Information, 11(11), 338. SCIE(SCI)
14. | Chih-Fu Wu, Jeih-Jang Liou, Jiang-Long Lin(2022). Evaluation of Visual Performance Using LED Signboards under Different Ambient Conditions. Procedia Engineering, 29, 975-980. EI
15. | Chih-Fu Wu, Hsiang-Ping Wu, Yung-Hsiang Tu, I-Ting Yeh, Chin-Te Chang(2022). Constituent Elements Affecting the Recognition of Tactile Graphics. Journal of Visual Impairment &Blindness, 0(1), 10. SSCI
16. | Jin Niu, Chih-Fu Wu, Xiao Dou, Kai-Chieh Lin(2022). Designing Gestures of Robots in Specific Fields for Different Perceived Personality Traits. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 6(6), 19. SSCI
17. | Ying-Kit Wong, Chih-Fu Wu, Yung-Hsiang Tu(2022). Effectiveness of a Serious Game Design and Game Mechanic Factors for Attention and Executive Function Improvement in the Elderly: A Pretest-Posttest Study. applied sciences, 7(12), 6923. SCIE(SCI)
18. | Cong Xu, Chih‐Fu Wu, Dan‐Dan Xu, Wen‐Qian Lu, Kai‐Yi Wang(2022). Challenges to Student Interdisciplinary Learning Effectiveness: An Empirical Case Study. Journal of Intelligence, 2022(10), 88. SSCI
19. | Zhixiang Yan, Chih-Fu Wu, Cong Xu, Xiao Dou, Ying-Shan Lai(2022). Cognition of Color Shift in Leather Products and the Influence of Display Lighting of Luxury Goods. Electronics, 11(11), 346. SCIE(SCI)
20. | Chih-Fu Wu, Dan-Dan Xu, Shao-Hsuan Lu, Wen-Chi Chen(2022). Effect of Signal Design of Autonomous Vehicle Intention Presentation on Pedestrians’ Cognition. Behavioral Sciences, 502(12), 18. SSCI
21. | Yang Chu-Jun, Chih-Fu Wu, Zhang Jun-Zhu(2021). Study on the Learning Effectiveness of the Tobacco Control Window Design Course in Line with the Visual Marketing Standards of the World Skills Competition. Tobacco Regulatory Science, 7(5-1), 2362-2372. SSCI
22. | Wen-Kuei Lai, Chih-Fu Wu(2021). Verification of a Comfort-Enhanced Liquid Cooling Vest. Applied Sciences, 11(10799). SCIE(SCI)
23. | Xiao Dou, Chih-Fu Wu, Kai-Chieh Lin, Senzhong Gan, Tzu-Min Tseng(2021). Effects of Different Types of Social Robot Voices on Affective Evaluations in Different Application Fields. International Journal of Social Robotics, 13(1), 615-628. SCIE(SCI)
24. | Xiao Dou, Chih-Fu Wu, Jin Niu, Kuan-Ru Pan(2021). Effect of Voice Type and Head-Light Color in Social Robots for Different Applications. International Journal of Social Robotics, 4(4), 1-16. SCIE(SCI)
25. | Hsiu-Hui Hsu, Chih-Fu Wu, Wei-Jen Cho, Shih-Bin Wang(2021). Applying Computer Graphic Design Software in a Computer-Assisted Instruction Teaching Model of Makeup Design. Symmetry, 13(654), 1-17. SCIE(SCI)
26. | Siliang-Yi, Chih-fu Wu(2021). Green-Extension Design—A New Strategy to Reduce the Environmental Pressure from the Existing Consumer Electronics. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9596), 1-14. SCIE(SCI)
27. | 卓維真、吳志富、徐秀惠(2020)。彩妝失真了嗎? 探討 LED 照明對彩妝的影響。美容科技學刊,17卷(第2期)。
28. | 徐秀惠、吳志富、王士賓、卓維真(2020)。彩妝設計圖以電腦繪圖呈現繪畫技能之研究。美容科技學刊,17卷(第2期)。
29. | 吳志富、竇瀟、林楷潔、廖志傑(2020)。光源設計對ABS塑膠霧面噴漆產品色偏之影響研究。設計學報,25卷(2期)。THCI
30. | 施恆慧、吳志富、王士賓(2020)。LED光源設計對芭樂意象影響之研究。設計學報,25(1),47-62。THCI
31. | Chih-Fu Wu, Hsiang-Ping Wu, Yung-Hsiang Tu, I-Ting Yeh(2020). 3D Pen Tactile Pictures Generated by Individuals with Visual Impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 5(114). SCIE(SCI)
32. | Xiao Dou, Chih-Fu Wu, Kai-Chieh Lin, Jeih-Jang Liou(2019). What Color Does the Consumer See? Perceived Color Dierences in Plastic Products in an LED-Lit Environment. Sustainability, Sustainability 2019, 5985. SCIE(SCI)
33. | Chenxiang Qian, Chih-Fu Wu, Zhenbo Zhang, Hsin-Yu Huang(2019). A study on the promotional mix of pre-service in the view of service design. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 119(8), 1669-1690. SSCI
34. | Chih-Fu Wu, Wei-Jen Cho, Kai-Chieh Lin, Fang-Yi Lee(2019). Legibility of Light-Emitting Diode Destination Indicators Mounted on the Front of Public Buses. Symmetry, 11(1). SSCI
35. | 陳淑敏、張澄清、吳志富(2018)。北市高齡學習者健康促進、人際互動及生活滿意之研究。教育科學研究期刊,63(2),127-161。TSSCI
36. | Chen-Xiang Qian, Chih-Fu WU, Kai-Chieh Lin, Chun-Ming Lien(2018). A Model Establishment on the Effects of Design Factors of Membrane Keyboard’s Tactile Feedback. International Journal of Cultural and Creative Industries, 8(10), 30-38.
37. | Zhen-Bo Zhang, Chih-Fu Wu, Jieh-Jang Liou, Ching-Feng Lu(2018). The Design of Platform Markings for Mass Rapid Transit with The Aid of Gestalt Psychology. International Journal of Kansei Information, 9(2), 33-42.
38. | Neng-Chiao Weng, Chih-Fu Wu, Wen-Chin Tsen, Cheng-Lung Wu, Maw- Cherng Suen(2018). Synthesis and properties of shape memory polyurethanes generated from schiff-base chain extender containing benzoyl and pyridyl rings. Designed Monomers and Polymers, 21(1), 55-63. SCIE(SCI)
39. | Wei-Jen Cho, Fang-Yi Lee, Chih-Fu Wu, Kai-Chieh Lin(2017). THE Research on the legible factors of LED display on public bus. International Journal of Management and Applied Science, 3.
40. | Chen-Xiang QIAN, Chih-Fu WU, Shih Bin WANG, Shih-Yin LU(2017). Variations between In-house and Independent Curatorial Procedures. International Journal of Cultural and Creative Industries, 4(3).
41. | Jeih-jang Liou, Chih-Fu Wu(2017). Assessment of Drivers Visual Perception of Information Displayed in LED Traffic Signs at Road Construction Sites. Journal of the Society for Information Display, 25(1), 53-60. SCIE(SCI)
42. | Kai-Chieh Lin, Jeih-Jang Liou, Chih-Fu Wu, Chih-Teng Ke(2016). Evaluating and designing light-emitting diode desk lamps for writing and drawing. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 6(10), 28-35.
43. | Chia-Chen Wu, Chih-Fu Wu, Chi-Chen Hung, Wei-Shin Huang, Pei-Jung Cheng(2016). Effects of color temperature and luminance of LEDs on color judgements involving various printing materials. Journal of the Society for Information Display, 24(3), 137-143. SCIE(SCI)
44. | 陳淑敏、李文淵、楊育修、黃幼萱、吳志富(2016)。自造者教育的理念與實踐:國際案例與我國經驗之分析。教育脈動,(6),21-39。
45. | 吳志富、林楷潔、楊朝陽、廖淑芬(2016)。以螺絲起子探討不同類型手工具對於通用設計量表之影響研究。設計學報,21(4),25-44。THCI
46. | 林家華、林楷潔、吳志富、張開國、黃明正、許慈文(2016)。交流道出口標誌設計對駕駛者認知之影響。設計學報,21(1)。THCI
47. | 洪秀燕、朱柏穎、吳志富、劉又榕(2015)。不同學習背景工業設計所研究生概念發展階段之能力差異。藝術教育研究,2015(29),47-73。TSSCI
48. | Chu,P.Y., Hung,H.Y., Wu,C.F., Liu,Y.T.(2015). Effects of various sketching tools on visual thinking in idea development.. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 27(2), 291-306. SCIE(SCI)
49. | Kai-Chieh Lin, Chih-Fu Wu(2015). Practicing universal design to actual hand tool design process. Applied Ergonomics, 50, 8-18. SCIE(SCI)
50. | Shih-Bin Wang, Chih-Fu Wu(2015). Design of the force measuring system for the hinged door: Analysis of the required operating torque. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 49, 1-10. SCIE(SCI)
51. | Yung-Hsiang Tu, Chih-Fu Wu, Kai-Chich Lin, Hsiang-Ling Hsu, Chun-Ming Lien(2015). A Study on the Effect of Design Factors of Membrance Keyboards Tactile Feedback. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, 5(4), 380-388.
52. | Chia-Chen Wu, Chih-Fu Wu, Pey-Weng Lien, Kai-Chieh Lin(2014). A Study of Semantic Analysis of LED Illustrated Traffic Directional Arrow in Different Style. International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation, 8(8), 2631-2639.
53. | Chih-Chun Lai, Chih-Fu Wu(2014). Display and device size effects on the usability of mini-notebooks (netbooks)/ultraportables as small form-factor Mobile PCs. Applied Ergonomics, 45(4). SCIE(SCI)
55. | 王士賓、吳志富、鄭元良、林楷潔(2014)。水龍頭操作需力檢測方法之研究。建築學報,(90)。
56. | Shih-Bin Wang, Chih-Fu Wu, Syu-Fang Liu, Ping Yuan(2013). Performance Optimization and Selection of Operating Parameters for a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stack. Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 10. SCIE(SCI)
57. | Chun-Ming Lien, Chih-Fu Wu, Kuo-Chen Huang(2013). Effects of Light, Rotation, and Texture on Errors in the Estimated Length of a Three-dimensional Object in a Two-dimensional Display. Perceptual & Motor Skills, 116(3). SCIE(SCI)
58. | Chih-Fu Wu, Ming-Chin Chiang(2013). Eeffectiveness of applying 2D static depictions and 3D animations to orthographic views learning in graphical course. Computer & Education, 63. SSCI
59. | Chih-Fu Wu, CHih-Chun Lai, Yen-Kou Liu(2013). Investigation of the performance of trackpoint ane touchpads with varied right and left buttons function locations. Applied Ergonomics, 44(2). SCIE(SCI)
60. | Chihu-Fu Wu, Chun-Ming Lien, Fu-Chun Kuo(2013). Performance Study of the Tangible Keyboard and Touch Keyboard Operation. International Journal of Kansei Information, 4(1).
61. | Chih-Chun Lai, Chih-Fu Wu(2012). SIZE EFFFECTS ON THE TOUCHPAD, TOUCHSCREEN, AND KEYBOARD TASKS OF NETBOOKS.. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 115(2), 481-501. SSCI
62. | Chih-Fu Wu, Wan-Fu Huang(2012). Evaluation of a knee-kicker bumper design for reducing knee morbidity among carpet layers. Applied Ergonomics, 43, 850-858. SCIE(SCI)
63. | 吳志富、張振波、林楷潔(2012)。通用設計應用於產品開發模式之研究與驗證。中國工程師學會會刊,85(6),9-18。
64. | Kuo-Chen Huang, Rung-Tai Lin, Chih-Fu Wu(2011). Effects of flicker rate, complexity, and color combinations of Chinese charactersand backgrounds on visual search performance with varying flicker types1. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 113. SSCI
65. | 吳志富(2009)。符合視障者操作模式之3C電子產品階層式選單系統的最適化介面設計研究(2/2)。工程科技通訊,(102)。
66. | 吳志富、涂永祥、陳之穎(2009)。方向、距離、與路徑線條對於觸覺地圖引導績效的影響。人因工程學刊,11(1),25~37。
67. | 吳志富、涂永祥、吳佳育(2008)。視障者3C產品階層式選單系統之最佳介面設計研究。人因工程學刊,10(1),31~40。
68. | 吳志富、周蓓珍(2008)。以通用化觀點探討中高齡者ATM操作之介面設計研究。工業設計,36(1)。
69. | 吳志富、鍾運楨、鍾印鈞、吳東宸(2007)。高爾夫球動態分析系統操作介面及整體造形設計研究。工業設計雜誌,35(1)。
70. | 吳志富、涂永祥、葉亦庭(2006)。提高適障觸覺圖形辨識效果之研究。大同大學通識教育年報,(2)。
71. | 涂永祥、吳志富(2006)。從設計構思到實體模型–視障兒童保留概念教具的設計。輔具之友,(18),17~26。
72. | Shih-Bin Wang, Chih-Fu Wu(2006). Selections of Working Conditions for Creep Feed Grinding. Part(III)-Avoidance of the Workpiece Burning by Using Improved BP Neural Network. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 28.
73. | 吳志富(2004)。以人工智慧輔助電動自行車造形設計之研究—應用誘導式歸納途徑類神經法建立人因之最佳化設計研究〈I〉。工程科技通訊,(75)。
74. | Chih-Fu Wu, Chung-Lin Heieh(2000). The Optimization of Design and Research on Shoes for Long-Time Standing Working Women. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers 2000, 17(3).
75. | J. S. Lin, Chih-Fu Wu, K. M. Yang(1998). A Study on the Effects of the Insert Material and the Height of the Arch Support for Different Foot Patterns. TATUNG Journal, 17(3).
76. | W. C. Chen, K. H. Fuh, Chih-Fu Wu, B. R. Chang(1996). Design Optimization of a Split Point Drill by Force Analysis. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 58.
77. | K. H. Fuh, Chih-Fu Wu(1995). Residual Stress Model for Milling Aluminum Alloy(2014-T6). Journal of Materials Processing Technology 1995, 51.
78. | K. H. Fuh, Chih-Fu Wu, W. C. Chen, W. H. Chang(1992). Computer-Aided Grinding for Split Point Drill. TATUNG Journal 1992, 22.