大同大學 教職員資料 (Information of TTU Faculty & Staff)
基本資料 (Basic Info)
姓名:呂虹慶 (Lu, Hung-Ching) 教授
學歷 (Education)
大同工學院 電機工程研究所 博士 (1986/9 ~ 1989/6)
大同工學院 電機工程研究所 碩士 (1984/9 ~ 1986/6)
大同工學院 電機工程學系 學士 (1977/9 ~ 1981/6)
經歷 (Experience)
大同大學 電機工程學系所 教授 (1999/8 ~ 今)
大同大學 研究發展處 學術合作組主任 (2010/8 ~ 2012/7)
大同大學 研究發展處 產學建教組主任 (2010/8 ~ 2011/8)
大同工學院 電機工程學系所 教授 (1997/2 ~ 1999/7)
大同工學院 電機工程學系所 副教授 (1989/8 ~ 1997/1)
專長 (Specialty)
1. 電機工程
2. 控制系統設計
3. 智慧型系統設計
開授課程 (Course)
控制系統 Automatic Control Systems
工程數學:微分方程 Differential Equation
數位控制 Digital Control Systems
電路學(一) Electrical Circuit (1)
電路學(二) Electrical Circuit (2)
電路實驗 Electrical Circuit Experiment
工程數學:線性代數 Linear Algebra
線性系統 Linear Systems
獎勵 (Award)
105學年度優良導師 (大同大學 2017-10-28)
105學年度教學卓越 (大同大學 2017-10-28)
105年度友善校園獎大專院校優秀導師 (教育部北一區大專院校 2016-12-02)
電路學(一)教材獲教育部103年度第一梯次數位學習教材認證 (教育部 2014-08-01)
電路學(二)教材獲教育部103年度第一梯次數位學習教材認證 (教育部 2014-08-01)
101學年度優良教師 (大同大學 2013-11-11)
101學年度優良導師 (大同大學 2013-11-11)
國科會控制學門96年度專題計劃成果發表會--專題計劃成果最佳海報獎 (中華民國自動控制學會 2008-11-22)
96學年度優良教師 (大同大學 2008-10-09)
96學年度優良導師 (大同大學 2008-10-09)
貳等服務獎章 (行政院 2007-12-12)
大同大學95學年度論文獎優等獎 (大同大學 2006-11-13)
94學年度優良導師 (大同大學 2006-10-05)
94學年度協志工業論文獎佳作獎 (大同大學 2005-11-14)
93學年度協志工業論文獎佳作獎 (大同大學 2004-11-15)
91學年度協志工業論文獎優等獎 (大同大學 2002-11-18)
91學年度優良教師 (大同大學 2002-09-01)
90學年度協志工業論文獎優等獎 (大同大學 2001-11-11)
89學年度優良導師 (大同大學 2001-08-30)
89學年度協志工業論文獎優等獎 (大同大學 2000-11-11)
88學年度協志工業論文獎優等獎 (大同大學 1999-11-11)
87學年度協志工業論文獎優等獎 (大同工學院 1998-11-11)
86學年度協志工業論文獎特優獎 (大同工學院 1997-11-11)
85學年度優良導師 (大同工學院 1997-09-02)
85學年度協志工業論文獎優等獎 (大同工學院 1996-11-11)
叁等服務獎章 (行政院 1996-06-12)
84學年度協志工業論文獎佳作獎 (大同工學院 1995-11-11)
83學年度協志工業論文獎佳作獎 (大同工學院 1994-11-11)
82學年度協志工業論文獎優等獎 (大同工學院 1993-11-11)
81學年度大學院校教學特優教師 (大同工學院 1993-06-15)
81學年度協志工業論文獎特優獎 (大同工學院 1992-11-09)
80學年度優良導師 (大同工學院 1992-06-29)
79學年度協志工業論文獎優等獎 (大同工學院 1990-11-13)
78學年度教育部青年研究技術發明甲等獎 (教育部 1990-02-27)
服務 (Service)
1. 擔任大同大學教師申訴評議委員會委員 (2019-08-01 ~ 今)
2. 社團指導 (2012-02-01 ~ 今)
3. 擔任電機系控制系統研究室負責人 (2009-08-01 ~ 今)
4. 擔任電資學院院評委員 (2004-08-01 ~ 今)
5. 擔任電機系系評委員 (1997-07-01 ~ 今)
6. 導師 (1979-08-01 ~ 今)
7. 研究發展處學術合作組主任 (2010-08-01 ~ 2012-07-31)
8. 研究發展處產學建教組主任 (2010-08-01 ~ 2011-07-31)
9. 擔任大同大學性別平等教育委員會委員 (2010-08-01 ~ 2011-07-31)
10. 協辦 ICSSE 2010 國際會議擔任 Award Committee Chair (2010-07-01 ~ 2010-07-31)
11. 擔任大同大學學生獎懲委員會委員 (2008-08-01 ~ 2009-07-31)
12. 協辦IEEE SMC 2006 國際會議擔任 Program Co-Chair (2006-10-01 ~ 2006-10-31)
13. 擔任大同大學學生申訴評議委員會委員 (2006-08-01 ~ 2007-07-31)
14. 擔任九十五年度專題實作競賽之「2006台灣機器足球員大賽」評審 (2006-07-01 ~ 2006-11-30)
15. 擔任九十四年度專題實作競賽之「2005台灣機器足球員大賽」評審 (2005-07-01 ~ 2005-11-30)
16. 擔任國科會控制學門專題研究計劃委員 (2005-01-01 ~ 2008-01-31)
17. 協辦ICS 2004國際會議擔任Social Program Chair (2004-12-01 ~ 2004-12-31)
18. 擔任九十三年度專題實作競賽之「2004台灣機器足球員大賽」評審 (2004-07-01 ~ 2004-07-31)
19. 擔任九十二年度專題實作競賽之「2003台灣機器足球員大賽」評審 (2003-07-01 ~ 2003-07-31)
20. 擔任圖書指導委員會委員 (2002-08-01 ~ 2012-07-31)
21. 擔任九十一年度卓越教與學推動小組委員 (2002-08-01 ~ 2003-07-31)
22. 擔任電機系控制系統研究室負責人 (2002-08-01 ~ 2003-07-31)
23. 擔任校評委員 (2002-08-01 ~ 2003-07-31)
24. 擔任大同大學學生申訴評議委員會召集人及委員 (2001-03-01 ~ 2002-07-31)
25. 擔任電機系控制系統研究室負責人 (1989-07-01 ~ 1999-07-31)
專 利 (Patent)
1. Hung-Ching Lu (本校教師) and Te-Lung Shih (本校學生), "Circuit System for Driving High-Intensity Discharging Lamp," US patent 7902,765, B2 2011
2. Hung-Ching Lu (本校教師) and Te-Lung Shih (本校學生), "Single-Stage Electronic Ballast for a Fluorescent Lamp," US Patent 8,030,855, B2 2011
3. 呂虹慶(本校教師), 時德隆(本校學生)., "驅動高照度放電燈的電路系統," ZL 2008 1 0005321.5
4. 呂虹慶(本校教師), 時德隆(本校學生)., "單級型螢光燈電子安定器," 中華民國發明專利第 I389598號
5. 呂虹慶(本校教師), 時德隆(本校學生), "單級型螢光燈電子安定器," ZL 2008 1 0108559.0
1. 超球體策略結合粗略集在粒計算分群之研究與應用,2018/8/1 ~ 2019/7/31
2. 無人機偵查及追蹤辨識物體之研究,2018/7/1 ~ 2019/2/28
3. 強健退火控制器於粒計算分類之研究與應用,2017/8/1 ~ 2018/7/31
4. 輔以優勝者差分演算法之小腦模型估測於多重滑動面控制器即時遲滯寬度設計與應用,2016/8/1 ~ 2017/7/31
5. 結合自我建構參數式小腦模型控制架構之動態參數估測PID控制器的設計與應用,2013/8/1 ~ 2014/7/31
6. 輔以微分進化結構估測之動態記憶體強健參數式小腦模型控制器的設計與應用,2012/8/1 ~ 2013/7/31
7. 基於微分進化演算法之模糊類神經網路控制器的參數估測之設計與實現,2011/8/1 ~ 2012/7/31
8. 類免疫自我建構模糊神經網路控制器之設計與實現,2010/8/1 ~ 2011/7/31
9. 自我建構模糊類神經網路控制器於可變焦攝影機自動對焦之設計與實現,2009/8/1 ~ 2010/7/31
10. 增減記憶體型式之強健參數式小腦模型控制器於全方位移動機器人運動軌跡之設計與實現(I),2008/8/1 ~ 2009/7/31
11. 動態記憶體規劃之參數式小腦模型控制器於車型機器人運動軌跡之設計及實現,2007/8/1 ~ 2008/10/31
12. 直接型式小腦模型PID控制器於車型機器人運動軌跡之設計及實現,2006/8/1 ~ 2007/7/31
13. 高維度輸入空間積分型小腦可變結構控制器的分析與實現,2005/8/1 ~ 2006/7/31
14. 修正式登山法小腦模型架構與其應用實現之研究,2004/8/1 ~ 2005/7/31
15. 輔以小腦模型控制器之單相脈寬調變模糊邏輯換流器與電路功因改善之設計與實現共同主持人 ,2004/8/1 ~ 2005/7/31
16. 金字塔式小腦模型控制器之設計與應用,2003/8/1 ~ 2004/7/31
17. 適應性控制策略於直流無刷馬達無轉速量測器向量之設計與實現共同主持人 ,2003/8/1 ~ 2004/7/31
18. 結合模糊分類法則和非對稱基底函數於CMAC控制器之設計分析與應用,2002/8/1 ~ 2003/7/31
19. 整合型小腦模式於控制系統之研究與應用,2001/8/1 ~ 2002/7/31
20. 輔以灰色模糊之強健小腦控制策略於追蹤動態軌跡之應用,2000/8/1 ~ 2001/7/31
21. 藉由基因遺傳演算法則達成模糊濾波器與任意複數係數FIR數位濾波器之設計應用,2000/8/1 ~ 2001/7/31
22. 灰色模糊控制器於感應馬達直接轉矩控制之設計與應用共同主持人 ,2000/8/1 ~ 2001/7/31
23. 智慧型可拓控制器之設計與應用,1999/8/1 ~ 2000/7/31
24. 藉由基因遺傳演算法則達成二維數位濾波器與基因類神經濾波器之設計應用,1998/8/1 ~ 1999/7/31
25. 修正式灰色關聯分析之研究與應用,1998/8/1 ~ 1999/7/31
26. 修正式GM(1,1)模型群之研究與應用,1997/8/1 ~ 1998/7/31
27. 多變量智慧型灰色模糊系統之研究,1996/8/1 ~ 1997/7/31
28. 參數估計法則於二維數位濾波器設計之應用,1996/7/1 ~ 1996/9/30
29. 多種形狀之二維數位濾波器設計及實現,1994/8/1 ~ 1995/10/31
30. 具有自建模糊規則的類神經模糊網路之設計及應用,1994/8/1 ~ 1995/7/31
31. 以類神經網路完成乏晰系統之模式化控制,1994/2/1 ~ 1994/9/30
32. 二維系統之強健穩定性分析,1992/2/1 ~ 1993/1/31
33. 油壓伺服系統之強健適應最佳化控制器之設計,1991/2/1 ~ 1992/1/31
1. 高昇壓比零電壓切換直流電壓轉換器之研究,2023/1/1 ~ 2023/12/31
2. 基於李亞普諾夫定理之區間第二型模糊類神經網路的穩定度分析,2022/1/1 ~ 2022/12/31
3. 模糊小波類神經網路估測PID控制參數之應用,2021/1/1 ~ 2021/12/31
4. 以主動學習及同儕學習強化電路學課程之教學成效,2020/8/1 ~ 2021/7/31
5. 區間第二型模糊類神經網路控制器於龍門系統之應用,2020/1/1 ~ 2020/11/30
6. 模糊-PID控制器於農場機器人之研究與應用,2019/1/1 ~ 2019/11/30
7. 耕作機器人建置,2018/1/1 ~ 2018/11/30
8. 改良式高斯本質差分演算法於模糊控制器參數之研究,2018/1/1 ~ 2018/11/30
9. 具混合型高斯突變策略之高斯本質差分演算法研究應用,2017/1/1 ~ 2017/11/30
10. 基於智慧控制器於飛行器路徑追蹤之應用研究,2016/1/1 ~ 2016/12/31
11. 基於小腦模型滑動控制器於直升機位置追蹤之應用,2015/1/1 ~ 2015/12/31
12. 穿戴式輔具之系統動態分析研究,2015/1/1 ~ 2015/12/31
13. 基於雙眼視覺的微分進化小腦模型於機械手臂目標追蹤之應用,2014/1/1 ~ 2014/12/31
14. 具有遞迴式學習策略之模糊類神經網路於電子油門閥之控制,2012/10/1 ~ 2013/12/31
15. 自我建構第二類型模糊神經網路控制器之設計與實現,2011/9/1 ~ 2012/7/15
16. 多工太陽能反光標記之研究與應用,2011/3/1 ~ 2012/2/29
17. 自我組織模糊類神經網路控制器於線型感應馬達控制之實現,2010/9/1 ~ 2011/7/15
18. 自我產生模糊類神經網路控制器於具有DSP自動滑門之控制與實現,2009/9/1 ~ 2010/7/15
19. 結合幅狀基底函數網路與滑動模式控制之機械手臂控制器設計,2008/9/1 ~ 2009/7/15
20. 具動態記憶體規劃之參數式小腦模型控制器於永磁同步馬達運動控制之應用,2007/9/1 ~ 2008/7/15
21. 輔以切換策略之模糊類神經網路於永磁同步馬達速度控制器設計,2006/9/1 ~ 2007/7/15
22. 輔以小腦模型控制器之車型機器人模糊PD控制器之應用設計與實現,2005/9/1 ~ 2006/7/15
23. 車型機器人平台之設計與實現,2004/9/1 ~ 2005/7/15
24. 脈寬調變換流器模糊控制之設計與實現,2003/9/1 ~ 2004/7/15
25. 直流無刷馬達適應性速度控制器之研究與實現,2002/9/1 ~ 2003/7/15
26. 小腦模型於無刷式直流馬達之直接轉矩控制之研究,2001/9/1 ~ 2002/7/15
期刊論文 (Journal Paper)
1. 呂虹慶、羅旭淵(2022)。基於二階演算法於模糊類神經網路 比例-微分-積分控制器設計。大同學報,(37)。
2. 呂虹慶、林育民(2021)。第二型模糊類神經網路在龍門系統上之應用。TATUNG Journal,(36)。
3. 呂虹慶、林育民(2020)。強健小腦模型在無人直升機PID參數之應用。TATUNG JOURNAL,(35),23-32。
4. 呂虹慶、林育民(2019)。模糊類神經-PID控制器於龍門系統之應用研究。TATUNG JOURNAL,(34),9-16。
5. M.F. Yeh, H. C. Lu(2019). Gaussian Barebones Differential Evolution with Grey-based Arithmetic Recombination Strategy. Journal of Grey System, 31(2). SSCI
6. 呂虹慶、林育民(2018)。基於模糊控制器於機械手臂運動學模型之應用研究。TATUNG JOURNAL,(33),97-105。
7. 呂虹慶(2016)。單輸入小腦滑動模型控制器於四旋翼飛行器位置追蹤控制。TATUNG Journal,31。
8. H. C. Lu, M.F. Yeh, Y. W. Lu(2016). Gaussian barebones differential evolution with random-type Gaussian mutation strategy. Universal Journal of Control and Automation, 4(2).
9. M.F. Yeh, H.C. Lu, M.S. Leu(2016). Signed grey incidence analysis. Journal of Grey System, 19(3).
10. M.F. Yeh, H.C. Lu(2016). A bipolar type of cardinal grey relational grade. Journal of Grey System, 19(1).
11. M. S. Leu, H. C. Lu, M. F. Yeh(2015). Comparison Study of Cardinal Grey Relational Grades on PID Controller Design Using Grey-mean-best Differential Evolution Algorithm. Journal of Grey System, 18(4).
12. M. F. Yeh, H. C. Lu, M. S. Leu, Y. F. Lee(2015). Nonlinear system identification using grey-mean-best differential evolution algorithm. Journal of Grey System, 18(3).
13. Hung-Ching Lu, Hsi-Kuang Liu(2013). Ant colony fuzzy neural network controller for cruising vessel on river. Applied Ocean Research, 42. SCIE(SCI)
14. H. C. Lu, M. H. Chang, C. H. Tsai(2012). Parameter estimation of fuzzy neural network controller based on a modified differential evolution. Neurocomputing, 89. SCIE(SCI)
15. H. C. Lu, C. Y. Chuang(2011). Robust parametric CMAC with self-generating design for uncertain nonlinear systems. Neurocomputing, 74. SCIE(SCI)
16. Hung-Ching Lu, Ming-Hung Chang, Cheng-Hung Tsai(2011). Adaptive self-constructing fuzzy neural network controller for hardware implementation of an inverted pendulum system. Applied Soft Computing, 11. SCIE(SCI)
17. H. C. Lu, C. Y. Chuang, M. F. Yeh(2009). Design of a hybrid adaptive CMAC with supervisory controller for a class of nonlinear system. Neurocomputing, 72. SCIE(SCI)
18. H. C. Lu, J. C. Chang, M. F. Yeh(2007). Design and analysis of direct-action CMAC PID controller. Neurocomputing, 70. SCIE(SCI)
19. H. C. Lu, T. Tao(2006). Closed-loop method to improve image PSNR in pyramidal CMAC networks. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 25(1). SCIE(SCI)
20. H. C. Lu(2006). Design and implementation of a digitalized fuzzy logic controller for dc servo drives. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 2(5). SCIE(SCI)
21. H. C. Lu, T. Y. Tseng(2005). Design and implementation of the CMAC-based controller for permanent magnet synchronous motor. Electric Power Components & Systems, 9. SCIE(SCI)
22. H. C. Lu(2005). Path planning for car-like mobile robot based on fuzzy theory. International Journal of Electrical Engineering, 12. EI
23. H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung(2004). Prediction by movable-rate gradient RBF function neural network with fuzzy curves. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 3(2).
24. H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung(2004). Neurocontroller design with rule extracted by using genetic based machine learning and reinforcement learning system. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 3(2).
25. M. F. Yeh, H. C. Lu(2003). Car-like robot motion planning based on grey relational pattern analysis. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 26(1). SCIE(SCI)
26. T. Tao, H. C. Lu, S. F. Su(2002). Robust CMAC control schemes for dynamic trajectory following. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 25(3). SCIE(SCI)
27. H. C. Lu, M. F. Yeh(2002). Robot path planning based on modified grey relational analysis. Cybernetics and Systems, 33. SCIE(SCI)
28. M. F. Yeh, J. C. Chang, H. C. Lu(2002). Unsupervised clustering algorithm via grey relational pattern analysis. Journal of the Chinese Grey System Association, 5(1).
29. J. C. Chang, H. C. Lu(2001). Backing up a simulated truck via grey relational analysis. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 24(6). SCIE(SCI)
30. H. C. Lu, S. T. Tzeng(2001). Design of two-channel perfect-reconstruction linear-phase finite-duration impulse response filter banks for subband image coding by genetic algorithm. International Journal of Systems and Science, 32(1). SCIE(SCI)
31. H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai(2000). Grey-fuzzy implementation of direct torque control of induction machines. Electric Machines and Power systems, 28(12). SCIE(SCI)
32. H. C. Lu, K. S. Yeh(2000). 2-D FIR filters design using least square error with scaling-free McClellan transformation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 47(10). SCIE(SCI)
33. C. H. Tsai, H. C. Lu(2000). Observer-based speed estimation method for sensorless vector control using aritficial neural network. Electric Machines and Power Systems, 28(9). SCIE(SCI)
34. C. H. Tsai, H. C. Lu(2000). Design and implementation of a DSP-based grey-fuzzy controller for induction motor drive. Electric Machines and Power Systems, 28(4). SCIE(SCI)
35. H. C. Lu, S. T. Tzeng(2000). Design of two-dimensional FIR digital filters for sampling structure conversion by genetic algorithm approach. Signal Processing, 80(4). SCIE(SCI)
36. H. C. Lu, S. T. Tzeng(2000). Design of arbitrary FIR log filters by genetic algorithm approach. Signal Processing, 80(3). SCIE(SCI)
37. S. T. Tzeng, H. C. Lu(2000). Complex genetic algorithm approach for designing equiripple complex FIR digital filters with weighting function. Signal Processing, 80(2). SCIE(SCI)
38. M. F. Yeh, H. C. Lu(2000). Evaluating weapon systems based on grey relational analysis and fuzzy arithmetic operations. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 23(2). SCIE(SCI)
39. H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung, M. F. Yeh(1999). Sequential grey model and its applications. The Journal of Grey System, 11(3). SCIE(SCI)
40. S. T. Tzeng, H. C. Lu(1999). Genetic algorithm approach for designing higher-order digital differentiators. Signal Processing, 79(2).
41. H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung, M. F. Yeh(1998). Approximated clustering via modified grey relational analysis. The Journal of Grey System, 10(2). SCIE(SCI)
42. H. C. Lu, S. T. Tzeng(1998). Genetic algorithm approach for designing FIR Hilbert transformers and differentiators. Tatung Journa, 28.
43. H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung, M. F. Yeh(1998). Approximated clustering via grey mountain clustering method. Tatung Journal, 28.
44. H. C. Lu, S. T. Tzeng(1997). Neural filter design using neural networks with radial basis functions. Tatung Journal, 27.
45. T. H. Hung, H. C. Lu, C. C. Yang(1997). Design and implementation of the grey-fuzzy controller for nonlinear loads of UPS system. Tatung Journal, 27.
46. H. C. Lu, M. F. Yeh(1997). Some basic features of GM(1,1) model (II). The Journal of Grey System, 9(4). SCIE(SCI)
47. H. C. Lu, K. S. Yeh(1997). Optimal design of 2-D FIR digital filters by scaling-free McClellan transformation using least square estimation. Signal Processing, 58. SCIE(SCI)
48. H. C. Lu, M. F. Yeh(1997). Jump point judgement for arbitrary sequence. The Journal of Grey System, 9(2). SCIE(SCI)
49. H. C. Lu, M. F. Yeh(1997). Two-stage GM(1,1) model: Grey step model. The Journal of Grey System, 9(1). SCIE(SCI)
50. H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai(1996). Gray-fuzzy controller design for induction motor speed-control system. Tatung Journal, 26.
51. H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung, M. F. Yeh(1996). Takagi-Sugeno-like fuzzy model. Tatung Journal, 26.
52. H. C. Lu(1996). Universal GM(1,1) model based on data mapping concept. The Journal of Grey System, 8(4).
53. M. F. Yeh, H. C. Lu(1996). A new modified grey model. The Journal of Grey System, 8(3). SCIE(SCI)
54. M. F. Yeh, H. C. Lu(1996). On some of the basic features of GM(1,1) model. The Journal of Grey System, 8(1). SCIE(SCI)
55. K. S. Yeh, H. C. Lu(1995). Robust stability analysis for two-dimensional systems via eigenvalue sensitivity. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 6(3). SCIE(SCI)
56. T. H. Hung, H. C. Lu, M. F. Yeh(1995). Universal GM(1,1) model and its applications. Tatung Journal, 25.
57. H. C. Lu, S. T. Tzeng(1995). Two-dimensional digital fliter design using double transformation. Tatung Journal, 25.
58. K.S. Yeh, H. C. Lu, J. C. Liu(1995). On approximated linear-phase recursive digital filters. International Journal of Electronics, 78(3). SCIE(SCI)
59. K. H. Yeh, H. C. Lu(1995). Shape parameter in the two-dimensional low-pass FIR digital filters design by transformation. Signal Processing, 53. SCIE(SCI)
研討會論文 (Conference Paper)
1. H. C. Lu, M.F. Yeh, Y. M. Lin(2019). Fuzzy Logic Controller Design for Robotic Manipulator Object Tracking. IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2019). Japan.
2. M.F. Yeh, H.C. Lu(2019). Time Series Forecasting Using Optimized Rolling Grey Model. International Conference of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2019 ). Japan.
3. H.C. Lu(2018). DC-DC Buck Converter with Parameters Design of Terminal Sliding Mode Control. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2018). Japan.
4. H.C. Lu(2018). A Sphere Classification Method of the Granular Computing. 2018 International Conference on Unmanned System Applications- Agriculture, Ecosystem & Environm. Mainland China.
5. M.F. Yeh, T. H CHEN, H.C. Lu(2018). A MODIFIED NEURAL-NETWORK–BASED GM(1,1). The 17th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2018). Mainland China.
6. 呂虹慶(2018)。優勝者差分演算法於遲滯寬帶之設計與應用。2018中華民國系統科學與工程研討會 (ICSSE 2018)R.O.C。
7. M.F. Yeh, M.S. Leu, T.H. Chen, H.C. Lu(2017). Gaussian Barebones Differential Evolution with Improved Guassian Mutation Strategy. The 16th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2017). Mainland China.
8. H.C. Lu, Y. M. Lin, M.H. Jian(2017). Study the Effects of the Different Criterions with Granular Computing. The 16th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2017). Mainland China.
9. H.C. Lu, Y. M. Lin(2017). Tracking Design with Single-Input CMAC based Sliding Mode Controller. The International Conference on System Science and Engineering 2017 (ICSSE 2017). Vietnam.
10. M.F. Yeh, H.C. Lu, T.H. Chen, M.S. Leu(2016). Modified Gaussian bare-bones differential evolution with hybrid Mutation strategy. The 15th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2016). Republic of Korea.
11. M.F. Yeh, H.C. Lu, M.S. Leu, Y.F. Lee(2015). System identification using differential evolution with mean-best mutation. The 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2015). Mainland China.
12. H.C. Lu, Yo-Ming Lin(2015). Fuzzy sliding mode application for the DC brushless motor. The 3rd Asia Symposium on Engineering and Information (2015 ASEAI). Mainland China.
13. M.F. Yeh, M.S. Leu, H.C. Lu, W.J. Wang(2015). Grey mean-of-best-neighbors particle swarm optimization. 2014 International Conference on Grey System Theory and Kansei Engineering Conference. R.O.C.
14. Ming-Feng Yeh, H.C. Lu, Po-Jung Huang(2014). System Identification Using Differential Evolution with Winter Mutation Strategy. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2014), Lanzhou, China. Mainland China.
15. H.C. Lu, Hsi-Kuang Liu, Lian-Fue Yang(2013). PID Controller Parameter Estimator Using Ant Colony System. IEEE International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE 2013). Hungary.
16. H.C. Lu, Hsi-Kuang Liu, Lian-Fue Yang(2012). Design of Parameter Estimator Using ANT Colony System. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2012). Mainland China.
17. H.C. Lu, Sing-Fu Lee(2012). Function Approximation of Nonlinear Functions by GA-based Fuzzy Systems. nternational Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2012). Mainland China.
18. H.C. Lu, Ming-Hung Chang(2012). Design of The Self-Constructing Fuzzy Neural Network Controller for a Sliding Door System. WCCI 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence. Australia.
19. Ming-Hung Chang, H.C. Lu(2011). Self-Organizing Fuzzy Neural Network Controller Design. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. United States of America.
20. His-Kuang Liu, H.C. Lu(2011). CMAC Neural Network Application for Induction Motor Drives. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. United States of America.
21. H.C. Lu, Tzu-Yu Tseng(2011). Hybrid Adaptive CMAC Sliding Mode Controller Design for Unknown Nonlinear System. Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Natural Computation and the 8th International Con. Mainland China.
22. H.C. Lu, Ming-Hung Chang, His-Kuang Liu(2011). Design of the Fuzzy Neural Network Controller Using Back-Propagation Artificial Immune Algorithm. Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on System Science and Engineering, Macau, China. Mainland China.
23. H.C. Lu, Cheng-Hung Tsai, Ming-Hung Chang(2010). Radial Basis Function Neural Network with Sliding Mode Control for Robotic Manipulators. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Turkey. Turkey.
24. H.C. Lu, Te-Lung Shih(2010). Fuzzy System Control Design with Application to Solar Panel Active Dual-Axis Sun Tracker System. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Turkey. Turkey.
25. H.C. Lu, T. L. Shih(2010). Design of DC/DC Boost Converter with FNN Solar Cell Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller. The 5th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2010). R.O.C.
26. H.C. Lu, M. H. Chang(2009). Automatic Generation Fuzzy Neural Network Controller with Supervisory Control for Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor. The 4th IEEE Cnnference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2009). Mainland China.
27. H.C. Lu, M. H. Chang, Hsikuang Liu(2009). Radial Basis Function Network Based Automatic Generation Fuzzy Neural Network Controller for PermanentMagnet Linear Synchronous Motor. 2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Mainland China.
28. H.C. Lu, T. L. Shih(2009). High Efficiency Single-Stage Multi-Fluorescent Lamps Electronic Ballast. Proceeding of The 2009 IEEE 6th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE. Mainland China.
29. H. C. Lu, M. H. Chang(2008). Online Speed Control of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Self-Constructing Recurrent Fuzzy Neural Network. 2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Mainland China.
30. H. C. Lu, M. F. Yeh(2008). On-Line Learning CMAC Control System. INES 2008, 12th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. United States of America.
31. H. C. Lu, M. H. Chang(2007). Speed Control Approach of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Automatic Generation Fuzzy Neural Network Controller. Proceedings of 2007 CACS International Automatic Control Conference. R.O.C.
32. H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai(2007). Speed Identification Via Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller for Induction Motor. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Canada.
33. H. C. Lu, M. H. Chang M. H. Ch, C. H. Tsai(2007). Fuzzy Neural Network Design with Switching Strategy for Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Speed Controller. 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Canada.
34. H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai(2007). Improving performance of CMAC with GBF. The 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Technology. United States of America.
35. H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai(2007). Design and Implementation of an FPGA-based SVPWM IC for PWM Inverters. 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO). France.
36. M. F. Yeh, H. C. Lu, J. C. Chang(2006). Single-input CMAC control system with direct control ability. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. R.O.C.
37. H. C. Lu, M. F. Yeh, J. C. Chang(2006). CMAC study with adaptive quantization. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. R.O.C.
38. H. C. Lu(2006). Design and implementation of a digitalized fuzzy logic controller for dc servo drives. 5th WSEAS International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases. United States of America.
39. C. H. Tsai, H. C. Lu(2006). Sensorless decoupling control of induction motors based on feedback linearization. INES 2006, 10th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. United Kingdom.
40. H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai(2006). Image recognition study via the neural fuzzy system. 10th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. United Kingdom.
41. H. C. Lu(2005). Path planning implementation for car-like mobile robot based on fuzzy theory. ICMENS 2005, The 2005 International Conference on Mans, NANO, and Smart Systems. Canada.
42. H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung(2005). Fuzzy sliding mode controller design with variable sliding surface. ICCC 2005, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Computational Cybernetics. Mauritius.
43. H. C. Lu(2004). Grey prediction approach for designing grey sliding mode controller. IEEE SMC 2004, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Netherlands.
44. H. C. Lu, T. Tao(2004). The treatment of image boundary effects in CMAC networks. IJCNN2004, International Joint Conference on Neural network. Hungary.
45. H. C. Lu, J. C. Chang(2004). Integrated structure design for CMAC-based fuzzy logic controller. IJCNN2004, International Joint Conference on Neural network. Hungary.
46. H. C. Lu, C. Y. Chuang(2004). Motion planning strategy for car-like mobile robot. MED’04, 12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. Turkey.
47. H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung(2004). Prediction by movable-rate gradient RBF function neural network with fuzzy curves. 5th WSEAS International Conference on Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Systems (FSFS04). Italy.
48. H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung(2004). Neurocontroller design with rule extracted by using genetic based machine learning and reinforcement learning system. 5th WSEAS International Conference on Neural Networks and Applications (NNA04). Italy.
49. H. C. Lu, T. Tao(2003). The CMAC based FLC and its application to real-loading truck problems. FUZZ-IEEE 2003, The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. United States of America.
50. H. C. Lu, C. Y. Chuang(2003). Integrated controller design for CMAC. INES 2003, 7th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. Egypt.
51. T. Tao, H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung(2002). The CA- CMAC for downsampling image data size in the compressive domain. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Tunisia.
52. S. F. Lee, H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung(2002). Optimal design GA-based fuzzy PID controller. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Tunisia.
53. M. F. Yeh, H. C. Lu(2002). On-line adaptive quantization input space in CMAC neural network. 2002 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Tunisia.
54. H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung, C. C. Chang(2002). Integrating with Sliding Mode and Fuzzy Controller Based on Real-valued Genetic Algorithms. 6th WSEAS International Multiconference CSCC. Greece.
55. H. C. Lu, J. C. Chang(2002). nhance the performance of CMAC neural network via fuzzy theory and credit apportionment. IJCNN2002, International Joint Conference on Neural network. United States of America.
56. H. C. Lu, S. T. Tzeng(2001). Fuzzy filters design on image processing by genetic algoritm approach. FUZZ-IEEE 2001, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Australia.
57. H. C. Lu, J. C. Chang(2001). The study of the extension controller with genetic algorithm. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI2001. United States of America.
58. H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung, T. Y. Tsen(2001). The implementation of grey fuzzy controller with direct torque strategy of induction motor. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI2001. R.O.C.
59. H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung, S. H. Tzeng(2001). By using neural network with radial basis function for neural filter design. WSES International Conference on Neural networks and applications, NNA 2001. Spain.
60. H. C. Lu, S. T. Tzeng(2000). Genetic algoritm approach for designing FIR log filters. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Switzerland.
61. H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung, C. H. Tsai(2000). Sensorless vector control of induction motor using artificial neural network. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Switzerland.
62. M. S. Yang, P. L. Liu, H. C. Lu(1999). Output feedback stabilization of uncertain dynamic systems with multiple state delays via sliding mode control strategy. 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. Slovenia.
63. M. S. Yang, H. C. Lu(1999). Sliding mode load-frequency controller design for dynamic stability enhancement of large-scale interconnected power systems. 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE99. Slovenia.
64. H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai(1999). Grey-fuzzy implementation of a DSP-based induction motor drive. 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechatronics. Turkey.
65. M. S. Yang, H. C. Lu(1999). Design of variable structure model following adaptive controller for uncertain systems with delayed state and control. IASTED International Conference Applied Modelling and Simulation, (AMS99). Australia.
66. H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai(1999). Sensorless decoupling control of induction motors for high dynamic performance. IEEE IAS Annual Meeting. United States of America.
67. (1999). UPS systems feeding nonlinear loads using fuzzy reasoning. 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechatronics. Turkey.
68. M. S. Yang, M. S. Yang, H. C. Lu(1998). Design of decentralized load-frequency controller for lagre-scale power systems using switching structure strategy. 1998 Automatic Control Conference. United States of America.
69. H. C. Lu, S. T. Tzeng(1998). Design of 2-D FIR filters using McClellan transformation with genetic algorithms. ICEC98, 1998 World Congress on Computational Intelligence. United States of America.
70. T. H. Hung, H. C. Lu, M. F. Yeh(1998). Desing of self-construction fuzzy controller using fuzzy neural network. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems – INES98. Austria.
71. H. C. Lu(1998). Image restoration using genetic fuzzy neural network. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems - INES98. Austria.
72. T. H. Hung, M. F. Yeh, H. C. Lu(1997). A PI-like fuzzy controller implementation for the inverted pendulum system. 1997 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems. R.O.C.
73. T. H. Hung, H. C. Lu(1997). Robot arm controller using fuzzy speech recognition. 1997 First International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Electronic Systems, KES97. Australia.
74. H. C. Lu(1997). Fuzzy neural network for fuzzy modeling and control. 1997 First International Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Electronic Systems, KES97. Australia.
75. H. C. Lu, C. H. Tsai, T. H. Hung(1997). A self-learning fuzzy contorller based on reinforcement and its applictation. The 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. United States of America.
76. H. C. Lu, T. H. Hung(1997). Design and implementation of a digitalized fuzzy controller for DC servo drives. 1997 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems. Mainland China.
77. H. C. Lu, S. T. Tzeng, M. F. Yeh(1996). Fuzzy logic controller design using genetic algorithm. Methodologies for the Conception Design, and Application of Intelligent Systems. Japan.
78. T. H. Hung, H. C. Lu, M. F. Yeh(1995). Fuzzy optimal control with uncertaint. Sixth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress. Brazil.
79. H. C. Lu, C. Liao(1995). Neural networks designed on fuzzy inference architecture. Sixth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress. Brazil.