大同大學 教職員資料 (Information of TTU Faculty & Staff)
基本資料 (Basic Info)
姓名:曾信雄 (Tzeng, Shinn-Shyong) 教授
電話:02-21822928 ext.6223  
學歷 (Education)
美國 壬色列理工學院 機械工程 博士 (1990/6 ~ 1992/11)
美國 壬色列理工學院 機械工程 碩士 (1987/9 ~ 1990/5)
大同工學院 機械工程 學士 (1980/9 ~ 1984/6)
經歷 (Experience)
台灣精碳產業協會   顧問 (2017/10 ~ 2020/10)
University of Delaware Department of Mechanical Eng. Visiting Scholar (2009/8 ~ 2010/1)
大同大學 材料工程系(所) 副教授 (1993/3 ~ 2001/7)
專長 (Specialty)
碳材料,複合材料,材料機械行為 Carbon materials,Composite materials
開授課程 (Course)
碳材料 Carbon materials
材料機械行為 Mechanical behavior of materials
材料熱力學 Thermodynamics of Materials
獎勵 (Award)
102學年度產學合作特優獎 (大同大學 2014-07-25)
101學年度產學合作特優獎 (大同大學 2013-06-25)
100學年度優良教師 (大同大學 2012-12-10)
96學年度優良教師 (大同大學 2007-10-18)
服務 (Service)
1. 院評會委員 (2013-08-01 ~ 2017-07-31)
2. 系評會委員 (2013-08-01 ~ 2017-07-31)
3. 院務會議代表 (2012-08-01 ~ 2013-07-31)
4. 導師 (2011-08-01 ~ 2015-07-31)
5. 學生申訴評議委員會委員 (2007-08-01 ~ 2008-07-31)
6. 導師 (2006-08-01 ~ 2010-07-31)
7. 校評會委員 (2006-08-01 ~ 2007-07-31)
8. 院評會委員 (2006-08-01 ~ 2007-07-31)
9. 系評會委員 (2006-08-01 ~ 2009-07-31)
10. 院評會委員 (2004-08-01 ~ 2005-07-31)
11. 系評會委員 (2004-08-01 ~ 2005-07-31)
專 利 (Patent)
1. 廖福森(外校人士),許仁勇(外校人士),曾信雄(本校教師),黃全宏(本校學生), "等方向性石墨材料及其製造方法," 中華民國發明專利第455879號, Oct. 2014.
2. 吳定宇(外校人士),林瑞基(外校人士),李曉燕(外校人士),陳泰宏(外校人士),蔡旻錡(本校學生),游任鈞(本校學生),曾信雄(本校教師),林育宏(本校學生), "順向排列石墨烯片高分子複合材料及其製造方法," 中華民國發明專利第472484號, Feb. 2015
3. 廖福森(外校人士),許仁勇(外校人士),曾信雄(本校教師),黃全宏(本校學生), "等方向性石墨材料及其製造方法," 中華人民共和國發明專利第103570008B_1830484號, Oct. 2015
1. 催化劑與碳材料的微觀結構與型態對於碳材料催化石墨化行為的影響,2020/8/1 ~ 2021/7/31
2. 奈米碳管的添加比例對於奈米碳管/碳纖維/酚醛樹脂三相複合材料中石墨柱結構的變化與複材性能的影響大專生計畫:陳瑋萱 ,2020/7/1 ~ 2021/2/28
3. 不同硼的前驅體以及製程變數對於硼-碳纖維以及硼-酚醛樹脂系統之催 化石墨化與性質的影響,2019/8/1 ~ 2020/7/31
4. 使用二元合金與二元複合鍍層探討聚丙烯腈系碳纖維之催化石墨化行為,2018/8/1 ~ 2019/7/31
5. 奈米石墨柱之形成及其機制探討,2018/7/1 ~ 2018/12/31
6. 使用具Ni-B鍍層之聚丙烯腈系碳纖維進行催化石墨化之基礎研究,2017/8/1 ~ 2018/7/31
7. 利用電化學拋光細化探討碳纖維之性質與結構的關係,2017/8/1 ~ 2018/7/31
8. 使用具無電鍍鎳-磷鍍層之聚丙烯腈系碳纖維進行催化石墨化之基礎研究科技部 一般型研究計劃 2015/8/1 ~ 2016/7/31
9. 以添加奈米碳管之酚醛樹脂緻密化碳/碳複合材料國科會 一般型研究計畫 2014/8/1 ~ 2015/7/31
10. 奈米石墨柱之形成以及其對碳/碳複合材料機械行為之影響國科會 大專學生參與專題研究計劃 2013/7/1 ~ 2014/2/28
11. 石墨烯/碳纖維/基材三相複合材料之製備與性質研究國科會 一般型研究計畫 2012/8/1 ~ 2013/7/31
12. 奈米碳管/碳纖維/基材三相複合材料之製備與性質研究(3/3)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2011/8/1 ~ 2012/7/31
13. 表面電漿後處理對類鑽碳膜磨耗特性之影響國科會 大專學生參與專題研究計畫 2011/7/1 ~ 2012/2/29
14. 奈米碳管/碳纖維/基材三相複合材料之製備與性質研究(2/3)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2010/8/1 ~ 2011/7/31
15. 奈米碳管/碳纖維/基材三相複合材料之製備與性質研究(1/3)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2009/8/1 ~ 2010/7/31
16. 於碳纖維布上成長奈米碳纖維和奈米碳管及其在複合材料上之應用(3/3)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2008/8/1 ~ 2009/7/31
17. 於碳纖維布上成長奈米碳纖維和奈米碳管及其在複合材料上之應用(2/3)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2007/8/1 ~ 2008/7/31
18. 於碳纖維布上成長奈米碳纖維和奈米碳管及其在複合材料上之應用(1/3)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2006/8/1 ~ 2007/7/31
19. 具不同微結構之奈米碳纖維強化之碳-碳複合材料微結構與性質之研究(2/2)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2005/8/1 ~ 2006/7/31
20. 奈米碳纖維與奈米碳管之製程,微結構及儲氫特性之研究國科會 一般型研究計畫 2005/1/1 ~ 2005/12/31
21. 具不同微結構之奈米碳纖維強化之碳-碳複合材料微結構與性質之研究(1/2)國科會 一般型研究計畫 2004/8/1 ~ 2005/7/31
22. 奈米碳纖維強化之碳-碳複合材料微結構與性質之研究國科會 一般型研究計畫 2003/8/1 ~ 2004/7/31
23. 氣相成長碳纖維及奈米碳纖維強化之碳-碳複合材料機械與熱膨脹行為之研究國科會 一般型研究計畫 2002/8/1 ~ 2003/7/31
24. 碳-碳複合材料熱膨脹行為之研究國科會 一般型研究計畫 2001/8/1 ~ 2002/7/31
25. 具介面碳層之碳/碳複合材料機械行為之研究-不同介面碳層前驅體之影響國科會 一般型研究計畫 2000/8/1 ~ 2001/7/31
26. 以高壓熔融瀝青含浸法緻密化碳─碳複合材料國科會 個別型計劃 1999/8/1 ~ 2000/7/31
27. 介面碳層之微結構對碳-碳複合材料破壞行為之影響國科會 個別型計劃 1998/8/1 ~ 1999/7/31
28. 製程參數與介面碳層對碳/碳複合材料機械行為之影響國科會 個別型計劃 1997/8/1 ~ 1998/7/31
29. 碳纖維-金屬氯化物石墨層間化合物之結構與性質研究國科會 個別型計劃 1996/8/1 ~ 1997/7/31
30. 碳纖維導電性之控制國科會 個別型計劃 1995/8/1 ~ 1996/7/31
31. 應用於EMI遮蔽之複合材料中碳纖維金屬鍍層之研究國科會 個別型計劃 1994/8/1 ~ 1995/7/31
32. 機能性高性能高分子材料之研究與應用:(III)應用於EMI遮蔽之複合材料中碳纖金屬鍍層之研究國科會 個別型計劃 1993/8/1 ~ 1994/7/31
1. 石墨烯在工業應用上的評估,2024/4/1 ~ 2024/12/31
2. 石墨烯母粒與紗線中之石墨烯的鑑定方法研究,2023/4/1 ~ 2023/9/30
3. 不同硼的前驅體及硼含量對於硼-碳纖維以及硼-酚醛樹脂系統之催化石墨化研究,2021/1/1 ~ 2021/12/31
4. 具Ni-Fe鍍層之聚丙烯腈系碳纖維的催化石墨化研究,2019/1/1 ~ 2020/11/30
5. 具Ni-B鍍層之聚丙烯腈系碳纖維的催化石墨化研究,2018/1/1 ~ 2018/11/30
6. 無電鍍鎳-磷鍍層對PAN系碳纖維催化石墨化研究-磷含量之影響,2017/1/1 ~ 2017/11/30
7. 電化學處理對碳纖維性質之影響,2016/1/1 ~ 2016/11/30
8. 高彎曲強度之CFRP研究,2012/11/1 ~ 2013/5/31
9. 以電泳法製備奈米碳管/碳纖維/酚醛樹脂三相複合材料,2012/10/1 ~ 2013/12/31
10. 石墨散熱器之導熱能力提升計畫,2012/6/1 ~ 2012/11/30
11. 三維編織預型體碳化及緻密化製程研究,2012/4/24 ~ 2012/11/30
12. 石墨烯順向性技術開發,2011/11/1 ~ 2012/2/29
13. 表面電漿後處理對類鑽碳膜機械與磨耗特性之影響,2011/9/1 ~ 2012/7/15
14. 100年度學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫-鋰電池碳負極材料之石墨化技術與材料評估,2011/7/1 ~ 2011/12/31
15. 鋰電池負極材料石墨化技術研究,2011/6/1 ~ 2012/3/31
16. 委外以酸化處理加工泡沫碳產品,2011/4/16 ~ 2011/11/30
17. 等方向性石墨塊材碳化技術探討與碳化過程破裂成因分析,2011/4/1 ~ 2012/3/31
18. 類鑽碳膜之表面電漿處理,2010/9/1 ~ 2011/7/15
19. 精製瀝青純度研究與分析,2010/3/18 ~ 2010/11/30
20. 添加奈米碳管對碳纖維布強化酚醛樹脂複合材料機械性質之影響,2009/9/1 ~ 2010/7/15
21. 高接觸面積之氣體擴散層研究,2009/4/1 ~ 2009/11/30
22. 原始瀝青成份研究與分析,2009/3/26 ~ 2009/11/30
23. 奈米碳管透明導電膜與碳紙之製備與應用,2008/9/1 ~ 2009/7/15
24. 纖維熱耗分析與測試,2008/7/3 ~ 2008/12/31
25. 高溫抗氧化材料研究,2008/4/25 ~ 2008/12/31
26. 碳/碳複合材料破壞模式測試與分析,2007/11/14 ~ 2007/12/10
27. 介面層對碳/碳複合材機械性能之改善研究,2007/4/13 ~ 2007/12/31
28. 以鎳-鎂複合催化劑生長奈米碳纖維與奈米碳管,2006/9/1 ~ 2007/7/15
29. 奈米碳管與奈米碳纖維之高溫熱處理研究,2004/9/1 ~ 2005/7/15
30. 奈米碳纖維之量產研究,2003/9/1 ~ 2004/7/31
31. 奈米碳纖維及奈米碳管之儲氫研究,2002/9/1 ~ 2003/7/15
32. 密封墊片材料之特性分析與測試研究,2002/1/1 ~ 2002/12/31
33. 催化劑之結晶構造及形狀對奈米碳管及奈米碳纖維微結構之影響,2001/9/1 ~ 2002/7/15
34. 製程參數對氣相成長碳纖維直徑與結構之影響,2000/9/1 ~ 2001/7/15
35. 添加硼對碳-碳複合材料微結構與抗氧化行為之影響,1999/8/1 ~ 2000/4/30
36. 石油瀝青之氧化穩定化處理,1999/4/1 ~ 1999/12/31
37. 以石油瀝青做為碳-碳複合材料碳基材之前軀體,1998/4/1 ~ 1999/3/31
期刊論文 (Journal Paper)
1. Li, S., Lin, B.-F., Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Chiu, H.-T.(2016). Structure and properties of mesophase pitch-derived carbon foams reinforced by mesocarbon microbeads. Int. J. Mater. Res., 107(2), 148-157. SCIE(SCI)
2. Hsu, J.-S., Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Kuo, C.-M., Wu, Y.-J.(2013). Correlations between deposition parameters, mechanical properties, and microstructure for diamond-like carbon films synthesized by RF-PECVD. J. of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 36(2), 157-163. SCIE(SCI)
3. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Lin, Y.-H.(2013). Formation of graphitic rods in carbon/carbon composites reinforced with carbon nanotubes. Carbon, 52(2), 617-620. SCIE(SCI)
4. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Yang-Li Fang, Ya-Ko Chih, Yu-Guang Hu, Jiong-Shiun Hsu, Chung-Lin Wu, Gwo-Jen Wu(2011). Surface characterization and nanomechanical properties of diamond-like carbon films synthesized by RF plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Thin Solid Films, 519(15), 4870-4873. SCIE(SCI)
5. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Ting-Yu Wu, Tin-Yu Chang, Cai-Ting Yang, Chao-Ling Chou, Ching-Jang Lin(2010). Study of oxidation of carbon fibers using resistance measurement. J Mater Eng Perform, 19(9), 1352-1356. SCIE(SCI)
6. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Yang-Li Fang, Ya-Ko Chih, Yi-Ching Lin, Chin-Fen Tuan(2010). Influence of nitrogen plasma post-treatment on diamond-like carbon films synthesized by RF plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Diamond Relat. Mater., 19(7-9), 783-786. SCIE(SCI)
7. Hung, K.-H., Kuo, W.-S., Ko, T.-H., Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Yan, C.-F.(2009). Processing and tensile characterization of composites composed of carbon nanotube-grown carbon fibers. Composites Part A, 40, 1299-1304. SCIE(SCI)
8. 遲雅各、張啟生、林以青、段靜芬、曾信雄、方彥理(2009)。類鑽碳膜之機械性質量測與其材料分析。量測資訊,(130),18~22。
9. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Y.-J. Wu, J.-S.Hsu(2008). The effects of plasma pre-treatment and post-treatment on the diamond-like carbon films synthesized by RF plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Vacuum, 83(3), 618-621. SCIE(SCI)
10. J.-S. Hsu, Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Y.-J. Wu(2008). Influence of hydrogen on the mechanical properties and microstructure of DLC films synthesized by r.f.-PECVD. Vacuum, 83(3), 622-624. SCIE(SCI)
11. Hung, K.-H., Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Kuo, W.-S., Wei, B.Q., Ko, T.-H.(2008). Growth of carbon nanofibers on carbon fabric with Ni nanocatalyst prepared using pulse electrodeposition. Nanotechnology, 19(29), 295602. SCIE(SCI)
12. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Y.-H. Lin(2008). The role of electroless Ni-P coating in the catalytic graphitization of PAN-based carbon fibers. Carbon, 46(3), 555-558. SCIE(SCI)
13. Ko T.-H., Hung K.-H., Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Shen J.-W.(2007). Carbon nanofibers grown on activated carbon fiber fabrics as the electrode of supercapacitors. Physica Scripta, T129, 80-84. SCIE(SCI)
14. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Wu W.-M., Hsu J.-S.(2007). Substrate Effect on the Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by RF Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition. Materials Science Forum, 539-543, 3574-3579. EI
15. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Wang P.-L., Wu T.-Y., Chen K.-S.(2006). Formation of loops on the surface of carbon nanofibers synthesized by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition using an inductively coupled plasma re. Journal of Materials Research, 21(10), 2440-2443. SCIE(SCI)
16. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng(2006). Catalytic graphitization of electroless Ni-P coated PAN-based carbon fibers. Carbon, 44(10), 1986-1993.
17. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Hung K.-H., T.-H. Ko(2006). Growth of carbon nanofibers on activated carbon fiber fabrics. Carbon, 44(5), 859-865. SCIE(SCI)
18. 曾信雄、王培倫、吳定宇、陳克紹、邱善得、李文台、陳志聖(2006)。以高密度電漿輔助化學氣相沉積法製備奈米碳管及奈米碳纖維。台電工程月刊,689,101-107。
19. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, T.-C. Yang(2005). Dimensional changes of carbon fiber fabrics reinforced phenolic resin-based carbon/carbon composites during pyrolysis. Composite Interfaces, 12(3-4), 259-269. SCIE(SCI)
20. T.-H.Ko, W.-S. Kuo, Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Y.-H.Chang(2003). The microstructural changes of carbon fibers pores in carbon-carbon composites during pyrolysis. Comp. Sci. Tech., 63, 1965-1969. SCIE(SCI)
21. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, J.-H. Pan(2002). Oxidative Stabilization of Petroleum Pitch at High Pressure and its Effects on the Microstructure and Carbon Yield after Carbonization/Graphitization. Mater. Chem. Phys, 74(2), 214-221. SCIE(SCI)
22. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Y.-G. Chr(2002). Evolution of Microstructure and Properties of Phenolic Resin-Based Carbon/Carbon Composites during Pyrolysis. Mater. Chem. Phys, 73(2-3), 162-169. SCIE(SCI)
23. 簡匯宏、曾信雄、張雅惠(2002)。碳纖維之結構與導電性的關係。強化塑膠,(九十三),50~56。SCIE(SCI)
24. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, J.-H. Pan(2001). Densification of Two-Dimensional Carbon/Carbon Composites by Pitch Impregnation. Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 316(1-2), 127-134. SCIE(SCI)
25. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, F.-Y. Chang(2001). Electrical Resistivity of Electroless Nickel Coated Carbon Fibers. Thin Solid Films, 388(1-2), 143-149. SCIE(SCI)
26. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, P.-L. Wang(2001). Oxidation of a Petroleum Pitch under Pressure. Carbon, 39(7), 1103-1106. SCIE(SCI)
27. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, F.-Y. Chang(2001). EMI Shielding Effectiveness of Metal-Coated Carbon Fiber-Reinforced ABS Composites. Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 302(2), 258-267. SCIE(SCI)
28. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, P.L. Wang, T.H. Ko(2001). Effects of Processing Parameters on the Structure and Amount of Intercalation of Copper Chloride-Graphite Intercalation Compounds. J. Mat. Sci., 36, 497-501. SCIE(SCI)
29. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, W.-C. Lin(1999). Mechanical Behavior of Two-Dimensional Carbon/Carbon Composites with Interfacial Carbon Layers. Carbon, 37(12), 2011-2019. SCIE(SCI)
30. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, M.-H. Nien(1999). Distribution of Intercalant in Copper Chloride- and Iron Chloride-Graphite Intercalation Compounds. Journal of Materials Research, 14(1), 302-307. SCIE(SCI)
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
1. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Lin, P.-J.(2016). Densification of carbon/carbon composites using CNT-containing phenolic resin. The Twenty-fourth Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-24). Mainland China.
2. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Wang, Y.-J.(2016). Effect of sizing on the mechanical and electrical properties of carbon fibers. 17th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-17). Germany.
3. Li, S., Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Cherng, D.-H., Chiu, H.-T.(2015). Mechanical properties of CNT/carbon fiber/epoxy hierarchical composites prepared using electrophoretic deposition. Proceeding of the 20th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-20), Copenhagen, Denmar. Denmark.
4. Li, S., Lin, B.-F., Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Chiu, H.-T.(2015). Structure and properties of mesophase pitch-derived carbon foams reinforced by mesocarbon microbeads. Carbon 2015, Dresden, Germany. Germany.
5. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Wei, Y.-H., Lin, Y.-H.(2014). Mechanical behavior of two-dimensional carbon/carbon composites reinforced with carbon nanotubes. The Twenty-second Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-22). Malta.
6. Wu, T.-Y., Chang, T.-Y., Lin, B.-F., Li, S., Shinn-Shyong Tzeng(2014). Enhancement on Thermal Conductivity of GrapheneNanoplatelet/Epoxy Composites Using a Polyethersulfone Modifier. World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2014). Republic of Korea.
7. Wu, T.-Y., Chang, T.-Y., Lin, B.-F., Li, S., Shinn-Shyong Tzeng(2014). The Carbothermal Synthesis of Beta-Silicon Carbide Microbeads with Mesoporous Microstructure. World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2014). Republic of Korea.
8. 李山、林勃汎、曾信雄、邱顯堂(2014)。添加MCMB對發泡碳微觀組織與性質之影響。第十二屆海峽兩岸新型炭材料學術研討會R.O.C。
9. Wu, T.-Y., Chang, T.-Y., Lee, J.-C., Lin, J.-C., Cheng, T.-H., Chiu, L.-H., Shinn-Shyong Tzeng(2013). Mechanical behavior of silane grafted graphene nanoplatelets/silicone rubber composites. The 19th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-19). Canada.
10. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Lin, Y.-H.(2013). Formation of graphitic rods with a carbon nanotube in the center. International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2013). Singapore.
11. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Lin, Y.-H., Nien, M.-H., Cherng, D.-H.(2013). Preparation of carbon nanotube/carbon fiber/phenolic resin hierarchical composites using electrophoretic deposition. The Twenty-first Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-21). Spain.
12. J.-S. Hsu, Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Y.-K. Chih, C.-Y. Chang(2012). Effects of hydrogen on the structure and mechanical behavior of diamond-like carbon films synthesized by RF plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The 6th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films and Surface Coatings (Thin. Singapore.
13. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Lin, Y.-H.(2012). Mechanical behavior of CNT-reinforced carbon/carbon composites. ”The Twentieth Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-20). Mainland China.
14. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Lin, Y.-H.(2012). Mechanical behavior of CNT-reinforced carbon/carbon composites. 第十屆海峽兩岸新型炭材料學術研討會. Mainland China.
15. T.-Y. Wu, S.-Y. Li, J.-C. Lin, T.-H. Chen, L.-H. Chiu, M.-C. Tsai, J.-C. Iyon, Shinn-Shyong Tzeng(2012). Fabrication of highly anisotropic graphene nanoplatelets/silicone rubber composites and their thermal conductivity. The Annual World Conference on Carbon (Carbon 2012). Poland.
16. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, C.-H. Huang, F.-S. Liao, F.-S. Liao(2012). Sintering of mesocarbon microbeads for preparation of high-density isotropic graphites. Krakow, Poland, June 17-22, 2012.. Poland.
17. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Y.-H. Lin(2012). Preparation and mechanical behavior of phenolic resin based carbon-carbon composites with carbon nanotube or carbon nanofiber addition. 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-15). Italy.
18. 吳定宇、曾信雄(2012)。異向性的奈米碳材料/矽膠複合材料之製備研究。2012年海峽兩岸複合材料論壇論文集R.O.C。
19. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Nien, M.-H.(2011). Preparation and mechanical behavior of carbon nanofiber reinforced three-phase carbon-carbon composites. The 18th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-18). Republic of Korea.
20. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Nien, M.-H.(2011). Growth of carbon nanofibers on carbon fiber fabrics and its application on carbon-carbon composites. The Annual World Conference on Carbon. Mainland China.
21. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Lin, Y.-H.(2011). Mechanical and thermal properties of carbon fiber fabric/phenolic resin composites with the addition of carbon nanotubes or carbon nanofibers. International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies(ICMAT 2011). Singapore.
22. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Fang, Y.-L., Hu, Y.-G., Chih, Y.-K., Lin, T.-Y., Chang, C.-S.(2011). The mechanical properties of diamond-like carbon films synthesized by radio-frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The 13th International Conference on Metrology & Properties of Engineering Surfaces. United Kingdom.
23. H.-P. Chang, C.-M. Gee, C.-J. Lin, Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, T.-Y. Chang(2010). Processing of Refined Pitch. The Seventh Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-7). R.O.C.
24. C.-M. Gee, H.-P. Chang, C.-J. Lin, Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, T.-Y. Wu(2010). Tensile behavior and microstructure of 3D pitch-based carbon/carbon composites. The Seventh Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM-7). R.O.C.
25. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng(2010). Preparation and properties of carbon fiber fabric/phenolic resin composites with CNT or CNF addition. 第九屆海峽兩岸新型炭材料學術研討會. R.O.C.
26. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Fang, Y.-L., Chih, Y.-K., Hsu, J.-S., Wu, C.-L., Wu, G.-J.(2010). Surface characterization and nanomechanical properties of diamond-like carbon films synthesized by RF plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The 5th International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films and Surface Coatings. Mainland China.
27. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Lin, Y.-H.(2010). Reinforcement of carbon fiber fabric/phenolic resin composites by CNT or CNF addition. The Eighteenth Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-18). United States of America.
28. Chih, Y.-K., Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Fang, Y.-L., Lin, Y.-C., Tuan, C.-F.(2009). Influence of plasma post-treatment on diamond-like carbon films synthesized by RF plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. 20th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides and Silicon. Greece.
29. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Sung, C.-T., Chih, Y.-K.(2009). Effect of focused ion beam post-treatment on the diamond-like carbon films synthesized by RF plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The 10th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP 2009). Japan.
30. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Lin, Y.-H., Lin, H.-Y., Nien, M.-H., Lin, J.-C.(2008). Investigation of stress graphitization of carbon-carbon composites using Raman spectroscopy. 2008 International Conference on Carbon, Nagano, Japan. Japan.
31. Wu, T.-Y., Shinn-Shyong Tzeng(2008). Catalytic growth of carbon nanofibers using co-precipitated Ni-Mg and Co-Mg catalysts. 2008 International Conference on Carbon, Nagano, Japan. Japan.
32. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Lin, Y.-H., Lin, H.-Y., Nien, M.-H., Lin, J.-C.(2008). Characterization of stress graphitization of phenolic resin based carbon-carbon composites using Raman spectroscopy. 第七屆海峽兩岸新型碳材料學術研討會論文集. Mainland China.
33. T.-Y. Wu, Shinn-Shyong Tzeng(2007). Catalytic growth of carbon nanofibers with different microstructures and their electrical conductivities. 第六屆海峽兩岸碳材料研討會論文集,台中逢甲大學. Mainland China.
34. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, T.-B. Liang, S.-C. Wang, T.-Y. Wu, Lin(2007). Synthesis of carbon nanotubes by catalytic CVD using Fe-Mo/MgO and Fe-Mo/Al2O3 catalysts. 2007 International Conference on Carbon, Seattle, USA. United States of America.
35. T.-Y. Wu, Shinn-Shyong Tzeng(2007). Catalytic growth of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanofibers with different microstructures and their electrical conductivities. 2007 International Conference on Carbon, Seattle, USA. United States of America.
36. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Y.-H. Lin(2007). Mechanical properties of carbon-carbon composites reinforced with Carbon nanotubes or carbon nanofibers. 16th International Conference on composite materials (ICCM-16), Kyoto, Japan. Japan.
37. J.-S. Hsu, Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Y.-J. Wu(2007). The role of hydrogen in mechanical properties and microstructure of DLC films synthesized by r.f.-PECVD. The 9th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP 2007), Kanazawa, Japan. Japan.
38. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Y.-J. Wu, J.-S. Hsu(2007). The effects of plasma pre-treatment and post-treatment on the diamond-like carbon films synthesized by RF plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The 9th International Symposium on Sputtering & Plasma Processes (ISSP 2007), Kanazawa, Japan. Japan.
39. K.-H. Hung, T.-H. Ko, Shinn-Shyong Tzeng(2007). Carbon nanofibers grown on activated carbon fabrics as the electrode of supercapacitors. 2nd International Symposium on Functional Materials, Hangzhou, China. Mainland China.
40. J.-S. Hsu, Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, C.-M. Kuo(2006). The influence of deposition parameters on the microstructures and mechanical properties for Diamond-Like Carbon films. The 3rd International Conference on Technological Advances of Thin Films & Surface Coatings. Singapore.
41. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, P.-L. Wang, T.-Y. Wu, K.-S. Chen(2006). Formation of loops on the surface of carbon nanofibers synthesized by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition using an inductively coupled plasma re. 2006 International Conference on Carbon, Aberdeen, UK. United Kingdom.
42. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng(2006). Catalytic graphitization of electroless Ni-P coated PAN-based carbon fibers. 2006 International Conference on Carbon, Aberdeen, UK. United Kingdom.
43. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, W.-M. Wu, J.-S. Hsu(2006). Substrate Effect on the Diamond-Like Carbon Films Synthesized by RF Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition. International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials – Processing. Canada.
44. 洪凱炫、柯澤豪、曾信雄(2006)。利用脈衝電化學沉積鎳觸媒於碳纖維上成長奈米碳纖維。第五屆海峽兩岸碳材料研討會論文集,上海Mainland China。
45. 林育宏、曾信雄(2006)。以奈米碳管與奈米碳纖維強化碳/碳複合材料之機械性質研究。第五屆海峽兩岸碳材料研討會論文集,上海Mainland China。
46. 吳定宇、曾信雄(2006)。以鎳/鎂複合催化劑生長奈米碳纖維與奈米碳管。第五屆海峽兩岸碳材料研討會論文集,上海Mainland China。
47. 王培倫、曾信雄、郭繼元(2005)。以Ni-Al2O3複合催化劑製備具特定結構之奈米碳纖維。第四屆海峽兩岸碳材料研討會論文集,華東石油大學,青島Mainland China。
48. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, K.-H. Hung(2005). Catalytic graphitization of PAN-based carbon fibers by electroless Ni-P coatings. 第四屆海峽兩岸碳材料研討會論文集,華東石油大學,青島. Mainland China.
49. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, K.-H. Hung(2005). Growth of carbon nanofibers upon activated carbon fiber cloths using Ni catalysts. 2005 International Conference on Carbon, Gyoongju, Korea. Republic of Korea.
50. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, P.-L.Wang, K.-H.Hung(2004). Synthesis and purification of carbon nanofibers prepared using a nickel-alumina catalyst derived from Feitknecht compound. 2004 International Conference on Carbon. United States of America.
51. T.-Y. Wu, Shinn-Shyong Tzeng(2004). Large scale synthesis of carbon nanofibers using Co-P catalyst films. 2004 International Conference on Carbon. United States of America.
52. S.D. Chyou, C.S Chen, W.T. Lee, Shinn-Shyong Tzeng(2004). Synthesis and hydrogen storage of carbon nanofibers and carbon nanotubes. The 3rd Cross-Strait Workshop on “Nano Science and Technology” (CSWNST-3). R.O.C.
53. 洪凱炫、曾信雄(2004)。活性碳纖維表面生長奈米碳纖維。第三屆海峽兩岸碳材料研討會R.O.C。
54. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, T.-C. Yang(2003). Dimensional changes of carbon fiber fabrics reinforced phenolic resin-based carbon/carbon composites during pyrolysis. International Conference on Interfaces and Interphases in Multicomponent Materials. Hungary.
55. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, T.-C. Yang(2002). Thermal expansion of carbon/carbon composites. 2002 International Conference on Carbon. Mainland China.
56. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, J.-H. Pan(2001). A Study of the Oxidation of Petroleum Pitch under High Pressure. 第二屆海峽兩岸碳材料研討會論文集, 大連理工大學. Mainland China.
57. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, W.-C. Lin, S. Li(2000). Effect of Interfacial Carbon Layers on the Mechanical Behavior of Two-Dimensional Carbon-Carbon Composites. 首屆海峽兩岸碳材料研討會論文集, 北京清華大學. Mainland China.
58. Shinn-Shyong Tzeng, Y.-H. Chen, P.-L. Wang(1999). Effects of Particle Size on the Synthesis of Copper Chloride-Graphite Intercalation Compounds. xtended Abstracts of 24th Biennial Conference on Carbon, Charleston, South Carolina, USA. United States of America.