期刊論文 Refereed Paper
  1. Lin, S. Y., Yen, J. and Fang, K., "The influence of packaging-design benefits on brand equity: Discussion from packaging design experts’ view.," Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, 58(5), 11-20.  
  2. 嚴貞、林淑媛, "包裝設計效益對品牌權益影響之變項探討," 設計學報, 15(1),71-91。
  3. 林淑媛、嚴貞, "雲林縣96年「地方伴手計畫」產品開發、推廣與包裝視覺設計之研究," 設計研究, (8),62-70。
  4. 林淑媛、黃憶婷, "設計合作學," 設計研究, (7),68-75。
  5. 謝省民、林淑媛, "台灣小學低年級國語教科書之政治主題插畫表現探討──以民國三十九年至九十年版本為例," 藝術研究期刊, 1 ,155-190。
國際研討會論文 International Conference Paper
  1. Lin, S. Y., "Study on Decision-Making Model of Students in Digital Media Design Department to Study in Graduate Schools by Ethnographic Decision Tree Model," International Conference on Applied System Innovation., p.391,May. 2016
  2. Lin, S. Y., "The Influence of Consumer Foods Packaging Design Effects on Brand Association," the International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015), Osaka, Japan.
  3. Lin, S. Y., "A Model for the Influence of Packaging Design Effects on the Evaluation of Brand Association.," the Eighth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Canada, USA. (NSC102-2410-H-468-001)  
  4. Lin, S. Y. and Yen, J., "Primary study on influence of food packaging design effects on brand association from consumers' views.," the 4th World Conference on Design Research, Delft, Netherlands.
  5. Lin, S. Y. and Yen, J., "A study of the effects of packaging visual design on brand equity and relevant variables.," the Fourth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, Chicago, USA.
區域研討會論文 Domestic Conference Paper
  1. 周東琴、林淑媛, "幽默性包裝設計之定義與表現形式研究," 中華民國設計學會第二十二屆學術研究成果研討會論文集, pp. ,May. 2017
  2. 吳玉虹、林淑媛, "行動購物App使用性評估工具之建構," 中華民國設計學會第二十二屆學術研究成果研討會論文集, pp. ,May. 2017
  3. 林淑媛, "食品包裝設計效益對品牌覺察與品牌聯想之影響關係初探," 2015文化‧創意‧設計學術研討會論文集, 39-51
  4. 林淑媛、陳俊宏, "台灣鐵路局車票之文字編排適切性研究," 字體、圖像與傳達設計國際研討會論文集, 235-244
  5. 林淑媛、陳俊宏, "嗅覺與色彩共感覺之研究──以Princess(Vera Wang)、cK one(Calvin Klein)、amour(KENZO)淡香水為例," 2007色彩學研討會-色彩設計、應用與科學論文集, 10-21
  6. 謝省民、林淑媛, "低年級國語教科書插畫中學生服飾的形式演變," 2004國際設計論壇暨第九屆中華民國設計學會設計學術研討會論文集, May, 2004.